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    NXP Semiconductors N74F132N,602

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    DigiKey N74F132N,602 Tube
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    Signetics N74F132N

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    Quest Components N74F132N 150
    • 1 $0.441
    • 10 $0.441
    • 100 $0.294
    • 1000 $0.294
    • 10000 $0.294
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    Nexperia N74F132N,602

    DIP 14 QUAD 2 IP NAND SCHMITT TRIG (Alt: N74F132N,602)
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    Avnet Silica N74F132N,602 25
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    N74F132N Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    N74F132N Philips Semiconductors Quad 2-Input NAND Schmitt Trigger Original PDF
    N74F132N Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    N74F132N Philips Semiconductors Schmitt Trigger Scan PDF
    N74F132N,602 NXP Semiconductors Quad 2-input NAND Schmitt trigger - Description: Quad 2-Input NAND Schmitt-Trigger ; Logic switching levels: TTL ; Number of pins: 14 ; Output drive capability: -1/+20 mA ; Propagation delay: 6 ns; Voltage: 4.5-5.5 V; Package: Always Pb-free Original PDF

    N74F132N Datasheets Context Search

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    5555 FAIRCHILD optocoupler

    Abstract: MC74HC374N 74hc14n equivalent NC7S125M5 14069 HCF4541BEY APPLICATION HCF4013BE 4026 fairchild datasheet 14543 motorola Motorola DM74LS139N
    Text: R E L I A B L E . L O G I C . I N N O V A T I O N . Logic Cross-Reference Logic Cross-Reference 2003 Texas Instruments Printed in the U.S.A. by Texoma Business Forms, Durant, Oklahoma Printed on recycled paper. SCYB017A NEW First Revision Logic Cross-Reference

    SCYB017A A010203 5555 FAIRCHILD optocoupler MC74HC374N 74hc14n equivalent NC7S125M5 14069 HCF4541BEY APPLICATION HCF4013BE 4026 fairchild datasheet 14543 motorola Motorola DM74LS139N PDF

    Zener Diode 3v 400mW

    Abstract: transistor bc548b BC107 transistor TRANSISTOR bc108 bc547 cross reference chart Transistor BC109 DIAC OB3 DIAC Br100 74HCT IC family spec TRANSISTOR mosfet BF998
    Text: INDEX Order Code Description Page Number – Philips Semiconductors 1 485-068 DS750 Development Kit 1 527-749 87C750 Hardware Kit 1 – Philips Semiconductors Data Communications UART Product Line 2 790-590 80C51 In a Box 3 – 80C51 Family Features 3 –

    DS750 87C750 80C51 PZ3032-12A44 BUK101-50GS BUW12AF BU2520AF 16kHz BY328 Zener Diode 3v 400mW transistor bc548b BC107 transistor TRANSISTOR bc108 bc547 cross reference chart Transistor BC109 DIAC OB3 DIAC Br100 74HCT IC family spec TRANSISTOR mosfet BF998 PDF


    Abstract: 40373 74hc14n equivalent 4046 application note philips HCF4060BE HCF4017BE SN74121 application note MC74HC373DW mc0628 HCF4053BE
    Text: R E L I A B L E . L O G I C . I N N O V A T I O N . Logic Cross-Reference Logic Cross-Reference 2003 Texas Instruments Printed in the U.S.A. by Texoma Business Forms, Durant, Oklahoma Printed on recycled paper. SCYB017A NEW First Revision Logic Cross-Reference

    SCYB017A T74ALVC32374 74CBTLV16211 SN74CBTD16211 SN74SSTV16859 SN74CBTLV16211GRDR SN74ALVC16245AGRDR -SN74SSTV16859GKER MC0628R 40373 74hc14n equivalent 4046 application note philips HCF4060BE HCF4017BE SN74121 application note MC74HC373DW mc0628 HCF4053BE PDF

    0342 fan

    Abstract: 74F132 N74F132D N74F132N NAND Qualification Reliability
    Text: INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 74F132 Quad 2-input NAND Schmitt trigger Product specification IC15 Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors 1991 Jun 26 Philips Semiconductors Product specification Quad 2-input NAND Schmitt trigger 74F132 DESCRIPTION PIN CONFIGURATION The 74F132 contains four 2-input NAND gates which accept

    74F132 74F132 0342 fan N74F132D N74F132N NAND Qualification Reliability PDF

    5555 FAIRCHILD optocoupler

    Abstract: DM74LS75N MC74HC373DW 74hc14n equivalent HCF4060BE 40373 NC7S125M5X datasheet 14543 motorola 14049 CD40106BE
    Text: R E L I A B L E . L O G I C . I N N O V A T I O N . Logic Cross-Reference Logic Cross-Reference 2003 Texas Instruments Printed in the U.S.A. by Texoma Business Forms, Durant, Oklahoma Printed on recycled paper. SCYB017A NEW First Revision Logic Cross-Reference

    SCYB017A A010203 5555 FAIRCHILD optocoupler DM74LS75N MC74HC373DW 74hc14n equivalent HCF4060BE 40373 NC7S125M5X datasheet 14543 motorola 14049 CD40106BE PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors-Signetics FAST Products Product specification Schmitt trigger FAST 74F132 Q uad 2-input N A N D Schmitt trigger DESCRIPTION The 74F132 contains four 2-input NAND gates which accept standard TTL input signals and provide standard TTL output levels. They are capable of

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    74F132 74F132 500ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Signetics FAST 74F132 Schmitt Trigger Quad 2-Input NAND Schmitt Trigger Product Specification FAST Products TYPE TYPICAL PROPAGATION DELAY 74F132 TYPICAL SUPPLY CURRENT TOTAL 13 mA 6.3 ns DESCRIPTION T h e 7 4 F 1 3 2 c o n ta in s fo u r 2 -in p u t N A N D

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    74F132 74F132 500ns PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Slgnellcs Document No. 853-0342 ECNNo. 98710 Date of issue November 27,1990 Status Product Spécification FAST Products FAST 74F132 Schmitt Trigger Q u a d 2-Input NAND Schm itt Trigger DESCRIPTION The 74F132 contains four 2-input NAND gates which accept standard TTL input

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    74F132 P08TT1VE 500ns PDF


    Abstract: 74F132 N74F132D N74F132N
    Text: Philips Semiconductors-Signetics FAST Products Product specification Schmitt trigger FAST 74F132 Quad 2-input NAND Schmitt trigger DESCRIPTION The 74F132 contains four 2-input NAND gates which accept standard TTL input signals and provide standard TTL output levels. They are capable of

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    74F132 74F132 500ns 50133 N74F132D N74F132N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Product specification Philips Semiconduclors-Signetics FAST Products FAST 74F132 Schmitt trigger Quad 2-input NAND Schmitt trigger DESCRIPTION The 74F132 contains four 2-input NAND gates which accept standard TTL input signals and provide standard TTL output levels. They are capable of

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    74F132 500ns PDF