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    IDT721265 Search Results

    IDT721265 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 32-BIT AND 64-BIT IEEE FLOATING-POINT MULTIPLIER AND ALU DESCRIPTION: FEATURES: T h e IDT721264 flo a tin g -p o in t m u ltip lie r and the IDT721265 flo a tin g -p o in t ALU p ro v id e h ig l^ p e e d 3 2-b it and 64-bit flo a tin g ­ p o in t p ro c e s s in g ca p a b ility .

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    32-BIT 64-BIT IDT721264 IDT721265 64-bit T721264/65 180ns 270ns MIL-STD-883, 32-/64-Bit PDF

    Robinson Nugent CATALOG

    Abstract: MC68461 SAB80286 WE32104 Z80000 IMST414 FGE2000 MCA2800ALS 82786 intel TC110G
    Text: T Circuit C o m p o n en ts Inc. r MicrofQ 3000 PGA Decoupling Capacitors Micro/Q 3000 ceramic capacitors are a family of very low inductance decoupling capacitors specifically designed to be through-hole mounted under pin grid arrays PGAs , PGA sockets, and

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