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    Cornell Dubilier Electronics Inc 338LBA050M2CC

    Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors - Snap In 3300uF 50V 20% LYTICS/IC
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    TTI 338LBA050M2CC Bulk 200
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    • 1000 $1.45
    • 10000 $1.36
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    Vishay Intertechnologies ST150-125T4MI

    Tantalum Capacitors - Wet 150UF 125V 20% T4
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    TTI ST150-125T4MI Tray 20
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $73.32
    • 1000 $73.32
    • 10000 $73.32
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    P4736 Datasheets (7)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    P4736 Hamamatsu Pyroelectric detector - Thermally-compensated type detectors (single element) Original PDF
    P4736 Hamamatsu Pyroelectric Detectors, For Human Body Sensing Scan PDF
    P4736-01 Hamamatsu Pyroelectric Detectors, For Human Body Sensing Scan PDF
    P4736-05 Hamamatsu Pyroelectric Detectors, For Human Body Sensing Scan PDF
    P4736-12 Hamamatsu Pyroelectric Detectors, For Human Body Sensing Scan PDF

    P4736 Datasheets Context Search

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    "Bandpass Filter" 50 hz

    Abstract: P3782-03 P3782-05 "Pyroelectric Detector" P3782 P3782-01 P3782-02 P3782-12 P4736 P4736-01
    Text: INFRARED DETECTOR Pyroelectric detector P3782/P4736 series Thermally-compensated type detectors single element P3782 and P4736 series have a thermal compensation detector element to minimize noise fluctuations caused by ambient temperature variations. P3782 and P4736 series are well suited for portable analytical instruments.

    P3782/P4736 P3782 P4736 P3782 P3782-01 P3782-02 P3782-03 P3782-05 "Bandpass Filter" 50 hz P3782-03 P3782-05 "Pyroelectric Detector" P3782-01 P3782-02 P3782-12 P4736-01 PDF


    Abstract: G5832-05 G5832-11 KI80 pbse B1920-01 a7050
    Text: Pyroelectric Detectors Ideally suited for human body sensing and simplified analytical instruments Broad spectral response Operates at room temperature Low cost Thermally-Compensated Types Single Element Including a thermal compensation element in the same package, these

    OCR Scan
    P4488 P3514 KI80A0055EA 0G0470 P394A, P3226-02 P791-11 P3207-04 P4115 K1713-01, G5832-05 G5832-11 KI80 pbse B1920-01 a7050 PDF


    Abstract: P2288-10 P2288 Pyroelectric Detectors P3514 P3782 P3782-01 P3782-02 P3782-03 P3782-05
    Text: Pyroelectric Detectors Ideally Suited for Human Body Sensing and Simplified Analytical Instruments Broad Spectral R esponse Operates at room temperature Low cost Therm ally-Com pensated Types Single Element Including a thermal compensation element in the same package, these

    OCR Scan
    P2288 P3514 KIRnR0077FA P4736 KIHDA0011 KIRDB0078EA KIRDA0012EA P2613 KIHDA0013EA P2288-02 P2288-10 Pyroelectric Detectors P3782 P3782-01 P3782-02 P3782-03 P3782-05 PDF


    Abstract: P4488-02 G5832-02 C4159 b617 G3476 a7050 P394 series G5832-05 P3782-12
    Text: Pyroelectric Detectors Ideally suited for human body sensing and simplified analytical instruments Broad spectral response Operates at room temperature Low cost Thermally-Compensated Types Single Element Including a thermal compensation element in the same package, these

    OCR Scan
    P4488 P3514 KI80A0055EA P2750, C4159, C4159-02 K1RDA004SEB C5185, C3757-02 D004704 P4488-02 G5832-02 C4159 b617 G3476 a7050 P394 series G5832-05 P3782-12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Pyroelectric Detectors Ideally suited for human body sensing and simplified analytical instruments •Broad spectral response ■Room temperature operation ■Low cost Thermally-Compensated Types Single Element Including a thermal compensation element in the same package, these

    OCR Scan
    P3514 KPYRA0002EA KPYBA0003EA P7178 P3514-01 KPYRA0004EA P2613 KPYRAQ005EA KPYRA0006EA PDF


    Abstract: P2288-10 dual bandpass filter
    Text: Pyroelectric Detectors Ideally Suited for Human Body Sensing and Simplified Analytical Instruments Broad Spectral R esponse Operates at room temperature Low cost Therm ally-Com pensated T yp es Single Element Including a thermal compensation element in the same package, these

    OCR Scan
    P2288 P3514 P3782 P4736 KIRDA0012EA P3514-01 P3514 KIRDA0013EA P2288-02 P2288-10 dual bandpass filter PDF


    Abstract: B5170-05 G3476-01 G3476-10 P2682-01 B 1403 N P3226-02 B5170-02 G5125-10 P903
    Text: Applications of Infrared Detectors I n frared rad iatio n is u tilized in a w i d e ra n g e o f te c h n ic a l a n d sc ien tif ic fields, i n clu din g in d u str y , ag r i c u l t u re , m e d i c i n e , a s t r o n o m y , c o m m u n i c a t i o n s a n d r e m o t e s e n s i n g f ro m

    OCR Scan
    B1710-02 B1918-01 B1720-05 G5125-10 P394A P3258-02 P394A P3982 P2750 P5138 B5170 B5170-05 G3476-01 G3476-10 P2682-01 B 1403 N P3226-02 B5170-02 G5125-10 P903 PDF


    Abstract: P873-G35-3S0 P873 Pyroelectric Detectors p 4488 dual Cds cell
    Text: Infrared Detectors/Photocouplers Pyroelectric Detectors Actrvs * fw t mwi> Qjim Senniirvuv Î5Ô 5,1) l i Spoclrjil Response W p 4 ow Mttftnfli Type No. 1/¥rf| u iV H z ' \ NEP <503, t* i ) D‘ (5Ö 0,1, 3) f*NieTfene V C'K><t3 * lernpararuie Coerftoeni of

    OCR Scan
    0x10s P873-G35-3S0 873-G P873-Q 35-5S2 P873-13 P1760 P873-13 P873-G35-3S0 P873 Pyroelectric Detectors p 4488 dual Cds cell PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Pyroelectric Detectors Ideally Suited for Human Body Sensing and Simplified Analytical Instruments Broad Spectral R esponse O perates at room tem perature Low cost T h e rm a lly -C o m p e n s a te d T y p e s S in g le E lem en t I n c l u d i n g a t h e r m a l c o m p e n s a t i o n el e m e n t in the s a m e p a c k a g e , th ese

    OCR Scan
    P4736 P3514 P3514-01 P3514 P2613 KIHDA0014EA PDF


    Abstract: G5853-01 G5125-10 G5832-05 G5832-02 G5832-03 G7233 B1919-01 g7233-256 B1920-01
    Text: Applications of Infrared Detectors Infrared radiation is utilized in a wide range of technical and scientific fields, including industry, agriculture, medicine, astronomy, com­ munications and remote sensing from space. Hamamatsu infrared detectors are used in many applications as listed in the table below.

    OCR Scan
    G5125-10 G3476-03 B1720-02 B1918-01 P3258-02 P791-11 P6606-310 P2750 P3981 P3982 G5832-01 G5853-01 G5832-05 G5832-02 G5832-03 G7233 B1919-01 g7233-256 B1920-01 PDF


    Abstract: P4488-02 hw650 P3782-12 P4488 1 Pyroelectric Detectors
    Text: Pyroelectric Detectors Ideally suited for human body sensing and simplified analytical instruments Broad spectral response Operates at room tem perature Low cost Thermally-Com pensated Types Single Element Including a thermal compensation element in the same package, these

    OCR Scan
    P4488 P3514 KIRDB0078EA P3782 P4736 P3514-01 P3514 KIRDA0013EA P4488-02 hw650 P3782-12 P4488 1 Pyroelectric Detectors PDF

    "Pyroelectric Detector"

    Abstract: Pyroelectric Detectors pyroelectric amplifier circuit pyroelectric sensor elements P7156 longpass Fresnel lens KT603A P7178 Fresnel lenses
    Text: IJ V T S U PYROELECTRIC DETECTORS AND PERIPHERAL PRODUCTS Pyroelectric Detectors The pyroelectric de te cto r detects infrared radiation from the hum an body by c o n v e rtin g it in to he a t. It has c o n s ta n t sensitivity with respect to all wavelengths and thus the spectral

    OCR Scan
    P7178 PYRC0014EA lenses49) SE-171 KPYR1006E04 "Pyroelectric Detector" Pyroelectric Detectors pyroelectric amplifier circuit pyroelectric sensor elements P7156 longpass Fresnel lens KT603A Fresnel lenses PDF