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    Q6015R6 Search Results

    Q6015R6 Datasheets (3)

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    Q6015R6 Teccor Electronics Triac, 600V 15A IGT<80mA, Full-wave thyristor (triac) Original PDF
    Q6015R6 Teccor Electronics Cross Reference Data to Teccor Part Numbers (See datasheet appendix) Original PDF
    Q6015R6 Teccor Electronics Alternistor Triacs Scan PDF

    Q6015R6 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: TYN612 pin diagram 1n4007 smd, toshiba S0817MH TYN604 scr pin diagram kmz51 compass TRANSISTOR S1A 64 smd toshiba l 300 laptop motherboard circuit diagram JFET TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE j201 replacements for transistor NEC D 587
    Text: 5.2 5.4 5.46 5.124 5.130 5.130 5.140 5.180 Introduction Diodes & Rectifiers Transistors Triacs,Thyristors and Diacs Sensors Cross Reference General Application discretes Cross Reference Power discretes Cross Reference RF discretes Discrete Components 5.1 Introduction

    BAP1321-02 BAP65-05 BAP65-03 BAP65-05W BAP65-02 BAP63-03 BAP63-02 BAP64-03 BAP64-02 BB143 BC548 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT TYN612 pin diagram 1n4007 smd, toshiba S0817MH TYN604 scr pin diagram kmz51 compass TRANSISTOR S1A 64 smd toshiba l 300 laptop motherboard circuit diagram JFET TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE j201 replacements for transistor NEC D 587 PDF

    BUT11APX equivalent

    Abstract: BU4508DX equivalent 2SD1876 2Sd1651 equivalent BYS21-45 smd zener diode color band 2SD1878 data sheet 2SC5296 equivalent BT151-600R BUK98150 spice
    Text: Philips Semiconductors – a worldwide company Argentina: see South America Australia: 3 Figtree Drive, HOMEBUSH, NSW 2140, Tel. +61 2 9704 8141, Fax. +61 2 9704 8139 Austria: Computerstr. 6, A-1101 WIEN, P.O. Box 213, Tel. +43 1 60 101 1248, Fax. +43 1 60 101 1210

    BT148-600R BT148-400R BUT11APX equivalent BU4508DX equivalent 2SD1876 2Sd1651 equivalent BYS21-45 smd zener diode color band 2SD1878 data sheet 2SC5296 equivalent BT151-600R BUK98150 spice PDF


    Abstract: triac ZO405MF BTA16-600b application motor control SCR tyn612 BTB16-600bw application motor control BTa16-600bw application motor control BTA16-600B heating control diagram 220v dimmer light bt139 bta41-600b application BTA40-700B

    I-00161 PL-00-513 SGTHYRI/0303 zo405mf triac ZO405MF BTA16-600b application motor control SCR tyn612 BTB16-600bw application motor control BTa16-600bw application motor control BTA16-600B heating control diagram 220v dimmer light bt139 bta41-600b application BTA40-700B PDF

    220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram

    Abstract: 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram philips ecg master replacement guide ecg semiconductors master replacement guide diac 3202 bta16 6008 csr1000 mini Audio transformer 200k to 1k ct input jrc 2904 d BTA12 6008
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    Batte48 220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram philips ecg master replacement guide ecg semiconductors master replacement guide diac 3202 bta16 6008 csr1000 mini Audio transformer 200k to 1k ct input jrc 2904 d BTA12 6008 PDF


    Abstract: Q8025L6 Q4025J6 q8012LH5 alternistor Q4025L6 Q4025P Q6025 Q8040J7 Q2015L6
    Text: * es D ag ZE k I c Pa GN 9 d O te 63 c le EC E71 e S .R e# .L Fil U TO-220AB THERMOTAB TO-218AC FASTPAK MT2 TO-218X MT1 G Alternistor Triacs 6 – 40 Amps 4 General Description handling capability. The TO-218X features large eyelet terminals for ease of soldering heavy gauge hook-up wire. All the isolated

    O-220AB O-218AC O-218X O-218X 2500VRMS. Q6040P Q8025L6 Q4025J6 q8012LH5 alternistor Q4025L6 Q4025P Q6025 Q8040J7 Q2015L6 PDF

    GT 32 DIAC specification sheet

    Abstract: Q6016RH4 equivalent TO812NH specifications TYN604 scr TO805MH Transistor s106d1 TO805MH equivalent smd transistor E72 transistor c103m S6015L equivalent
    Text: Thyristor Product Catalog Teccor Electronics 1800 Hurd Drive Irving, Texas 75038 United States of America Phone: +1 972-580-7777 Fax: +1 972-550-1309 Website: E-mail: 2002 Teccor Electronics Thyristor Product Catalog

    S8012D SK055N S6010L S8012R SK055R S6010LS2 S8012V SK065K S6010LS3 S8015L GT 32 DIAC specification sheet Q6016RH4 equivalent TO812NH specifications TYN604 scr TO805MH Transistor s106d1 TO805MH equivalent smd transistor E72 transistor c103m S6015L equivalent PDF

    BT136-600E equivalent

    Abstract: D2499 equivalent D1878 equivalent BT139-600 equivalent C4927 d1577 d1554 C5386 c5129 e13005 equivalent
    Text: “Philips Type” refers to closest Philips alternative or equivalent if available. Always consider the application and compare data specifications before recommending the suitable Philips type. Notes: 1 - dual device. 2 - competitor RDS on falls between two Philips types, hence either stated device may be suitable.

    10TQ045S 11DQ03 11DQ04 11EQ03 11EQ04 11EQS 15DF4 1N3645 BT136-600E equivalent D2499 equivalent D1878 equivalent BT139-600 equivalent C4927 d1577 d1554 C5386 c5129 e13005 equivalent PDF

    220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram

    Abstract: BA 49182 RJh 3047 rjh 3047 equivalent a1458 opto philips ecg master replacement guide MOSFET, rjh 3077 sc1097 philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide Electronic ballast 40W using 13005 transistor
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 2-6 Fiber Optic Connectors and Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . See Page 121 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 10-122 Fiber Optic Cable, Connectors, and Accessories . . . . . . See Pages 118-122

    P390-ND P465-ND P466-ND P467-ND LNG901CF9 LNG992CFBW LNG901CFBW LNG91LCFBW 220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram BA 49182 RJh 3047 rjh 3047 equivalent a1458 opto philips ecg master replacement guide MOSFET, rjh 3077 sc1097 philips ecg semiconductors master replacement guide Electronic ballast 40W using 13005 transistor PDF

    BU4508DX equivalent

    Abstract: BUT11APX equivalent S0806MH P0201MA TO92 BT136 application note diode cross reference BYW96E ct 2A05 diode BU2508Dx equivalent ST2001HI equivalent BU2508DF equivalent
    Text: 6535 07-03-2001 06:32 Pagina 1 Philips Semiconductors – a worldwide company Argentina: see South America Australia: 3 Figtree Drive, HOMEBUSH, NSW 2140, Tel. +61 2 9704 8141, Fax. +61 2 9704 8139 Austria: Computerstr. 6, A-1101 WIEN, P.O. Box 213, Tel. +43 1 60 101 1248, Fax. +43 1 60 101 1210

    BT148-600R BT148-400R BU4508DX equivalent BUT11APX equivalent S0806MH P0201MA TO92 BT136 application note diode cross reference BYW96E ct 2A05 diode BU2508Dx equivalent ST2001HI equivalent BU2508DF equivalent PDF


    Abstract: q4015 triac T1C226D Q200BL5 Q2006L5 Q5025Z6 SC160D q201015 Q4015A Q4006
    Text: PART No. ITrms Amps PACKAGE VDRM IDRM Volts mAmps Q1 TRIAC IGT Q2 Q3 mAmps Q4 VGT Volts Ih mAmps VTM Volts ITM Amps 0.6 Amps ITrms TO—92 Package MAC974 MAC976 MAC978 MAC97A4 MAC97A6 MAC97A8 200 400 600 200 400 600 .010 .010 .010 .010 .010 .010 10 10 10 5

    OCR Scan
    MAC974 MAC976 MAC978 MAC97A4 MAC97A6 MAC97A8 SC92B SC92C SC92D SC92M T1C263M q4015 triac T1C226D Q200BL5 Q2006L5 Q5025Z6 SC160D q201015 Q4015A Q4006 PDF


    Abstract: Q601E3 S2055W T106F1 TECCOR EC103A s8065k TCR22-2 S4065J S1012R K2401
    Text: Part Number Index T h e follo wing index in c lu d e s all T e c c o r d e v ic e part n u m b ers con ta in ed in this cata lo g listed in a lp h a n u m e r ic a l order and refe renced by the page n u m b er of the a ppropria te data s ec tio n . P le a se refer to the C r o s s R eferen ce G u id e pages 109-128

    OCR Scan
    2N5061 2N506 EC103A EC103A1 EC103A2 EC103A3 EC103B EC103B1 EC103B2 EC103B3 S0508LS3 Q601E3 S2055W T106F1 TECCOR EC103A s8065k TCR22-2 S4065J S1012R K2401 PDF

    MT2 Q4025P

    Abstract: Triac MT2 Q6025P MT2 Q6025P Q4040K7 Q6040W7 Q6025R6
    Text: TECCOR ELECTRONICS, INC. TO -220AB THERMOTAB A SIEBE COMPANY 1801 H UR D D R IV E IR V IN G , T E X A S 7 5 0 3 8 -4 3 8 5 P H O N E 2 1 4 /5 8 0 -1 5 1 5 FAX 2 1 4 /5 5 0 -1 3 0 9 TO -218X MT1 FASTPAK TO-218AC ALTERNISTOR TRIACS 15 - 40 AM PS GENERAL DESCRIPTION

    OCR Scan
    -220AB -218X O-218AC -218X MT2 Q4025P Triac MT2 Q6025P MT2 Q6025P Q4040K7 Q6040W7 Q6025R6 PDF


    Abstract: 8ta12 SC160D TLC226B TO505mh Q2006L5 SC160M 04004f41 C245B Q6040
    Text: LO R A S I N D U S T R I E S INC M2E D • 5SflQ44ö G D G G O D b T ■ LORA “T -2 5 'O Í TRIAC o Q1 Ol VDRM IDRM Volts mAmps col PACKAGE OJ O ITrms Amps PART No. mAmps VGT Volts Ih mAmps VTM Volts ITM Amps 0.6 Amps ITrms TO—92 Package MAC974 MAC976

    OCR Scan
    5SflQ44Ã MAC974 MAC976 MAC978 MAC97A6 MAC97A8 SC92B O-218AC BTB41200A T0218AC TIC2360 8ta12 SC160D TLC226B TO505mh Q2006L5 SC160M 04004f41 C245B Q6040 PDF

    MT2 Q4025P

    Abstract: Q8025L6 Q8012RH5 Q2008LH4 Q6025L6 Triac MT2 Q6025P q4025l6 alternistor Q6008LH4 scr Teccor electronics
    Text: W s ?Æ T O -2 2 0 A B THERM O TAB T O -2 1 8 A C FASTPA K MT2 T O -2 1 8 X MT1 Alternistor Triacs 6 - 40 Amps General Description T e c c o r o ffe rs b id ire c tio n a l a ite rn is to rs w ith c u rre n t ra tin g s from 6 to 4 0 a m p e re s w ith v o lta g e s fro m 2 0 0 to 8 0 0 v o lts as p a rt of

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