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    MSM6791 Search Results

    MSM6791 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MSM6791 OKI Electronic Components DRAM Interface IC Original PDF
    MSM6791 OKI Semiconductor DRAM Interface IC Scan PDF
    MSM6791GS-2K OKI Electronic Components DRAM interface IC Original PDF

    MSM6791 Datasheets Context Search

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    24 pin 16mbit DRAM

    Abstract: MSM5116100A MSM6688 MSM6788 MSM6791 sad a4 a5 gnd 05 we331
    Text: ¡ Semiconductor MSM6791 MSM6791 ¡ Semiconductor DRAM Interface IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6791 can be used as a memory for voice data by connecting OKI solid-state recording and playback ICs MSM6688 and MSM6788 . FEATURES • DRAM (¥ 1-bit configuration)

    MSM6791 MSM6791 MSM6688 MSM6788) MSM511000A, MSM511001A) MSM514100A, MSM514101A) 16M-bit 24 pin 16mbit DRAM MSM5116100A MSM6788 sad a4 a5 gnd 05 we331 PDF

    HT12E HT12D

    Abstract: Panasonic RELAY Cross Reference NEC OMRON N80C196KC16 MOS248 TDA2086A GOULD 500 COLOUR LCD DIGITAL STORAGE OSCILLOSCOPE 1NA114AP ICM72171 SL443A nec matrix Vacuum tube display
    Text: Issued July 1996 021-928 Data Packs A-K RS data sheet/semiconductor manufacturers data sheet index Data Sheet Introduction RS data sheets form a unique source of detailed information regarding technical specifications, absolute maximum ratings and applications for engineers and designers working with RS products.



    Abstract: stx12s
    Text: FEDL6688-6688L-04 OKI Semiconductor MSM6688/6688L Issue Date: Mar 12. 2002 ADPCM Solid-State Recorder IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6688/6688L is a “solid-state recorder” IC developed using the ADPCM method. By externally connecting a microphone, a speaker, a speaker drive amplifier, and a dedicated register to store ADPCM data, it

    MSM6688/6688L FEDL6688-6688L-04 MSM6688/6688L MSM6688 MSM6688L stx12s PDF

    SKIIP 33 nec 125 t2

    Abstract: skiip 613 gb 123 ct RBS 6302 ericsson SKIIP 513 gb 173 ct THERMISTOR ml TDK 150M pioneer PAL 010a Project Report of smoke alarm using IC 555 doc SKiip 83 EC 125 T1 ericsson RBS 6000 series INSTALLATION MANUAL Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6302
    Text: Discontinued and Superseded Stock Number History. This document contains Discontinued and Superseded Stock Number History. The information is listed in the following format: Stock Number: The original RS Stock Number of the item. Brief Description: The Invoice Description of the item.

    734TL UWEB-MODEM-34 HCS412/WM TLV320AIC10IPFB 100MB NEON250 GA-60XM7E BLK32X40 BLK32X42 SKIIP 33 nec 125 t2 skiip 613 gb 123 ct RBS 6302 ericsson SKIIP 513 gb 173 ct THERMISTOR ml TDK 150M pioneer PAL 010a Project Report of smoke alarm using IC 555 doc SKiip 83 EC 125 T1 ericsson RBS 6000 series INSTALLATION MANUAL Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6302 PDF

    14 pin ic recorder voice

    Abstract: VOICE RECORDER IC Voice-Direct MSM6595A MSM6596A MSM6597A MSM6684B MSM6685A MSM6688 MSM6688L
    Text: FEDL6688-6688L-04 OKI Semiconductor MSM6688/6688L Issue Date: January 25. 2002 ADPCM Solid-State Recorder IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6688/6688L is a “solid-state recorder” IC developed using the ADPCM method. By externally connecting a microphone, a speaker, a speaker drive amplifier, and a dedicated register to store ADPCM data, it

    FEDL6688-6688L-04 MSM6688/6688L MSM6688/6688L MSM6688 MSM6688L 14 pin ic recorder voice VOICE RECORDER IC Voice-Direct MSM6595A MSM6596A MSM6597A MSM6684B MSM6685A PDF

    bl3 bga

    Abstract: VOICE RECORDER IC MSM6595A MSM6596A MSM6684B MSM6685A MSM6688 MSM6688L MSM66V84B cstcs
    Text: E2D0026-39-23 ¡ Semiconductor MSM6688/6688L This version: Feb. 1999 Previous version: May. 1997 ADPCM Solid-State Recorder IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6688/6688L is a “solid-state recorder” IC developed using the ADPCM method. By externally connecting a microphone, a speaker, a speaker drive amplifier, and a dedicated register

    E2D0026-39-23 MSM6688/6688L MSM6688/6688L MSM6688 MSM6688L MSM6688s. bl3 bga VOICE RECORDER IC MSM6595A MSM6596A MSM6684B MSM6685A MSM66V84B cstcs PDF

    dinverter 768r

    Abstract: G7D-412S Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6201 OMRON G7d TH3 thermistor 6201 RBS ericsson user manual TMS77C82NL reed relay rs 349-355 i ball 450 watt smps repairing RBS -ericsson 6601
    Text: Discontinued and Superseded Stock Number History. This document contains Discontinued and Superseded Stock Number History. The information is listed in the following format: Stock Number: The original RS Stock Number of the item. Brief Description: The Invoice Description of the item.

    HEF4527BT HEF4531BT HEF4534BP HEF4534BT MSP-STK430X320 AD9054/PCB AD9054BST-135 IPS521G IPS521S IRL2203S dinverter 768r G7D-412S Ericsson Installation guide for RBS 6201 OMRON G7d TH3 thermistor 6201 RBS ericsson user manual TMS77C82NL reed relay rs 349-355 i ball 450 watt smps repairing RBS -ericsson 6601 PDF


    Abstract: MSM6596A MSM6684B MSM6685 MSM6688 MSM6688L MSM66V84B stx9 stx12s
    Text: E2D0026-27-43 ¡ Semiconductor MSM6688/6688L This version: Jan. 1998 Previous version: May. 1997 ADPCM Solid-State Recorder IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6688/6688L is a “solid-state recorder” IC developed using the ADPCM method. By externally connecting a microphone, a speaker, a speaker drive amplifier, and a dedicated register

    E2D0026-27-43 MSM6688/6688L MSM6688/6688L MSM6688 MSM6688L MSM6688ature TQFP64-P-1010-0 MSM6595A MSM6596A MSM6684B MSM6685 MSM66V84B stx9 stx12s PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6791 DRAM INTERFACE LSI G E N E R A L D E S C R IP T IO N MSM6791 can be used as a memory for which DRAM stores a voice data by connecting OKI solidstate recording and playback LSIs MSM6788 and MSM6688 . FEATURES • DRAM (x 1-bit configuration)

    OCR Scan
    MSM6791 MSM6791 MSM6788 MSM6688) MSM511000A, 11001A) MSM514100A, 14101A) 16M-bit MSM5116100) PDF


    Abstract: LM 327 CN MSM6688 MSM6788 MSM6791 0017H1S
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6791 DRAM INTERFACE LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION MSM6791 can be u sed as a m em ory for w hich DRAM stores a voice data b y connecting OKI solid state recording and playback LSIs MSM6788 and MSM6688 . FEATURES • DRAM (x 1-bit configuration)

    OCR Scan
    MSM6791 MSM6791 MSM6788 MSM6688) MSM511000A, MSM511001A) MSM514100A, MSM514101A) 16M-bit MSM5116100) darm LM 327 CN MSM6688 0017H1S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6791 DRAM Interface IC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6791 can be used as a memory for voice data by connecting OKI solidstate recording and playback ICs MSM6688 and MSM6789A . FEATURES • DRAM (x 1-bit configuration) lM-bit DRAM (MSM511000A, MSM511001A): 8 pcs. can be connected.

    OCR Scan
    MSM6791 MSM6791 MSM6688 MSM6789A) MSM511000A, MSM511001A) MSM514100A, MSM514101 16M-bit MSM5116100A) PDF

    oki m6688

    Abstract: M6688 SHARP IC 701 I X11 voice activated recorder circuit evo cn GP 502 op amp ua 743 VOICE REC playback VOICE RECORDER and playback IC MSM6595 MSM6688
    Text: OKI Semiconductor MSM6688 ADPCM SOLID-STATE RECORDER LSI • GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M S M 6688 is a “solid-state-recorder” LSI developed using the ADPCM method. By externally connecting a m icrophone, a speaker, a speaker drive am plifier, and dedicated DRAM through the

    OCR Scan
    MSM6688 MSM6688 MSM6791 M6688 XXX-96Q9INSIAI XXX-96S9IAISIAI b72424D oki m6688 M6688 SHARP IC 701 I X11 voice activated recorder circuit evo cn GP 502 op amp ua 743 VOICE REC playback VOICE RECORDER and playback IC MSM6595 PDF

    5218 op amp

    Abstract: 5218 a op amp
    Text: Speech Ils S e r ia l V o ic e R e g is t e r s / R O M s [i] Pina/Package Organization | Capacity Active Current M S M 6389A S erial v o ice re g is te r 1B /Q F J, 1 6 /D IP 1,048,576x 1 1 1 M eg 5 mA M SM 6586 S erial voice re g is te r 1 8 /Q F J 262,144x 1

    OCR Scan
    576x2 576x3 5218 op amp 5218 a op amp PDF


    Abstract: SHARP IC 701 I X11 hs 757 sami csi
    Text: OKI Semiconductor MSM6688 ADPCM SOLID-STATE RECORDER LSI • GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6688 is a “solid-state-recorder” LSI developed using the ADPCM method. By externally connecting a microphone, a speaker, a speaker drive amplifier, and dedicated DRAM through the

    OCR Scan
    MSM6688 MSM6688 MSM6791 096MHz HS-757 SHARP IC 701 I X11 hs 757 sami csi PDF

    001704 711 02

    Abstract: 88I9 VOICE RECORDER IC SHARP IC 701 I X11 MSM6595 MSM6688 MSM6788 MSM6791 PJ 909 pj 939
    Text: OKI Semiconductor MSM6788 SBC SOLID-STATE RECORDER LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M S M 6788 is a solid-state-recorder developed using the Sub Band Coding SBC m ethod. By externally connecting a m icrophone, a speaker, a speaker drive am plifier, and dedicated DRAM

    OCR Scan
    MSM6788 MSM6788 MSM6791 88Z9WSW H30H003H 31V1S-QI10S 001704 711 02 88I9 VOICE RECORDER IC SHARP IC 701 I X11 MSM6595 MSM6688 PJ 909 pj 939 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S p e e c h S y n th e sis T P la y - O n ly S e r ie s Serial Voice Registers/ROMs J_ R e c o r d / P la y M e m o ry L o W 'P o w e r S p e c ia l S e r ie s In te r fa c e s A m p lifie r s F u n c t io n s I MSM6295 MSM6372 MSM6373 MSM6374/63P74

    OCR Scan
    SC1191 MSM6295 MSM6372 MSM6373 MSM6374/63P74 MSM6375 MSM6376 MSM6378A MSM6585 MSM6650 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: E2D0026-39-23 O K I Semiconductor P rev io u s version : M ay. 1997 M SM 6688/6688L ADPCM Solid-State Recorder 1C GENERAL DESCRIPTION The M SM 6688/6688L is a "solid-state recorder" IC developed using the ADPCM method. By externally connecting a microphone, a speaker, a speaker drive amplifier, and a dedicated register

    OCR Scan
    E2D0026-39-23 6688/6688L 6688/6688L MSM6688 MSM6688L 6688L PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: O K I Semiconductor MSM6788 SBC SOLID-STATE RECORDER LSI GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSM6788 is a solid-state-recorder developed using the Sub Band Coding SBC method. By externally connecting a microphone, a speaker, a speaker drive amplifier, and dedicated DRAM

    OCR Scan
    MSM6788 MSM6788 MSM6791 b724240 MSM6791, PDF


    Abstract: Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit MSM6295 MSM62* ADPCM AR76 2mbits dram
    Text: O K I Semiconductor INTRODUCTION ♦ PRODUCT LINE-UP OKI's voice synthesizers use; the Oki ADPCM and Oki SBC methods featuring high quality sound real voice. Mainly lined u p are voice synthesis ICs, recording and playback ICs, dedicated memories, and interface ICs. In addition, a developing environment including development tools, dedicated

    OCR Scan
    MSC1157 MSA180 MSC1157 MSA180 msm6598 Digital ECHO microphone mixing circuit MSM6295 MSM62* ADPCM AR76 2mbits dram PDF