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    Panasonic Electronic Components MA3X152A0L

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    DigiKey MA3X152A0L Digi-Reel 1
    • 1 $0.24
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    • 1000 $0.24
    • 10000 $0.24
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    MA3X152A0L Reel 3,000
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    • 10000 $0.06361
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    MA3X152A0L Cut Tape 1
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    MA3X152A Datasheets (4)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    MA3X152A Panasonic Silicon epitaxial planar type Original PDF
    MA3X152A Panasonic Silicon Epitaxial Planar Type Switching Diode Original PDF
    MA3X152A Panasonic Diode Original PDF
    MA3X152A0L Panasonic Diodes, Rectifiers - Single, Discrete Semiconductor Products, DIODE SWITCHING 80V 0.1A MINI3 Original PDF

    MA3X152A Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: MA152K MA3X152A MA3X152K
    Text: Switching Diodes MA3X152A MA152A , MA3X152K (MA152K) Silicon epitaxial planar type Unit: mm For high-speed switching circuits 0.40+0.10 –0.05 0.16+0.10 –0.06 • Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C Rating Unit VR 80 V VRM 80 V Forward current IF 100 mA

    MA3X152A MA152A) MA3X152K MA152K) SC-59 MA152A MA152K MA3X152A MA3X152K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Switching Diodes MA3X152A Silicon epitaxial planar type Unit : mm + 0.2 For switching circuits 2.8 − 0.3 + 0.25 1.45 0.95 1 3 + 0.1 0.4 − 0.05 • Short reverse recovery time trr • Small terminal capacitance, Ct 0.65 ± 0.15 1.5 − 0.05 0.95 + 0.2 2.9 − 0.05

    MA3X152A O-236 SC-59 MA3X152A PDF


    Abstract: MA3X152A MA3X152K MA152A
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Switching Diodes MA3X152A (MA152A), MA3X152K (MA152K) Silicon epitaxial planar type Unit: mm For high-speed switching circuits 0.40+0.10 –0.05 0.16+0.10 –0.06 Rating Unit VR 80 V VRM 80 V Forward current

    2002/95/EC) MA3X152A MA152A) MA3X152K MA152K) SC-59 MA152K MA3X152A MA3X152K MA152A PDF


    Abstract: MA3X152A MA3X152K MA152K
    Text: Switching Diodes MA3X152A, MA3X152K MA152A, MA152K Silicon epitaxial planar type Unit: mm For switching circuits 0.40+0.10 –0.05 0.16+0.10 –0.06 3 (0.95) (0.95) • Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C 1.9±0.1 0.4±0.2 2.90+0.20 –0.05 Unit 80 V Peak reverse voltage

    MA3X152A, MA3X152K MA152A, MA152K) MA152A MA3X152A MA3X152K MA152K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Switching Diodes MA3X152A (MA152A), MA3X152K (MA152K) Silicon epitaxial planar type Unit: mm For high-speed switching circuits 0.40+0.10 –0.05 0.16+0.10 –0.06 • Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C

    2002/95/EC) MA3X152A MA152A) MA3X152K MA152K) PDF


    Abstract: MA152K MA3X152A MA3X152K
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Switching Diodes MA3X152A (MA152A), MA3X152K (MA152K) Silicon epitaxial planar type Unit: mm For high-speed switching circuits 0.40+0.10 –0.05 0.16+0.10 –0.06 • Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C

    2002/95/EC) MA3X152A MA152A) MA3X152K MA152K) SC-59 MA152A MA152K MA3X152A MA3X152K PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Switching Diodes MA3X152A (MA152A), MA3X152K (MA152K) Silicon epitaxial planar type Unit: mm For high-speed switching circuits 0.40+0.10 –0.05 0.16+0.10 –0.06 • Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C

    2002/95/EC) MA3X152A MA152A) MA3X152K MA152K) PDF


    Abstract: MA3X152A
    Text: Switching Diodes MA3X152A MA152A Silicon epitaxial planar type Unit : mm + 0.2 For switching circuits 2.8 − 0.3 + 0.25 1.45 0.95 1 3 + 0.1 0.4 − 0.05 • Short reverse recovery time trr • Small terminal capacitance, Ct 0.65 ± 0.15 1.5 − 0.05 0.95

    MA3X152A MA152A) O-236 MA152A MA3X152A PDF


    Abstract: MA152A MA3X152A MA3X152K
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Switching Diodes MA3X152A (MA152A), MA3X152K (MA152K) Silicon epitaxial planar type Unit: mm For high-speed switching circuits 0.40+0.10 –0.05 0.16+0.10 –0.06 • Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C

    2002/95/EC) MA3X152A MA152A) MA3X152K MA152K) SC-59 MA152K MA152A MA3X152A MA3X152K PDF


    Abstract: MIP2F4 MIP382 MIP2E7DMY mip2f2 mip291 MIP414S MIP2E5DMY mip411 MIP3E3SMY equivalent
    Text: 2009 ver.2 Semiconductor Selection Guide Microcomputers, Bipolar ICs, Discrete Semiconductors Caution for Safety „ This product contains Gallium Arsenide GaAs . DANGER GaAs powder and vapor are hazardous to human health if inhaled or ingested. Do not burn, destroy, cut, cleave off, or chemically dissolve the

    PAMP13-N1 MIP2F3 MIP2F4 MIP382 MIP2E7DMY mip2f2 mip291 MIP414S MIP2E5DMY mip411 MIP3E3SMY equivalent PDF


    Abstract: 2PG011 DD5X062J dg3d501 DSKTJ04 DA3DF50 DB2U308 SSMini2-F5-B DSK3J02 DSC3F01
    Text: 2009 Discrete Semiconductors New Products Line-up Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and semiconductors described in this book 1 If any of the products or technical information described in this book is to be exported or provided to non-residents, the laws and

    respons39 O-220D-A1 MA26P02 MAZ3082J 2SC5779 MA26P07 MAZ3091 2SC5829 MA27E020G ma3df25 2PG011 DD5X062J dg3d501 DSKTJ04 DA3DF50 DB2U308 SSMini2-F5-B DSK3J02 DSC3F01 PDF


    Abstract: MN1280 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 3SK129 3SK97 2sc5928 2PG009 2SC5929 equivalent 2sk4000 2sd965 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE
    Text: 2009 Discrete Semiconductors Selection Guide Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and semiconductors described in this book 1 If any of the products or technical information described in this book is to be exported or provided to non-residents, the laws and

    responsibiliXP08081 XP08546 XP0A554 XP0D873 XP0D874 XP0D875 XP0E554 2sc5929 MN1280 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 3SK129 3SK97 2sc5928 2PG009 2SC5929 equivalent 2sk4000 2sd965 TRANSISTOR REPLACEMENT GUIDE PDF

    DIODE marking S4 59A

    Abstract: DIODE 1N4148 LL-34 Zener Diode SOD-323 marking code a2 marking v6 zener diode fairchild marking codes sot-23 RKZ18B2KG TWPEC 1w402 MTZJ SERIES ZENER DIODES 702 SOT-23 marking KJ marking 513 SOD-323
    Text: 2008.07 Renesas Diodes Status List Topic_Ultra-Small Zener Diodes " RKZ-KP Series " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 Index - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3

    REJ16G0002-2200 DIODE marking S4 59A DIODE 1N4148 LL-34 Zener Diode SOD-323 marking code a2 marking v6 zener diode fairchild marking codes sot-23 RKZ18B2KG TWPEC 1w402 MTZJ SERIES ZENER DIODES 702 SOT-23 marking KJ marking 513 SOD-323 PDF


    Abstract: mp1410es G547E2 G547H2 G547F2 P5504EDG equivalent G547I1 SP8K10 SP8K10SFD5TB LD1117Al
    Text: Diodes, Inc. - Cross Reference Industry Part Diodes, Inc. Equivalent Diodes, Inc. Nearest 1.5CE120C 1.5KE120CA N/A 1.5CE120CA 1.5KE120CA N/A 1.5CE12A 1.5KE12A N/A 1.5CE12C 1.5KE12CA N/A 1.5CE12CA 1.5KE12CA N/A 1.5CE13 1.5KE13A N/A 1.5CE130 1.5KE130A N/A 1.5CE130A

    5CE120C 5KE120CA 5CE120CA 5CE12A 5KE12A 5CE12C 5KE12CA 5CE12CA CAT7105CA mp1410es G547E2 G547H2 G547F2 P5504EDG equivalent G547I1 SP8K10 SP8K10SFD5TB LD1117Al PDF


    Abstract: 2SC6073 PANASONIC TRANSISTOR 2SC6073 2sc5929 MN1280 transistor 2SC6073 2SC5936 equivalent 2SC6074 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 2sc5928
    Text: 2009 ver.2 Discrete Semiconductors Selection Guide Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and semiconductors described in this book 1 If any of the products or technical information described in this book is to be exported or provided to non-residents, the laws and

    XP06501T XP06531 XP06545 XP0A554 XP0D873 XP0D874 XP0D875 2SC5936 2SC6073 PANASONIC TRANSISTOR 2SC6073 2sc5929 MN1280 transistor 2SC6073 2SC5936 equivalent 2SC6074 TRANSISTOR 2SC5929 2sc5928 PDF

    zener diode SMD marking code 27 4F

    Abstract: smd diode schottky code marking 2F smd zener diode code 5F panasonic MSL level smd zener diode code a2 SMD ZENER DIODE a2 smd zener 27 2f SMD zener marking code 102 A2 SMD zener SMD MARK A1
    Text: This product complies with the RoHS Directive EU 2002/95/EC . Zener Diodes MAZDxxx Series Silicon planar type 0.60±0.05 0.20±0.05 Unit: mm For constant voltage, constant current, waveform clipper and surge absorption circuit 0.12+0.05 –0.02 2 • Absolute Maximum Ratings Ta = 25°C

    2002/95/EC) zener diode SMD marking code 27 4F smd diode schottky code marking 2F smd zener diode code 5F panasonic MSL level smd zener diode code a2 SMD ZENER DIODE a2 smd zener 27 2f SMD zener marking code 102 A2 SMD zener SMD MARK A1 PDF

    220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram

    Abstract: LG color tv Circuit Diagram tda 9370 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w TV SHARP IC TDA 9381 PS circuit diagram wireless spy camera 9744 mini mainboard v1.2 sony 279-87 transistor E 13005-2 superpro lx
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 3-24 AD9272 Analog Front End, iMEMS Accelerometers & Gyroscopes . . . . . . 782, 2583 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 28-528 Acceleration and Pressure Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2585

    AD9272 P462-ND LNG295LFCP2U P463-ND LNG395MFTP5U 220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram LG color tv Circuit Diagram tda 9370 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w TV SHARP IC TDA 9381 PS circuit diagram wireless spy camera 9744 mini mainboard v1.2 sony 279-87 transistor E 13005-2 superpro lx PDF


    Abstract: 2n2222a SOT23 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE s2a 1N4148 SMD LL-34 TRANSISTOR SMD CODE PACKAGE SOT23 2n2222 sot23 TRANSISTOR S1A 64 smd 1N4148 SOD323 semiconductor cross reference toshiba smd marking code transistor
    Text: Small Signal Discretes Selection Guide [ ] 2 Contents Selection Guide 4 RF Bipolar Transistors & Active Bias Controller 4 RF Switches 6 RF MMICs 7 RF Diodes 8 RF MOSFET 16 Schottky Diodes 18 ESD and EMI Protection Devices and Filters

    24GHz BF517 B132-H8248-G5-X-7600 2sc3052ef 2n2222a SOT23 TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE s2a 1N4148 SMD LL-34 TRANSISTOR SMD CODE PACKAGE SOT23 2n2222 sot23 TRANSISTOR S1A 64 smd 1N4148 SOD323 semiconductor cross reference toshiba smd marking code transistor PDF


    Abstract: an6512n 2sk3190 MN171202 mn158413 mn15142 mn187164 mn6740 AN7210 MN15283
    Text: Maintenance and Discontinued Types <Maintenance Types> Maintenance and Discontinued Types This product is not dealt with anymore. Customers dealing with this product conventionally may contact our sales division in the case of ambiguity. <Discontinued Types>

    MN101C01C MN15224 MN101C01D MN15226 MN101C027 MN15261 MN101C03A MN101C38A MN15263 MN101C06D MN1873287 an6512n 2sk3190 MN171202 mn158413 mn15142 mn187164 mn6740 AN7210 MN15283 PDF


    Abstract: MIP2F4 MIP2F3 AN12947a mip2f2 MIP2F20MS MIP2F40MS mip2e7dmy panasonic inverter dv 700 manual mip291
    Text: 2009 ver.2 Semiconductor Selection Guide Microcomputers, Bipolar ICs, Discrete Semiconductors Caution for Safety „ This product contains Gallium Arsenide GaAs . DANGER GaAs powder and vapor are hazardous to human health if inhaled or ingested. Do not burn, destroy, cut, cleave off, or chemically dissolve the

    PAMP13-N1 mip411 MIP2F4 MIP2F3 AN12947a mip2f2 MIP2F20MS MIP2F40MS mip2e7dmy panasonic inverter dv 700 manual mip291 PDF


    Abstract: MIP2F mip2fx MIP2KX PANASONIC SC107A IC 4026 internal structure MIP2K MA3DF46 ma3df46* ma3df30 MA2YD260G
    Text: 2009 ver. 2 Diode Series %JPEF4FSJFT Request for your special attention and precautions in using the technical information and semiconductors described in this book 1 If any of the products or technical information described in this book is to be exported or provided to non-residents, the laws and


    marking code V6 33 surface mount diode

    Abstract: philips surface mount zener diode v6 zener diode application IPS302 04BZ 1w402 DIODE marking S4 59A marking 513 SOD-323 MARKING 621 SOD-323 1w379
    Text: 2004.4 Renesas Diodes Status List Topic—Low-voltage Variable Capacitance Diode Series •············2 Index ·····························································································3

    ADE-508-010A ADE-508-016 ADE-508-017 HVL355B HVL358B HVL368B HVL375B HVL385B marking code V6 33 surface mount diode philips surface mount zener diode v6 zener diode application IPS302 04BZ 1w402 DIODE marking S4 59A marking 513 SOD-323 MARKING 621 SOD-323 1w379 PDF

    1S2473 DIODE equivalent

    Abstract: 1S2473 equivalent diode cross reference 1s2473 DIODE marking S4 59A marking 62N SOT23 1S2471 equivalent UHF/VHF TV Tuner HITACHI DIODE 1N4148 LL-34 DIODE ZENNER C25 1N52xx
    Text: Status List HITACHI DIODE Vol.16-4 2002.11 Topic - Miniature Flat Lead Package Diode “HSN278WK” .2 Variable Capacitance Diodes for Electronic Tuning .4, 5

    HSN278WK" HZC10 HZC11 HZC12 HZC13 HZC15 HZC16 HZC18 HZC20 HZC22 1S2473 DIODE equivalent 1S2473 equivalent diode cross reference 1s2473 DIODE marking S4 59A marking 62N SOT23 1S2471 equivalent UHF/VHF TV Tuner HITACHI DIODE 1N4148 LL-34 DIODE ZENNER C25 1N52xx PDF