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    D50433Ö Search Results

    D50433Ö Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 3-PHASE BRUSHLESS DC MOTOR CONTROLLER/DRIVER WITH BACK-EMF SENSING The A8905CLB isw a three-phase brushless dc motor controller/ driver for use with CD-ROM or DVD drives. The three half-bridge outputs are low on-resistance n-channel DMOS devices capable of

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    A8905CLB 50433A 1043j_ MA-Q08-25A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HALL-EFFECT GEAR-TOOTH SENSORS-ZERO SPEED The A3056EU/LU and A3058EU/LU Hall effect gear-tooth sensors are monolithic integrated circuits that switch in response to differential magnetic fields created by ferrous targets. These devices are ideal for use in gear-tooth-based speed, position, and timing applications and

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    A3056EU/LU A3058EU/LU A3056Eupply D50433Ã PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BiMOS I I 8-B IT SERIAL-INPUT, LATCHED DRIVERS The merging of low-power CMOS logic and bipolar output power drivers permit the UCN5841/42A, and A5841/42SLW integrated circuits to be used in a wide variety of peripheral power driver applications. Each device has an eight-bit CMOS shift register and CMOS control

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    UCN5841/42A, A5841/42SLW UCN5841A, A5841SLW, A5842SLW, UCN5842A A5842SLW PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: D U A L F U L L - B R ID G E 23] E 2 E’ 22 ] SE N S E 2 S EN SE , E T o ut« E ¡3 V BB1 [~5~ o u t ,a £ 9 ] V BB2 19] GROUND GROUND [ S ' G RO UND [ l " GROUND VrefO u t E IZJ V ref 'N E The fixed off-time pulse duration is set by user-selected external

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    A3961Slly PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f Data Sheet 27627.125 ATS6; 2LSA ZERO-SPEED, SELF-CALIBRATING, N O N -O RIEN TEV, HALL-EFFECT GEA R -TO O TH SENSOR The ATS632LSA gear-tooth sensor is an optimized Hall-effect IC/ magnet combination that provides extremely accurate tabth edge detection when used with large-pitch targets. The ¿^Kttuubassembly

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    ATS632LSA Mhf017 0S0433A 8737b PDF

    transistor a13

    Abstract: 2912 TRANSISTOR PNP A13 transistor 2912 npn D5043
    Text: ALLEGRO MICROSYSTEMS INC 13 D • D50433Ö 00D3707 T ■ ALGR T -9 1 -0 1 PROCESS JMA Process JMA PNP Small-Signal Transistor Process JM A is a P N P double-diffused Silicon epi­ taxial planar transistor. Process JM A finds broad ap­ plication as a medium-power amplifier and switching

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    D50433A T-91-01 DDD37GÃ transistor a13 2912 TRANSISTOR PNP A13 transistor 2912 npn D5043 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: HALL-EFFECT SWITCHES FOR IIIGH-TEMPERATURE OPERATION These Hall-effect switches are monolithic integrated circuits with tighter magnetic specifications, designed to operate continuously over extended temperatures to +150°C, and are more stable with both temperature and supply voltage changes. The unipolar switching

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    MH-008-2 MH-002-2 GH-042 MH-011-2A 0S0433Ã PDF