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    PINS68 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BT8110EJ Linear ICs CODEC Circuit status Military/High-RelN Nom. Supp V 5 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-40 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)85 Package StyleQCC-J Mounting StyleS Pinout Equivalence Code68-31 # Pins68 Ckt. (Pinout) NumberLN06800031 DescriptionAdaptive Differential PCM Processor

    BT8110EJ Code68-31 Pins68 NumberLN06800031 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AD1845JP Linear ICs CODEC Circuit status Military/High-RelN Nom. Supp V 5 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)0 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)70 Package StyleQCC-J Mounting StyleS Pinout Equivalence Code68-57 # Pins68 Ckt. (Pinout) NumberLN06800057 Description16-Bit Sound Port Stereo CODEC

    AD1845JP Code68-57 Pins68 NumberLN06800057 Description16-Bit AD1845 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AD1846JP Linear ICs CODEC Circuit statusû Military/High-RelN Nom. Supp V 5 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)0 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)70 Package StyleQCC-J Mounting StyleS Pinout Equivalence Code68-37 # Pins68 Ckt. (Pinout) NumberLN06800037 Description16-Bit Sound Port Stereo CODEC

    AD1846JP Code68-37 Pins68 NumberLN06800037 Description16-Bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AD1848KP Linear ICs CODEC Circuit statusû Military/High-RelN Nom. Supp V 5.0 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-40 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)85 Package StyleQCC-J Mounting StyleS Pinout Equivalence Code68-37 # Pins68 Ckt. (Pinout) NumberLN06800037 DescriptionParallel Port 16-Bit SoundPort Stereo CODEC

    AD1848KP Code68-37 Pins68 NumberLN06800037 16-Bit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 10G051-2C1 Linear ICs Crosspoint Switch Circuit status Military/High-RelN Nom. Supp V -5.2 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)0 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)85 Package StyleQCC-J Mounting StyleS Pinout Equivalence Code68-6 # Pins68 Ckt. (Pinout) NumberLN06800006

    10G051-2C1 Code68-6 Pins68 NumberLN06800006 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SSI67F687IH Linear ICs Dedicated/Special Application Linear Circuit statusû Military/High-RelN P D Max. (W) Nom. Supp (V)5 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)-40 Maximum Operating Temp (øC)125 Package StyleQCC-J Mounting StyleS Pinout Equivalence Code68-27 # Pins68

    SSI67F687IH Code68-27 Pins68 NumberLN06800027 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E1/T1/ PRI/CEPT Dual Transformer Modules Features • SMD design ideal for pick and place compatability while providing unrivaled coplanarity • controlled parameters ensure full compliance with ITU-T G.703 when matched with recommended IC • ideal for all 1.544 and 2.048 Mbs interface applications

    ISO-9001 TS-16949 ISO-14001 1500Vrms J-STD-020C PDF

    ALCATEL 2840

    Abstract: WK 6052 CUJ-XXX-16B Centillium Communications TNETE100A
    Text: nt magnetics nuvotem Magnetic Components for Communications and Data Line Technology Sales & Marketing, Design and Manufacturing Facilities Eastern Europe & Czech Republic NT MAGNETICS s.r.o. Chebská 27 322 00 Plzeñ Tel: Int. + 420 377 - 338 351



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: nt magnetics nuvotem E1/T1/CEPT/ISDN-PRI - T3/E3/D3/STS-1 Interface Transformers for Telecommunication Products Design and Manufacturing Facilities Eastern Europe & Czech Republic NT MAGNETICS s.r.o. Chebská 27 322 00 Plzeñ



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IC - E1 / T1 / PRI / CEPT Transformer Selection Guide Talema manufactures a wide range of transformers for all 1.544 and 2.048Mbbs applications. A full listing of LIU Transceiver IC’s with recommended Talema transformers is listed on the following cross reference chart.

    048Mbbs PDF


    Abstract: MJM-010 MJM-013 MJM-016 MJM-017 MJM-018 MJM-019 MJM-021 TS-16949
    Text: E1/T1/ PRI/CEPT Dual Transformer Modules Features • SMD design ideal for pick and place compatability while providing unrivaled coplanarity • controlled parameters ensure full compliance with ITU-T G.703 when matched with recommended IC • ideal for all 1.544 and 2.048 Mbs interface applications

    ISO-9001 TS-16949 ISO-14001 1500Vrms J-STD-020C MJM-010 MJM-013 MJM-016 MJM-017 MJM-018 MJM-019 MJM-021 PDF

    547a lucent

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: nt magnetics nuvotem E1/T1/CEPT/ISDN-PRI - T3/E3/D3/STS-1 Interface Transformers for Telecommunication Products Sales & Marketing, Design and Manufacturing Facilities Eastern Europe & Czech Republic NT MAGNETICS s.r.o. Chebská 27



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E1/T1/CEPT/ISDN-PRI - T3/E3/D3/STS-1 Interface Transformers for Telecommunication Products NT MAGNETICS s.r.o. Chebská 27 322 00 Plzeñ Tel: Int. + 420 377 - 338 351 Fax: Int. + 420 377 - 338 350 Email: Web Site: TALEMA ELEKTRONIK GMBH

    CH-8604 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APRIL, 1996 LXT305 Integrated T1/E1 Short-Haul Transceiver withTransmit Jitter Attenuation General Description Features T he L X T305 is a fully integrated transceiver for both N orth A m erican 1.544 M bps T l and International 2.048 M bps ( E l) applications. T ransm it p ulse shapes (T l or E l) are

    OCR Scan
    LXT305 LXT305 PDF


    Abstract: PE65387
    Text: S e m ic o n d u c to r C o rp o ra tio n CS6158A Rev H Process Change Notification Date: August 31, 1993 Rev H of the CS6158A is a three-layer, yield-enhancement revision of the mask set that made no changes to form , fit or function. Repeated below are long-standing corrections to the CS6158A data sheet. There were no design changes

    OCR Scan
    CS6158A PCM-30. PE-64931 PE-64951 0553-5006-IC CS6158. 1682x 102KZ PE65387 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: APRIL, 1996 DATA SHEET LXT305 Integrated T 1/E 1 Short-Haul Transceiver with Transmit Jitter Attenuation The LXT305 is a fully integrated transceiver for both North Compatible with most popular P C M framers American 1.544 Mbps T l and International 2.048 Mbps

    OCR Scan
    LXT305 LXT305 DS-T305-0696-5K PDF


    Abstract: bone density detector
    Text: APRIL, 1996 LXT305 Integrated T1/E1 Short-Haul Transceiver withTransmit Jitter Attenuation General Description Features T he L X T305 is a fully integrated transceiver for both N orth A m erican 1.544 M bps T l and International 2.048 M bps ( E l) applications. T ransm it p ulse shapes (T l or E l) are

    OCR Scan
    LXT305 LXT305, DS21B bone density detector PDF