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    D01S03 Search Results

    D01S03 Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: flflD D • Ô535b05 D01S03Ô 4 H S I E â SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF 3^*/3 Main ratings BUZ 354 N-Channel = 500 V Draln-source voltage l^is = 8A Continuous drain current /d Drain-source on-resistance ^D S on = 0,8 a Description Case SIPMOS, N-channel, enhancement mode

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    535b05 D01S03Ô fl235b05 PDF


    Abstract: data transistor scans
    Text: _ I_I_ _ _ N AMER PHILIPS/DISCRETE übE D • ^53=131 0015031 1 m LZ1418E100R _ Â T -3 3 -U MICROWAVE LINEAR POWER TRANSISTOR N-P-N silicon power transistor for use in a common-emitter, class-A amplifier from 1,4 GHz to 1,8 GHz in

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    LZ1418E100R T-33-U T-33-il LZ1418E100R data transistor scans PDF


    Abstract: LN524YKS
    Text: Numeric Display /J\ 2 Digit 11.0mm . 4 ” Series T y p e No. Unit: mm L ig h tin g C o lo r LN 524Y A S . A m b e r L N 5 2 4 Y K S . A m b e r L N 5 2 4 0 A S . O ra n g e

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    LN524YAS. LN524YKS. LN5240AS. LN5240KS. LN5240KS D01S033 LN524YAS LN524YKS PDF