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    National Semiconductor Corporation LM393H

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    LM393H Datasheets (9)

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    LM393H National Semiconductor Comparator Original PDF
    LM393H National Semiconductor Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators Original PDF
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    LM393H Unknown Shortform IC and Component Datasheets (Plus Cross Reference Data) Short Form PDF
    LM393H Unknown Shortform Data and Cross References (Misc Datasheets) Short Form PDF
    LM393H Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    LM393H Unknown Historical semiconductor price guide (US$ - 1998). From our catalog scanning project. Historical PDF
    LM393H National Semiconductor Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators Scan PDF
    LM393H STMicroelectronics Low Power Dual Voltage Comparator Scan PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM393H Linear ICs Dual Voltage Comparator status Military/High-RelN Input Bias Current Max. A 400n t(resp) (S)1.3u V(io) Max. (V)9.0m I(io) Max. (A)150n Com Mode Inp Range (VICR)3.5 Volt Gain Min94 Strobe Inp (Y/N)No P(D) Max. (W)5.0m Nom. Supp (V)5.0 Minimum Operating Temp (øC)0

    LM393H Min94 StyleTO-78 Code8-17 NumberLN00800017 PDF


    Abstract: k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417
    Text: 1 BHIAB Electronics Du som söker besvärliga IC & transistorer, börja Ditt sökande hos oss – vi har fler typer på lager än man rimlingen kan begära av ett företag Denna utgåva visar lagerartiklar men tyvärr saknas priser och viss information Men uppdatering sker kontinuerligt

    MK135 MK136 MK137 MK138 MK139 MK140 Mk142 MK145 MK155 157kr k2645 k4005 U664B mosfet k4005 MB8719 transistor mosfet k4004 SN16880N stk5392 STR451 BC417 PDF

    LM393 bistable multivibrator

    Abstract: LM193H gate driver LM393 LM393AH LM2903M LM393 driver lm2903 application note LM293H LM393LM2903 LM393H
    Text: LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description The LM193 series consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as low as 2.0 mV max for two comparators which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply

    LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193 LM393 bistable multivibrator LM193H gate driver LM393 LM393AH LM2903M LM393 driver lm2903 application note LM293H LM393LM2903 LM393H PDF


    Abstract: LM2903M 2903N LM2903ITL LM2903MX LM393 SMD M08A lm2903 8pin smd LM393 LM393T 8 pin LM393 ic
    Text: LM2903 - Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparator Features Typical Application *click for larger image Wide supply Voltage range: 2.0V to 36V Single or dual supplies: ±1.0V to ±18V Very low supply current drain 0.4 mA independent of supply voltage

    LM2903 AN-1112 LM193AJ/883 LM193AJ-QMLV* LM193AJ-MLS LM393N LM2903N LM393M LM393MX LM2903M 2903M LM2903M 2903N LM2903ITL LM2903MX LM393 SMD M08A lm2903 8pin smd LM393 LM393T 8 pin LM393 ic PDF

    LM393 application note

    Abstract: lm2903 application note LM393 SMD LM393 bistable multivibrator smd LM393 LM293 application note LM393 LM393T lm2903 8pin LM393 driver
    Text: LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description Advantages The LM193 series consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as low as 2.0 mV max for two comparators which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply

    LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193 LM393 application note lm2903 application note LM393 SMD LM393 bistable multivibrator smd LM393 LM293 application note LM393 LM393T lm2903 8pin LM393 driver PDF

    LM393 SMD M08A

    Abstract: lm293 TEXAS LM393 bistable multivibrator LM393LM2903 TLA08AAA LM2903I LM2903ITL LM393T smd LM393 smd marking lm393
    Text: LM193,LM2903,LM293,LM393 LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators Literature Number: SNOSBJ6D LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description Advantages The LM193 series consists of two independent precision

    LM193 LM2903 LM293 LM393 LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM393 SMD M08A lm293 TEXAS LM393 bistable multivibrator LM393LM2903 TLA08AAA LM2903I LM2903ITL LM393T smd LM393 smd marking lm393 PDF

    LM393 application note

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR LM293 lm2903 application note LM393 SMD M08A LM393 LM393 SMD LM293 gate driver LM393 smd LM393 8 pin LM393 ic
    Text: LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description Advantages The LM193 series consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as low as 2.0 mV max for two comparators which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply

    LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193 LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM393 application note TRANSISTOR LM293 lm2903 application note LM393 SMD M08A LM393 LM393 SMD LM293 gate driver LM393 smd LM393 8 pin LM393 ic PDF


    Abstract: LM393H LM2903M NATIONAL LM193 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS squarewave generator LM393AH LM393AJ gate driver LM393 lm2903 application note lm393 equivalent VALUE IC CIRCUIT
    Text: LM193 LM293 LM393 LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description The LM193 series consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as low as 2 0 mV max for two comparators which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply

    LM193 LM293 LM393 LM2903 lm293h LM393H LM2903M NATIONAL LM193 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS squarewave generator LM393AH LM393AJ gate driver LM393 lm2903 application note lm393 equivalent VALUE IC CIRCUIT PDF


    Abstract: LM2903 LM393 SMD IC LM393 8 pin LM393 ic LM393 bistable multivibrator LM393 SMD M08A gate driver LM393 LM293 lm393 ic
    Text: ご注意:この日本語データシートは参考資料として提供しており内容が最新でない 場合があります。製品のご検討およびご採用に際しては、必ず最新の英文デー タシートをご確認ください。

    LM393 LM2903 250mV4mA AN-1112 DS005709-09-JP LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM293/LM393/LM2903 nat2000 LM293/LM393/LM2903 63Sn/37 LM2903 LM393 SMD IC LM393 8 pin LM393 ic LM393 bistable multivibrator LM393 SMD M08A gate driver LM393 LM293 lm393 ic PDF


    Abstract: MOC5010 ip1717 UA741CN op amp TL081P LM3524N LM13080N 7824ct LM7915CK LM7905CK
    Text: Master Designer Version 8.5 Component Library Reference Volume 2 October 1995 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means-electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise-without the prior



    Abstract: K553UD2 K140UD7 K553UD1A K140UD8A K521SA3 K140UD608 K140UD12 MA7812 icb8001c
    Text: Analogové IO - je použit fonetický pøepis písmen * se liší pouzdrem * nemají stejné pouzdro ani zapojení patice * znamená funkèní shodu, ale jiné elektrické parametry napájení, výkonová ztráta, zapojení patice Komparátory

    K1401SA1 K1401SA2 K1401SA3 K521SA1 K521SA2 K521SA3 K521SA401 K521SA6 K544SA4 K554SA3B TBA931 K553UD2 K140UD7 K553UD1A K140UD8A K521SA3 K140UD608 K140UD12 MA7812 icb8001c PDF

    LM393 application note

    Abstract: LM293 application notes lm393 equivalent VALUE IC CIRCUIT IC LM393 lm2903 application note gate driver LM393 LM393 bistable multivibrator lm393 equivalent VALUE IC NATIONAL LM193 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS LM193H
    Text: LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description The LM193 series consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as low as 2.0 mV max for two comparators which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply

    LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193 LM393 application note LM293 application notes lm393 equivalent VALUE IC CIRCUIT IC LM393 lm2903 application note gate driver LM393 LM393 bistable multivibrator lm393 equivalent VALUE IC NATIONAL LM193 PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS LM193H PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description The LM193 series consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as low as 2.0 mV max for two comparators which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply

    LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193 supply201 LM193AH-MLS LM193AJ LM193AJ-MLS 31-Aug-2000 1-Sep-2000] LM193J/883 PDF


    Abstract: LM393H DS005709-14 LM293H LM2903M LM393AJ offset LM293AH
    Text: LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description The LM193 series consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as low as 2.0 mV max for two comparators which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply

    LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193 LM393AH LM393H DS005709-14 LM293H LM2903M LM393AJ offset LM293AH PDF


    Abstract: gate driver LM393 DS005709-14 LM393AJ LM393H LM293H LM2903M LM193 LM193AH-QMLV LM193H
    Text: LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description The LM193 series consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as low as 2.0 mV max for two comparators which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply

    LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193 LM393AH gate driver LM393 DS005709-14 LM393AJ LM393H LM293H LM2903M LM193AH-QMLV LM193H PDF


    Abstract: LM393 SMD lm393n voltage switch diagram LM393 SMD M08A LM393 application note LM393H smd marking lm393 pin out diagram of LM393N dual comparator LM393N LM2903ITL
    Text: LM393 - Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparator Features Typical Application *click for larger image Wide supply Voltage range: 2.0V to 36V Single or dual supplies: ±1.0V to ±18V Very low supply current drain 0.4 mA independent of supply voltage Low input biasing current:

    LM393 AN-1112 LM193AJ/883 LM193AJ-QMLV* LM193AJ-MLS LM393N LM2903N LM393M LM393MX LM2903M LM393M LM393 SMD lm393n voltage switch diagram LM393 SMD M08A LM393 application note LM393H smd marking lm393 pin out diagram of LM393N dual comparator LM393N LM2903ITL PDF

    LM393 Spice

    Abstract: LM393 SMD M08A smd marking lm393 lm2903 8pin LM2903ITL AN274 smd LM393 LM393T LM393H AN-274
    Text: LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description Advantages The LM193 series consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as low as 2.0 mV max for two comparators which were designed specifically to operate from a single power supply

    LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193 12-Jun-2002 5-Aug-2002] LM393 Spice LM393 SMD M08A smd marking lm393 lm2903 8pin LM2903ITL AN274 smd LM393 LM393T LM393H AN-274 PDF


    Abstract: LM293 LM2903 smd lm293 IC LM393 LM393 bistable multivibrator single multivibrator smd LM393 SMD LM393L 8 pin LM393 ic
    Text: ご注意:この日本語データシートは参考資料として提供しており内容 が最新でない場合があります。製品のご検討およびご採用に際 しては、必ず最新の英文データシートをご確認ください。

    LM393LM2903 250mV4mA AN-1112 DS005709-09-JP LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM293/LM393/LM2903 nat2000 LM293/LM393/LM2903 63Sn/37 MO-211VARIATION LM393 LM293 LM2903 smd lm293 IC LM393 LM393 bistable multivibrator single multivibrator smd LM393 SMD LM393L 8 pin LM393 ic PDF

    TDA0161 equivalent

    Abstract: 1N3393 BDX54F equivalent byt301000 bux transient voltage suppressor ST90R9 ua776mh sgs 2n3055 Transistor morocco mje13007 inmos transputer reference manual

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    gate driver LM393

    Abstract: transistor FN 1016 LM2903M LM393AH LM393H LM293H LM193H LM393 APPLICATIONS zero crossing simple SL 100 NPN Transistor
    Text: ß LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators G eneral D escription The LM 193 series consists of tw o independent precision voltage com parators with an offset vo ltage specification as low as 2.0 m V max fo r tw o com parators which w ere de­

    OCR Scan
    LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193 comparato2903M LM393N LM2903N gate driver LM393 transistor FN 1016 LM2903M LM393AH LM393H LM293H LM193H LM393 APPLICATIONS zero crossing simple SL 100 NPN Transistor PDF


    Abstract: LM393 bistable multivibrator LM393AJ LM393 LM193 lm333
    Text: LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Nat iona I Semiconductor LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description • ■ ■ ■ The LM193 series consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as

    OCR Scan
    LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193 TLM/5709-13 LM393AH LM393 bistable multivibrator LM393AJ LM393 lm333 PDF

    LM393 bistable multivibrator

    Abstract: LM393AJ rlz15 squarewave generator H08C LM193 LM193AH LM193H LM293AH LM293H
    Text: LM 193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 National Semiconductor LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description • ■ ■ ■ The LM193 series consists of two independent precision voltage comparators with an offset voltage specification as

    OCR Scan
    LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193/LM293/LM393/LM2903 LM193 bS0112M b501124 LM393 bistable multivibrator LM393AJ rlz15 squarewave generator H08C LM193AH LM193H LM293AH LM293H PDF

    Horizontal Transistor TT 2246

    Abstract: ca3080 spice vogt transformer 406 69 CA3098 equivalent ICL8038 applications advantages disadvantages gi 9544 class d amplifier schematic hip4080 STR 6459 SEVEN PIN IC TRANSISTOR FOR POWER SUPPLY siemens transistor manual BUF601
    Text: New High Speed Linear Products VIDEO OP AMPS AND BUFFERS HFA1105 LOW POWER VIDEO OP AMP HFA1115 I LOW POWER PROGRAMMABLE GAIN VIDEO BUFFER [ AnswerFAX DOCUMENT # 3395 AnswerFAX DOCUMENT * 3606 • -3dB Bandwidth Ay * + 2 . 350MHz

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    Abstract: gate driver LM393 LM393 bistable multivibrator LM393AJ
    Text: SflE » • b5Glil2M DG7bD10 Ü37 H N S C E LM193/LM293/LM393, LM2903 gg National mm Semiconductor NATL SEHICONB LINEAR \- H 3 LM193/LM293/LM393, LM2903 Low Power Low Offset Voltage Dual Comparators General Description ■ ■ ■ ■ The LM193 series consists of two independent precision

    OCR Scan
    DG7bD10 LM193/LM293/LM393, LM2903 LM2903 LM193 D07b017 TL/H/5709-24 LM393AH gate driver LM393 LM393 bistable multivibrator LM393AJ PDF