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    ROHM Semiconductor IMH15AT110

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey IMH15AT110 Reel 3,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.0946
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    Mouser Electronics IMH15AT110
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
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    Verical IMH15AT110 100 100
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    • 100 $0.8165
    • 1000 $0.8165
    • 10000 $0.8165
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    CoreStaff Co Ltd IMH15AT110 100
    • 1 $0.062
    • 10 $0.06
    • 100 $0.057
    • 1000 $0.057
    • 10000 $0.057
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    IMH15A Datasheets (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    IMH15A ROHM Silicon NPN Transistor with integrated resistor Original PDF
    IMH15A ROHM Dual digital transistors Original PDF
    IMH15A ROHM Digital Transistors Scan PDF
    IMH15AT110 ROHM Transistors (BJT) - Arrays, Pre-Biased, Discrete Semiconductor Products, TRANS PREBIAS DUAL NPN SMT6 Original PDF
    IMH15AT110 ROHM Complex Transistor (DTR+DTR); Package: SMT6; Constitution materials list: Packing style: Taping; Package quantity: 3000; Original PDF

    IMH15A Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: marking h15
    Text: EMH15 / IMH15A Datasheet NPN 100mA 50V Complex Digital Transistors Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors lOutline Parameter VCEO IC(MAX.) R1 Tr1 and Tr2 EMT6 SMT6 (4) (6) 50V 100mA 47kW (5) (5) (6) (4) (1) (3) (2) (2) (3) (1) EMH15 (SC-107C) lFeatures IMH15A

    EMH15 IMH15A 100mA EMH15 SC-107C) IMH15A OT-457 SC-74) DTC144T marking h15 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EMH15 / IMH15A EMH15FHA / IMH15AFRA Datasheet NPN 100mA 50V Complex Digital Transistors Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors AEC-Q101 Qualified lOutline Parameter VCEO IC(MAX.) R1 Tr1 and Tr2 EMT6 SMT6 (6) 50V 100mA 47kW (1) (2) (5) (4) (4) (3) (3) EMH15 EMH15FHA

    EMH15 IMH15A EMH15FHA IMH15AFRA 100mA AEC-Q101 100mA EMH15 EMH15FHA SC-107C) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SPICE PARAMETER IMH15A by ROHM TR Div. * IMH15A DIGITAL NPN BJT model * Date: 2007/01/11 * BJT with a resistor *C B E .SUBCKT IMH15A 1 2 3 R1 2 Base Rb 47k Q1 1 Base 3 QDTC1 .MODEL Rb RES + R=1 .MODEL QDTC1 NPN + IS=20.000E-15 + BF=198.80 + VAF=15

    IMH15A IMH15A 000E-15 001E-15 0686E-12 342E-12 0230E-12 00E-12 00E-9 PDF

    SMT6 T108

    Abstract: DTC114T IMH14A IMH15A T108 T110 T148 UMH14N dual transistors sMT5
    Text: EMG6 / UMG6N / UMH14N / FMG6A / IMH14A / IMH15A Transistors General purpose dual digital transistors EMG6 / UMG6N / UMH14N / FMG6A / IMH14A / IMH15A !Features 1) Two DTC114T chips in a EMT or UMT or SMT package. !Equivalent circuit EMG6 / UMG6N (3) (2) FMG6

    UMH14N IMH14A IMH15A DTC114T UMH14N IMH14A SMT6 T108 IMH15A T108 T110 T148 dual transistors sMT5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EMH15 / IMH15A Datasheet NPN 100mA 50V Complex Digital Transistors Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors lOutline Parameter VCEO IC(MAX.) R1 Tr1 and Tr2 EMT6 SMT6 (4) (6) 50V 100mA 47kW (5) (5) (6) (4) (1) (3) (2) (2) (3) (1) EMH15 (SC-107C) lFeatures IMH15A

    EMH15 IMH15A 100mA 100mA EMH15 SC-107C) OT-457 SC-74) DTC144T PDF


    Abstract: dual transistors sMT5
    Text: EMG6 / UMG6N / UMH14N / FMG6A / IMH14A / IMH15A Transistors General purpose dual digital transistors EMG6 / UMG6N / UMH14N / FMG6A / IMH14A / IMH15A zFeatures 1) Two DTC114T chips in a EMT or UMT or SMT package. zEquivalent circuit EMG6 / UMG6N (3) (2) FMG6

    UMH14N IMH14A IMH15A DTC114T UMH14N IMH14A 2R11 dual transistors sMT5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EMG6 / UMG6N / UMH14N / FMG6A / IMH14A / IMH15A Transistors General purpose dual digital transistors EMG6 / UMG6N / UMH14N / FMG6A / IMH14A / IMH15A !Features 1) Two DTC114T chips in a EMT or UMT or SMT package. !Equivalent circuit EMG6 / UMG6N (3) (2) FMG6


    dual transistors UMT5

    Abstract: DTA114T IMH14A IMH15A UMH14N
    Text: Transistors UMA6N / FMA6A UMG6N / UMH14N / FMG6A / IMH14A / IMH15A 94S-777-A144T (96-492-C144T) 587 EMA6 / UMA6N Transistors Emitter common (dual digital transistors) EMA6 / UMA6N !External dimensions (Units : mm) !Feature 1) Two DTA114T chips in a EMT or UMT package.

    UMH14N IMH14A IMH15A 94S-777-A144T) 96-492-C144T) DTA114T 100MHz dual transistors UMT5 IMH15A PDF

    MARKING code h15

    Abstract: DTC114T EMH15 IMH15A T110 DSA0029423
    Text: EMH15 / IMH15A Transistors General purpose dual digital transistors EMH15 / IMH15A zExternal dimensions (Unit : mm) zFeatures 1) Two DTC114T chips in a EMT or SMT package. (4) (4) (5) (6) (1) 0.95 0.95 1.9 2.9 IMH15A (5) (3) (6) (4) EMH15 (2) (5) 0.3 zEquivalent circuit

    EMH15 IMH15A DTC114T EMH15 SC-74 MARKING code h15 IMH15A T110 DSA0029423 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: EMH15 / IMH15A Datasheet NPN 100mA 50V Complex Digital Transistors Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors lOutline Parameter VCEO IC(MAX.) R1 Tr1 and Tr2 EMT6 SMT6 (6) 50V 100mA 47kW (1) (2) (5) (4) (3) (3) EMH15 (SC-107C) lFeatures (4) (2) (5) (6) (1) IMH15A

    EMH15 IMH15A 100mA 100mA EMH15 SC-107C) OT-457 SC-74) DTC144T PDF


    Abstract: EMH15 IMH15A T110
    Text: EMH15 / IMH15A Transistors General purpose dual digital transistors EMH15 / IMH15A zDimensions (Unit : mm) zFeatures 1) Two DTC144T chips in a EMT or SMT package. IMH15A zEquivalent circuit EMH15 (6) IMH15A (5) (4) (4) R1 (5) R1 (1) (6) R1 (2) R1 (3) (3)

    EMH15 IMH15A DTC144T EMH15 SC-74 IMH15A T110 PDF


    Abstract: IMH15A UMH14N A144T
    Text: Transistors UMA6N / FMA6A UMG6N / UMH14N / FMG6A / IMH14A / IMH15A 94S-777-A144T (96-492-C144T) 587

    UMH14N IMH14A IMH15A 94S-777-A144T) 96-492-C144T) IMH15A A144T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DTC144T series NPN 100mA 50V Digital Transistors Datasheet Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors lOutline Parameter VCEO IC R1 Value VMT3 EMT3 Collector Collector 50V 100mA 47kW Base Base Emitter Emitter DTC144TM (SC-105AA) UMT3 DTC144TE SOT-416 (SC-75A) SMT3

    DTC144T 100mA DTC144TM SC-105AA) DTC144TE OT-416 SC-75A) R1120A PDF

    113 marking code transistor ROHM

    Abstract: DTDS14GP DTB133HKA rkm transistor 2SC5274 datasheet FMC1A rkm 33 transistor FMC1A rkm 24 DTD133HKA
    Text: Abbreviated markings on mini-mold transistors Transistors Abbreviated markings on mini-mold transistors !MPT3 labels The label on the MPT3 packages indicates the product, hFE rank, and month of manufacture using 4 letters. Codes B and AF indicate products.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DTC144T series Datasheet NPN 100mA 50V Digital Transistors Bias Resistor Built-in Transistors AEC-Q101 Qualified l Outline Parameter VCEO Value IC 100mA R1 47kΩ VMT3 EMT3 50V DTC144TM DTC144TMFHA (SC-105AA) UMT3 DTC144TE DTC144TEFRA SOT-416(SC-75A)

    DTC144T 100mA AEC-Q101 100mA DTC144TM DTC144TMFHA SC-105AA) DTC144TE DTC144TEFRA OT-416 PDF

    pioneer mosfet audio amp ic

    Abstract: 12V ENERGY LIGHT CIRCUIT DIAGRAM vmn3 package DTC143T datasheet TRANSISTOR SMD catalog Equivalent transistors for UMD2N smd ya transistor 2SD2211 2SA1576UB 2SC6114
    Text: Product Catalog Bipolar Transistors Digital Transistors Discrete Semiconductors 2008-Feb. ROHM Bipolar Transistors / Digital Transistors Bipolar Transistors are currently recognized as essential key devices for the electronics industry. ROHM as a leading company is supplying a great

    2008-Feb. SC-75A OT-416 50P5876E pioneer mosfet audio amp ic 12V ENERGY LIGHT CIRCUIT DIAGRAM vmn3 package DTC143T datasheet TRANSISTOR SMD catalog Equivalent transistors for UMD2N smd ya transistor 2SD2211 2SA1576UB 2SC6114 PDF


    Abstract: IMD16A potential divider 2SA1576UB DTD513Z MP6T3 2SCR514 2SA1514K equivalent 2SCR543 2SC6114
    Text: 2010 Product Catalog Discrete Semiconductors Bipolar Transistors Digital Transistors Bipolar Transistors ROHM bipolar transistors were developed to be energy efficient, highly reliable, and compact. A wide range of products are offered, from small-signal and low profile models to high power products.

    R0039A 52P6215E 2SC6144 IMD16A potential divider 2SA1576UB DTD513Z MP6T3 2SCR514 2SA1514K equivalent 2SCR543 2SC6114 PDF

    transistor A6A

    Abstract: transistor A6A 5 transistor a6n A6A MARKING 6a digital transistor marking code A6a a144* transistor transistor A6A N transistor marking 6A UMH14NI
    Text: UMA6N / FMA6A UMG6N / UMH14NI FMG6A / IMH14A / IMH15A Transistors I Digital Transistor Dual Digital Transistors for Inverter Driver UM A6N / FMA6A •Features •A b so lu te maximum ratings (Ta=25'C ) 1 ) Tw o D T A 1 1 4 T transistors are housed in a U M T or S M T package.

    OCR Scan
    UMH14NI IMH14A IMH15A Tacg25 96-492-C transistor A6A transistor A6A 5 transistor a6n A6A MARKING 6a digital transistor marking code A6a a144* transistor transistor A6A N transistor marking 6A PDF

    transistor D 716

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IMH15A Transistor, digitai, dual, NPN, with 1 resistor Features Dimensions Units : mm • available in SMT6 (IMD, SC-74) package • package marking: IMH15A; H15 IMH15A (SMT6) 2 .9 ± 0 .2 1. 9 2 0 . 2 u .a r fo.95 0.95Ì • • • package contains two independent

    OCR Scan
    IMH15A SC-74) IMH15A; DTC144TKA) SC-59) IMH15A transistor D 716 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: h 7 > ì / Z > $ / T ransistors • |U | J| g * IMH15A T ' i ' J \s — t "J K ^ ~ Êk JU K x / W 7 ./Is o la te d Mini-M old Device Epitaxal Planar NPN Silicon Transistor Includes Resistors •f > M — 2 K 7 -f /^/In verter Driver • • ÿ j-JfÎT fü O /'D im e n sio n s (Unit : mm)

    OCR Scan
    IMH15A SC-59) PDF

    rkm 33 transistor

    Abstract: bkd transistor DTD133HKA BKD C6 DTB133HKA Transistor BJD 2SA1885 rkm 20 transistor 2SC5274 rkm transistor
    Text: Transistors Abbreviated label symbols on mini molded type Abbreviated label symbols on mini molded type •E M T 3 and UMT3 labels On general transistors, the product and hpE rank are in­ dicated by 2 or 3 letters. On digital transistors, the product type is indicated by a 2-digit number.

    OCR Scan
    FMA10A FMA11A IMB10A IMB11A IMB16 IMB17A IMD10A IMD14 IMD16A IMH10A rkm 33 transistor bkd transistor DTD133HKA BKD C6 DTB133HKA Transistor BJD 2SA1885 rkm 20 transistor 2SC5274 rkm transistor PDF


    Abstract: 2SC4326K TA6270F 2SA1821 2SB1051 2SD478 2SA1690 2SA1455K fiio x5 UMW8
    Text: h 7 > v X ^ / T ransistors h 7 S ttli i í p ^ > y 7 $ o i ' T i é c & f c o T ^ t i i ^ L n í s ^ i o ^ g t t ' î î o 1Co # £ LT feII*§I: S£ • f i t c 1975 ^*'0 S7 > v ^ 5î 0 Ü^ÎgflfêLi L£ #\ M - t k t Z Z t £ S t Ä « , 1 ^ ® S tt N

    OCR Scan
    SC-70 106/T 146/T TI48/T149/T11 108/T 2SC4074K 2SC4326K TA6270F 2SA1821 2SB1051 2SD478 2SA1690 2SA1455K fiio x5 UMW8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Index Index 2SA1036K 69 2SA1037AK 73 2SA1514K 77 2SA1576A 73 2SA1577 69 2SA1579 77 2SA1727F5 81 2SA1759 85 2SA1774 73 2SA1797 89 2SA1807F5 92 2SA1834F5 96 2SA1862F5 100 2SA1870 104 2SA1900 106 2SC4617 169 2SC4649 160 2SC4672 201 2SC4713K 204 2SC4774 204 2SC4938 209

    OCR Scan
    2SA1036K 2SA1037AK 2SA1514K 2SA1576A 2SA1577 2SA1579 2SA1727F5 2SA1759 2SA1774 2SA1797 IMH10 PDF

    2SC4672 equivalent

    Abstract: 2SC2412KX2 2SC1514K equivalent 2sa1455k SO68 2SB1181F5 equivalent csc 354 2SB1386 equivalent FMC3A FMW5
    Text: h /T ra n sisto rs /\°'y JT — v ^ J ^ fp p — f l ü / L i s t of Products for Each Package • EM3 Extreme M ini-m old 3pir Part No. Application V c e o (V) IC(A) iC Max.(A) PC(W) fj(M H z) Cob(pF) Page h FE lc(mA) V c e (V) 2SC4617 Pre Amp 50 0 15

    OCR Scan
    2SC4617 2SC4618 2SC4619 2SC4649 2SA1576A 2SA1577 2SA1579 2SA1808 2SC4081 2SC4082 2SC4672 equivalent 2SC2412KX2 2SC1514K equivalent 2sa1455k SO68 2SB1181F5 equivalent csc 354 2SB1386 equivalent FMC3A FMW5 PDF