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    MAX5153BEEE Search Results

    MAX5153BEEE Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MAX5153BEEE Maxim Integrated Products Low-Power, Dual, 13-Bit Voltage-Output DACs with Configurable Outputs Original PDF
    MAX5153BEEE+ Maxim Integrated Products Low-Power, Dual, 13-Bit Voltage-Output DACs with Configurable Outputs Original PDF
    MAX5153BEEE+T Maxim Integrated Products Low-Power, Dual, 13-Bit Voltage-Output DACs with Configurable Outputs Original PDF
    MAX5153BEEE-T Maxim Integrated Products Low-Power, Dual, 13-Bit Voltage-Output DACs with Configurable Outputs Original PDF

    MAX5153BEEE Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1304; Rev 0; 10/97 Low-Power, Dual, 13-Bit Voltage-Output DACs with Configurable Outputs _Features ♦ 13-Bit Dual DAC with Configurable Output Amplifier ♦ Single-Supply Operation: +5V MAX5152 +3V (MAX5153) ♦ Rail-to-Rail Output Swing

    13-Bit MAX5152/MAX5153 MAX5152) MAX5153) 16-pin Micro5153 MAX5152/MAX5153 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1304; Rev 0; 10/97 Low -Pow e r, Dua l, 1 3 -Bit Volt a ge -Out put DACs w it h Configura ble Out put s _Fe a t ure s ♦ 13-Bit Dual DAC with Configurable Output Amplifier The 3-wire serial interfac e is SPI /QSPI™ and Mic rowire™ c omp atib le. Eac h DAC has a d oub lebuffered input organized as an input register followed

    13-Bit MAX5152/MAX5153 PDF

    un 4097 x 055

    Abstract: numeric digital 600 ex diagram 4096U
    Text: y 19-1304; Rev 0; 10/97 JV iÆ X A JV K Low -Pow er, D ual, 13-B it Voltage-O utput DACs w ith C onfigurable O utputs T he 3 -w ire s e ria l in te r fa c e is S P I /Q S P I™ a n d M icrow ire™ c o m p a tib le . Each DAC has a d o u b le buffered input organized as an input register followed

    OCR Scan
    MAX5152/MAX5153 500pA MAX5152) MAX5153) 16-pin un 4097 x 055 numeric digital 600 ex diagram 4096U PDF