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    PCD3350A Datasheets (7)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    PCD3350A Philips Semiconductors 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator, 256 bytes EEPROM and real-time clock Original PDF
    PCD3350A Philips Semiconductors 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator, 256 bytes EEPROM and real-time clock Scan PDF
    PCD3350AH Philips Semiconductors 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator, 256 bytes EEPROM and real-time clock Original PDF
    PCD3350AH Philips Semiconductors 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator, 256 bytes EEPROM and real-time clock Scan PDF
    PCD3350AH Philips Semiconductors 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator, 256 bytes EEPROM and real-time clock Scan PDF
    PCD3350AH Philips Semiconductors 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator, 256 bytes EEPROM and real-time clock Scan PDF
    PCD3350AH Philips Semiconductors Single-chip 8-bit Telecom Microcontroller Scan PDF

    PCD3350A Datasheets Context Search

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    IC 566 function generator

    Abstract: precision Sine Wave Generator PCD4440T application of IC 566 function generator bb 36 931 dial telephone 1970 musical bell MAB8048 PCD3350A PCD3350AH
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCD3350A 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator, 256 bytes EEPROM and real-time clock Product specification Supersedes data of 1996 May 09 File under Integrated Circuits, IC03 1996 Dec 18 Philips Semiconductors Product specification

    PCD3350A Rea31 SCA52 417021/1200/04/pp36 IC 566 function generator precision Sine Wave Generator PCD4440T application of IC 566 function generator bb 36 931 dial telephone 1970 musical bell MAB8048 PCD3350A PCD3350AH PDF


    Abstract: philips Pca1318p tda8369 TEA5713 pca1318 ON4801 92112 eeprom on4800 ON4836 eeprom 92112
    Text: PRODUCT DISCONTINUATION DN42 NOTICE December 31, 1999 CONTRACTS DEPT. NOTE NEW CODING DISCONTINUATION TYPE CODE T= Type number fully withdrawn N= Packing option ONLY withdrawn SOURCE CODE C = Customer specific product M = Multi source product S = Sole source product

    DN-42 REPLACec-99 30-Jun-00 PCA1318P philips Pca1318p tda8369 TEA5713 pca1318 ON4801 92112 eeprom on4800 ON4836 eeprom 92112 PDF

    dtmf interface with microcontroller

    Abstract: philips audio amplifier ic guide analog telephone set circuits DTMF telephone digital calendar clock ic dtmf generator MOS-FET 1307 DTMF DEcoder datasheets i2c handsfree IC SE567
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Semiconductors for Wired Telecom Systems Functional index Types added to the range since the last issue of data handbook IC03a are shown in bold print. TYPE NUMBER DESCIPTION PAGE Speech/transmission Circuits PCA1070 Multistandard programmable analog CMOS transmission IC

    IC03a PCA1070 TEA1062; TEA1062A TEA1064A TEA1064B TEA1065 PCF8576 PCF8576C PCF8577C dtmf interface with microcontroller philips audio amplifier ic guide analog telephone set circuits DTMF telephone digital calendar clock ic dtmf generator MOS-FET 1307 DTMF DEcoder datasheets i2c handsfree IC SE567 PDF

    Amplifier with transistor BC548

    Abstract: AUDIO Amplifier with transistor BC548 1315 TRANSISTOR transistor 1151 transistor transistor 2n5401 TDA7050 BC327 NPN transistor datasheet BC547 driver BUX86 TRANSISTOR
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Semiconductors for Wired Telecom Systems Index Types added to the range since the last issue of data handbook IC03a are shown in bold print. The types showing an “x”instead of a page number, are not printed in the book, but appear in the selection guides

    IC03a 2N5400; 2N5401 2N5550; 2N5551 2N7000 2N7002 BC327; BC327A; BC328 Amplifier with transistor BC548 AUDIO Amplifier with transistor BC548 1315 TRANSISTOR transistor 1151 transistor transistor 2n5401 TDA7050 BC327 NPN transistor datasheet BC547 driver BUX86 TRANSISTOR PDF

    Philips tea1090

    Abstract: tea1090 tea1402 pcf2705p philips TEA1090T SAA7321GP TDA2579A LMT 393 N TDA3653bq TEA5713

    DN-41 LO9585/WD LO9585 LO9700 OQ8845T/K3 OQ8868HP/K6 QFP47) X2G-BUK5R3-100B Philips tea1090 tea1090 tea1402 pcf2705p philips TEA1090T SAA7321GP TDA2579A LMT 393 N TDA3653bq TEA5713 PDF

    transistor SR 13001

    Abstract: RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE PCD8572I ATmel 730 24c04 SR 13001 transistor atmel 716 24c04 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 all 89c51 microcontroller references book QFP44 footprint HI5618
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS DATA SHEET PCF5001 POCSAG Paging Decoder Product specification Supersedes data of 1995 Apr 27 File under Integrated Circuits, IC17 1997 Mar 04 Philips Semiconductors Product specification POCSAG Paging Decoder PCF5001 CONTENTS BLOCK DIAGRAMS

    PCF5001 TAPE11 TAPE13 transistor SR 13001 RCA SK CROSS-REFERENCE PCD8572I ATmel 730 24c04 SR 13001 transistor atmel 716 24c04 UNITRODE applications handbook uc3842 -96 all 89c51 microcontroller references book QFP44 footprint HI5618 PDF


    Abstract: PCD3350A PCD3350AH PCD4440 QFP44 faro xi
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator, 256 bytes EEPROM and real-time clock PCD3350A CONTENTS 9 DERIVATIVE INTERRUPTS 1 FEATURES TIMING 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION 10 11 12 IDLE MODE 13 STOP MODE 14 SUMMARY OF I/O PORTS AND MASK

    OCR Scan
    PCD3350A MAB8048 PCD3350A PCD3350AH PCD4440 QFP44 faro xi PDF

    cmos 4103

    Abstract: MAB8048 PCD3350A PCD3350AH CS-203
    Text: P hilips Sem iconductors O bjective specification Single-chip 8-bit Telecom Microcontroller PCD3350A FOR D E T A IL E D IN F O R M A T IO N SEE THE LATEST ISSUE OF HANDBOO K IC 03 0 R D ATASH EET FEATURES 8-bit CPU, ROM, EEPROM, RAM, I/O in a 44-lead quad flat pack

    OCR Scan
    44-lead MAB8048) PCD3350A MED264 7110fl2k cmos 4103 MAB8048 PCD3350A PCD3350AH CS-203 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Sem iconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator, 256 bytes EEPROM and real-time clock FEATURES 8-bit CPU, ROM, RAM, EEPROM and I/O; all in a 44-lead quad flat package 8 kbytes ROM PCD3350A • Supply voltage: 1.8 to 6 V DTMF tone output and

    OCR Scan
    44-lead MAB8048) PCD3350A PCD33xxA PCD3350AH QFP44 PDF


    Abstract: PCD3350A PCD3350AH
    Text: Single-chip 8-bit Telecom Microcontroller PCD3350A FEATURES • 8-bit CPU, ROM, EEPROM, RAM, I/O in a 44-lead quad flat pack • 8k ROM bytes; 256 RAM bytes • 256 EEPROM bytes • 32 kHz crystal oscillator for real-time clock GENERAL DESCRIPTION • EEPROM programmable real-time clock

    OCR Scan
    PCD3350A 44-lead MAB8048) MAB8048 PCD3350A PCD3350AH PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator, 256 bytes EEPROM and real-time clock 7 EEPROM AND TIMER 2 ORGANIZATION The PCD3350A has 256 bytes of Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory EEPROM . Such

    OCR Scan
    PCD3350A PCD3350A stt2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Objective specification Single-chip 8-bit Telecom Microcontroller PCD3350A FOR DETAILED INFORMATION SEE THE LATEST ISSUE OF HANDBOOK IC14 OR DATA SHEET FEATURES 8-bit CPU, ROM, EEPROM, RAM, I/O in a 44-lead quad flat pack ys BUS 8k ROM bytes; 256 RAM bytes

    OCR Scan
    44-lead MAB8048) PCD3350A MAB8048 PCD33xxA PCD3350AH PCD3350A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with D TM F generator, PCD3350A 256 bytes E E PR O M and real-time clock 8 REAL-TIM E CLOCK The Real Tim e Clock RTC consists of a 32 kHz crystal oscillator, a 32 kHz to 1 second or 1 minute divider chain,

    OCR Scan
    PCD3350A PDF


    Abstract: QFP-32 qfp32 0.5 Melody
    Text: PRODUCT TYPE ROM RAM BYTES EEPROM I/O OPERATING VOLTAGE (V) FEATURES PACKAGE MAX. SPEED 2K 224 no 20 1.8-6<1> DTMF DIL/S028 PCD3349A 4K 224 no 20 1 .8 -6<1) DTMF, Melody Output DIL/S028 16 MHz PCD3350A 8K 256 256 34 1.8 - 6<1> DTMF, Melody Output, Realtime

    OCR Scan
    PCD3344A PCD3349A PCD3350A PCD3351A PCA3351C PCD3352A PCA3352C PCD3353A PCA3353C PCD3354A DTMF QFP-32 qfp32 0.5 Melody PDF


    Abstract: TRANSISTOR regulator fm 513 diode piezoelectric mobile charger Analog Voice scrambler dtmf interface with microcontroller DTMF mobile fm operational amplifier SA612 All Microphone
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Semiconductors for Telecom systems Alphanumeric index page BGY46A UHF power amplifier module 42 BGY46B UHF power amplifier module 43 BGY47A UHF power amplifier module 44 BGY95A/B UHF amplifier module 45 BGY96A/B UHF amplifier module

    OCR Scan
    BGY46A BGY46B BGY47A BGY95A/B BGY96A/B BGY110D/E/F/G BR211 BS107 BS108 BS170 TRANSISTOR regulator fm 513 diode piezoelectric mobile charger Analog Voice scrambler dtmf interface with microcontroller DTMF mobile fm operational amplifier SA612 All Microphone PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator, 256 bytes EEPROM and real-time clock 9 DERIVATIVE INTERRUPTS One derivative interrupt event is defined. It is controlled by bits T2F and ET2I in the EPCR see Tables 9 and 10 .

    OCR Scan
    PCD3350A PCD33xxA PDF

    k 18751

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit microcontroller with DTMF generator, 256 bytes EEPROM and real-time clock 6 FREQUENCY GENERATOR The TONE output can alternatively issue twelve modem frequencies for data rates between 300 and 1200 bits/s.

    OCR Scan
    PCD3350A k 18751 PDF

    rbs 6102

    Abstract: rbs 6101 telecom rbs 6102 MAB84XX PCF84xxxA mab84
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Product specification 8-bit telecom microcontrollers PCD33xxA Family CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 2 FEA T U R E S 3 G E N E R A L DESCRIPTION 4 B LO C K DIAGRAM 5 PINNING INFORMATION 5.1 5.2 Pinning Pin description 6 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION

    OCR Scan
    MGD566 rbs 6102 rbs 6101 telecom rbs 6102 MAB84XX PCF84xxxA mab84 PDF

    transistor D 982

    Abstract: TDA7050 All Microphone tda7052 ic POCSAG Receiver piezoelectric mobile charger "true Logarithmic Amplifier" TDA7052 Audio power amplifier IC tda7052
    Text: Philips S em iconductors Semiconductors for Telecom systems Functional index page SPEECH/TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS PCA1070 programmable analog CMOS transmission IC 339 TEA1060/1061 versatile telephone transmission circuits with dialler interface; TEA1060: low impedance input for dynamic and magnetic

    OCR Scan
    PCA1070 TEA1060/1061 TEA1060: TEA1061: BGY46A BGY46B BGY47A BGY95A/B BGY96A/B BGY110D/E/F/G transistor D 982 TDA7050 All Microphone tda7052 ic POCSAG Receiver piezoelectric mobile charger "true Logarithmic Amplifier" TDA7052 Audio power amplifier IC tda7052 PDF

    dtmf interface with microcontroller

    Abstract: versatile power supply applications digital calendar clock ic OM4085 analog telephone set circuits handsfree chip IC applications of versatile power supply TDA7050 interface of lcd with microcontroller PCF2104
    Text: PhiHps Semiconductors Semiconductors for Wired Telecom Systems Functional index Types added to the range since the last issue of data handbook IC03a are shown in bold print. TYPE NUMBER PAGE DESCIPTION Speech/transmission Circuits PCA1070 Multistandard programmable analog CMOS transmission IC

    OCR Scan
    IC03a PCA1070 TEA1062; TEA1062A TEA1064A TEA1064B TEA1065 TEA1066T TEA1067 TEA1110A dtmf interface with microcontroller versatile power supply applications digital calendar clock ic OM4085 analog telephone set circuits handsfree chip IC applications of versatile power supply TDA7050 interface of lcd with microcontroller PCF2104 PDF


    Abstract: philips audio amplifier ic guide UMA1000LT P-Channel RF Amplifier Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide All Microphone CT918 "true Logarithmic Amplifier" TDA7050 bs107 transistor
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Selection guide Functional index PAGE SPEECH/TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS PCA1070 programmable analog CMOS transmission IC TEA1060/1061 versatile telephone transmission circuits with dialler interface; 304 TEA1060: low-impedance input for dynamic and magnetic microphones;

    OCR Scan
    PCA1070 TEA1060/1061 TEA1060: TEA1061: TEA1062/A TEA1064A TEA1064B TEA1065 TEA1066T TEA1067 CT914 philips audio amplifier ic guide UMA1000LT P-Channel RF Amplifier Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide All Microphone CT918 "true Logarithmic Amplifier" TDA7050 bs107 transistor PDF

    Analog Voice scrambler

    Abstract: TDA7050 transistor 835 TRANSISTOR regulator PCF2104 transistor 458 AUDIO Amplifier with transistor BC548 Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide BSN10A 2n5551 128
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Functional index Selection guide PAGE SPEECH/TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS PCA1070 Multistandard programmable analog CMOS transmission IC 110 TEA1060; TEA1061 Versatile telephone transmission circuits with dialler interfac 483 TEA1062; TEA1062A

    OCR Scan
    PCA1070 TEA1060; TEA1061 TEA1062; TEA1062A TEA1064A TEA1064B TEA1065 TEA1066T TEA1067 Analog Voice scrambler TDA7050 transistor 835 TRANSISTOR regulator PCF2104 transistor 458 AUDIO Amplifier with transistor BC548 Philips Semiconductors Selection Guide BSN10A 2n5551 128 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Objective specification Philips Semiconductors Single-chip 8-bit Telecom Microcontroller DrrvMwiA f u u j j &ua FEATURES • 8-bit CPU, ROM, EEPROM, RAM, I/O in a 44-lead quad flat pack • 8k ROM bytes; 256 RAM bytes • 256 EEPROM bytes • 32 kHz crystal oscillator for real-time clock

    OCR Scan
    44-lead MAB8048) PCD3350A PDF


    Abstract: BATTERY LEVEL INDICATOR CT918 transistor 1247 IC NE 555 UMA1018 UMA1000LT ic 1 ne 555 All Microphone SA612
    Text: P hilips Sem iconductors Selection guide Alphanumerical index ALPHANUMERIC INDEX PAGE P 80C552/(P)83C552 single-chip 8-bit microcontroller 49 (P)80CL31/(P)80CL51 low-voltage single-chip 8-bit microcontroller 54 (P)80CL410/(P)83CL410 low-voltage/low-power single chip 8-bit microcontroller with l2C-bus

    OCR Scan
    80C552/ 83C552 80CL31/ 80CL51 80CL410/ 83CL410 80CL580/ 83CL580 83/87L51 83C654 A571 TRANSISTOR BATTERY LEVEL INDICATOR CT918 transistor 1247 IC NE 555 UMA1018 UMA1000LT ic 1 ne 555 All Microphone SA612 PDF