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    MJ13070 Datasheets (9)

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    MJ13070 Motorola NPN silicon power transistor. 400 V, 5 A, 125 W. Scan PDF
    MJ13070 Motorola Motorola Semiconductor Data & Cross Reference Book Scan PDF
    MJ13070 Motorola Switchmode Datasheet Scan PDF
    MJ13070 Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    MJ13070 Unknown Semiconductor Master Cross Reference Guide Scan PDF
    MJ13070 Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    MJ13070 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    MJ13070 Unknown Shortform Transistor PDF Datasheet Short Form PDF
    MJ13070 Semiconductor Technology NPN PNP High Voltage Silicon, High Power Transistors Scan PDF

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    Abstract: MJ1307 MJ13070 mj130
    Text: isc Product Specification INCHANGE Semiconductor isc Silicon NPN Power Transistors MJ13070/13071 DESCRIPTION • Collector-Emitter Sustaining Voltage: VCEO SUS = 400V(Min)—MJ13070 = 450V(Min)—MJ13071 ·High Switching Speed APPLICATIONS ·Designed for high-voltage ,high-speed, power switching in

    MJ13070/13071 --MJ13070 --MJ13071 MJ13070 MJ13071 MJ13071 MJ1307 MJ13070 mj130 PDF


    Abstract: STI430 TO247 package
    Text: POWER SILICON NPN Item Number Part Number I C 5 10 20 KSP1055 KSP1075 KSP1095 SDT4945 UPT524 UPT525 MJ411 2SDl162M 2SD1162L'+'+" 25 30 - 35 40 45 -50 2SDl162K MJ3030 SPC431M SPC431 SDT1013 2N6235 BUT21A BUT21A A) t) SM14mm!'\ MJE53T MJE53T PEC7306A BUS21A (A)

    SVT300-5 MJ3430 SPC430 2N5240 BDY43 SDT40304 STI-430 STI430 TO247 package PDF


    Abstract: STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D
    Text: R Serving The Electronic Industry Since 1982 Ordering at Dalbani is so easy Go to : Search & check stock Busque y revise nuestro inventario A Search Enter your Item number and click GO Entre el numero del producto y haga clicsobre GO The system will take you straight to the Item that you are looking for

    STVDST-01 CAT22 STK411-230E STK411-220E stk442-130 PAL005A UPC2581V FN1016 STRG6153 RSN313H25 STK407-070B MCZ3001D PDF


    Abstract: MD5000A 2N3052 MJ12010 IXTP2N100A MD7000 MJ10011 MJ11017 IXTP4N90A MJ12007
    Text: STI Type: IXTM3N100A Notes: Breakdown Voltage: 1000 Continuous Current: 3 RDS on Ohm: 7.0 Trans Conductance Mhos: 1.5 Trans Conductance A: Gate Threshold min: Gate Threshold max: Resistance Switching ton: Resistance Switching toff: Resistance Switching ID:

    IXTM3N100A O-204AA/TO-3 IXTM3N70A IXTM3N70 O-204AA/TO-3: MJ13081 MJ13091 MJ1005 MD5000A 2N3052 MJ12010 IXTP2N100A MD7000 MJ10011 MJ11017 IXTP4N90A MJ12007 PDF

    DA 3807 transistor

    Abstract: transistor da 3807 J13071 BJW transistor saa 1074 AN-222 MJ13070 MJ13071 S030G 81073
    Text: motorola f sc -c x s t r s / r fj - 6367254 MOTOROLA D[T|t,3b7ES4 0 D fiID? 0 4 Scf XSTRS/R F 9 6 D 8 10 7 0 MOTOROLA MJ13070 MJ13071 SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA - iQ 9 S f e I ) e s i } i n e r ’ s ' D a t a D T ' ?-/3 S h e e t 5 AM PERE S W I T C H M O D E II S E R I E S

    OCR Scan
    MJ13070 J13071 MJ13071 DA 3807 transistor transistor da 3807 J13071 BJW transistor saa 1074 AN-222 S030G 81073 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M O T O RO L A SC XSTRS/R 1SE D I F b3fei7254 O G ö S i a i MOTOROLA SEMICONDUCTOR M | MJ13070 TECHNICAL DATA D e s ig n e r ’s D a ta Sheet 5 AMPERE NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR SWITCHMODE II SERIES NPN SILICON POWER TRANSISTOR T h e M J 13070 tra n sisto r is d e sig n e d for high-voltage, hig h-speed ,

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    b3fei7254 MJ13070 PDF


    Abstract: J13071
    Text: ñ Ó T Ó R Ó L X “ SC -CXSTRS/R 6367254 FJ- MOTOROLA DE | t , 3 b 7 E S 4 SC < X S T R S / R F> DDÛ3.D7D 4 960’ 81070 MOTOROLA D T '^ '/ 3 MJ13070 MJ13071 SEM ICONDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA 5 AM PERE S W IT C H M O D E II S E R IE S N P N S IL IC O N P O W E R T R A N S IS T O R S

    OCR Scan
    MJ13070 MJ13071 J13070 J13071 PDF

    triac zd 607

    Abstract: 1n5204 CA2820 TRW 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N6823 842 317 SO8 BD243 PINOUT BD529 bf506 BF845
    Text: MASTER SELECTION GUIDE EUROPEAN SUPPLEMENT This is the European supplement to the USA edition of the Master Selection Guide, SG73/D REV 3. It should be read along with the USA edition. The supplement carries amendments to sections 1 and 5 in the USA edition.

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    SG73/D triac zd 607 1n5204 CA2820 TRW 2N4427 equivalent bfr91 2N6823 842 317 SO8 BD243 PINOUT BD529 bf506 BF845 PDF

    mj411 transistor

    Abstract: MJ8501 MJ3029 transistor selection guide MJ12003
    Text: M O T O R O L A SC {T E L E C O M } 14E D | L3L.72S3 □□fllSQfl S | Assuming Iei — Ici and Ie2 — Ic2 , the collector current mismatch is given by, • IC2 - /VzWVA Ici la T-90-10 _ \ R eM R e / V2 — V i ^V2j V2 ~ “ AV _ V2 418 = (4.19) and, percent collector current mismatch =

    OCR Scan
    T-90-10 mj411 transistor MJ8501 MJ3029 transistor selection guide MJ12003 PDF


    Abstract: transistor TIP 350 transistor TIP 662 mj power transistor TIP 22 transistor ST12005 ST8505 ST10023 ST10011 ST8500
    Text: SEM ICO N DUCTO R TECHNOLOGY, INC._ S E M IC O N D U C T O R TECH N O LO G Y DSE D I _ _ 3131 S .E. Jay Street Stuart, Florida 34997 407 283-4500 • TWX - 510-953-7511 _£> j FAX 407-286-8914 fll3bM5û 0DGQS5S • NPN & PNP HIGH VOLTAGE SILICO N HIGH POWER T R A N SIST O R S

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    00GQ5S5 ST-559 ST-560 ST-561 ST-562 ST-563 TIP-559 TIP-560 TIP-561 TIP-562 ST575 transistor TIP 350 transistor TIP 662 mj power transistor TIP 22 transistor ST12005 ST8505 ST10023 ST10011 ST8500 PDF


    Abstract: 35n05 mje13002 to92 ur3060 AN803 motorola 2N6823 isolated dc-dc mc34063 mje12007 Motorola Switchmode 1 special
    Text: C O N TE N TS Page What Everyone Should Know About Switching Power Supplies In tro du ctio n. Comparison w ith Linear Regulations.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: bd189 sc 6038 MJE12007 MOTOROLA 527 33A mj4647 mje13006 BD 433NPNTO-126 Je105 mps-u
    Text: MOTORCLA SC XSTRS/R F 12E D | t3t?5SM aüâ4m ? T | T -9 1 -0 1 Selection By Package Motorola power transistors are available in a wide variety of metal and plastic packages to match thermal, electrical and cost requirements. The following table com pares the basic

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    -204AA -204AE T0-204A 97A-02 O-205AD BUS51 BUV21 BUV11 2N6249 BUX41 MJE520 bd189 sc 6038 MJE12007 MOTOROLA 527 33A mj4647 mje13006 BD 433NPNTO-126 Je105 mps-u PDF

    TRANSISTOR tip122 CHN 949

    Abstract: E2955T BD706 TU F 13003 13003 Transistor NPN Power TO 126 transistor E2955T construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 LA 4301 8d679 transistor bf 175
    Text: A lph an u m eric Index and C ross R eference 1 S elector G uide 2 D ata Sheets 3 Leadform and • M ounting H ardw are m A pp lications Literature 5 Chipscretes, Designers’, Duowatt, EpiBase, PowerBase, PowerTap, SUPERBRIDGES, Surmetric, Switchmode, Thermopad, TMOS, Thermowatt, Unibloc, and Uniwatt are trademarks of Motorola Inc.

    OCR Scan
    38v01 TRANSISTOR tip122 CHN 949 E2955T BD706 TU F 13003 13003 Transistor NPN Power TO 126 transistor E2955T construction linear amplifier 2sc1945 LA 4301 8d679 transistor bf 175 PDF


    Abstract: TXD10K60 BT1690 BT808 1N5004 TXD10H60 mp8706 TXC10K40 BSTC1026 BT13G
    Text: N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE 86 BSE D • X'Ql-oX bbS3131 QOlbSbH 4 ■ General Information CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE INDUSTRY PART NUMBER PG. NEAREST EQUIV. NO. 0105-50 0204-50 0510-25 12F5 12F5R BLU52 BLU52 BLV97 BYX99-300 BYX99-300R 12F10 12F10R 12F20 12F20R 12F40

    OCR Scan
    bbS3131 BLU52 1N321 BYW56 1N321A BLV97 1N322 TXD10K40 TXD10K60 BT1690 BT808 1N5004 TXD10H60 mp8706 TXC10K40 BSTC1026 BT13G PDF