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    IXYS Corporation IXFH12N100P

    MOSFETs 12 Amps 1000V
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics IXFH12N100P 611
    • 1 $9.5
    • 10 $8.27
    • 100 $6.1
    • 1000 $4.78
    • 10000 $4.78
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    Verical IXFH12N100P 288 8
    • 1 -
    • 10 $9.828
    • 100 $9.828
    • 1000 $9.828
    • 10000 $9.828
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    TTI IXFH12N100P Tube 300 30
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $6.04
    • 1000 $4.73
    • 10000 $4.73
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    IXYS Corporation IXFH12N100

    MOSFETs 1KV 12A
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Mouser Electronics IXFH12N100
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Quest Components IXFH12N100 9
    • 1 $13.212
    • 10 $11.744
    • 100 $11.744
    • 1000 $11.744
    • 10000 $11.744
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    Littelfuse Inc IXFH12N100F

    Trans MOSFET N-CH 1KV 12A 3-Pin(3+Tab) TO-247AD
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Verical IXFH12N100F 2,670 30
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $8.016
    • 1000 $6.686
    • 10000 $6.686
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    Littelfuse Inc IXFH12N100P

    Trans MOSFET N-CH 1KV 12A 3-Pin(3+Tab) TO-247AD
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    Verical IXFH12N100P 1,050 30
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $5.645
    • 1000 $4.671
    • 10000 $4.671
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    IXFH12N100 Datasheets (7)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    IXFH12N100 IXYS 1000V HiPerFET power MOSFET Original PDF
    IXFH12N100 IXYS HiPerFET Power MOSFETs Original PDF
    IXFH12N100 IXYS HiperFET Power MOSFETS Scan PDF
    IXFH12N100 Unknown Shortform Datasheet & Cross References Data Short Form PDF
    IXFH12N100F IXYS 1000V HiPerRF power MOSFET Original PDF
    IXFH12N100P IXYS FETs - Single, Discrete Semiconductor Products, MOSFET N-CH 1000V 12A TO-247 Original PDF
    IXFH12N100Q IXYS 1000V HiPerFET power MOSFET Original PDF

    IXFH12N100 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PolarTM HiPerFETTM Power MOSFETs VDSS ID25 IXFH12N100P IXFV12N100P IXFV12N100PS RDS on trr N-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated Fast Intrinsic Rectifier = = ≤ ≤ 1000V 12A Ω 1.05Ω 300ns PLUS220 (IXFV) G Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings VDSS

    IXFH12N100P IXFV12N100P IXFV12N100PS 300ns PLUS220 12N100P 1-08-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HiPerRFTM Power MOSFETs VDSS = ID25 = RDS on ≤ ≤ trr IXFH12N100F IXFT12N100F F-Class: MegaHertz Switching N-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated, Low Qg, Low Intrinsic Rg, High dV/dt, Low trr 1000V 12A Ω 1.05Ω 250ns TO-247 (IXFH) Symbol Test Conditions

    IXFH12N100F IXFT12N100F 250ns O-247 O-268 338B2 PDF


    Abstract: IXFT12N100F
    Text: IXFH12N100F IXFT12N100F HiPerRFTM Power MOSFETs VDSS = = ID25 RDS on ≤ trr ≤ F-Class: MegaHertz Switching N-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated, Low Qg, Low Intrinsic Rg, High dV/dt, Low trr 1000V 12A Ω 1.05Ω 250ns TO-247 (IXFH) Symbol Test Conditions

    IXFH12N100F IXFT12N100F 250ns O-247 00A/s, O-268 338B2 IXFH12N100F IXFT12N100F PDF


    Abstract: 12n100p f12n10
    Text: PolarTM HiPerFETTM Power MOSFETs IXFH12N100P IXFV12N100P IXFV12N100PS VDSS ID25 RDS on trr N-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated Fast Intrinsic Rectifier Symbol Test Conditions VDSS TJ = 25°C to 150°C 1000 V VDGR TJ = 25°C to 150°C, RGS = 1MΩ 1000

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    Abstract: 12n100p f12n
    Text: Preliminary Technical Information PolarTM Power MOSFET HiPerFETTM IXFH12N100P IXFV12N100P IXFV12N100PS VDSS ID25 RDS on trr N-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated Fast Intrinsic Diode = = ≤ ≤ 1000V 12A Ω 1.05Ω 300ns PLUS220 (IXFV) G Symbol Test Conditions

    IXFH12N100P IXFV12N100P IXFV12N100PS 300ns PLUS220 PLUS220SMD 12N100P f12n10 f12n PDF


    Abstract: 12n100p PLUS220SMD IXFH12N100P IXFV12N100PS diode 6A 1000v
    Text: PolarTM Power MOSFET HiPerFETTM IXFH12N100P IXFV12N100P IXFV12N100PS VDSS ID25 RDS on trr N-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated Fast Intrinsic Diode = = ≤ ≤ 1000V 12A Ω 1.05Ω 300ns PLUS220 (IXFV) G Symbol Test Conditions Maximum Ratings VDSS TJ = 25°C to 150°C

    IXFH12N100P IXFV12N100P IXFV12N100PS 300ns PLUS220 150GS 12N100P 1-08-A f12n10 PLUS220SMD IXFH12N100P IXFV12N100PS diode 6A 1000v PDF

    IXFH32N50Q equivalent

    Abstract: ixfk24n100 IXFD80N20Q-8X IXFN80N50 1672 mos-fet IXFH40N30
    Text: HiPerFETTM Power MOSFET Chips N-Channel Enhancement-Mode with Fast Intrinsic Diode Type VDSS max. TJM = 150°C RDS on @ ID max. Ciss trr max. Chip type Chip size dimensions Source ¬ bond wire recommend Equivalent device data sheet Dim. outline No. V Ω

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HiPerFETTM Power MOSFETs IXFR ISOPLUS247TM Q CLASS VDSS ID25 RDS on 12N100Q 1000 V 10 A IXFR 10N100Q 1000 V 9A (Electrically Isolated Back Surface) trr ≤ 300 µs 1.1 Ω 1.20 Ω N-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated, High dV/dt Low Gate Charge and Capacitances

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    Abstract: 0015 GE SCR Manual Design pure sine wave inverter using transformer contraves modern and radar transmitters doppler radar circuit for speed sensing contraves drive X-band doppler radar module diagram radar circuit
    Text: Home < IEEE PEDS 2001 - INDONESIA IXAN0015 Use of BiMOSFETs in Modern Radar Transmitters Ralph E. Locher and Abhijit D. Pathak, Member, IEEE g reduced by irradiation. The end result is a device, which can be optimized for either high frequency or low frequency

    IXAN0015 IXAN0015 0015 GE SCR Manual Design pure sine wave inverter using transformer contraves modern and radar transmitters doppler radar circuit for speed sensing contraves drive X-band doppler radar module diagram radar circuit PDF

    schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w

    Abstract: pioneer PAL 012A 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 600va numeric ups circuit diagrams winbond bios 25064 TLE 9180 infineon smsc MEC 1300 nu TBE schematic diagram inverter 2000w DK55 circuit diagram of luminous 600va UPS
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 3-24 Digital Signal Processors, iCoupler , iMEMS® and iSensor . . . . . 805, 2707, 2768-2769 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 28-568 RF Connectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 454-455

    P462-ND P463-ND LNG295LFCP2U LNG395MFTP5U US2011) schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w pioneer PAL 012A 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram 600va numeric ups circuit diagrams winbond bios 25064 TLE 9180 infineon smsc MEC 1300 nu TBE schematic diagram inverter 2000w DK55 circuit diagram of luminous 600va UPS PDF


    Abstract: BTY79 equivalent diode skn 21-04 marking CODE W04 sot-23 bbc 598 479 DIODE mw 137 600g TFK 401 S 673 Vishay Telefunken tfk transistor INFINEON transistor marking W31 JYs marking transistor
    Text: 573 Technical portal and online community for Design Engineers - Discrete & Power Devices Page 700 Bridge Rectifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Diodes Schottky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    element-14 F155-6A F155-10A F165-15A F175-25A irfb4115 BTY79 equivalent diode skn 21-04 marking CODE W04 sot-23 bbc 598 479 DIODE mw 137 600g TFK 401 S 673 Vishay Telefunken tfk transistor INFINEON transistor marking W31 JYs marking transistor PDF


    Abstract: IRF1830 transistor IRF1830G APM2054N equivalent apm2054n AP85L02h AP70N03S 2SK3683 ap70l02h 2SK2696
    Text: Power MOSFETs Cross-reference guide May 2005 Contents 2 Alpha and Omega Semiconductor 3 AnalogicTech 3 Anpec 3 APEC 3 APT 4 AUK 4 Fairchild 4 Fuji 12 Hi-Sincerity 14 Hitachi 14 Infineon 14 IR 18 IXYS 22 Matsushita 23 Reneas 23 Motorola 23

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    Abstract: 10N100 6a diode 12N100Q IXFR12N100
    Text: HiPerFETTM Power MOSFETs IXFR ISOPLUS247TM Q CLASS VDSS ID25 RDS on 12N100Q 1000 V 10 A IXFR 10N100Q 1000 V 9A (Electrically Isolated Back Surface) trr ≤ 300 µs 1.1 Ω 1.20 Ω N-Channel Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated, High dV/dt Low Gate Charge and Capacitances

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    Abstract: 0009 ixan0009 2 ixan0009 3 TMS320F2407a GE SCR Manual mosfet inverter 2kW 100khz smps 1kW schematic diagram inverter 500w USING MOSFET schematic diagram PWM inverter 500w
    Text: IXAN0009 HOW TO DRIVE MOSFETs AND IGBTs INTO THE 21ST CENTURY By Mr. Abhijit D. Pathak and Mr. Ralph E. Locher, IXYS Corporation Santa Clara, CA 95054 ABSTRACT As the industry pushes for higher power levels and higher switching frequencies, power supplies, which use MOSFETs/IGBTs for power

    IXAN0009 IXAN0009 0009 ixan0009 2 ixan0009 3 TMS320F2407a GE SCR Manual mosfet inverter 2kW 100khz smps 1kW schematic diagram inverter 500w USING MOSFET schematic diagram PWM inverter 500w PDF


    Abstract: pnp transistor 1000v pnp 1200V 2A snubber CIRCUITS mosfet Silicon MOSFET 1000V mosfet 1000v MOSFET 1200v 3a mosfet 1500v 35N120A mosfet 1200V 40A
    Text: IXAN0016 IXBH40N160 BiMOSFETTM Developed for High Voltage, High Frequency Applications Ralph E. Locher IXYS Corporation Santa Clara, CA by Olaf Zschieschang IXYS Semiconductor GmbH Lampertheim, Germany ABSTRACT In the IXBH40N160, IXYS has developed an extremely fast, homogeneous base IGBT by the

    IXAN0016 IXBH40N160 IXBH40N160, 200ns. IXAN0016 pnp transistor 1000v pnp 1200V 2A snubber CIRCUITS mosfet Silicon MOSFET 1000V mosfet 1000v MOSFET 1200v 3a mosfet 1500v 35N120A mosfet 1200V 40A PDF


    Abstract: IXGD32N60B IXFD75N10 IXTD5N100 IXTH40N25 91x0 IXGH25N120A IXTD5N100-5T IXGD32N60B-5X IXGD8N100-2L
    Text: Chips and DCB Ceramic Substrates Contents Page General Information for Chips IGBT Chips J-2 VCES IC VCE sat G-Series, Low VCE(sat) type G-Series, High Speed type 600 - 1200 V 600 - 1200 V 10 - 60 A 10 - 100 A 1.8 - 3.5 V 2.5 - 4.0 V J-3 S-Series, Low VCE(sat) type


    7N60B equivalent

    Abstract: 18N50 equivalent ixgh 1499 MOSFET smd 4407 IXDD 614 C 547 B W57 BJT transistor r1275ns20l R1271ns12C IXYS CS 20-22 MOF1 IXTP 220N04T2
    Text: Contents Page General Contents QA and Environmental Management Systems Alphanumeric Index Symbols and Terms Nomenclature Patents and Intellectual Property I II III XVIII XX XXII CLARE Optically Isolated Solid State Relays Optically Isolated AC-Power Switches

    MS-013 10-Pin 5M-1994 MO-229 7N60B equivalent 18N50 equivalent ixgh 1499 MOSFET smd 4407 IXDD 614 C 547 B W57 BJT transistor r1275ns20l R1271ns12C IXYS CS 20-22 MOF1 IXTP 220N04T2 PDF

    220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram

    Abstract: LG color tv Circuit Diagram tda 9370 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w TV SHARP IC TDA 9381 PS circuit diagram wireless spy camera 9744 mini mainboard v1.2 sony 279-87 transistor E 13005-2 superpro lx
    Text: QUICK INDEX NEW IN THIS ISSUE! Detailed Index - See Pages 3-24 AD9272 Analog Front End, iMEMS Accelerometers & Gyroscopes . . . . . . 782, 2583 Connectors, Cable Assemblies, IC Sockets . . . . . . . . . . . 28-528 Acceleration and Pressure Sensors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2585

    AD9272 P462-ND LNG295LFCP2U P463-ND LNG395MFTP5U 220v AC voltage stabilizer schematic diagram LG color tv Circuit Diagram tda 9370 1000w inverter PURE SINE WAVE schematic diagram schematic diagram atx Power supply 500w TV SHARP IC TDA 9381 PS circuit diagram wireless spy camera 9744 mini mainboard v1.2 sony 279-87 transistor E 13005-2 superpro lx PDF


    Abstract: 0011 resonant smps 500W smps 500w half bridge 2kw mosfet smps 500W half bridge converter 2kw 1kw full bridge converter smps smps 1kW DD408
    Text: IXAN0011 Driving Your MOSFETs Wild to Obtain Greater Efficiencies, Power Densities, and Lower Overall Costs. Sam S. Ochi Director of Integrated Circuits Research and Development IXYS Corporation 3540 Bassett St., Santa Clara California USA Phone: 408-982-4355, Fax: 408-496-0670

    IXAN0011 100KHz IXAN0011 0011 resonant smps 500W smps 500w half bridge 2kw mosfet smps 500W half bridge converter 2kw 1kw full bridge converter smps smps 1kW DD408 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Advanced Technical Information HiPerFET Power MOSFETs IXFH12N100Q IXFH12N100QS ^D25 Q DS on Q Class t < 200 ns N-Channe! Enhancement Mode Avalanche Rated Low Qg, High dv/dt Symbol TestConditions Maximum Ratings V *D S S T, = 25“C to150°C 1000 v as ^D25

    OCR Scan
    to150 IXFH12N100Q IXFH12N100QS O-247 PDF

    dioda by 238

    Abstract: 1xys 1XFM67N10 HiperFET IXFN50N25 IXFM50N20 IXFM6N90 IXFH40N30 IXFH10N100 IXFH11N100
    Text: I X Y S CORP IñE D • 4bflb22b 0000573 1 ■ HiPerFETs_ The HiPerFET family of Power MOSFETs is designed to provide superior dv/dt performance while eliminating the need for discrete, fast recovery "free wheeling" rectifiers in a broad range of power switching

    OCR Scan
    0D00S73 dioda by 238 1xys 1XFM67N10 HiperFET IXFN50N25 IXFM50N20 IXFM6N90 IXFH40N30 IXFH10N100 IXFH11N100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IXYS HiPerFET Power MOSFETs ^D25 IX F H / IX F M 10 N 1 0 0 1000 V 10 A 1 .2 0 Q IX F H / I X F M 12 N 1 0 0 1000 V 12 A 1 .0 5 Q IX F H 1 3 N 1 0 0 1000 V 1 2 .5 A 0 .9 0 Q N-Channel Enhancement Mode High dv/dt, Low trr, HDMOS™ Family Symbol Test Conditions

    OCR Scan
    to150 10N100 12N100 13N100 13N100 PDF


    Abstract: 2SK2333 2SK2761 IRF1405 BUZ345 BSS89 irfp250n P9NB60 irfp260n 2sk2671
    Text: MHTEPTEKC ww ¡nfo@ Ten: 495 739-09-95, 644-41-29 TpaH3MCTopbi N-MOSFET copTMpoBKa no HanpflweHMro UDS Kofl: SI4466DY SI4966DY SI9925DY SI9942DY 2SK1388 IRF7319 IRF7413 IRF7455 IRL2203N IRL3103 IRL3713 IRL3803 IRL3803S IRLL2703 SI4404DY SI4412ADY

    OCR Scan
    SI4466DY SI4966DY SI9925DY SI9942DY 2SK1388 T0220AB IRF7319 IRF7413 IRF7455 IRL2203N ixfh26n60q 2SK2333 2SK2761 IRF1405 BUZ345 BSS89 irfp250n P9NB60 irfp260n 2sk2671 PDF


    Abstract: CMP 3.48 ixfh50n20 1XFH12N90 IXFN170N10 diode 348 IXFD110N20 IXFD76N07-12 IXFD21N50 IXFH21N50
    Text: OIXYS HiPerFET Power MOSFET Chips N-Channel Enhancement-Mode with Fast Intrinsic Diode Type v c * D6S tN BL tn CMp max *yp * Chip elze Source 3 b e n tlw li« Equivalent device dutaahaet T * * tS O * G out­ line NO PF na 70 0.012 5 4400 200 IX77 8 .8 4 x 7 .1 9

    OCR Scan
    IXFD76N07-12 XFD67N10 IXFD75N10 IXFD170N10 IXFD42N20 IXFD50N20 IXFD68N20 1XFD90N20Q IXFD110N20 IXFD35N30 IXFD14N80 CMP 3.48 ixfh50n20 1XFH12N90 IXFN170N10 diode 348 IXFD76N07-12 IXFD21N50 IXFH21N50 PDF