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    Anytek Technology Corporation Ltd ND2410500000G

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    DigiKey ND2410500000G Bulk 2,000
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    • 10000 $4.73125
    Buy Now ND2410500000G
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    • 1000 $7.19
    • 10000 $4.85
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    Interstate Connecting Components ND2410500000G
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    Amphenol Corporation ND24105000J0G

    ND24105000J0G-350 TB SP PL PCB CONNECT - Bulk (Alt: ND2410500000G)
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    Avnet Americas ND24105000J0G Bulk 2,000
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    • 10000 $4.25815
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    Greenliant Systems Ltd GLS85VM1016C-M-I-BZYE-ND241

    Solid State Drive AES 256 bit 16 GB FLASH - NAND (MLC) eMMC 153-Pin LFBGA - Trays (Alt: GLS85VM1016C-M-I-BZYE-ND241)
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    Avnet Americas GLS85VM1016C-M-I-BZYE-ND241 Tray 152
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    • 1000 $23.3415
    • 10000 $22.464
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    Mouser Electronics GLS85VM1016C-M-I-BZYE-ND241
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    Greenliant Systems Ltd GLS85VM1032C-M-I-BZYE-ND241

    Solid State Drive AES 256 bit 32 GB FLASH - NAND (MLC) eMMC 153-Pin LFBGA - Trays (Alt: GLS85VM1032C-M-I-BZYE-ND241)
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    Avnet Americas GLS85VM1032C-M-I-BZYE-ND241 Tray 152
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    • 1000 $41.9881
    • 10000 $40.4096
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    Mouser Electronics GLS85VM1032C-M-I-BZYE-ND241 49
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    • 100 $42.67
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    • 10000 $42.67
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    Avnet Silica GLS85VM1032C-M-I-BZYE-ND241 14 Weeks 152
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    Greenliant Systems Ltd GLS85VM1008C-M-I-BZYE-ND241

    Solid State Drive AES 256 bit 8 GB FLASH - NAND (MLC) eMMC 153-Pin LFBGA - Trays (Alt: GLS85VM1008C-M-I-BZYE-ND241)
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    Avnet Americas GLS85VM1008C-M-I-BZYE-ND241 Tray 152
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    • 10000 $18.2784
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    Mouser Electronics GLS85VM1008C-M-I-BZYE-ND241
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    Avnet Silica GLS85VM1008C-M-I-BZYE-ND241 14 Weeks 152
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    ND241 Datasheets (9)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    ND241 New England Semiconductor Schottky Rectifiers Original PDF
    ND2410500000G Amphenol Anytek Connectors, Interconnects - Terminal Blocks - Headers, Plugs and Sockets - TERM BLOCK PLUG 24POS STR 3.5MM Original PDF
    ND24106L Vishay Siliconix N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET Transistors Original PDF
    ND2410L Vishay Intertechnology N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET Transistor Original PDF
    ND2410L Unknown Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Data Short Form PDF
    ND2410L Vishay Siliconix Shortform Siliconix Datasheet Short Form PDF
    ND2410L-TR1 Vishay Transistor Mosfet N-CH 240V 0.18A 3TO-226AA T/R Original PDF
    ND241S Infineon Technologies PowerBLOCK Fast Diode Modules; Package: BG-PB50ND-1; VDRM/ VRRM (V): 1,000.0 - 1,400.0 V; ITSM: 7,500.0 A; ITAVM/Tc: 240/100 (180° el sin); Housing: PowerBLOCK 50 mm; Features: Fast Diode Original PDF
    ND241S14KHPSA1 Infineon Technologies Discrete Semiconductor Products - Diodes - Rectifiers - Single - DIODE GP 1.4KV 261A BG-PB50ND-1 Original PDF

    ND241 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: ND2406 ND2410L BSS129 ND2406L 2410* mosfet nd2410
    Text: ND2406L/2410L, BSS129 N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET Transistors Product Summary Part Number V BR DSV Min (V) ND2406L rDS(on) Max (W) VGS(off) (V) ID (A) 6 –1.5 to –4.5 0.23 10 –0.5 to –2.5 0.18 20 –0.7 (min) 0.15 240 ND2410L BSS129 230 Features

    ND2406L/2410L, BSS129 ND2406L ND2410L O-226AA O-226AA) S-52426--Rev. 14-Apr-97 2410l ND2406 ND2410L BSS129 ND2406L 2410* mosfet nd2410 PDF


    Abstract: AN901 BSS129 ND2406 ND2406L ND2410L
    Text: ND2406L/2410L, BSS129 Siliconix NĆChannel DepletionĆMode MOS Transistors Product Summary Part Number V BR DSV Min (V) ND2406L rDS(on) Max (W) VGS(off) (V) ID (A) 6 -1.5 to -4.5 0.23 10 -0.5 to -2.5 0.18 20 -0.7 (min) 0.15 240 ND2410L BSS129 230 For applications information see AN901.

    ND2406L/2410L, BSS129 ND2406L ND2410L AN901. O226AA O226AA) P-37807--Rev. 2410l AN901 BSS129 ND2406 ND2406L ND2410L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Schottky Rectifiers Page 1 of 1 Home Package Device Type IO avg Amps TC = 100° C Peak Inverse Voltage Volts max VF @ IFM = IO(avg) Volts, 125° C max Reverse Current Amps, 125° C TO-258 Center Tap ND241 30 45 0.65* 1.0* 2 Lead Hermetic NPD1035 10.0 35 0.75

    O-258 O-257 O-254 O-254AA PDF


    Abstract: ND2406 ND2406L ND2410 ND2410L
    Text: ND2406L/2410L, BSS129 N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET Transistors Product Summary Part Number V BR DSV Min (V) ND2406L rDS(on) Max (W) VGS(off) (V) ID (A) 6 –1.5 to –4.5 0.23 10 –0.5 to –2.5 0.18 20 –0.7 (min) 0.15 240 ND2410L BSS129 230 Features

    ND2406L/2410L, BSS129 ND2406L ND2410L O-226AA 18-Jul-08 BSS129 ND2406 ND2406L ND2410 ND2410L PDF


    Abstract: BSS129 ND2406 ND2406L ND2410 ND2410L N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET
    Text: ND2406L/2410L, BSS129 N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET Transistors Product Summary Part Number V BR DSV Min (V) ND2406L rDS(on) Max (W) VGS(off) (V) ID (A) 6 –1.5 to –4.5 0.23 10 –0.5 to –2.5 0.18 20 –0.7 (min) 0.15 240 ND2410L BSS129 230 Features

    ND2406L/2410L, BSS129 ND2406L ND2410L O-226AA) S-52426--Rev. 14-Apr-97 2410l BSS129 ND2406 ND2406L ND2410 ND2410L N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ND2406L/2410L, BSS129 N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET Transistors Product Summary Part Number V BR DSV Min (V) ND2406L rDS(on) Max (W) VGS(off) (V) ID (A) 6 –1.5 to –4.5 0.23 10 –0.5 to –2.5 0.18 20 –0.7 (min) 0.15 240 ND2410L BSS129 230 Features

    ND2406L/2410L, BSS129 ND2406L ND2410L BSS129 O-226AA O-92-18CD 08-Apr-05 PDF

    N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET

    Abstract: normal scr operation depletion-mode depletion mode current limiter mosfet vs SCR AN901 mosfet modern applications voltage regulator mosfet 1,2 n channel depletion MOSFET depletion mode mosfet
    Text: AN901 Siliconix DepletionĆMode MOSFETs Expand Circuit Opportunities Ed Oxner and Richard Bonkowski Introduction MOSFET may also perform in the enhancementĆmode. The nĆchannel enhancementĆmode MOSFET Figure 1c , requires a positiveĆpolarity gate voltage

    AN901 ND2012 ND2406 2N692) N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET normal scr operation depletion-mode depletion mode current limiter mosfet vs SCR AN901 mosfet modern applications voltage regulator mosfet 1,2 n channel depletion MOSFET depletion mode mosfet PDF

    N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET

    Abstract: P-Channel Depletion Mosfets DEPLETION MOSFET depletion mode fet depletion mode mosfet P-Channel Depletion-Mode mosfet depletion n-channel mosfet triggering depletion p mosfet n mosfet depletion
    Text: AN901 Depletion-Mode MOSFETs Expand Circuit Opportunities Ed Oxner and Richard Bonkowski Introduction A principal advantage of the depletion-mode MOSFET is its ability to perform at higher operating voltages than its JFET counterpart. As a depletion-mode structure, the

    AN901 ND2012 ND2406 2N692) 21-Jun-94 N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET P-Channel Depletion Mosfets DEPLETION MOSFET depletion mode fet depletion mode mosfet P-Channel Depletion-Mode mosfet depletion n-channel mosfet triggering depletion p mosfet n mosfet depletion PDF

    pt100 sensor interface with microcontroller

    Abstract: PT100 RTD signal conditioning noise problem pt100 sensor with adc 4-20mA pt100 rtd spi pt100 interface WITH ADC maxim pt100 interface RTD SENSING CIRCUIT 4-20mA maxim 4-20ma receiver il300 national instruments piezoelectric pressure sensor
    Text: Maxim > App Notes > A/D and D/A CONVERSION/SAMPLING CIRCUITS AMPLIFIER AND COMPARATOR CIRCUITS SIGNAL GENERATION CIRCUITS Keywords: 4-20mA, current loop, current loops, DAC, ADC, current DAC, isolation, 2-wire, signal conditioning, low power, D/A, industrial control, EMI, transducers, current transmission, transmitter

    4-20mA, 4-20mA MAX535: MAX5351: MAX5352: MAX5353: MAX5354: MAX5355: MAX6120: MAX6325: pt100 sensor interface with microcontroller PT100 RTD signal conditioning noise problem pt100 sensor with adc 4-20mA pt100 rtd spi pt100 interface WITH ADC maxim pt100 interface RTD SENSING CIRCUIT 4-20mA maxim 4-20ma receiver il300 national instruments piezoelectric pressure sensor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-3977; Rev 0; 1/06 KIT ATION EVALU E L B A IL AVA Microcontroller-Interface, 4.5-/3.5-Digit Panel Meters with 4–20mA Output Features The MAX1366/MAX1368 low-power, 4.5- and 3.5-digit, panel meters feature an integrated sigma-delta analogto-digital converter ADC , LED display drivers, voltage

    MAX1366/MAX1368 MAX1366/MAX1368â 200mV. MAX1368 MAX1366 32L/48L MAX1366/MAX1368 32/48L PDF


    Abstract: TFK U 111 B TFK U 4614 B TFK S 186 P TFK U 217 B TFK BP w 41 n TFK BPW 41 N Tfk 880 TFK 148 TDSR 5150 G
    Text: Industry Part Number 1N3245 1N3611GP 1N3612GP 1N3613GP 1N3614GP 1N3725 1N3957GP 1N4001GP 1N4002GP 1N4003GP 1N4004GP 1N4005GP 1N4006GP 1N4007GP 1N4245GP 1N4246GP 1N4247GP 1N4248GP 1N4249GP 1N4678.1N4717 1N4728A.1N4761A 1N4933GP 1N4934GP 1N4935GP 1N4936GP

    1N3245 1N3611GP 1N3612GP 1N3613GP 1N3614GP 1N3725 1N3957GP 1N4001GP 1N4002GP 1N4003GP TCA780 TFK U 111 B TFK U 4614 B TFK S 186 P TFK U 217 B TFK BP w 41 n TFK BPW 41 N Tfk 880 TFK 148 TDSR 5150 G PDF

    mosfet cross reference

    Abstract: pj 929 diode pj 1229 diode BSS250 VN0109N5 pj 66 diode pj 929 BSS295 "direct replacement" BSS295 "cross reference" pj 69 diode
    Text: Selector Guides Selector Guides MOSFETs The Supertex enhancement-mode and depletion-mode MOSFET families utilize both vertical and lateral double diffused MOS processes. They feature low parasitic capacitances with interdigitated structures for high-frequency operation. Their low gate threshold voltage is

    T0-92 options4206A ZVN4206C ZVN4206E ZVN4306A TN2106K1 VN2210N3 TN0606N3 TN0606N6 mosfet cross reference pj 929 diode pj 1229 diode BSS250 VN0109N5 pj 66 diode pj 929 BSS295 "direct replacement" BSS295 "cross reference" pj 69 diode PDF


    Abstract: 50hz notch filter ic 4 digit led display 4-20ma ADC MAX1366ECM MAX1368ECM panel-meter fet dn25d
    Text: 19-3977; Rev 0; 1/06 Microcontroller-Interface, 4.5-/3.5-Digit Panel Meters with 4–20mA Output Features The MAX1366/MAX1368 low-power, 4.5- and 3.5-digit, panel meters feature an integrated sigma-delta analogto-digital converter ADC , LED display drivers, voltage

    MAX1366/MAX1368 200mV. MAX1368 MAX1366 16mA/4 20com/packages. 32L/48L MAX1366/MAX1368 32/48L DN25D 50hz notch filter ic 4 digit led display 4-20ma ADC MAX1366ECM MAX1368ECM panel-meter fet dn25d PDF

    maxim pt100 interface

    Abstract: maxim 4-20ma receiver pt100 sensor interface with microcontroller pt100 sensor interface WITH ADC pt100 2 wire sensor interface ADC signal conditioning circuit for pt100 PT100 Platinum Resistance Temperature Detector pt100 sensor with adc 4-20mA MAX1458 CNC DRIVES
    Text: A/D and D/A CONVERSION/SAMPLING CIRCUITS AMPLIFIER AND COMPARATOR CIRCUITS SIGNAL GENERATION CIRCUITS Application Note 722: Dec 29, 2000 3V/5V DACs Support Intelligent Current Loop This application note explains 4-20mA current loops and intelligent transmitters and explains their need for

    4-20mA com/an722 maxim pt100 interface maxim 4-20ma receiver pt100 sensor interface with microcontroller pt100 sensor interface WITH ADC pt100 2 wire sensor interface ADC signal conditioning circuit for pt100 PT100 Platinum Resistance Temperature Detector pt100 sensor with adc 4-20mA MAX1458 CNC DRIVES PDF


    Abstract: HT20c12 ht2012 4.20 mA Transmitter IN3611 bc337 pin out diagram HT20C depletion mode fet 20c15 AD421
    Text: a Loop-Powered 4–20 mA DAC AD421 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES 4–20 mA Current Output HART* Compatible 16-Bit Resolution and Monotonicity ؎0.01% Integral Nonlinearity 5 V or 3 V Regulator Output 2.5 V and 1.25 V Precision Reference 750 ␮A Quiescent Current max

    AD421 16-Bit 16-Pin AD421 16-Lead RU-16) C2105 dn25d HT20c12 ht2012 4.20 mA Transmitter IN3611 bc337 pin out diagram HT20C depletion mode fet 20c15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ND2406L, ND2410L N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOS Transistors JBÜSKSS TO-92 TO-226AA PRODUCT SUMMARY T PART NUMBER V (BR)DSS ND2406L 240 6 0.23 ND2410L 240 10 0.18 BOTTOM VIEW >d (A) 1 SOURCE 2 GATE 3 DRAIN Performance Curves: VDDV24 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (TA = 25°C Unless Otherwise Noted)

    OCR Scan
    ND2406L, ND2410L O-226AA) ND2406L ND2410L VDDV24 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Ä1«ssslä VDDV SERIES DIE N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOS Transistors VDDV1CHP* VDDV2CHP* ND2406L ND2410L ‘ Meets or exceeds specification for all part numbers listed below G ate Pad 0-005 0.127 0 007 (0.178) M* «4 p*« tl» c i U :R *«fl:»iag f u t a _f« * « a « B * S

    OCR Scan
    ND2410L ND2406L VDDV24. ND2410L PDF


    Abstract: ND2410L
    Text: SILICONIX INC 1ÖE D 0554735 0D14Q57 • I " Silicon!x ND2410 SER IES JmM TO-92 B O T T O M VIEW 1 SOURCE 2 GATE 3 DRAIN PRODUCT SUMMARY V B R D S V fD S ( O N ) < n) (V) <d (A) PACKAGE TO-2Û5AF ND2410L 240 10 0.18 TO-92 ND2410B 240 10 0.46 TO-205AF Performance Curves:

    OCR Scan
    0D14Q57 ND2410 ND2410L ND2410B O-205AF VDDV24 125-C 125-C ND2410B. nd2410b PDF


    Abstract: BSS129 P3780 ND2410L
    Text: Tem ic ND2406L/2410L, BSS129 Siliconix N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOS Transistors Product Summary Part Number V BR DSV M in (V) ND2406L rDS(on) M ax (£2) VGg(oH) (V) I d (A) 6 -1 .5 to -4 .5 0.23 10 -0 .5 to -2 .5 0.18 20 -0 .7 (min) 0.15 240 ND2410L BSS129

    OCR Scan
    ND2406L/2410L, BSS129 ND2406L ND2410L BSS129 AN901, O-226AA ND2410 ND2406 p-37807--Rev. 2410l P3780 PDF

    N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET

    Abstract: VDDV24
    Text: VDDV24 J7ESS& N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET_ TYPE PACKAGE DEVICE Single TO-92 TO-226AA ND2406L, ND2410L Single Chip • Available as VDDV1CHP, VDDV2CHP TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS On-Resistance & Drain Current vs. Gate-Source Cutoff Voltage

    OCR Scan
    VDDV24 O-226AA) ND2406L, ND2410L ND2410 ND2406 ND2410) VDDV24 ND2406) N-Channel Depletion-Mode MOSFET PDF


    Abstract: 20c15 fet dn25d interfacing AD7715 ground detection ammeter circuit Symbios Logic 20c15 0-5 v to 4-20 ma converter
    Text: Loop-Powered 4-20 mA DAC A N A LO G D E V IC E S AD421 FEATURES 4-20 mA Current Output HART* Compatible 16-Bit Resolution and Monotonicity ±0.01% Integral Nonlinearity 5 V or 3 V Regulator Output 2.5 V and 1.25 V Precision Reference 750 |tA Quiescent Current max

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit 16-Pin AD421 AD421 16-Lead RU-16) DN25D 20c15 fet dn25d interfacing AD7715 ground detection ammeter circuit Symbios Logic 20c15 0-5 v to 4-20 ma converter PDF


    Abstract: d421 "pin compatible" HT20C12/20C15
    Text: Loop-Powered 4-20 mA DAC AD421 ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES 4-20 mA Current Output HART* Compatible 16-Bit Resolution and Monotonicity ±0.01% Integral Nonlinearity 5 V or 3 V Regulator Output 2.5 V and 1.25 V Precision Reference 750 |iA Quiescent Current max Programmable Alarm Current Capability

    OCR Scan
    AD421 16-Bit 16-Pin AD421 16-Lead RU-16) HT20c12 d421 "pin compatible" HT20C12/20C15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES FEATURES 4 mA to 20 mA Current Output HART Compatible 16-Bit Resolution and Monotonicity ±0.01% Integral Nonlinearity 5 V or 3 V Regulator Output 2.5 V and 1.25 V Precision Reference 750 jiA Quiescent Current max Programmable Alarm Current Capability

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit 16-Lead AD421 C2105a-0-3/98 16-Lead PDF


    Abstract: NPD1035 NPD1535C NPD1545C NPD2035C NPD2045C NPD3020C NPD3035C NPD3045C NPD735
    Text: NEW ENGLAND SEMICONDUCTOR SCHOTTKY RECTIFIERS PACKAGE DEVICE TYPE MAX VF@ 'O avg PEAK INVERSE VOLTAGE IFM = I0 (av g ) AMPS VOLTS VOLTS 125° C Tc = 100° C MAX REVERSE CURRENT AMPS 125° C 7.0 35 0.75 0.015 7.0 45 0.75 0.015 NPD1035 10.0 35 0.75 0.015 NPD1045

    OCR Scan
    NPD735 NPD745 NPD1035 O-257 NPD1535C NPD1545C O-254 NPD2035C NPD2045C O-258 ND241 NPD3020C NPD3035C NPD3045C PDF