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    MC10100FN Search Results

    MC10100FN Datasheets (12)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MC10100FN Motorola Bi-Quinary Counter Scan PDF
    MC10100FN Motorola 4-BIT SHIFT REGISTER Scan PDF
    MC10100FN Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    MC10100FNR2 Motorola Bi-Quinary Counter Scan PDF
    MC10100FNR2 Motorola Dual Clocked Latch Scan PDF
    MC10100FNR2 Motorola DUAL 4-5-INPUT OR/NOR GATE Scan PDF
    MC10100FNR2 Motorola Quad 2-Input OR Gate Scan PDF

    MC10100FN Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: smd ic lv 1116 ao65 Tolerance limit for basic dimensions in ansi y14
    Text: < Military 10H518 M O T O R O LA Dual 2-Wide 3-Input “OR-AND” Gate ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: 5962-8755901 The 10H518 is a basic logic building block providing the OR/AND function, use­ ful in data control and digital multiplexing applications. This M ECL 10H part is a functional/pinout duplication of the standard M ECL

    OCR Scan
    10H518 10H518 10K-Compatible 10H518/BXAJC aoo8 smd ic lv 1116 ao65 Tolerance limit for basic dimensions in ansi y14 PDF

    TL 2272 M

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: <g> M O T O R O L A Military 10507 Triple 2 Input Exclu sive “O R ’VExclusive “NOR” Gate ELEC TRICA LLY T E STE D PER: MIL-M-38510/06005 M The 10507 is a triple 2 input exclusive OR/NOR gate. P ll/ l/ ll • 40 m W Max/Gate No Load • tpcj = 2.8 ns typ

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510/06005 10507/BXAJC TL 2272 M PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O LA Military 10535 Dual J-K Master Slave Flip-Flop ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MIL-M-38510/06104 Th e 10535 is a dual m aster-slave dc coupled J- K flip-flop. Asynchronous Set (S ) and R eset (R ) are provided. Th e set and reset inputs override the clock.

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510/06104 10535/BXAJC PDF

    ecl 10502

    Abstract: JM3851006002
    Text: M M O T O R O L A Military 10502 Quad 2-Input NOR Gate ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MIL-M-38510/06002 Th e 10502 is a quad 2-input N O R gate.The 10502 provides one gate with O R/N O R outputs. M P /# /# /# / • 40 mW Max/Gate (No Load) • tpd = 2.0 ns typ

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510/06002 10502/BXAJC ecl 10502 JM3851006002 PDF

    7m 0880 IC

    Abstract: 7m 0880
    Text: M M O T O R O LA Military 10530 Dual Latch ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 10530 The 10530 is a clocked dual D type latch. Each latch may be clocked separately by holding the common clock in the low state, and using the enable inputs for the clocking junction. If the common clock is to be used to clock the latch, the Clock

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MOTOROLA Military 10537 Universal Decade Counter ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 10537 The 10537 is a high speed synchronous counterthat can count up, count down, preset, or stop count at frequencies exceeding 100 MHz. The flexibility of this de­ vice allows the designer to use one basic counter for most applications. The syn­

    OCR Scan
    presen15DR2 PDF

    7m 0880

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: <g> Military 10H519 M O T O R O LA 4-Wide 4-3-3-3 Input “OR-AND” Gate ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: 5962-8772801 The 10H519 is a 4-wide 4-3-3-3 input OR/AND gate with one input from two gates common to pin 10. This M ECL 10H part is a functional/pinout duplication of the standard M ECL

    OCR Scan
    10H519 10H519 10K-Compatible 10H519/BXAJC MC12015DR2 7m 0880 PDF


    Abstract: SI 122 D 3055 5e 3055 smd MC10H181 divide-by-10 msq 216 MPG1678 L 3055 motorola
    Text: <8 > M O TO R O LA Military 1678 Bi-Quinary Counter ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 1678 - 30°C to + 85°C The 1678 is a 4-bit counter capable of divide-by-two, divide-by-five, or divide-by-10 function. W hen used independently, the divide-by-two section will

    OCR Scan
    di-vide-by-10 HP3200B SI 122 D 3055 5e 3055 smd MC10H181 divide-by-10 msq 216 MPG1678 L 3055 motorola PDF

    S78 SMD

    Abstract: LS 1316 smd mn 1215 3055 smd urn 3177 MC10H181 FN MOTOROLA 13VU3 MECL ii Integrated Circuit sc
    Text: M M O T O R O L A M ilitary 10524 Quad TTL-to-M ECL Translator ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: M IL-M -3 8 5 1 0/06301 The 10624 it a quad translator for Mariaoing data and control signals between a saturated logic section and the M ECL section of digital systems. The M ECL

    OCR Scan
    ML-M-3K1006301 S78 SMD LS 1316 smd mn 1215 3055 smd urn 3177 MC10H181 FN MOTOROLA 13VU3 MECL ii Integrated Circuit sc PDF


    Abstract: ceramic crystal 3213
    Text: MC12060 MC12061 MOTOROLA CRYSTA L OSCILLATOR CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR The MC72060 and MC12061 are for use with an external crystal to form a crystal controlled oscillator. In addition to the funda­ mental series mode crystal, two bypass capacitors are required

    OCR Scan
    MC12060 MC12061 MC72060 MC12061 MC12060/061 ceramic crystal 3213 PDF

    2sa 102

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M OTOROLA SC M LOGIC O T O R O me M ECL The MC10132 is a dual multiplexer with clocked 0 type latches. It incorporates common data select and reset inputs. Each latch may be clocked separately by holding the common clock in the low state, and using the clock enable inputs for a clocking function.

    OCR Scan
    MC10132 MC10132 2sa 102 PDF


    Abstract: la 1240 Z116
    Text: MOTOROLA SC LOGIC d m e |f c .3 b ? 2 s a a a o a a ia a T -4 S -« - MOTOROLA | S ö MCI 654 BEING DISCONTINUED LIFETIME BUY UNTIL JU N E 14, 19891 BINARY COUNTER BINARY COUNTER The MC1654 is a 4-bit counter capable of divide-by-two, divide-by-four, divide-by-eight, or divide-by-16 functions. When

    OCR Scan
    MC1654 divide-by-16 la 1240 Z116 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: W M O T O R O LA Military 10525 Quad MECL-to-TTL Translator ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MIL-M-38510/06302 The 10525 is a quad translator for interfacing data and control signals between the MECL section and saturated logic section of digital systems. The 10525 incor­

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510/06302 PDF

    q 1257

    Abstract: Motorola 3055 MC10H181 MC1674 FI154
    Text: MC1674 MOTOROLA BEING DISCONTINUED LIFETIME BUY UNTIL JUNE 14. 19891 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS + 25X —30°C Symbol Characteristic Power Supply Drain Current 'E + S5°C Min M«x Min Max Min Max Unit — — — 55 — — — — — — — 350 270 —

    OCR Scan
    MC1674 q 1257 Motorola 3055 MC10H181 MC1674 FI154 PDF

    431 capacitor NCC

    Abstract: MC1658 100J MC10H181 MC1654 QG40 CX-24 2sa 1300 equivalent MECL ii Integrated Circuit sc
    Text: MOTOROLA SC LOGIC ime d | t . 3 b ? 2 sa a ooaaiaa | T -4 S -« -û S MC1654 MOTOROLA BEING DISCONTINUED LIFE T IM E B U Y U N T IL J U N E 14, 19891 BINARY COUNTER BINARY COUNTER The MC1654 is a 4-bit counter capable of divide-by-two, divide-by-four, divide-by-eight, or divide-by-16 functions. When

    OCR Scan
    MC1654 divide-by-16 431 capacitor NCC MC1658 100J MC10H181 QG40 CX-24 2sa 1300 equivalent MECL ii Integrated Circuit sc PDF


    Abstract: saa 1070
    Text: <8> MOTOROLA Military 10565 8-lnput Priority Decoder ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: 5962-9056101 Th e 10565 is a device designed to encode eight inputs to a binary coded output. Th e output code is that of the highest order input. Any input of lower priority is

    OCR Scan
    MC12015DR2 LEA014 saa 1070 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O L A Military 10505 Triple 2-3-2 OR/NOR Gate ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MIL-M-38510/06003 MPO UHM Th e 10505 is a triple 2-3-2 input OR/NOR gate. • 35 mW Max/Gate (No Load) • tpcj = 2.0 ns typ • tr, tf = 2.0 ns typ (20% - 80% ) A V A ILA B LE A S

    OCR Scan
    MIL-M-38510/06003 10505/BXAJC MC12015DR2 E10505 PDF

    PS 223 16 pin DIL

    Abstract: lfl 1.635 linear L 9115 smd SMD code T6s MECL II data 10536 S78 SMD 126 motorola
    Text: M M O T O R O LA Military 10536 Universal Hexadecimal Counter ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: 5962-8774501 The 10536 is a high speed synchronous counterthat can count up, count down, preset, or stop count at frequencies exceeding 100 MHz. The flexibility of this de­

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O LA Military 10591 Hex M EC L 10K to MST Translator ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 10591 The 10591 is a hex M ECL to IBM M ST type logic translator. A common enable (active low) is provided for gating. Open emitter outputs are provided for gating.

    OCR Scan
    10591/BXAJC MC12015DR2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: < > M O T O R O L A Military 10572 Dual Binary to 1-4 D ecoder High ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 10572 The 10572 is aginary coded 2 line to dual 4 line decoder with selected outputs high. W itheitherEoorEi low, the corresponding selected 4 outputs are low. The

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: A53 SMD saa 1049
    Text: M M O TO R O LA , Military 10558 Quad 2-Input Multiplexer (Non-Inverting) ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: 5962-8779201 The 10558 is a quad two channel multiplexer. A common select input deter­ mines which data inputs are enabled. A high (H) level enables data inputs D00,

    OCR Scan
    015DR2 BXAJC A53 SMD saa 1049 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: M M O T O R O L A Military 10571 Dual Binary to 1-4 Decoder (Low) ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: MPG 10571 HP0 The 10571 is abinary coded 2 line to dual 4 line decoder with selected outputs low. With either E0 or E1 high, the corresponding selected 4 outputs are high. The

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MC10H181 YI45M SMD code T6s MC10100 auo -039 motorola MPO 145
    Text: M M O T O R O L A Military 10541 Four Bit Universal Shift Register ELECTRICALLY TESTED PER: 5962-8855701 The 10541 is a four-bit universal shift register which performs shift left, or shift right, serial/parallel in, and serial/parallel out operations with no external gating.

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: MC10905 MC10H181 MC10H304 rc 3150 FI154
    Text: M O T O R O L MC10H304 A A d v a n c e I nf or ma t io n L SUFFIX CERAM IC PACKAGE CASE 620 8-BIT/DUAL 4-BIT PARITY CHECKER P SUFFIX The MC10H304 produces a fast, 8-bit parity checker including a 4-bit parity check on each of the two 4-bit nibbles. This device

    OCR Scan
    MC10H304 MC10H304 96-bit 7-MC10905 16-bit 6-MC10H304 1-MC10H301. MC10905 10K-CompatMENT H301 MC10H181 rc 3150 FI154 PDF