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    THM82500AS Search Results

    THM82500AS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: TC514256
    Text: 262,144 W O R D S x 8 BIT D Y N A M IC RAM PRELIMINARY M ODULE DESCRIPTION The THM82500AS is a 262,144 words by 8 bits dynamic RAM module which assembled 2 pcs of TC514256AJ on the printed circuit board. The THM82500AS is optimized for application to the systems which are required high density and large capacity such as m ain memory of the computers

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    THM82500AS TC514256AJ 144words THM825000 AS-70 130ns THM825Q0 150ns TC514256 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 262,144 W O R D S x 8 BIT D Y N A M IC RAM PRELIMINARY M O D U LE DESCRIPTION The THM 82500AS is a 262,144 words by 8 bits dynamic R A M module which assembled 2 pcs of TC514256AJ on the printed circuit board. The THM 82500AS is optimized for application to the

    OCR Scan
    82500AS TC514256AJ 144words M825000 AS-70 THM82500 AS-80 AS-10 PDF