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    S0T186 Search Results

    S0T186 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BD934F; BD936F BD938F; BO940F BD942F SILICON EPITAXIAL POWER TRANSISTORS PNP silicon power transistor in a S0T186 envelope with an electrically insulated mounting base, intended fo r use in audio output stages and fo r general purpose amplifier applications.

    OCR Scan
    BD934F; BD936F BD938F; BO940F BD942F S0T186 BD933F, BD935F, BD937F, BD939F PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BDT63F; BDT63AF BDT63BF; BDT63CF SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS NPN silicon darlington power transistors in a S0T186 envelope with an electrically insulated mounting base. The devices are designed fo r audio output stages and general amplifier and switching applications.

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    Abstract: Power Bipolar Transistors bu2708dx BU2725DX BU1508AX BU4506AX BU2532 BU4506AF BU2720DX BU2527
    Text: LEADED PACKAGES VcESM V 1500 tf lc lc (DC) sat. max. (A) 2.5 (A) 2 fas) 0.9 S0T82 S0T78 (T0220AB) S0T186A S0T186 (isolated S0T199 T0220AB) BU505 BU505D BU505F BU505DF BU506 BU506D BU506F BU506DF S0T399 (TOP3D) SOT429 (T0247) SOT430 (TOP3L) TYPICAL APPLICATIONS

    OCR Scan
    S0T82 S0T78 T0220AB) BU505 BU505D BU506 BU506D S0T186A S0T186 BU505F BUT11A1 Power Bipolar Transistors bu2708dx BU2725DX BU1508AX BU4506AX BU2532 BU4506AF BU2720DX BU2527 PDF


    Abstract: bdt64cr KIA 574 BDT64BF BDT64CF BDT64F BDT65AF BDT65CF BDT65F
    Text: BDT64F; BDT64AF J BPT64BF; BDT64CF SILICON DARLINGTON POWER TRANSISTORS PNP Silicon Darlington power transistors in a S0T186 envelope with an electrically insulated mounting base. The devices are designed for audio output stages and general amplifier and switching applications.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: BD943F BD943 BD944F BD945F BD948F
    Text: BD943F; BD945F BD947F SILICON EPITAXIAL POWER TRANSISTORS NPN silicon epitaxial power transistors, each in a S0T186 envelope w ith an electrically insulated mounting base. PNP complements are BD944F, BD946Fand BD948F. QUICK REFERENCE DATA BD943F 948F 947F

    OCR Scan
    BD943F; BD945F BD947F S0T186 BD944F, BD946Fand BD948F. BD943F 0034S47 BD947F BD943 BD944F BD945F BD948F PDF


    Abstract: mosfet-n SOT166 TOPFET buk7530
    Text: SELECTION GUIDE Page TOPFETs 14 PowerMOS Transistors 16 Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors 23 Philips Semiconductors TOPFETs VDS Selection Guide @ID FUSION O) (V) (A) Id w Pd (W) TYPE NUMBER TECHNOLOGY ENVELOPE 50 0.028 25 50 125 BUK106-50L TOPFET SOT263

    OCR Scan
    56-800A BUK446-800A BUK456-800B BUK446-800B BUK454-800A BUK444-800A BUK454-800B BUK444-800B BUK456-1000B BUK446-1000B buk7530-55 mosfet-n SOT166 TOPFET buk7530 PDF

    diode BY229

    Abstract: philips Power MOSFET Selection Guide BY229-400, fast recovery diode Philips Semiconductors Power Diodes Selection Guide BY229F800 by329x BY359-1500 PBYR2040CT BY459X-1500 Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Power Diodes Selection Guide Schottky Rectifiers The trend towards lower supply voltages In computers and high speed logic circuits has produced a need for rectifiers with very low forward voltages. The 20 V/ 25 V range of power schottky diodes is intended for use in d.c. To d.c.

    OCR Scan
    10/700HS BR211-140 BR211-160 BR211-180 BR211-200 BR211-220 BR211-240 BR211-260 BR211-280 BR211SM-140 diode BY229 philips Power MOSFET Selection Guide BY229-400, fast recovery diode Philips Semiconductors Power Diodes Selection Guide BY229F800 by329x BY359-1500 PBYR2040CT BY459X-1500 Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide PDF


    Abstract: PHILIPS MOSFET igbt mosfet switch BUK866 4001z
    Text: Philips Semiconductors PowerMOS Transistors including TOPFETs and IGBTs Types added to the range since the last issue of data handbook SC13 1995 are shown in bold print, TYPE NUMBER TECHNOLOGY PACKAGE PAGE BUK100-50DL TOPFET T0220AB 38 BUK100-50GL TOPFET

    OCR Scan
    BUK100-50DL BUK100-50GL BUK100-50GS BUK101-50DL BUK101-50GL BUK101-50GS BUK102-50DL BUK102-50GL BUK102-50GS BUK104-50L T0-220AB PHILIPS MOSFET igbt mosfet switch BUK866 4001z PDF


    Abstract: 100a mosfet Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide BUK454-60H BUK108-50DL BUK102-50GL BUk2 BUK44 BUK9630-55 BUK9570-55
    Text: Philips Semiconductors TOPFETs Selection Guide VDs Rdsion lD Id V) (fl) (A) (A) Pd (W) TYPE NUMBER TECHNOLOGY ENVELOPE 50 0.028 25 50 125 BUK106-50L TOPFET 50 0.028 25 50 125 BUK106-50LP TOPFET SOT263-O1 50 0.028 25 50 125 BUK116-50L TOPFET SOT426 50

    OCR Scan
    7-800B BUK446-800B BUK454-800A BUK444-800A BUK454-800B BUK444-800B BUK456-1OOOB BUK446-1000B T0220AB OT186 BUK444-200 100a mosfet Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide BUK454-60H BUK108-50DL BUK102-50GL BUk2 BUK44 BUK9630-55 BUK9570-55 PDF


    Abstract: 56379 IGBTs Transistors NLN-939 56359C 56364 56368C 56359B
    Text: Philips Semiconductors PowerMOS Transistors including TOPFETs and IGBTs Accessories ACCESSORIES FOR T0220 0.06 ± 0.02 0 3.5 max r 2.7 r 0 3.1 Dimensions in mm. Part no. 56359c, insulator up to 800 V. Dimensions in mm. Material: polyester. Part no. 56359b, insulator up to 1000 V.

    OCR Scan
    T0220 56359c, 56359b, 56359d, 56368b, 56368c, MGA747 NLN-939; 56359D 56379 IGBTs Transistors NLN-939 56359C 56364 56368C 56359B PDF


    Abstract: BT136-6000 BTI39X-600E BT134-6000 BT1388-800E TC2-63 LG 500G 8T148W-400R BT137S600E Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Power Thyristors and Triacs Selection Guide SILICON BIDIRECTIONAL TRIGGER DEVICES Ifrm V!BO * BO) = O D = SOD27 (D035) A 2 October 1997 V 28-36 HA 50 BRI00/Ö3 18 Philips Semiconductors Power Thyristors and Triacs Selection Guide

    OCR Scan
    BRI00/Ö OT223 OT428 T0252) BT168BW BT168DW BT168EW BT168GW BT169BW BT169DW 8T134-600E BT136-6000 BTI39X-600E BT134-6000 BT1388-800E TC2-63 LG 500G 8T148W-400R BT137S600E Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide PDF


    Abstract: PBYR1535CT pbyr1525ct R1635 PBYR1525 BY329X
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Concise Catalogue 1996 Power diodes POWER SEMICONDUCTORS FAST RECTIFIER DIODES DAMPER DIODES type number package ' f (AV) v F ‘rr (V) max. (A) (V) (ns) BY229 BV229F BY229X BY329 BY329X BY359 200, 400, 600, 800 200, 400, 600, 800

    OCR Scan
    BY229 BV229F BY229X BY329 BY329X BY359 BY359F BY359X BY459 BY459F PBYR1035B PBYR1535CT pbyr1525ct R1635 PBYR1525 PDF

    FR4 epoxy glass 1.5mm substrate

    Abstract: sheet metal press bending machine
    Text: MOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS page Axial-leaded devices 562 SOT54 T092 563 SOT82 564 SOT78 (T0220AB); SOT186A 567 SOT223; SOT428; SOT4Q4 572 Philips Semiconductors Mounting instructions Axial-ieaded devices GENERAL DATA AND INSTRUCTIONS General rules Excessive forces or temperature applied to a diode may

    OCR Scan
    T0220AB) OT186A OT223; OT428; FR4 epoxy glass 1.5mm substrate sheet metal press bending machine PDF


    Abstract: TOPFETs FETs T0-220AB mosfet BUK454-600 BUK617-500BE BUK551-100A PHILIPS MOSFET igbt Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide Igbts guide
    Text: Philips Semiconductors PowerMOS Transistors including TO P FETs and IGBTs V DS V @ ID (A) Rdsjon) (ß) Id w Selection Guide Pd (W) TYPE NUMBER TECH NO LO GY ENVELOPE SOT263 50 0.028 25 50 125 BUK106-50L TOPFET 50 0.028 25 50 125 BUK106-50S TOPFET SOT263

    OCR Scan
    T0220AB OT186 OT186 BUK856-400IZ BUK417-500B TOPFETs FETs T0-220AB mosfet BUK454-600 BUK617-500BE BUK551-100A PHILIPS MOSFET igbt Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide Igbts guide PDF