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    H7828 Datasheets (2)

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    H7828 Hamamatsu Compact Head-on PMT Original PDF
    H7828-01 Hamamatsu Compact Head-on PMT Original PDF

    H7828 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: H7828 H7828-01 HR10A-7P-6S HR10A pmt photon counting circuit
    Text: Compact Head-on PMT Photon Counting Head H7828 Series The H7828 series are photon counting head devices using a 19 mm 3/4" diameter head-on photomultiplier tube, high-speed photon counting circuit, and high-voltage power supply circuit. The high voltage supply for photomultiplier

    H7828 TPHOC0035ED HR10A-7R-6P HR10A-7P-6S) TPHOA0028EB photomultiplier H7828-01 HR10A-7P-6S HR10A pmt photon counting circuit PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Photon Counting Head H7828 Series The H7828 series are photon counting head devices using a 19-mm 3/4" diameter head-on photomultiplier tube, high-speed photon counting circuit, and high-voltage power supply circuit. The high voltage supply for photomultiplier

    H7828 19-mm photomulti18 HR10A-7R-6P HR10A-7P-6S) TPHOA0028EC PDF


    Abstract: C8855-01 M9003 bnc to usb adapter C8855 VISTA C9744 H7155 H7360 H7421
    Text: USB INTERFACE COMPATIBLE NEW COUNTING UNIT C8855-01 •Connection Example PHOTON COUNTING HEAD H7155, H7421, H7360 H8259, H7828 SUPPLY POWER TTL OUTPUT PHOTON COUNTING PMT COUNTING UNIT C8855-01 USB PHOTON COUNTING UNIT C9744 OVERVIEW The C8855-01 is a counting unit with a USB interface and can be

    C8855-01 H7155, H7421, H7360 H8259, H7828 C9744 C8855-01 M9003-01 M9003 bnc to usb adapter C8855 VISTA C9744 H7155 H7360 H7421 PDF


    Abstract: HR10A-7P-6S H7828-01 H782 G106
    Text: 小型ヘッドオンPMT内蔵 フォトンカウンティングヘッド H7828シリーズ H7828シリーズはφ19 mm 3/4" ヘッドオン型光電子増倍管と高速フォト ンカウンティング回路、高圧電源回路を内蔵した小型フォトンカウンティン

    H7828 H782819 H7828-01 RG-174/U450 TPHOB0051JA TPHOB0052JA H7828 HR10A-7P-6S H7828-01 H782 G106 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Compact Head-on PMT Photon Counting Head H7828 Series The H7828 series is a photon counting head device containing a 19-mm 3/4" diameter head-on photomultiplier tube, a high-speed photon counting circuit, and a high-voltage power supply circuit. The high voltage supply for photomultiplier tube and the discrimination level are preset to optimum values, allowing

    H7828 19-mm PHOC0035EE HR10A-7R-6P HR10A-7P-6S) TPHOA0028ED PDF


    Abstract: C8855 H7828 C9744 H7155 H7360 H7421 H8259 usb emi filter
    Text: USBインターフェース対応 新製品 カウンティングユニット C8855-01 •フォトンカウンタ構築例 フォトンカウンティングヘッド H7155, H7421, H7360 H8259, H7828 電源供給 カウンティングユニット C8855-01

    C8855-01 H7155, H7421, H7360 H8259, H7828 C9744 C8855-012 C8855-01 C8855 H7828 C9744 H7155 H7360 H7421 H8259 usb emi filter PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 小型ヘッドオンPMT内蔵 フォトンカウンティングヘッド H7828シリーズ H7828シリーズはφ19 mm 3/4" ヘッドオン型光電子増倍管と高速フォト ンカウンティング回路、高圧電源回路を内蔵した小型フォトンカウンティン

    H7828ã TPHOC0035JD HR10A-7R-6P HR10A-7P-6S) TPHOA0028JC PDF


    Abstract: H7828-01 HR10A-7P-6S
    Text: Compact Head-on PMT Photon Counting Head H7828 Series The H7828 series are photon counting head devices using a 19-mm 3/4" diameter head-on photomultiplier tube, high-speed photon counting circuit, and high-voltage power supply circuit. The high voltage supply for photomultiplier

    H7828 19-mm TwoC0035ED HR10A-7R-6P HR10A-7P-6S) TPHOA0028EC H7828-01 HR10A-7P-6S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: People are said to get more than seventy percent of their information about our world from their eyes. However, there are vast sums of information and unknown possibilities hidden within light not visible to the naked eye. This kind of light includes ultraviolet, infrared, X-ray and ultra-low level light

    Hamam2-646-00-18 RU-127015, TPMO0010E02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 光計測 オプティカルブロック 光計測のための光学部品 概要 特長 オプティカルブロックは光電子増倍管モジュールや高感度カメラを 用いた微弱光計測を考慮して設計された、バンドパスフィルタやダイ

    TPMO1058J04 PDF


    Abstract: S10604
    Text: 2007 Vol.2 E x h i b i t i o n s NEWS 2007 Vol.2 NEWS Belgium / Denmark / France / Germany / Italy / Netherlands / North Europe & CIS / November Vision 2007 Stuttgart / Germany UKAEA (Oxford / UK) Productronica 2007 (Munich / Germany) 35th Scottish Microscopy Symposium

    SE-17141 52/1A RU-113054 L9657 S10604 PDF


    Abstract: R11715-01 CD laser pickup assembly flow pressure monitor biomedical R928, hamamatsu H7828
    Text: 2015 PHOTONIC DEVICES Electron Tube Devices and Applied Products Visit our new website to find out all about us The latest catalog and detailed product information are available from our website. Our website contains a wealth of information including our corporate profile, history and news,

    OTH0023E01 C13004-01 R11715-01 CD laser pickup assembly flow pressure monitor biomedical R928, hamamatsu H7828 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: OPTO OPTICAL BLOCKS MECHANICS Optical Components for Optical Measurement OVERVIEW FEATURES The optical blocks are compact units that contain components such as bandpass filters and dichroic mirrors. They are designed for lowlight-level measurements that use PMT modules and high-sensitivity



    Abstract: UV LED 300 nm uvtron R11715-01 CD laser pickup assembly R11410 R928, hamamatsu
    Text: Visit our new website to find out all about us The latest catalog and detailed product information are available from our website. Our website contains a wealth of information including our corporate profile, history and news, as well as product introductions, new technology briefs, exhibition / workshop / seminar introductions,

    OTH0022E02 R7600U-300 UV LED 300 nm uvtron R11715-01 CD laser pickup assembly R11410 R928, hamamatsu PDF