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    SWRU263 Search Results

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    Abstract: Texas Instruments ZigBee RF4CE SmartRF05EB SmartRF05 user guide TIMAC SMARTRF05
    Text: SWRU263 June 2010 CC2533DK Quick Start Guide 1. Kit Contents 2. Plug EM into SmartRF05EB 3. Configure the SmartRF05EB Set the EM Selection switch in position SOC/TRX. SOC /TRX If you have a SmartRF05EB version 1.7.1 or older, it is recommended to turn off the RS232 interface for best

    SWRU263 CC2533DK SmartRF05EB SmartRF05EB RS232 CC2533EM CC2531 CC2533 C2533 Texas Instruments ZigBee RF4CE SmartRF05 user guide TIMAC SMARTRF05 PDF