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    JPB8214 Search Results

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    Abstract: PB8214 RCTR7 MPB8214
    Text: /1PB8214 NEC NEC Electronics U SA Inc. Microcomputer Division PRIORITY INTERRUPT CONTRO LLER D ESC R IP T IO N The JPB8214 is an eight-level priority interrupt controller. Designed to sim plify interrupt driven microcomputer systems, the /JPB8214 requires a single + 5 V power

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    uPB8214 JPB8214 /JPB8214 LM27S2S DCH157M //PD42S18160, PB8214 RCTR7 MPB8214 PDF


    Abstract: RT 8214 UPB8214 DS8212D PD42S18160 MPB8214 nec 8212 8214 ta 8214 k 8214 interrupt
    Text: jiPB8214 NEC NEC Electronics OS.A. Inc. Microcomputer Division PRIORITY INTERRUPT CONTRO LLER D E S C R IP T IO N T h e / iP B 8 2 1 4 is an eight-level p rio rity in te rru p t controller. D esign ed to s im p lify interrup t driven m icro c o m p u te r system s, the /JP B 8214 requires a single + 5 V pow er

    OCR Scan
    uPB8214 LM27S2S 001157M //PD42S18160, 8080A RT 8214 DS8212D PD42S18160 MPB8214 nec 8212 8214 ta 8214 k 8214 interrupt PDF