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    NEC Electronics Group UPC1687GV-E1

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    Bristol Electronics UPC1687GV-E1 1,079
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    PC1687G Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET_ BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT //PC1687G/GV GENERAL PURPOSE 5 V DOWN CONVERTER IC DESCRIPTION The //PC1687 is Silicon monolithic IC designed for TV/VCR tuner applications. This IC consists of double balanced mixer, local oscillator, IF amplifier, and voltage regulator.

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    uPC1687G uPC1687GV //PC1687 //PC1687G-E1 PC1687GV PDF


    Abstract: 8108T PC2768G 2757T PC2766 UPC2798GR
    Text: Configuration Drawings Frequency Downconverters U P C 2731G S ose UPC1685G U PC1686G U PC1687G U PC 2721G R U PC2722G R Coupling ose (Feedback) ose (Bypass) (Bypass) U PC2734G R U PC2753G R U P C 2743G S /44G S E E E _n= E E r E E E E E U PC2768G R U P C 2756T

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    UPC2731GS UPC1685G UPC1686G UPC1687G UPC2721GR UPC2722GR PC2734G 2743G PC2753G PC2768G UPA102G 8108T 2757T PC2766 UPC2798GR PDF


    Abstract: diode fr 207
    Text: DATA SHEET_ BIPOLAR ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PC1687G/GV GENERAL PURPOSE 5 V DOWN CONVERTER IC DESCRIPTION The ^PC1687 is Silicon monolithic IC designed for TV/VCR tuner applications. This IC consists of double balanced mixer, local oscillator, IF amplifier, and voltage regulator.

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    uPC1687G uPC1687GV PC1687 tPC1687G-E1 Dbm06 diode fr 207 PDF