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    MAS7838 Price and Stock

    TDK Micronas GmbH MAS7838

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Bristol Electronics MAS7838 85
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    TDK Micronas GmbH MAS7838S

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Bristol Electronics MAS7838S 85
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    MAS MAS7838N

    Electronic Component
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    ComSIT USA MAS7838N 399
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    SIP MAS7838S

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    ComSIT USA MAS7838S 146
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    MAS7838 Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MAS7838N Unknown Synchronous To Asynchronous Converter Sac CMOS Original PDF
    MAS7838S-T Micro Analog Systems Synchronous to asynchronous converter SAC CMOS Original PDF

    MAS7838 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF

    marking code ASY

    Abstract: MAS7838 MAS9138 MAS9138N MAS9138S TDI timing Crystal Oscillator TXC
    Text: DA9138.003 29 January, 2001 MAS9138 ASYNCHRONOUS TO SYNCHRONOUS CONVERTER • Pin compatible with MAS7838 • Interfaces a duplex asynchronous to synchronous channel • Modem speeds of 600, 1.2k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 7.2k, 9.6k, 12k, 14.4k, 19.2k and 38.4k bps with a single 4.9152 MHz crystal

    DA9138 MAS9138 MAS7838 MAS9138 marking code ASY MAS7838 MAS9138N MAS9138S TDI timing Crystal Oscillator TXC PDF

    tsl 106-4

    Abstract: MAS9138 application note DA9138 Crystal Oscillator TXC MAS7838 MAS9138 78189A asynchronous to synchronous converter txc crystal MAS9140
    Text: MICRONAS DA9138/40.002 November 1, 1997 MAS9138/40 ASYNCHRONOUS TO SYNCHRONOUS CONVERTER • Pin compatible with MAS7838 • Interfaces a duplex asynchronous to synchronous channel • Modem speeds of 600, 1.2k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 7.2k, 9.6k, 12k, 14.4k, 19.2k and 38.4k bps with a single 4.9152 MHz crystal

    DA9138/40 MAS9138/40 MAS7838 MAS9138 tsl 106-4 MAS9138 application note DA9138 Crystal Oscillator TXC MAS7838 78189A asynchronous to synchronous converter txc crystal MAS9140 PDF

    TXC crystal osc

    Abstract: MAS7838 equivalent txc crystal MAS9138 application note MAS7838N Crystal Oscillator TXC synchronous to asynchronous converter 78189A 7838 MAS7838
    Text: DA7838.002 20 September, 2000 MAS7838 SYNCHRONOUS TO ASYNCHRONOUS CONVERTER SAC CMOS • Interfaces a duplex asynchronous channel to a synchronous channel • Modem systems at speeds of 600, 1.2k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 9.6k and 19.2k • Character length from 8 to 11 bits

    DA7838 MAS7838 MAS7838 TXC crystal osc MAS7838 equivalent txc crystal MAS9138 application note MAS7838N Crystal Oscillator TXC synchronous to asynchronous converter 78189A 7838 PDF


    Abstract: MAS9138 MAS9138N 16T MARKING Crystal Oscillator TXC
    Text: DA9138.005 12 April, 2006 MAS9138 ASYNCHRONOUS TO SYNCHRONOUS CONVERTER • Pin compatible with MAS7838 • Interfaces a duplex asynchronous to synchronous channel • Modem speeds of 600, 1.2k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 7.2k, 9.6k, 12k, 14.4k, 19.2k and 38.4k bps with a single 4.9152 MHz crystal

    DA9138 MAS9138 MAS7838 MAS9138 MAS7838 MAS9138N 16T MARKING Crystal Oscillator TXC PDF


    Abstract: 75189a
    Text: DA9138.004 12 February, 2004 MAS9138 ASYNCHRONOUS TO SYNCHRONOUS CONVERTER • Pin compatible with MAS7838 • Interfaces a duplex asynchronous to synchronous channel • Modem speeds of 600, 1.2k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 7.2k, 9.6k, 12k, 14.4k, 19.2k and 38.4k bps with a single 4.9152 MHz crystal

    DA9138 MAS9138 MAS7838 MAS9138 AS9138 75189a PDF

    Crystal Oscillator TXC

    Abstract: TXC crystal osc chn 614 MAS7838 TXC-2 OSC ci 78l05 Buffer with Baud Rate Converter txc crystal TXC oscillator 6CL28
    Text: MAS7838 Corporation SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE CMOS Asynchronous to Synchronous Converter • Interfaces an asynchronous channel to a synchronous channel ■ Implements CCITT recommendation V.22 ■ 64 kbps transmission rate ■ 25mW typical power dissipation

    MAS7838 MAS7838 78L05 1N4001 RS232 MAS7838CN Crystal Oscillator TXC TXC crystal osc chn 614 TXC-2 OSC ci 78l05 Buffer with Baud Rate Converter txc crystal TXC oscillator 6CL28 PDF

    TXC oscillator

    Abstract: MAS7838 equivalent TXC crystal osc 43506 MAS7838 txc crystal 25 MHZ TXC 75189A
    Text: DA7838.002 20 September, 2000 0$6 6<1&+521286 72 $6<1&+521286 &219 57(5 6$& &026 • ,QWHUIDFHV D GXSOH[ DV\QFKURQRXV FKDQQHO WR D V\QFKURQRXV FKDQQHO • 0RGHP V\VWHPV DW VSHHGV RI  N N N N DQG N • &KDUDFWHU OHQJWK IURP  WR  ELWV

    DA7838 MAS7838 22ail: TXC oscillator MAS7838 equivalent TXC crystal osc 43506 txc crystal 25 MHZ TXC 75189A PDF

    MAX232 pin

    Abstract: FX469 max232 rs232 to ttl MAX232 7805 datasheet MAX232 connection MAX 232 level converter 1200bpsor "Rf Transmitter" MAX 232 INTERNAL CIRCUIT
    Text: CML Semiconductor Products AN/Data/469/2 November 1997 Using an FX469 FFSK Synchronous Modem with an Asynchronous Data I/O Asynchronous Modem Circuitry This application note, used with current FX469 product information, outlines the construction of a low-cost

    AN/Data/469/2 FX469 RS-232 MAX232 pin max232 rs232 to ttl MAX232 7805 datasheet MAX232 connection MAX 232 level converter 1200bpsor "Rf Transmitter" MAX 232 INTERNAL CIRCUIT PDF

    VR1 7805

    Abstract: tsl 7805 max232 16 pin diagram with pin function MX469J MAX232 internal circuit diagram IC1 7805 nc 7805 max 232 data sheet MX Series IC4 7805
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE Using an MX469 MSK Synchronous Modem with an Asynchronous Data I/O 1. Asynchronous Modem Circuitry This application note, used with current MX469 product information, outlines the construction of a low-cost asynchronous modem for the transmission of RS-232 data in the form of Minimum Shift Keying MSK ,

    MX469 RS-232 2400bps, VR1 7805 tsl 7805 max232 16 pin diagram with pin function MX469J MAX232 internal circuit diagram IC1 7805 nc 7805 max 232 data sheet MX Series IC4 7805 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CML Semiconductor Products AN/Data/469/2 November 1997 Using an FX469 FFSK Synchronous Modem with an Asynchronous Data I/O Asynchronous Modem Circuitry This application note, used with current FX469 product information, outlines the construction of a low-cost

    AN/Data/469/2 FX469 RS-232 PDF


    Abstract: LD 8165 Sync converter Crystal Oscillator TXC
    Text: MICRONAS DA9138/40.000 ASYNCHRONOUS TO SYNCHRONOUS CONVERTER • Pin compatible with MAS7838 • Interfaces a duplex asynchronous channel to a synchronous channel • Modem systems at the speed of 600,1.2k, 2.4k, 4.8k, 7.2k, 9.6k, 12k, 14.4k, 19.2k, 38.4k bits/s with a single 4.9152 MHz

    OCR Scan
    DA9138/40 MAS7838 MAS9138 MAS9138AND S9138 LD 8165 Sync converter Crystal Oscillator TXC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAS7838 SIGNAL H H O C tS S IN G EXCELLENCE CMOS Asynchronous to Synchronous Converter • Interfaces an asynchronous channel to a synchronous channel ■ Implements CCITT recommendation V.22 ■ 64 kbit/s transmission rate ■ 25mW typical power dissipation

    OCR Scan
    MAS7838 MAS7838 DB25M DB25F 1N4001 AS7838CN. 78105 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: $ ip V /i MAS7838 SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE CMOS Asynchronous to Synchronous Converter • Interfaces an asynchronous channel to a synchronous channel ■ Implements CCITT recommendation V.22 ■ 64 kbps transmission rate ■ 25mW typical power dissipation

    OCR Scan
    MAS7838 MAS7838 0DD5523 RS232 MAS7838CN. PDF


    Abstract: RS-232 Drivers Receivers SP494 transceiver rs232 driver receiver
    Text: Sipe* ' CofporMcn^ SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE For Inform ation on any o f the fo llow in g SIPEX Interface Products, please c ontact the SIPEX Literature Department at 508 667-8700. Model D escription 200 Series P roducts S P200. +5V High-Speed RS232 Transceiver with 0.1 nF Capacitors (5 Drivers, 0 Receivers)

    OCR Scan
    RS232 SP20SB SP206B RS485/RS422 RS-232 Drivers Receivers SP494 transceiver rs232 driver receiver PDF


    Abstract: ASY 15 N1031 75188 application
    Text: 1 S ip e * MAS 7838 SIGNALPROCESSW& EXCfiiBM CÊ H W CMOS ASYNCHRONOUS TO SYNCHRONOUSCONVERTER: .*•-<*. ••*,*’¿Xfe. •-•:*•*■ aäSiSSSiiHiSiiiiüSSe FEATURES ■ Interface a duplex asynchronous channel to a synchronous channel. ■ Implements CCHT recommendation V.22

    OCR Scan
    syncr6151 MAS7838/8/90/5M 75188 ASY 15 N1031 75188 application PDF


    Abstract: 8304MHZ 75189A ASY 15 mas7838 Nippon capacitors chn 714 spex 75168 asynchronous to synchronous converter
    Text: Sipe* MAS 7838 SIGNAL PPOCESSJNG 7CESSNG EXCELLENCE CMOS ASYNCHRONOUS TO SYNCHRONOUS CONVERTER DESCRIPTION The MAS 7838 is a single chip duplex syncronous to asyncronous converter. It converts asyncro­ nous start stop characters to syncronous char­ a cte r form at, w ith stop b it deletion when re­

    OCR Scan
    MAS7838/nV9QOy 75188 8304MHZ 75189A ASY 15 mas7838 Nippon capacitors chn 714 spex 75168 asynchronous to synchronous converter PDF