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    GPI02 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PCI1251B GFN/GJG PC CARD CONTROLLER SCPS043A – OCTOBER 1998 D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D PCI Power Management 1.0 Compliant ACPI 1.0 Compliant Packaged in GFN 256-Pin BGA or GJG MicroStar BGA PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.2 Compliant 1997 PC Card Standard Compliant

    PCI1251B SCPS043A 256-Pin Card16 TPS2206 SLLA067 SSYA008 SLLA075 TMS320VC5409/5421 SPRA679 PDF

    TAG 8926

    Abstract: Lpg 899 SDC 2921 TF 6221 HEN LED display 12V+RELAY+1+C/8 pin ic sdc 3733
    Text: MCIMX31 and MCIMX31L Multimedia Applications Processors Reference Manual MCIMX31RM Rev. 1 2/2006 How to Reach Us: USA/Europe/Locations Not Listed: Freescale Semiconductor Literature Distribution Center P.O. Box 5405 Denver, Colorado 80217 1-800-521-6274 or 480-768-2130

    MCIMX31 MCIMX31L MCIMX31RM IOIS16 IOIS16/WP MCIMX31L TAG 8926 Lpg 899 SDC 2921 TF 6221 HEN LED display 12V+RELAY+1+C/8 pin ic sdc 3733 PDF

    BD 4215

    Abstract: SOT23-6 5mm uv led datasheet adc 0808 MARK A5 SOT23-6 marking B6 sot23 MARKING CF sot23-6 marking code DN SOT23 SOT23-6 MARKING b4 LTC4215CUFD-1
    Text: LTC4215-1 Hot Swap Controller with I2C Compatible Monitoring FEATURES DESCRIPTION n The LTC 4215-1 Hot Swap controller allows a board to be safely inserted and removed from a live backplane. Using an external N-channel pass transistor, board supply voltage

    LTC4215-1 CapacitorP-16 LTC4221 SSOP-16 LTC4230 SSOP-20 LTC4260 LTC4261 24-Lead SSOP-28 BD 4215 SOT23-6 5mm uv led datasheet adc 0808 MARK A5 SOT23-6 marking B6 sot23 MARKING CF sot23-6 marking code DN SOT23 SOT23-6 MARKING b4 LTC4215CUFD-1 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SN65DSI86 SN65DSI96 SLLSEH2 – SEPTEMBER 2013 MIPI DSI BRIDGE to eDP Check for Samples: SN65DSI86 , SN65DSI96 FEATURES APPLICATIONS • Embedded DisplayPort eDP 1.4 Compliant Supporting 1, 2, or 4 Lanes at 1.62Gbps (RBR), 2.7Gbps (HBR), or 5.4Gbps (HBR2).

    SN65DSI86 SN65DSI96 62Gbps RGB666 RGB888 60fps 4096x2304 18bpp SN65DSI96 PDF

    transistor smd d9d

    Abstract: smd transistor r5c transistor SMD a10a 4E smd diode smd transistor d9d DC1652A
    Text: DEMO MANUAL DC2064A LTC3300-1/LTC6803-2 Bidirectional Cell Balancer DESCRIPTION Demonstration Circuit DC2064A is a bidirectional cell balancer using two LTC 3300-1 ICs to achieve active cell balancing of up to 12 Li-Ion batteries. The board uses the LTC6803-2 multi-cell addressable battery stack monitor to

    DC2064A LTC3300-1/LTC6803-2 DC2064A LTC6803-2 LTC3300-1 DC2064A. LTC6803â DC590B transistor smd d9d smd transistor r5c transistor SMD a10a 4E smd diode smd transistor d9d DC1652A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Application Note 1758 Author: Manjing Xie ISL6420BEVAL7Z - User Guide Introduction The ISL6420BEVAL7Z is a negative buck boost converter, which features the ISL6420B PWM controller. The ISL6420B is a wide input range, synchronous buck controller. It is designed to drive N-Channel MOSFETs in a

    ISL6420BEVAL7Z ISL6420B AN1758 PDF


    Abstract: ROHS panasonic
    Text: 19-1784; Rev 4; 7/10 KIT ATION EVALU LE B A IL A AV Fan-Speed Regulators and Monitors with SMBus/I2C-Compatible Interface The MAX6650/MAX6651 fan controllers use an SMBus /I2C-compatible interface to regulate and monitor the speed of 5VDC/12VDC brushless fans with built-in

    V/12V MAX6650) MAX6651) 10-Pin 16-Pin MAX6650/MAX6651 MAX6650/MAX6651 5VDC/12VDC MAX6551 ROHS panasonic PDF


    Abstract: LTC4416
    Text: LTC4110 Battery Backup System Manager FEATURES n n n n n n n n n n n n n n DESCRIPTION Complete Backup Battery Manager for Li-Ion/ Polymer, Lead Acid, NiMH/NiCd Batteries and Super Capacitors Charge and Discharge Battery with Voltages Above and Below the Input Supply Voltage

    LTC4110 LTC4414 LTC4416/ LTC4416-1 4110fb LTC4110 LTC4416 PDF


    Abstract: din 2510 NF

    AD7877 32-lead, 25-ball CPZ-500RL71 AD7877ACBZ-REEL1 AD7877ACBZ-REEL71 EVAL-AD7877EB 32-Lead ad7879 din 2510 NF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LTC1840 Dual Fan Controller with 2-Wire Interface FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ U ■ DESCRIPTIO The LTC 1840 is a fan controller with two 8-bit current output DACs, two tachometer interfaces, and four general purpose I/O GPIO pins. It operates from a single supply

    LTC1840 /LTC1694-1 LTC1771 LTC4300-1 1840f PDF

    79a diode

    Abstract: LTC4245 LTC4245CG
    Text: LTC4245 Multiple Supply Hot Swap Controller with I2C Compatible Monitoring DESCRIPTIO U FEATURES • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Allows Safe Insertion into Live CompactPCITM or PCI ExpressTM Backplane 8-Bit ADC Monitors Current and Voltage

    LTC4245 36-Pin 38-Pin LTC4252A LTC4260 LTC4302-1/LTC4302-2 4245f 79a diode LTC4245 LTC4245CG PDF


    Abstract: GPI02
    Text: o O EXT WAKEUP GPI01/nCHG_EN GPI02 SYNC cn O W o O N3 d O asT cd < c n

    OCR Scan
    GPI01/nCHG GPI02 GPI01 GPI02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PCI1250A PC CARD CONTROLLER XCPS014 -D E C E M B E R 1997 * Peripheral Component Interconnect PCI Power Management Compliant • Supports Zoom Video With Internal Buffering • ACP11.0 Compliant • Programmable Output Select for CLKRUN • Packaged in 256-Pin BGA

    OCR Scan
    PCI1250A XCPS014 256-Pin 82365SL-DF 16-Bit on1997 S-PBGA-N256) 4040185/A CAD15-CAD8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Electrical Characteristics intei, 14 Electrical Characteristics 14.1 Absolute Maximum Ratings Case Temperature under B ! to +100^C Storage Temperature.

    OCR Scan
    ----------------T188 4T191 82801AA 82801AB 5L175 HT187 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: LS125 Data Sheet I-Cube SATC Controller Description Features 33 M Hz 32-bit PCI bus interface, 8 interrapt lines to support up to 8 LS port controllers. 32 or 48 bit Interface with standard asynchronous SRAM to internal port map registers cache up to 128K MAC addresses.

    OCR Scan
    LS125 32-bit 125-DS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Intel. InteI/40 Graphics Accelerator Datasheet Release Date: April, 1998 Order Number: 2^06 :8-00:^ Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    OCR Scan
    InteI/40â 04565-001-Sao USA/0498/LMA PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary VT86C100A VIA Technologies, Inc. V/A VT86C100A PCI F a st E th e r n e t C o n t r o lle r DATA SHEET Preliminary DATE : Aug 31,1997 VIA TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Preliminary VT86C100A VIA Technologies, Inc. P r e l im in a r y R e l e a s e Please contact Via Technologies for the latest documentation.

    OCR Scan
    VT86C100A uP1514 PDF

    bet GP 119 diode

    Abstract: ir p 813h bet 82a BA-06 d31ad
    Text: PCI1251AGFN/GJG PC CARD CONTROLLER S C P S 038-A U G U S T 1998 * • • • PCI Power Management 1.0 Compliant ACP11.0 Compliant Packaged in GFN 256-Pin BGA or GJG MicroStar BGA PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.2 Compliant 1997 PC Card Standard Compliant

    OCR Scan
    PCI1251AGFN/GJG ACP11 256-Pin TPS2206 bet GP 119 diode ir p 813h bet 82a BA-06 d31ad PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Elan SC400 and ElanSC410 AMDÎ1 Single-Chip, Low-Power, PC/AT-Compatible Microcontrollers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Elan™SC400 and ElanSC410 Microcontrollers • ■ ■ Standard PC/AT system logic PICs, DMACs, timer, RTC - DOS, ROM-DOS, Windows, and industrystandard BIOS support

    OCR Scan
    SC400 ElanSC410 16550-compatible 16-038-BGA292-2 ES114 lanSC410 Am186, PDF


    Abstract: 5-101 pong rn isa io MIPI ISP Intel MIPI DSI spec ac9721 intel AF 82801 82801 g SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM it313 sch 5127
    Text: intef i 82801AA ICH and Intet 82801AB (ICHO) I/O Controller Hub Datasheet A p r ii 1 9 9 9 O rder N um ber: 2^06 ^5-0 01 in Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual

    OCR Scan
    82801AA 82801AB 82801AA 82801AB 82801 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM 5-101 pong rn isa io MIPI ISP Intel MIPI DSI spec ac9721 intel AF 82801 82801 g SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM it313 sch 5127 PDF


    Abstract: 82443ZX PMB 3330 PMB 8815 intel AF 82801
    Text: intei Intel 440ZX AGPset: 82443ZX Host Bridge/Controller Datasheet November 1998 Order Number: 290650-001 intei Inform ation in this docum ent is provided in connection w ith Intel products. No license, express o r im plied, by estoppel or otherwise, to a ny intellectual

    OCR Scan
    440ZX 82443ZX 82801AA 82801AB 3VF1 PMB 3330 PMB 8815 intel AF 82801 PDF


    Abstract: dsc 8d15 8D15-8DO amd elan amd elan sc400 and am386-dx 40 cq met t2a 250 micron 80l power resistor tt25 CAPACITORS ELANSC400
    Text: Elan SC400 and ElanSC410 AMDÌ1 Single-Chip, Low-Power, PC/AT-Compatible Microcontrollers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Elan™SC400 and ElanSC410 Microcontrollers ■ ■ - DOS, ROM-DOS, Windows, and industrystandard BIOS support E86™ family of x86 embedded processors

    OCR Scan
    SC400 ElanSC410 lanSC410 35-micron 33-MHz, 66-MHz, 100-MHz Am486Â 16-038-BG CQL10 dsc 8d15 8D15-8DO amd elan amd elan sc400 and am386-dx 40 cq met t2a 250 micron 80l power resistor tt25 CAPACITORS ELANSC400 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PRELIMINARY CY82C693 Pentium hyperCache™ Chipset Peripheral Controller Features • PCI to ISA bridge • PCI Bus Rer. 2.1 compliant • Supports up to 5 additional PCI masters including die CY82C691 • Integrated DMA controllers with Type A, B, and F support.

    OCR Scan
    CY82C693 CY82C691 CY82C693 PDF


    Abstract: xd2 joystick
    Text: *T 7 S S ^amÆKFÆÊF m PRODUCT PREVIEW A Cirrus Logic Company CS4610 SoundFusion PCI Audio Accelerator Features Description • The CS4610 is a high performance audio accelerator for the PCI bus. This device, combined with application and driver software from Crystal, provides a complete sys­

    OCR Scan
    CS4610 CS4610 DS241PP3 CS461 100-pin xd2 joystick PDF