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    PD750104, Search Results

    PD750104, Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C _¿¿PD750104.750106.750108.750104 A . 750106(A). 750108(A) 9. RESET FUNCTION The /¿PD750108 is reset with the external reset signal (RESET) or the reset signal received from the basic interval tim er/w atchdog tim er. When either reset signal is input, the internal reset signal is generated. Figure 9-1 shows the

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    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 PD750108 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC ¿¿PD750104.750106.750108.750104 A . 750106(A). 750108(A) 1. PIN CONFIGURATION (TOP VIEW) • 4 2 -p in p la s tic s h rin k D IP (6 0 0 m il, 1 .7 7 8 -m m p itc h ) /iP D 7 5 0 1 0 4 C U -X X X , /iP D 7 5 0 1 0 4 C U (A )-x x x /¿P D 750106C U -X X X , /¿ P D 7 5 0 1 0 6 C U (A )-xxx

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    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 750106C PD750108CU-XXX, P03/SI/SB1 --------P51 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC ¿¿PD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) 12. E L E C T R IC A L C H A R A C T E R IS T IC S ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (T a = 25 °C) P aram eter Conditions Sym bol Rated value Unit -0.3 to +7.0 V S upply voltage V dd Input voltage Vn O ther than ports 4 and 5

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    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 512/fcc PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C _¿¿PD750104.750106.750108.750104 A . 750106(A). 750108(A) 5. MEMORY CONFIGURATION • Program memory (ROM) : 4,096 x 8 bits (0000H-0FFFH): /¿PD750104 6,144 x 8 bits (0000H-17FFH): /iPD750106 8,192 x 8 bits (0000H-1FFFH): /¿PD750108

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    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 0000H-0FFFH) PD750104 0000H-17FFH) /iPD750106 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC ¿¿PD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) 8. STANDBY FUNCTION The /¿PD750108 has two different standby modes (STOP mode and HALT mode) to reduce power dissipation while waiting for program execution. Table 8-1. Standby Mode Statuses Item

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    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 PD750108 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C _¿¿PD750104.750106.750108.750104 A . 750106(A). 750108(A) 11. INSTRUCTION SET (1) Operand identifier and its descriptive method The operands are described in the operand column of each instruction according to the descriptive method for the operand form at of the appropriate instructions. (For details, refer to the RA75X A ssem bler Package User's

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    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 RA75X EEU-1363) juPD750106 PDF

    NEC Electronics

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC ¿¿PD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) Regional Information Some information contained in this document may vary from country to country. Before using any NEC product in your application, please contact the NEC office in your country to obtain a list of authorized

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    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 NEC Electronics PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC ¿¿PD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) 10. MASK OPTION The /¿PD750108 has the following mask options: • M ask option of P40 to P43 and P50 to P53 Can specify w hether to incorporate the pull-up resistor. • The pull-up resistor is incorporated bit by bit.

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    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 PD750108 29/fcc dPD750108, PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¿¿PD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) NEC APPENDIX A FUNCTIONS OF THE /xPD750008, /xPD750108, AND /xPD75P0116 ( 1/ 2 ) Item ,uPD 750008 /¿PD 750108 ,uP D 7 5 P 0 1 16 M asked ROM 0000H - 1FFFH (8,192 x 8 bits) D ata m em o ry 0 00H - 1 FFH

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    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 /xPD750008, /xPD750108, /xPD75P0116 0000H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C _¿¿PD750104.750106.750108.750104 A . 750106(A). 750108(A) 14. EXAMPLES OF RC OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY CHARACTERISTICS (REFERENCE VALUES) fee vs. V dd (RC oscillatio n , R = 22 k&, C = 22 pF) (Ta = 85 ~C) ICL1 CL2| IWQ. I 22pFi Sample A ^ Sample B /

    OCR Scan
    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 22pFi PD750104 PDF


    Abstract: SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE MOUNTING TECHNOLOGY MANUAL EEU-730 C10983E C10535J 75008gb U10453E C10983J U10453J nec 731
    Text: NEC ¿¿PD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) APPENDIX C RELATED DOCUMENTS Som e docum ents are prelim inary editions, but they are not so specified in the tables below. Documents related to devices Document name Document number Japanese ,PD750104, 750106, 750108, 750104(A), 750106(A), 750108(A) Data

    OCR Scan
    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 PD75P0116 PD750108 uPD750008 C10535E SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE MOUNTING TECHNOLOGY MANUAL EEU-730 C10983E C10535J 75008gb U10453E C10983J U10453J nec 731 PDF

    NEC 7008

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC ¿íPD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) 15. PACKAGE DRAWINGS 44 PIN PLASTIC QFP (D10) 23\ /3 3 22 34 O detail of lead end 12 G n N •L NOTE Each lead ce n te rlin e is lo ca te d w ith in 0 .1 6 mm (0.0 0 7 inch) of ITEM M ILLIM ETER S

    OCR Scan
    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 P42C-70-600A-1 NEC 7008 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET 4 BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER The ¿¡PD750108 is one of the 75XL series 4-bit single-chip microcontrollers, which provide data processing capability equal to that of an 8-bit microcontroller. The ¿¡PD750108 is produced by replacing the main system clock oscillator of the ¿¡PD750008 with an RC oscillator,

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    uPD750108 PD750108 PD750008 PD750108. PD75P0116, 10943X 10535J 11531J BXXX3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 4-BIT SINGLE-CHIP MICROCONTROLLER DESCRIPTION The ¿¡PD75P0116 replaces the ,uPD750108’s internal mask ROM with a one-time PROM and features expanded ROM capacity. Because the ¿¡PD75P0116 supports programming by users, it is suitable for use in prototype testing for system

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    PD75P0116 uPD750108 PD750104, PD750108 U11330E PD750108 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC ¿¿PD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) 13 . C H AR AC TER ISTIC CURVE (REFERENCE VALU ES) Id d v s . V d d (When the main system clock is operating at 1.0 MHz with an RC oscillation) (Ta = 25 ’ C) 10 5.0 1.0 r OO :- (JU11 _ i n p p = (JU 1u

    OCR Scan
    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC PD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) CONTENTS 1. PIN CO NFIG URATIO N (TOP V IE W ). 6 2. BLOCK D IA G R A M .

    OCR Scan
    UPD750104, UPD750106, UPD750108, UPD750104 UPD750106 UPD750108 PD750008, PD750108, PD75P0116. PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC ¿¿PD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) FUNCTIONS F u n ctio n Item C o m m a n d e x e c u tio n • 4, 8, 16, o r 6 4 /j .s (w he n th e m a in sy s te m c lo c k o p e ra te s a t 1.0 M H z) tim e • 2, 4, 8, o r 3 2 jiis (w he n th e m a in sy s te m c lo c k o p e ra te s a t 2 .0 M H z)

    OCR Scan
    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ¿¿PD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) NEC 7. INTERRUPT FUNCTIONS AND TEST FUNCTIONS The /¿PD750108 has seven interrupt sources and two test sources. One test source, INT2, has two types of edge detection testable input pins. The interrupt control circuit of the /¿PD750108 has the following functions.

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    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 PD750108 PD750104 PDF


    Abstract: 75008gb
    Text: NEC ¿¿PD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) A P P E N D IX B D E V E L O P M E N T T O O L S The following development tools are provided for the development of a system which employs the ¿tPD750108. In the 75XL series, use the common relocatable assembler together with a device file of each model.

    OCR Scan
    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 tPD750108. RA75X PC-9800 25-inch PG-1500 75008gb PDF

    sequential timer block diagram

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NEC ¿¿PD750104,750106,750108,750104 A , 750106(A), 750108(A) 6. PERIPHERAL HARDWARE FUNCTIONS 6.1 Digital I/O Ports The /iPD750108 has the following three types of I/O port: • 8 CMOS input pins (PORTO and PORT1) • 18 CMOS I/O pins (PORT2, PORT3, and PORT6 to PORT8)

    OCR Scan
    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 /iPD750108 sequential timer block diagram PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N E C _¿¿PD750104.750106.750108.750104 A . 750106(A). 750108(A) 4. Mk I MODE/Mk II MODE SWITCH FUNCTION 4.1 Differences between Mk I Mode and Mk II Mode The CPU of the /JPD750108 has two modes (M k l mode and M k ll mode) and which mode is used is selectable.

    OCR Scan
    uPD750104 uPD750106 uPD750108 /JPD750108 100xBNote PDF

    4J, P113 5 PIN

    Abstract: NEC 753012A NEC disk controller 75336GC D75P D75P3116 75P3018 MPD754244 MKL series 75P0016 pd754264
    Text: just imagine T\ The / î PD754144, 754244, and 754264 are manufactured and sold under a license contact with CP8 Transac corporation with respect to patents on on-chip EEPROM microprocessors. The //PD 754144, 754244, and 754264 cannot be used in IC cards SMART CARDS .

    OCR Scan
    /iPD754144, //PD754144, U10453EJ3V1SG00 4J, P113 5 PIN NEC 753012A NEC disk controller 75336GC D75P D75P3116 75P3018 MPD754244 MKL series 75P0016 pd754264 PDF