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    DDF4311 Search Results

    DDF4311 Datasheets (1)

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    DDF4311 Film Microelectronics Microwave PIN Diode Drivers, MIL-STD-1772 Qualified Scan PDF

    DDF4311 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: DDF4311 DDF3311 PIC18 example codes i2c 380-ohm
    Text: 2-, 3- & 4-CHANNEL HIGH SPEED DRIVERS DDF2311 DDF3311 DDF4311 M ultiple independent high-speed drivers with 300 mA peak current spikes. 4. M ode control and input pins are interchangeable within any one channel. 1. Inputs are non-inverting when M ode control has a

    DDF2311 DDF3311 DDF4311 DDF2311/3311/4311 380-ohm DDF3311/4311 DDF2311 DDF4311 DDF3311 PIC18 example codes i2c PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 2-, 3- & 4-CHANNEL HIGH SPEED DRIVERS DDF2311 DDF3311 DDF4311 M ultiple independent high-speed drivers with 300 mA peak current spikes. 4. M ode control and input pins are interchangeable within any one channel. 1. Inputs are non-inverting when M ode control has a

    DDF2311 DDF3311 DDF4311 DDF2311/3311/4311 380-ohm DDF3311/4311 PDF


    Abstract: dd450 eta ton DSA006265 DD311A
    Text: Microwave PIN D iode D rivers FM I offers a complete lineup of PIN diode switch drivers with output current capability of 10 mA to 50 mA and switching speeds as fast as 6 ns. Thin film metallzation on ceramic substrates insures low parasitic capacitance for fast switching, small size,

    IL-STD-883 DD350 dd450 eta ton DSA006265 DD311A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PIN Diode Drivers Spectrum Microwave o ffers a complete line-up of PIN diode switch drivers with output current capability of 10 mA to 50 mA and switching speeds as fast as 6 ns. Thin film metalization on ceramic substrates ensures low parasitic capacitance for fast switching, small

    DD111/M DD211/M DD211B DD311A DDF11/M DDF2311 DDF3311 DDF4311 DDF5311 DDF6311 PDF


    Abstract: DD350 DD620 DDF3311 DD450 DD650 DD420 DD320 pin diode DDF4311
    Text: PIN Diode Drivers Spectrum Microwave o ffers a complete line-up of PIN diode switch drivers with output current capability of 10 mA to 50 mA and switching speeds as fast as 6 ns. Thin film metalization on ceramic substrates ensures low parasitic capacitance for fast switching, small

    DD111/M DD211/M DD211B DD311A DDF11/M DDF2311 DDF3311 DDF4311 DDF5311 DDF6311 DD217 DD350 DD620 DDF3311 DD450 DD650 DD420 DD320 pin diode DDF4311 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DDF2311 DDF3311 DDF4311 Two, Three, and Four Channel High Speed Drivers Nor Multiple independent high speed drivers with 300 mA peak current spikes. 1. inputs are non-inverting when Mode control has a logic high input. 2. Inputs are inverting when Mode control has a logic

    OCR Scan
    DDF2311 DDF3311 DDF4311 DDF2311/3311/4311 380-ohm DDF2311 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F IL M PILri microelectronics z ^ M IC R O ELE C TR O N IC S Fm * If'IW a The Ultimate i i Miaoelectronic Packaging and Interconnect Technology 108 Centennial Drive. Peatxxv. MA 01960, USA • TEL: S08| S31-8901. FAX (508 S32-9954 M I L S T D - 1 7 7 2 Q u a lifie d

    OCR Scan
    S31-8901. S32-9954 3S7S74S 28-ch PDF


    Abstract: D0650 Microwave PIN diode d0311 DFOC WE VQE 11 E DD211B DD311A DDF2311 DDF4311
    Text: F IL M F IL n 3575745 m ic r o e l e c t r o n ic s M IC R O E L E C T R O N IC S • |L l I I I ■ DDDOmb fll3 I FLnn Microwave PIN Diode Drivers 7= 5-2-2./ The Ultimate fi Microelectronic Packaging and Interconnect Technology 106 Centennial Drwa fteftofly. MA 01960. USA • TEL 5081S31-8901. FAX: (508 532-9954

    OCR Scan
    S31-8901. MILSTD-1772 DD212) 28-channe! D02850) MIL-STD-1772. HPS082-0001 D0650 Microwave PIN diode d0311 DFOC WE VQE 11 E DD211B DD311A DDF2311 DDF4311 PDF

    fmi switch driver

    Abstract: DDF2311 5S53 dd450 DD212 DD620 DD211 DD211B DD311A HP5082-0001
    Text: FILM AVNET INC/ FILM MELEC M IC R O ELE C TR O N IC S The Ultimate h M iaoelearortc and Intefconnect Technology IN C . Packaging .M E H S 'iö b G J> DODOlHb T • AVNT 7= y z - z i Microwave PIN Diode Drivers 108 Centennial Drive, Peabody, MA 01960. USA • TÉL.' 508 531-8901, FA X 1508) S32-9954

    OCR Scan
    FAX-1508) S32-9954 MILSTD-1772 DD212) 28-channel DD2850) MIL-STD-1772 fmi switch driver DDF2311 5S53 dd450 DD212 DD620 DD211 DD211B DD311A HP5082-0001 PDF