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    MAX1243BMJA Price and Stock

    Rochester Electronics LLC MAX1243BMJA

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    DigiKey MAX1243BMJA Bulk 258
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    • 1000 $1.16
    • 10000 $1.16
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    Maxim Integrated Products MAX1243BMJA

    2.7V To 5.25V, Low-Power, 10-Bit Serial ADC
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Rochester Electronics MAX1243BMJA 507 1
    • 1 $1.12
    • 10 $1.12
    • 100 $1.05
    • 1000 $0.952
    • 10000 $0.952
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    MAX1243BMJA Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MAX1243BMJA Maxim Integrated Products +2.7V to %.25V, Low-Power, 10-Bit Serial ADCs in SO-8 Original PDF

    MAX1243BMJA Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: MAX1242ACPA MAX1242ACSA MAX1242AEPA MAX1242BCPA MAX1242BCSA MAX1242BEPA MAX1243 so8 maxim
    Text: 19-1156; Rev 2; 6/98 +2.7V to +5.25V, Low-Power, 10-Bit Serial ADCs in SO-8 _Features The MAX1242/MAX1243 are low-power, 10-bit analogto-digital converters ADCs available in 8-pin packages. They operate with a single +2.7V to +5.25V

    10-Bit MAX1242/MAX1243 10-bit 73ksps MAX1242 MAX1243 MAX1243 MAX1242A MAX1242C. MAX1242B MAX1242ACPA MAX1242ACSA MAX1242AEPA MAX1242BCPA MAX1242BCSA MAX1242BEPA so8 maxim PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1156; Rev 2; 6/98 +2 .7 V t o +5 .2 5 V, Low -Pow e r, 1 0 -Bit Se ria l ADCs in SO-8 _Fe a t ure s The MAX1242/MAX1243 are low-power, 10-bit analogto-digital converters ADCs available in 8-pin packag es. They op erate with a sing le + 2.7V to + 5.25V

    MAX1242/MAX1243 10-bit 73ksps MAX1242 MAX1243 MAX1243 MAX1242D. PDF


    Text: 19-1156; Rev 0; 11/96 +2.7V, Low-Power, 10-Bit Serial ADC _Features The MAX1243 is a low-power, +2.7V to +5.25V, 10-bit analog-to-digital converter ADC available in an 8-pin package. It features a 7.5µs successive-approximation

    10-Bit MAX1243 10-bit 73ksps 1-0041A MAX1241 MAX1243ACPA MAX1243ACSA MAX1243AEPA MAX1243AESA MAX1243BCPA MAX1243BCSA MAX1243BEPA MAX1243BESA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1156; Rev 2; 6/98 +2.7V to +5.25V, Low-Power, 10-Bit Serial ADCs in SO-8 _Features The MAX1242/MAX1243 are low-power, 10-bit analogto-digital converters ADCs available in 8-pin packages. They operate with a single +2.7V to +5.25V

    10-Bit MAX1242/MAX1243 73ksps MAX1242 MAX1243 PDF


    Abstract: MAX1242CCPA MAX1242CCSA MAX1242CEPA MAX1242DCPA MAX1242DCSA MAX1242DEPA MAX1243
    Text: 19-1156; Rev 1; 7/97 +2.7V, Low-Power, 10-Bit Serial ADCs in SO-8 _Features The MAX1242/MAX1243 are low-power, 10-bit analogto-digital converters ADCs available in 8-pin packages. The MAX1242 operates with a single +2.7V to

    10-Bit MAX1242/MAX1243 MAX1242 MAX1243 73ksps MAX1243 MIL-STD-883. MAX1242CCPA MAX1242CCSA MAX1242CEPA MAX1242DCPA MAX1242DCSA MAX1242DEPA PDF


    Abstract: MAX1242CCPA MAX1242CCSA MAX1242CEPA MAX1242DCPA MAX1242DCSA MAX1242DEPA MAX1243
    Text: 19-1156; Rev 1; 7/97 +2.7V, Low-Power, 10-Bit Serial ADCs in SO-8 _Features The MAX1242/MAX1243 are low-power, 10-bit analogto-digital converters ADCs available in 8-pin packages. The MAX1242 operates with a single +2.7V to

    10-Bit MAX1242/MAX1243 MAX1242 MAX1243 73ksps MAX1242) MAX1243) MIL-STD-883. MAX1242CCPA MAX1242CCSA MAX1242CEPA MAX1242DCPA MAX1242DCSA MAX1242DEPA PDF


    Abstract: MAX1242ACPA MAX1242ACSA MAX1242AEPA MAX1242BCPA MAX1242BCSA MAX1242BEPA MAX1243
    Text: 19-1156; Rev 2; 6/98 +2.7V to +5.25V, Low-Power, 10-Bit Serial ADCs in SO-8 _Features The MAX1242/MAX1243 are low-power, 10-bit analogto-digital converters ADCs available in 8-pin packages. They operate with a single +2.7V to +5.25V

    10-Bit MAX1242/MAX1243 10-bit 73ksps MAX1242 MAX1243 MAX1243 MAX1242A MAX1242C. MAX1242B MAX1242ACPA MAX1242ACSA MAX1242AEPA MAX1242BCPA MAX1242BCSA MAX1242BEPA PDF


    Abstract: motorola 7226 transistor
    Text: 1 9-1156; R e v 1; 7 /9 7 W M X IV M +2.7V, Low-Rawer, 10-Bit Serial ADCs in SO-0 Power consum ption is only 3mW V dd = 3V at the 73ksps maximum sam pling speed. A 2pA shutdown mode reduces power at slower throughput rates. The MAX1242 has an internal 2.5V reference, while the

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    10-Bit MAX1242/MAX1243 MAX1242 MAX1243 73ksps externAX1243BCSA 1243AEPA 1243b motorola 7226 transistor PDF

    nad 7220

    Abstract: MAX1243AESA
    Text: 19-1156; Rev 0; 11/96 V M y JX IV M +2.7V, Low-Power, 10-Bit S e ria l ADC _Features ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Power consum ption is only 3mW V dd = 3V at the 73ksps maximum sam pling speed. A 1pA shutdown mode reduces power at slower throughput rates.

    OCR Scan
    10-Bit MAX1243 73ksps 097MHz. nad 7220 MAX1243AESA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 19-1156; Rev 1; 7/97 y v iv jx i> k i +2.7V, L o w - P o w e r , 10-Bit S e r i a l A D C s in SO-8 The MAX1242/MAX1243 are low-power, 10-bit analogto-digital converters ADCs available in 8-pin pack­ ages. The MAX1242 operates with a single +2.7V to +3.6V supply, and the MAX1243 operates with a single

    OCR Scan
    10-Bit MAX1242/MAX1243 MAX1242 MAX1243 73ksps 121-0041 PDF


    Abstract: maxi adc 8 bits
    Text: 19-1156; RevO; 11/96 i V M X I Æ +2.71/, Low-Power, 10-Bit S erial ADC Power consum ption is only 3mW V dd = 3V at the 73ksps maximum sam pling speed. A 1|j A shutdown mode reduces power at slower throughput rates. The MAX1243 accepts signals from OV to V ref. and the

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    10-Bit 73ksps MAX1243 icr80 MAX1243AESA maxi adc 8 bits PDF