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    Diodes Incorporated ZSM530GTA

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    DigiKey ZSM530GTA Reel 12,000
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    NBK America LLC SETS-M5-30

    Extra Low Hexalobular Cap Screw
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    DigiKey SETS-M5-30 Ammo Pack 20
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    Rochester Electronics LLC IMISM530ATB

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    Infineon Technologies AG CYISM530AYXB

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    Rochester Electronics LLC CYISM530AZXC

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    SM530 Datasheets (15)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    SM530 Cypress Semiconductor Low EMI Spectrum Spread Clock Original PDF
    SM5300CS Nippon Precision Circuits 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in Wideband Filter Original PDF
    SM5301 Nippon Precision Circuits 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in Wideband Filters Original PDF
    SM5301A Nippon Precision Circuits 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in Wideband Filters Original PDF
    SM5301AS Nippon Precision Circuits 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in Wideband Filters Original PDF
    SM5301B Nippon Precision Circuits 3-channel Video Buffer Original PDF
    SM5301BS Nippon Precision Circuits 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in Wideband Filters with Filter Through Function Original PDF
    SM5302A Nippon Precision Circuits 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in wideband LPF Original PDF
    SM5302AS Nippon Precision Circuits 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in wideband LPF Original PDF
    SM5304 International Semiconductor Current Regulator Diodes Scan PDF
    SM5304A Nippon Precision Circuits 1-channel Video Buffer Original PDF
    SM5304AV Nippon Precision Circuits Video Buffer with Built-in Analog LPF Original PDF
    SM5306A Nippon Precision Circuits Low Voltage, 3-channel Video Buffer Original PDF
    SM5306AV Nippon Precision Circuits Low Voltage, 3-channel Video Buffer Original PDF

    SM530 Datasheets Context Search

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    scl 1058 by national

    Abstract: SM5302AS SM5302 SM5302A CD 4039 AE IC SDA 2023
    Text: SM5302A 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in wideband LPF OVERVIEW The SM5302A is a 3-channel video buffer with built-in 5th-order lowpass filters. The lowpass filter cutoff frequency range can be linearly controlled from 4.8MHz to 43MHz*1. The lowpass filter supports 480i to 1080i

    SM5302A SM5302A 43MHz 1080i NC0301BE scl 1058 by national SM5302AS SM5302 CD 4039 AE IC SDA 2023 PDF


    Abstract: similar ic BA 3812 CD 1691 CB SM5308AV pin diagram for IC cd 1619 cr 8D-13 IC BA 3812 BA 4213 tic 246 bd scl 4026 ae pin diagram
    Text: SM5308AV 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in wideband LPF OVERVIEW The SM5308AV is a 3-channel video buffer with built-in 5th-order lowpass filters. The lowpass filter cutoff frequency range can adjust from 5.0MHz to 44MHz*1 by 256 steps. The lowpass filter supports 480i to 1080i

    SM5308AV SM5308AV 44MHz 1080i NC0510AE SM5308 similar ic BA 3812 CD 1691 CB pin diagram for IC cd 1619 cr 8D-13 IC BA 3812 BA 4213 tic 246 bd scl 4026 ae pin diagram PDF


    Abstract: scl 4026 ae pin diagram SM5308AS 8D-13 diagram ic 4026 CD 1691 CB
    Text: SM5308AS 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in wideband LPF OVERVIEW The SM5308AS is a 3-channel video buffer with built-in 5th-order lowpass filters. The lowpass filter cutoff frequency range can adjust from 5.0MHz to 44MHz*1 by 256 steps. The lowpass filter supports 480i to 1080i format, video signal equipment analog input/outputs. For video input systems, the device functions as a next-stage

    SM5308AS SM5308AS 44MHz 1080i NC0418BE SM5308 scl 4026 ae pin diagram 8D-13 diagram ic 4026 CD 1691 CB PDF

    Capacitor 47 VFc

    Abstract: SM5301 SM5301AS NPC Digital receiver
    Text: SM5301AS 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in Wideband Filters OVERVIEW The SM5301AS is a video buffer with built-in video signal bandwidth lowpass filter. The filter employs a 5order Butterworth lowpass filter configuration. The filter characteristics have been optimized for minimal overshoot and flat group delay, it has a variable cutoff frequency and guaranteed driver-stage channel gain difference and phase difference values.

    SM5301AS SM5301AS NC0202CE Capacitor 47 VFc SM5301 NPC Digital receiver PDF


    Abstract: SM5301
    Text: SM5301AS 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in Wideband Filters OVERVIEW The SM5301AS is a video buffer with built-in video signal bandwidth lowpass filter. The filter employs a 5order Butterworth lowpass filter configuration. The filter characteristics have been optimized for minimal overshoot and flat group delay, it has a variable cutoff frequency and guaranteed driver-stage channel gain difference and phase difference values.

    SM5301AS SM5301AS NC0202BE SM5301 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5304AV Video Buffer with Built-in Analog LPF OVERVIEW The SM5304AV is a 75Ω terminating resistance drive video buffer with built-in analog filter. The filter cutoff frequency, controlled by the resistance connected to RFC pin, can be set to match any system resolution. The

    SM5304AV SM5304AV Tokyoi104-0032 iC81-3-5541-6501 iC81-3-5541-6510 NC0118BE PDF


    Abstract: yout bout SM5301 seiko processor BINA
    Text: SM5301CS 3ch 出力ビデオバッファ •概要 SM5301CS は出力バッファ機能を持つビデオフィルタで、VESA 標準 ATSC ディジタル TV に対応できま す。フィルタ は 5 次バターワースロー パスフィルタ構成とな っています。このフィルタ の特性は、最小オー

    SM5301CS SM5301CS 37MHz SM5301 NC0414B yout bout SM5301 seiko processor BINA PDF


    Abstract: PB30 SB14 SB30
    Text: SM5307B 3ch ビデオバッファ •概要 SM5307B は映像信号規格の 480i から 1080p 信号に対応した HD 出力機器用 3 チャンネルビデオバッファ IC です。5 次のローパスフィルタ LPF は信号帯域に合わせて SD1, SD2, HD, フィルタバイパスの 4 つのモー

    SM5307B 1080p CH-36 75MHz CH-313 CH-330MHz 80MHz S/N70dB BLM21AG102SN1D PB30 SB14 SB30 PDF


    Abstract: SM5301
    Text: SM5301AS 広帯域フィルタ内蔵 3ch 出力ビデオバッファ •概要 SM5301AS はビデオ信号帯域に対応した LPF を内蔵したビデオバッファです。フィルタは 5 次バターワー スローパスフィルタ構成となっています。このフィルタの特性は、最小オーバーシュート、群遅延平坦性を最

    SM5301AS 837MHz 28-pin SM5301 NC0202C SM5301AS SM5301 PDF


    Abstract: SM5309 SM5309AV SM5309A BV 1351 24V
    Text: SM5309A 広帯域フィルタ内蔵 3ch 出力ビデオバッファ •概要 SM5309A は5 次ローパスフィルタを内蔵した 3ch ビデオバッファです。ローパスフィルタのカットオフ周 波数は、4MHz ~ 40MHz *1 まで 256 通りに調整することが可能です。このローパスフィルタにより 480i から

    SM5309A SM5309A 40MHz 1080i 80MHz SM5309AV NC0604C SM53 SM5309 SM5309AV BV 1351 24V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5309B 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in wideband LPF OVERVIEW The SM5309B is a 3-channel video buffer with built-in 5th-order lowpass filters. The lowpass filter cutoff frequency range can adjust from 4MHz to 40MHz*1 by 256 steps. The lowpass filter supports 480i to 1080i format, video signal equipment analog input/outputs. For video input systems, the device functions as a next-stage

    SM5309B SM5309B 40MHz 1080i Tokyoi104-0032 iC81-3-5541-6501 iC81-3-5541-6510 NC0609BE PDF

    preset variable resistor

    Abstract: NIPPON CAPACITORS variable resistor SM5304AV
    Text: SM5304AV Video Buffer with Built-in Analog LPF OVERVIEW The SM5304AV is a 75Ω terminating resistance drive video buffer with built-in analog filter. The filter cutoff frequency, controlled by the resistance connected to RFC pin, can be set to match any system resolution. The

    SM5304AV SM5304AV NC0118AE preset variable resistor NIPPON CAPACITORS variable resistor PDF

    Lim Processor Unit

    Abstract: SM5300 SM5300CS
    Text: SM5300CS 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in Wideband Filters OVERVIEW ina ry The SM5300CS is a video buffer with built-in video signal bandwidth lowpass filter. The filter employs a 5order Butterworth lowpass filter configuration. The filter characteristics have been optimized for minimal overshoot and flat group delay, it has a variable cutoff frequency and guaranteed driver-stage channel gain difference and phase difference values. The output gain for each channel can be set independently, making it

    SM5300CS SM5300CS NP0117AE Lim Processor Unit SM5300 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5309A 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in wideband LPF OVERVIEW The SM5309A is a 3-channel video buffer with built-in 5th-order lowpass filters. The lowpass filter cutoff frequency range can adjust from 4MHz to 40MHz*1 by 256 steps. The lowpass filter supports 480i to 1080i format, video signal equipment analog input/outputs. For video input systems, the device functions as a next-stage

    SM5309A SM5309A 40MHz 1080i NC0604CE PDF

    tic 2260

    Abstract: npc 1220 005 SM5309
    Text: SM5309B 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in wideband LPF OVERVIEW The SM5309B is a 3-channel video buffer with built-in 5th-order lowpass filters. The lowpass filter cutoff frequency range can adjust from 4MHz to 40MHz*1 by 256 steps. The lowpass filter supports 480i to 1080i format, video signal equipment analog input/outputs. For video input systems, the device functions as a next-stage

    SM5309B SM5309B 40MHz 1080i NC0609BE tic 2260 npc 1220 005 SM5309 PDF


    Abstract: ASB30
    Text: SM5307C 3-channel Video Buffer OVERVIEW The SM5307C is a 3-channel video buffer for the HD output equipment that corresponds to the 480i to 1080p video signal standards. It can change the 5th-order lowpass filter LPF which is mounted on this IC, to four

    SM5307C SM5307C 1080p NC0715AE BLM21AG102SN1D ASB30 PDF


    Abstract: 6DB60
    Text: SM5305A 低電圧対応 1ch ビデオバッファ •概要 SM5305A はアナログローパスフィルタ LPF を内蔵した、75Ω 終端抵抗駆動可能なコンポジットビデオ信 号用バッファ IC です。出力バッファは 6dB, 12dB の切換えが可能です。 サグ補正回路を内蔵していますので

    SM5305A 75MHz 6dB/12dB 575typ 100kHz NC0204B DB126 6DB60 PDF


    Abstract: SM5301B
    Text: SM5301BS フィルタスルー機能付き広帯域フィルタ内蔵 3ch 出力ビデオバッファ •概要 SM5301BS は出力バッファ機能を持つビデオフィルタで、VESA 標準 ATSC ディジタル TV に対応できま す。フィルタ は 5 次バターワースロー パスフィルタ構成とな っています。このフィルタ の特性は、最小オー

    SM5301BS SM5301BS 37MHz SM5301B NC0208B SM5301B PDF

    npc 1220 005

    Abstract: fcm 2015 sda 2083
    Text: SM5309B 広帯域フィルタ内蔵 3ch 出力ビデオバッファ •概要 SM5309B は5 次ローパスフィルタを内蔵した 3ch ビデオバッファです。ローパスフィルタのカットオフ周 波数は、4MHz ~ 40MHz *1 まで 256 通りに調整することが可能です。このローパスフィルタにより 480i から

    SM5309B SM5309B 40MHz 1080i 80MHz SM5309BV NC0609B npc 1220 005 fcm 2015 sda 2083 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5308AS 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in wideband LPF OVERVIEW The SM5308AS is a 3-channel video buffer with built-in 5th-order lowpass filters. The lowpass filter cutoff frequency range can adjust from 5.0MHz to 44MHz*1 by 256 steps. The lowpass filter supports 480i to 1080i format, video signal equipment analog input/outputs. For video input systems, the device functions as a next-stage

    SM5308AS SM5308AS 44MHz 1080i PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5302A 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in wideband LPF OVERVIEW The SM5302A is a 3-channel video buffer with built-in 5th-order lowpass filters. The lowpass filter cutoff frequency range can be linearly controlled from 4.8MHz to 43MHz*1. The lowpass filter supports 480i to 1080i

    SM5302A SM5302A 43MHz 1080i PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SM5301BS 3-channel Video Buffer with Built-in Wideband Filters with Filter Through Function OVERVIEW The SM5301BS is a video filter LSI with buffered outputs for VESA-standard ATSC digital TV. The filter employs a 5-order Butterworth lowpass filter configuration. The filter characteristics have been optimized for

    SM5301BS SM5301BS Tokyoi104-0032 iC81-3-5541-6501 iC81-3-5541-6510 NC0208BE PDF

    helium sensor

    Abstract: H2O2 gas sensor Silicon Microstructures SM5310 Exar cross SM5300 SM5320 fs100c fs100a
    Text: SM5320 Standard Pressure SMT Helium Compatible SILICON MICROSTRUCTURES DIVISION October 1997-1 DESCRIPTION The SM5320 Pressure Sensor is the lat­ est addition to the SM5300 Series of pressure sensors in surface mountable packages. This product is similar to the

    OCR Scan
    SM5320 SM5320 SM5300 SM5310 helium sensor H2O2 gas sensor Silicon Microstructures Exar cross fs100c fs100a PDF

    SM5* sharp

    Abstract: sharp calculator 28 pins calculator lcd display pin configuration
    Text: 4-B it Microcomputer LCD Driver SM530 4-Bit Microcomputer (LCD Driver) • T h e S M 5 3 0 is a CMOS 4 - b i t m icrocom puter, operated on a single 1.5V power supply with a 1.5 ft A po w e r co nsu m p tion in s ta n d b y mode. T h is microcomputer integrates a 4 - b i t parallel p ro ces­

    OCR Scan
    SM530 02//F 768kH SM5* sharp sharp calculator 28 pins calculator lcd display pin configuration PDF