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    F4001U Search Results

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    Abstract: HEF4001UBT HEF4001UB V0-V10 HEF4001UBP
    Text: H E F4001U B gates QUADRUPLE 2-INPUT NOR GATE The F4001UB is a quadruple 2-input NOR gate. This unbuffered single stage version provides a direct implementation o f the NOR function. The o u tp u t impedance and o u tp u t transition tim e depends on the in pu t voltage and in pu t rise and fall times applied.

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    HEF4001UB HEF4001 14-lead OT27-1) HEF4001UBT OT108-1) V0-V10 HEF4001UBP PDF


    Abstract: PCF0450 pcf 0700 philips PCF0330 pcf0700 philips HEF4000B Family specifications SOT134 sot154b0 hef4526 PCC0330
    Text: DEVELOPMENT SAMPLE DATA CMOS GATE ARRAYS T h is in fo r m a tio n is d e riv e d fr o m d e v e lo p m e n t sam ples m ade a v aila b le f o r e v a lu a tio n . I t does n o t necessarily im p ly th a t th e d evice w ill g o in to re g u la r p r o d u c tio n .

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    PCF/PCC0330; -40to PCF0330, PCFCI450, PCF0700 PCF1100. HEF4071B HEF4724B HEF4072B HEF4731B; PCF0450 pcf 0700 philips PCF0330 pcf0700 philips HEF4000B Family specifications SOT134 sot154b0 hef4526 PCC0330 PDF