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    Fox Electronics FC3BSECLM50.0-T2

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    DigiKey FC3BSECLM50.0-T2 Reel
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 -
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    Avnet Americas FC3BSECLM50.0-T2 Reel 2,000
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    KEMET Corporation C0603T104J5RCLM507

    .100UF 50.0V
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    DigiKey C0603T104J5RCLM507 Reel 4,000
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 -
    • 10000 $0.42968
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    KEMET Corporation C0402T820F5GCLM507

    82.0PF 50.0V
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    DigiKey C0402T820F5GCLM507 Reel 79
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $2.42101
    • 1000 $2.42101
    • 10000 $2.42101
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    KEMET Corporation C1206T105J5RCLM507

    1.00UF 50.0V
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    DigiKey C1206T105J5RCLM507 Reel 86
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $2.19547
    • 1000 $2.19547
    • 10000 $2.19547
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    KEMET Corporation C0402T470J5GCLM507

    47.0PF 50.0V
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    DigiKey C0402T470J5GCLM507 Reel 445
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 -
    • 1000 $0.43858
    • 10000 $0.43858
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    Newark C0402T470J5GCLM507 Reel 1
    • 1 $0.396
    • 10 $0.396
    • 100 $0.396
    • 1000 $0.396
    • 10000 $0.358
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    CLM50 Datasheets (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    CLM50 Clairex Electronics 40 mA, Led-photoconductor DIP isolator Scan PDF
    CLM50 Clairex Electronics LED Photoconductor Dip Isolators Scan PDF
    CLM50/2 Clairex Electronics LED Dual Photoconductor DIP Isolators Scan PDF
    CLM50/2 Clairex Electronics LED-DUAL Photoconductor Dip Isolators Scan PDF
    CLM50_2 Clairex Electronics 40 mA, Led-dual photoconductor DIP isolator Scan PDF

    CLM50 Datasheets Context Search

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    pinout battery laptop

    Abstract: sot-23-5 voltage regulator function BYP 250 CLM5205 CLM5205M LP2980 laptop battery pinout 2. GND 3. VOUT 4. Vin SOT-23-5 CLM50 5. VOUT 3. GND 4. VIN SOT-23-5 LDO
    Text: 150mA Low-Noise LDO Voltage Regulator CORPORATION CLM5205 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • Ultra-Low Noise Output • High Output Voltage Accuracy 150mA Output • Guaranteed • Low Quiescent Current • Low Dropout Voltage Tight Load and Line Regulation

    150mA CLM5205 CLM5205 800uA 100mA CLM505 pinout battery laptop sot-23-5 voltage regulator function BYP 250 CLM5205M LP2980 laptop battery pinout 2. GND 3. VOUT 4. Vin SOT-23-5 CLM50 5. VOUT 3. GND 4. VIN SOT-23-5 LDO PDF

    thyristor control

    Abstract: clairex CLM50 CLM51
    Text: nE » CLAIREX ELECTRONICS DIV 2m27'M 0D00S24 S T-Hl-8I CLM50 CLM51 LEDPhotoconductor Dip Isolators C L M 5 0 - C L M 51 1 2 • r .260 ANO O e CATHOOE 3 1 .0 4 5 — • t— - 4 " -NÆ. -PHOTOCELL t i j läJ l i i J550 The CLM50 and CLM51 incorporate a GaP LED coupled with a

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    CLM50 000Qfl54 CLM50 CLM51 G00Gfl2S thyristor control clairex PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLM50/2 CLM51/2 m m m • T ' .260 .240 .0 5 0 — The CLM50/2 and CLM51/2 incorporate a GaP LED coupled with a dual photoconductive cell to provide a dual output opto-isolator. Both devices provide line voltage output capability of 250 PAC on each cell, isolation voltage of 2500V PAC and minimum OFF Re­

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    CLM50/2 CLM51/2 CLM50/2 CLM51/2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 40E D m 34=^738 D00JD73 b O S E N I T ' - 4 l - c& FASCO INDS/ SENISYS CLM50/2 - CLM51/2 CLM50/2 CLM51/2 LED — DUAL Photoconductor Dip Isolators m m 1 _ANODE 2 _ _ CATHODE 3 _N.C. m T .260 4 I 5 L _ PHOTO CELLS \ 111 111 «f .0 4 5 — .0 5 0 — -

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    D00JD73 CLM50/2 CLM51/2 CLM50/2 CLM51/2 PDF

    1 meg ohm var

    Abstract: 340 opto isolator CLM50 OPTO-ISOLATOR
    Text: CLM50/2 CLM51/2 LED — DUAL Photoconductor Dip Isolators CLM50/2 - CLM51/2 .260 .240 1 _ A N O D E 2_ C A T H O D E 3 _ N.C. mmm 4i 5 tu i»j m ;045—» - .050—- t-— PHOTO CELLS The CLM50/2 and CLM51/2 incorporate a GaP LED coupled with a

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    CLM50/2 CLM51/2 CLM51/2 00D103fl 1 meg ohm var 340 opto isolator CLM50 OPTO-ISOLATOR PDF


    Abstract: cd photocell CLM51 led photoconductive cells led photoconductive cell isolators sec 837
    Text: m 34*^730 D001073 t. ^ S E N I 40E D FASCO INDS/ SENISYS CLM50/2 CLM51/2 LED — DUAL Photoconductor Dip Isolators CLM50/2 - CLM51/2 . CATHODE N.C. m m_i y 4 •260 4 i 5L T3“ŒTET PHOTO CELLS p— JOO— The CLM5 0/2 and C LM 51/2 incorporate a G aP LED coupled with a

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    D001073 CLM50/2 CLM51/2 CLM51/2 CLM50 cd photocell CLM51 led photoconductive cells led photoconductive cell isolators sec 837 PDF


    Abstract: CLM51 340 opto isolator PAC DIP 40 thyristor control 045 OPTO ISOLATOR
    Text: Lj0 E D m 34^730 QD01071 5 ^SENI FASCO INDS/ S E NI SY S CLM50 CLM51 LEDPhotoconductor Dip Isolators CLM 5 0 - C L M 5t mmR •f260 u ram r .045-*4 — .050—• 1 ANOOE 2 CATHOOE 5- -MÆ. -PHOTOCELL JQO — The CLM50 and CLM51 incorporate a GaP LED coupled with a

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    D01071 CLM50 CLM51 CLM51 50-CLM 340 opto isolator PAC DIP 40 thyristor control 045 OPTO ISOLATOR PDF


    Abstract: photo thyristor thyristor control Photoconductive Cell clm50 340 opto isolator PAC DIP 40 CLM51
    Text: CLM50 CLM51 LEDPhotoconductor Dip Isolators CLM 5 0 - C L M 51 1- ANODE 2 CATHODE 3Ì L N .C. T .260 .2*10 The CLM50 and CLM51 incorporate a GaP LED coupled with a photoconductive cell to provide a D.I.P. opto isolator for both linear and logic functions. Both units provide line voltage output

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    CLM50 CLM51 CLM51 CLM50-CLM photo thyristor thyristor control Photoconductive Cell clm50 340 opto isolator PAC DIP 40 PDF


    Abstract: CLM51 thyristor control 50-CLM
    Text: 4QE D ^1 34^730 QG01071 5 ^SENI FASCO INDS/ SENISYS CLM50 CLM51 LEDPhotoconductor Dip Isolators CLM .mmR im n r .0 4 5 H — 5 0 - C L M 51 1- AN00E 2 ! CATHOOE -M£. -PHOTOCELL - The CLM50 and CLM51 incorporate a GaP LED coupled with a photoconductive cell to provide a D.I.P. opto isolator for both

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    QD01071 CLM50 CLM51 DG0107E thyristor control 50-CLM PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 40E D 3Mcn73fl 0001071 5 ^ S E N I m !-a -<5i FASCO INDS/ SENISYS CLM50 CLM51 LEDPhotoconductor Dip Isolators CLM 5 0 -C L M 51 1 - AN00E 2 - CATHOOE mian ! THmnn .045-H—- “ - NX. -PHOTOCELL The CLM50 and CLM51 incorporate a GaP LED coupled with a

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    n73fl CLM50 CLM51 AN00E 045-Hâ CLM50 CLM51 PDF


    Abstract: photo cells Clairex Electronics clm50 Photoconductive Cell clm50 sec 837 Photoconductive Cell
    Text: CLAIREX ELECTRONICS DIV ITE I> 2142711 QOOQflSb 1 -PHI-St CLM50/2 - CLM51/2 CLM50/2 CLM51/2 LED — DUAL Photoconductor Dip Isolators i-á ü m ffl m ANOOE . CATHOOE N.O. ih 111 E T IiT : i ! f PHOTO CELLS .050- I ; ' p—»300- The CLM50/2 and CLM51/2 incorporate a GaP LED coupled with a

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    CLM50/2 CLM51/2 CLM51/2 CLM50 photo cells Clairex Electronics clm50 Photoconductive Cell clm50 sec 837 Photoconductive Cell PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CLM50 CLM51 T .260 - A NODE CATHODE - LEDPhotoconductor Dip Isolators CLM50-CLM 51 1 2 - N-C. LUHl 111 ' T h e C LM 50 and C LM 51 incorporate a G a P L E D coupled w ith a photoconductive cell to provide a D .I.P. opto isolator for both lin ea r and logic functions. Both units provide line v oltage output

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    CLM50 CLM51 CLM50-CLM 21427RR PDF


    Abstract: PLT-10585 CLM6000 NSL-4960 CL5M2L cl5m9m clairex clm6500 Clairex CL703L NSL-5540
    Text: SILONEX/CLAIREX EQUIVALENTS HERMETICS TO-5 HERMETIC TO-18 HERMETIC Silonex P/N Clairex P/N Silonex P/N Clairex P/N NSL-3510 NSL-3530 NSL-3540 NSL-4510 NSL-5510 NSL-5530 NSL-5540 NSL-6510 NSL-6530 NSL-7 5 10 NSL-7530 NSL-754 0 NSL-7550 NSL-9510 CL703L CL703A

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    NSL-3510 NSL-3530 NSL-3540 NSL-4510 NSL-5510 NSL-5530 NSL-5540 NSL-6510 NSL-6530 NSL-7530 NSL-9510 PLT-10585 CLM6000 NSL-4960 CL5M2L cl5m9m clairex clm6500 Clairex CL703L PDF


    Abstract: sot-23-5 smps MIC5205-X CLM505 sot-23-5 smps 3.3v pinout battery laptop
    Text: calodic CORPORATION 150mA Low-Noise LDO Voltage Regulator \J CLM5205 FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION • • • • • • • • • • • The Calogic CLM5205 is a low noise, low dropout voltage regulator featuring ultra low ground current 800uA at 100mA

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    150mA CLM5205 CLM5205 800uA 100mA CLM505 mic5205x sot-23-5 smps MIC5205-X sot-23-5 smps 3.3v pinout battery laptop PDF