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    Abstract: ITH13C06B T0220AB T0247
    Text: ITH13C06 M ITEL High Frequency Powerline N-Channel IGBT S E M IC O N D U C T O R With Ultrafast Diode Supesedes O ctober 1998, version DS5045-1.2 The ITH13C 06 is a very robust n-channel, enhancement mode insulated gate bipolar transistor IGBT designed for low power dissipation in a wide range

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    ITH13C06 DS5045-1 DS5045-2 ITH13C06 T0263 T0268 T0220AB T0247 ITH13C06B T0220AB T0247 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ITH13C06 M ITEL High Frequency Powerline N-Channel IGBT SEMICONDUCTOR With Ultrafast Diode Supesedes March 1999, version DS5045-2.1 The IT H 1 3 C 0 6 is a v e ry ro b u s t n -c h a n n e l, enhancem ent mode insulated gate bipolar transistor IGBT designed for low power dissipation in a wide range

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    ITH13C06 DS5045-3 DS5045-2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ITH13C06 M ITEL Powerline N-Channel IGBT With Ultrafast Diode SEMICONDUCTOR A dvance Inform ation DS5045-1.2 O ctober 1998 T h e IT H 1 3 C 0 6 is a v e ry r o b u s t n -c h a n n e l, e n h a n c e m e n t m ode in su la te d gate b ip o la r tra n s is to r

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    ITH13C06 DS5045-1 PDF