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    ITW Lumex LDM-LXF1017030UVC

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey LDM-LXF1017030UVC Bulk 200
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $11.5031
    • 10000 $11.5031
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    Mouser Electronics LDM-LXF1017030UVC 152
    • 1 $21.85
    • 10 $16.49
    • 100 $11.55
    • 1000 $11.32
    • 10000 $11.32
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    Newark LDM-LXF1017030UVC Bulk 200
    • 1 $16.09
    • 10 $16.09
    • 100 $16.09
    • 1000 $12.65
    • 10000 $10.92
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    Hewlett Packard Co ATF-10170

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Bristol Electronics ATF-10170 58
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
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    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    F10170 Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    F10170 Fairchild Semiconductor 11 Input Parity Checker / Generator Original PDF

    F10170 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F1017Ó7* F10570 11-INPUT PARITY CHECKER/GENERATOR D E S C R IP TIO N — The F10170 and F10570 are very high-speed 11-In p u t Parity C heck­ er/G ene rato rs. It is useful fo r data processing, m e m ory and data tra nsm ission a p p lic a ­ tio n s. T w o o u tp u ts are provided; PoO-8 is H IG H w hen the re is an odd n u m b e ro f H IG H

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    F1017 F10570 11-INPUT F10170 F10570 11-In o0-10 Po0-10 Po0-10) PDF


    Abstract: F10570
    Text: F10170F10570 1 l-INPUT PARITY CHECKER/GENERATOR D E S C R IP T IO N — The F10170 and F10570 are very high -spe ed 11 -Inp ut P arity C h e ck­ e r/G e n e ra to rs. It is useful fo r data processing , m e m ory and data tra n sm issio n a p p lic a ­

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    F10170 F10570 F10170 F10570 o0-10 PDF

    application of parity checker/generator

    Abstract: PQO-10 F10170 F10570
    Text: F1017Ö« F10570 11-INPUT PARITY CHECKER/GENERATOR D E S C R IP T IO N — T h e F 1 0 1 70 a n d F1 0 5 70 a re v e ry h ig h -s p e e d 1 1 -In p u t P a rity C h e c k ­ e r /G e n e ra to rs . It is u s e fu l f o r d a ta p ro c e s s in g , m e m o ry a n d d a ta tr a n s m is s io n a p p lic a ­

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    F1017Ã F10570 F10170 F10570 11-lnput Po0-10 PoO-10 PoO-10. Po0-10) Poo-10 application of parity checker/generator PQO-10 PDF

    pj 87 diode

    Abstract: 4k resistor 50w HV9123 pj 89 diode 50W power amplifier pj1235
    Text: HV9123 High-Voltage, Current-Mode PWM Controller Features ► ► ► ► ► ► A unique input circuit allows the HV9123 to self-start directly from a high voltage input, and subsequently take the power to operate from one of the outputs of the converter it is

    HV9123 HV9123 DSFP-HV9123 A120308 pj 87 diode 4k resistor 50w pj 89 diode 50W power amplifier pj1235 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: A S c h lu m b e rg e r C o m p a n y F10414 256 x 1-Bit Static Random Access M em ory B ipolar Division F10K ECL Product Description The F10414 is a 256-bit read/w rite Random Access M em ory RAM , organized 256 w ords by one bit. It is designed for high-speed scratchpad, control and buffer

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    F10414 16-Pin 256-bit F10414 4096-Word PDF

    12v to 240v PWM inverter circuit

    Abstract: 240v n-channel depletion mosfet HV9120 4k resistor 50w "SMPS Controller" 12v to 240v inverter HV9120NG-G P-Channel Depletion Mosfet datasheet HV9120NG HV9120P
    Text: HV9120 High-Voltage, Current-Mode PWM Controller Features ► ► ► ► ► ► A unique input circuit allows the 9120 to self-start directly from a high voltage input, and subsequently take the power to operate from one of the outputs of the converter it is

    HV9120 DSFP-HV9120 A120308 12v to 240v PWM inverter circuit 240v n-channel depletion mosfet HV9120 4k resistor 50w "SMPS Controller" 12v to 240v inverter HV9120NG-G P-Channel Depletion Mosfet datasheet HV9120NG HV9120P PDF


    Abstract: capacitor 450v 1000 HV9910B "application note" Ac to Dc led driver with pwm dimming
    Text: HV9910B Universal High Brightness LED Driver Features General Description ► ► ► ► ► ► ► The HV9910B is an open loop, current mode, control LED driver IC. The HV9910B can be programmed to operate in either a constant frequency or constant off-time mode. It

    HV9910B HV9910 DSFP-HV9910B B103008 capacitor 450v 1000 HV9910B "application note" Ac to Dc led driver with pwm dimming PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Package Outline 16-Lead SOIC Narrow Body Package Outline (NG) 9.90x3.90mm body, 1.75mm height (max), 1.27mm pitch D 16 θ1 E1 Note 1 (Index Area D/2 x E1/2) E L2 1 L Top View View B A View B h A A2 e Note 1 h Seating Plane A1 Seating Plane θ L1 Gauge Plane

    16-Lead DSPD-16SONG F101708 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HV9910B Universal High Brightness LED Driver Features General Description ► ► ► ► ► ► ► The HV9910B is an open loop, current mode, control LED driver IC. The HV9910B can be programmed to operate in either a constant frequency or constant off-time mode. It

    HV9910B HV9910B 250mV DSFP-HV9910B B030409 PDF


    Abstract: F10414
    Text: A S c h lu m b e rg e r C o m p a n y F10414 256 x 1-Bit Static Random Access Memory B ip o la r D iv is io n F10K E C L P ro d u c t Description T h e F10414 is a 2 5 6 -b it re a d /w rite R and om A ccess M e m o ry R A M , o rg a n iz e d 256 w o rd s b y o n e bit. It is

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    F10414 F10414 256-bit 16-Pin 4096-Word F10170 PDF

    12v use hv9912 circuit diagram

    Abstract: hv9912 led driver 12v only circuit diagram
    Text: HV9912 Switch-mode LED Driver IC With High Current Accuracy and Hiccup Mode Protection Features General Description ► Switch mode controller for single switch drivers ♦ Buck ♦ Boost ♦ Buck-boost and SEPIC ► Works with high side current sensors ► Closed loop control of output current

    HV9912 HV9911 DSFP-HV9912 A103008 12v use hv9912 circuit diagram hv9912 led driver 12v only circuit diagram PDF


    Abstract: ac Solenoid Driver ENI 21 HV9901NG 1N4148 VN2460N8 diode 1N 4937
    Text: HV9901 Universal Relay Driver Features General Description ► ► ► ► ► ► The Supertex HV9901 is a BiCMOS/DMOS universal relay driver that employs PWM switching techniques. It is designed for efficient and energysaving operation of a low voltage relay with supply voltages ranging from

    HV9901 HV9901 DSFP-HV9901 B103008 ac Solenoid Driver ENI 21 HV9901NG 1N4148 VN2460N8 diode 1N 4937 PDF


    Abstract: cs mosfet gain 16.5 FDS3692 HV7800 HV9911NG-G 90V, 350mA LED driver
    Text: HV9911 Switch-Mode LED Driver IC with High Current Accuracy Features General Description ► Switch mode controller for single switch drivers ♦ Buck ♦ Boost ♦ Buck-boost ♦ SEPIC ► Works with high side current sensing ► Closed loop control of output current

    HV9911 HV9911 DSFP-HV9911 A103008 cs mosfet gain 16.5 FDS3692 HV7800 HV9911NG-G 90V, 350mA LED driver PDF