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    TQ8032 Price and Stock

    TriQuint Semiconductor TQ8032-M

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Quest Components TQ8032-M 4
    • 1 $703.125
    • 10 $609.375
    • 100 $609.375
    • 1000 $609.375
    • 10000 $609.375
    Buy Now

    TQ8032 Datasheets (2)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    TQ8032 TriQuint Semiconductor 800 Megabit-sec 32x32 Digital ECL Crosspoint Switch Original PDF
    TQ8032-M TriQuint Semiconductor 800 Megabit/sec 32x32 Digital ECL Crosspoint Switch Original PDF

    TQ8032 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: NO11 TQ8032 TQ8032-M
    Text: T R I Q U I N T S E M I C O N D U C T O R, I N C . TQ8032 64 32 x 32 Crosspoint Switch Matrix Input Buffers D0 – 31 CONFIGURE 800 Megabit/sec 32x32 Digital ECL Crosspoint Switch 64 Output Buffers O0 – 31 32 5-Bit Configuration Latches RESET IA0 – 4 OA0 – 4

    TQ8032 32x32 TQ8032 NO17 NO11 TQ8032-M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Digital Switching Products 800 Mb/s/port 32x32 ECL Digital Crosspoint Switch The TQ8032 is a fully non-blocking 32 x 32 digital crosspoint switch supporting data rates greater than 800Mb/s per channel. The switch architecture supports any combination of outputto-input programming, such as broadcast and

    32x32 TQ8032 800Mb/s TQ8032 304-pin TQ8033 PDF

    531 amplifier

    Abstract: 14 Ghz microwave transceiver power amplifier s band ghz mhz 10 ghz gain block
    Text: Component Selection Guide RF Wireless Communications Products Part Description TQ9114 TQ9121 TQ9122 TQ9132 30 – 500 MHz IF/AGC Amplifier 1.2 – 1.6 GHz Low-Noise Amplifier 500 – 2500 MHz Low-Noise Amplifier 800 – 2500 MHz 50-mW Driver Amplifier Gain dB

    50-mW DCS-1800 GA1110E-20 GA1210E-20 531 amplifier 14 Ghz microwave transceiver power amplifier s band ghz mhz 10 ghz gain block PDF

    marking oAo

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: R I T Q Q U S 7 T S E M I C O N D U C T O R , I N C h TQ8032 SWITCHING PRODUCTS 800 Megabit/sec 32x32 Digital ECL Crosspoint Switch The TQ8032 is a non-blocking 32 x 32 digital crosspoint switch capable of 800 Megabits per second per port data rates. Utilizing a fully differential

    OCR Scan
    TQ8032 32x32 TQ8032 November1997 marking oAo PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: T R I Q U I N T S E M I C O N D U C T O R , I N C TQ Ê Ï TQ8032 800 Megabit/sec 32x32 Digital ECL WITCHING ’RODUCTS Crosspoint Switch 00 Û- The T Q 8032 is a n o n -b lo ckin g 32 x 32 d ig ital c ro s s p o in t sw itch capable of 800 M egabits per second per p o rt data rates. U tilizing a fu lly d ifferential

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    TQ8032 32x32 PDF


    Abstract: N019I 31-N0231 02I-J
    Text: R I Q U I N T T Q iÊ DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS AND S I G N A L P R O C E S S I N G S E M I C O N D U i PRELIMINARY T O R , I N C . TQ8032 32x32Digital Crosspoint Switch Features • 800 Mbits/s data rate min. ■ Non-blocking architecture The TQ8032 is a 32 x 32 differential digital crosspoint switch capable of handling 800 Mbit/

    OCR Scan
    TQ8032 32x32Digital TQ8032 3625ASW N021 N019I 31-N0231 02I-J PDF


    Abstract: n020 130 bta 137 N018 NI-16 TQ8032-M 196-PIN
    Text: T DATA R I Q U COMMUN I N T S E M I C O N D U C T 0 R , I N C . t M S d t L o ia o im c a v C A ' I ONS 3 2 x3 2 Digital Crosspoint Switch Features The TQ8032 is a 32 x 32 differential digital crosspoint switch capable of handling 800 Mbit/s data rate min. . The high data rate

    OCR Scan
    TQ8032 TQ8032 TQ8032M 196-Pin Ni18 n020 130 bta 137 N018 NI-16 TQ8032-M PDF


    Abstract: GA9104-2CC ga9011
    Text: DATA C O M M U N I C A T I O N S GA9101/GA9102 Data Comm Fiber Channel ESCON ATM Transmitter, Receiver Features TriQuint’s GA9101 Transmitter and GA9102 Receiver, in conjunction with either the GA9103 ENDEC or the GA9104 ENDEC, provide a comprehensive electrical and

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    GA9101 GA9102 GA9103 GA9104 di045 28-Pin GA9101, 68-Pin GA9103, 2J250 GA9104-2CC ga9011 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Section 2 •Data Communications ICs GA9011, 6A9012 - Hot Ro T High-Speed Serial Lin k . 2-3 GA9101, GA9102—ESCONTTFiber Channel Transmitter, Receiver. 2-37 GA9103 - 265 MBaud Fiber Channel

    OCR Scan
    GA9011, 6A9012 GA9101, GA9102--ESCONTTFiber GA9103 GA9104 TQ8016- 16x16 TQ8032 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D A T A C O M M U N I C A T I O N S GA9104 Data Comm 200Mbaud ESCON BM C Features • The GA9104 is a part of TriQuint’s FC-200 chip set, which provides a comprehensive electrical and physical interface in compliance with IBM's Enterprise Systems Connection Architecture ESCON ™

    OCR Scan
    GA9104 200Mbaud GA9104 FC-200 GA9104, GA9101 GA9102, 28-Pin GA9101, GA9102 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA C O M M U N I C A T I O N S GA9101/GA9102 Data Comm Fiber Channel ESCON ATM Transmitter, Receiver Features TriQuint’s GA9101 Transmitter and GA9102 Receiver, in conjunction with either the GA9103 ENDEC or the GA9104 ENDEC, provide a comprehensive electrical and

    OCR Scan
    GA9101/GA9102 GA9101 GA9102 GA9103 GA9104 differ011, GA9012 28-Pin GA9101, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D A T A C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 1 16x16 put DO.15 — 1\ BIn Output Crosspolnt A B DO.15 —¡1—1/ utters A V Switch V uffers M atrix 11 t C O NFIGU R E O IA0.3 - O A0.3 1 6 x 1 6 Digital Crosspoint Switch <R2 Sixteen 4-Bit Latches ilk R ES ET O

    OCR Scan
    TQ8016 TQ8016 GA9102 28-Pin 68-Pin GA9103, GA9104 132-Pin 196-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA C O M M U N I C A T I O N S G A9 10 3 Data Comm 265Mbaud Fiber Channel ENDEC Features • TriQuint's GA9103 is one of the three devices of the FC—265 chip set designed to support the requirements of Fiber Channel Standard X3T9.3. The GA9103 is an encoder/decoder

    OCR Scan
    265Mbaud GA9103 32-bit GA9101 GA9102 28-Pin GA9101, PDF


    Abstract: GA22V10
    Text: GA9011/GA9012 Hoi Rod Update The following changes have been made to the Hot Rod data sheet, dated July, 1991: Figure I.Chip Set Data Flow Communications Protocol Unidirectional Link HOT ROD TRANSMITTER 40 • The maximum transmit strobe interval requirement for guaranteed data integrity

    OCR Scan
    GA9011/GA9012 GA9011, GA9012 28-Pin GA9101, GA9102 GA9102 68-Pin GA9012 GA22V10 PDF