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    ROHM Semiconductor BU4028B

    IC DECODER 1 X 4:10 16DIP
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    BU4028B Datasheets (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    BU4028B ROHM Logic - Signal Switches, Multiplexers, Decoders, Integrated Circuits (ICs), IC DECODER BCD-TO-DECIMAL DIP16 Original PDF
    BU4028B ROHM High Voltage CMOS LOGIC ICs <Function Logic> Package: DIP16; Constitution materials list: Packing style: Tube packaging; Package quantity: 1000; Minimum package quantity: 1000; Original PDF
    BU4028B ROHM BCD-to-Decimal Decoder Original PDF
    BU4028B ROHM Decoder/Demultiplexer, Single, 4-Input, Non-Inverting, 16-DIP Original PDF
    BU4028B Unknown The CMOS Device Manual (Japanese) 1993 Scan PDF

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TECHNICAL NOTE General-purpose CMOS Logic IC Series BU4000B Series High Voltage CMOS Logic ICs <Function Logic> BU4015B/F, BU4021B/F, BU4094BC/F/FV, BU4538B, BU4028B ●Description BU4015B series ICs are 4-stage static shift registers, each consisting of 2 circuits. The D flip-flops of each stage share a

    BU4000B BU4015B/F, BU4021B/F, BU4094BC/F/FV, BU4538B, BU4028B BU4015B BU4021B BU4094BC BU4538B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TECHNICAL NOTE General-purpose CMOS Logic IC Series BU4000B Series High Voltage CMOS Logic ICs <Function Logic> BU4015B/F, BU4021B/F, BU4094BC/F/FV, BU4538B, BU4028B ●Description BU4015B series ICs are 4-stage static shift registers, each consisting of 2 circuits. The D flip-flops of each stage share a

    BU4000B BU4015B/F, BU4021B/F, BU4094BC/F/FV, BU4538B, BU4028B BU4015B BU4021B BU4094BC BU4538B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TECHNICAL NOTE General-purpose CMOS Logic IC Series BU4000B Series High Voltage CMOS Logic ICs <Function Logic> BU4015B/F, BU4021B/F, BU4094BC/F/FV, BU4538B, BU4028B ●Description BU4015B series ICs are 4-stage static shift registers, each consisting of 2 circuits. The D flip-flops of each stage share a

    BU4000B BU4015B/F, BU4021B/F, BU4094BC/F/FV, BU4538B, BU4028B BU4015B BU4021B BU4094BC BU4538B PDF


    Abstract: BU4028B
    Text: Standard ICs BCD-to-decimal decoder BU4028B The BU4028B is a decoder which converts BCD signals to decimal signals. Of the ten outputs Q0 to Q9, those corresponding to the A to D input codes are set to “H”, and the others are all set to “L”. If inputs A to C are used and input D is used as disabled input, the BU4028B can also be used as a 1-of-8 decoder.

    BU4028B BU4028B BA4028B 51Min. DIP16 BA402 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: General-purpose CMOS Logic IC Series BU4S,BU4000B Series High Voltage CMOS Logic ICs <Function Logic> BU4015B,BU4015BF,BU4021B,BU4021BF, BU4094BC,BU4094BCF,BU4094BCFV,BU4538B,BU4028B No.09050EAT04 ●Description BU4015B series ICs are 4-stage static shift registers, each consisting of 2 circuits. The D flip-flops of each stage share a

    BU4000B BU4015B BU4015BF BU4021B BU4021BF, BU4094BC BU4094BCF BU4094BCFV BU4538B BU4028B PDF


    Abstract: 4028BE BU4538B BU4000B BU4015B BU4015BF BU4021B BU4021BF BU4028B BU4094BC
    Text: General-purpose CMOS Logic IC Series BU4S,BU4000B Series High Voltage CMOS Logic ICs <Function Logic> BU4015B,BU4015BF,BU4021B,BU4021BF, BU4094BC,BU4094BCF,BU4094BCFV,BU4538B,BU4028B No.09050EAT04 ●Description BU4015B series ICs are 4-stage static shift registers, each consisting of 2 circuits. The D flip-flops of each stage share a

    BU4000B BU4015B BU4015BF BU4021B BU4021BF, BU4094BC BU4094BCF BU4094BCFV BU4538B BU4028B 4094BC 4028BE BU4021BF BU4028B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Standard ICs BCD-to-decimal decoder BU4028B The BU4028B is a decoder which converts BCD signals to decimal signals. Of the ten outputs Q0 to Q9, those corresponding to the A to D input codes are set to “H”, and the others are all set to “L”. If inputs A to C are used and input D is used as disabled input, the BU4028B can also be used as a 1-of-8 decoder.

    BU4028B BU4028B PDF


    Abstract: BH4127 ba6482 bu2880 BA6898FP BA7762AFS ba7242f BH3543 ba6257 ba6138
    Text: Memory / standard ICs Memory / standard ICs products list Memory / standard ICs products list The data for Rohm monolithic and hybrid ICs are published in seven different volumes separated by classification. / standard ICs •Memory Regulator / motor driver ICs

    BA335 BA336 BA338 BA338L BA526 BU97702 QX2130FS QX2130S RPI-221 RPI-222 BH3543F BH4127 ba6482 bu2880 BA6898FP BA7762AFS ba7242f BH3543 ba6257 ba6138 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BU4028B BU4028B BCD to T V 7 ^ T 3 - $ BCD-to-Decimal Decoder • B U 4 02 8B U , B C D i i - ^ t 10 Si/Dimensions U nit: mm £ « f 5 x =1 - ? T't„ Qo ~ Og £ ?<D 10 9 *>, A — DCOA * 3 - u - ^ ; n ; 4 'U , “ L” u ^ ;k c 4 'U i f f f tf e W w a j*

    OCR Scan
    BU4028B BU4028B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BU4028B BU4028B BCD-to-Decimal Decoder • ii-ffi^+'/iO /D im ensions U n it: mm BU4028B t±, BCD f t # S 10 5 9 □ - 9 T'to Q o ~ Q 9 i t ' « 1 0 * £>*<7)9 5, A ~ D ( 7 ) A * = ] R C f t f & L f c t i J * * * “ H” Ls ' O U Z H V , U T ^ ' T “ L”

    OCR Scan
    BU4028B BU4028B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BU4028B BCD-to-decimal decoder The BU4028B decoder is constructed so that a BCD code on the four inputs provides a decimal one-of-10 decoded output, while a 3-bit binary input provides a decoded octal (one-of-8) code output with D forced to a logic LOW. Expanded

    OCR Scan
    BU4028B BU4028B one-of-10) one-of-16) DIP16 DIP16) BU4000B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Standard ICs BCD-to-decimal decoder BU4028B T h e B U 4028B is a deco der which converts B DC signals to decim al signals. O f the ten outputs Qo to Qs, those corresponding to the A to D input cod es are set to “H ”, and the others are all set to “L”.

    OCR Scan
    BU4028B 4028B DD2177Ã DD2177T PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Standard ICs BCD-to-decimal decoder BU4028B The BU4028B is a decoder which converts BDC signals to decimal signals. Of the ten outputs Qo to Cfe, those corresponding to the A to D input codes are set to “H ”, and the others are all set to “L”. It inputs A to C are used and input D is used as disabled input, the BU4028B can also be used as a 1-of-8 decoder.

    OCR Scan
    BU4028B BU4028B BU4000B PDF


    Abstract: BA6919FP-Y a7356 7657F A7657S 3842F BA3838F 8206F 7046F 6208F
    Text: Optical disc ICs/Magnetic disk ICs Products List Optical disc IC/Magnetic disk 1C Products List The data fo r Rohm m onolithic and hybrid ICs are pub­ lished in seven different volum es separated by classifi­ cation. •M e m o ry/S ta nd a rd ICs •R e g u la to r/M o to r driver ICs

    OCR Scan
    BA336 BA338 BA526 BP5041 BP5302 5302F. BP5307 BP5310 BP5311 BP5313 1332L BA6919FP-Y a7356 7657F A7657S 3842F BA3838F 8206F 7046F 6208F PDF


    Abstract: BA10358FV bu9312aks BA5415A BA6919FP-Y BU2622S BA3936 ic ba6229
    Text: Multimedia IC Products List Multimedia Cs Multimedia 1C Products List The data for Rohm monolithic and hybrid ICs are pub­ lished in seven different volumes separated by classifi­ cation. •Memory/Standard ICs •Regulator/Motor driver ICs •Communication ICs

    OCR Scan
    BA336 BA338 BA338L. BA526 BA527 BU9761FS BP5302 BP5302F. BP5307 BP5310 BA6287F BA10358FV bu9312aks BA5415A BA6919FP-Y BU2622S BA3936 ic ba6229 PDF


    Abstract: BA10358FV BA3513 BA-4116 BA6302AF BA4116 BU2879 BA6845FS BA6842BFS BA7356S
    Text: Communication ICs Table of Communication 1C Products Table of Communication 1C Products The data for Rohm monolithic and hybrid ICs are pub­ lished in seven different volumes separated by classifi­ cation. •Memory/Standard ICs •Regulator/Motor driver

    OCR Scan
    BA336 BA338 BA338L BA526 BA527 BU4538B. BU4551B. BU4551BF BU4551BFV BU4584B. BA6919FP-Y BA10358FV BA3513 BA-4116 BA6302AF BA4116 BU2879 BA6845FS BA6842BFS BA7356S PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CMOS Logic ICs BU4000B Series The BU4000B is a series of CMOS ICs characterized by low voltage and low power consumption. In addition to a wide supply range, the BU4000B is compatible with the general-purpose 4000B series. Another feature of the series is that it can drive LS-TTL ICs

    OCR Scan
    BU4000B 4000B BU4016B BU4066B BU4000B BU4027B BU4016B PDF


    Abstract: DIP18 BU4094B high voltage analog multiplexer analog multiplexer A823
    Text: IC Standard ICs •S erial IN/parallel OUT driver Supply Output current Output Number of voltage V (mA) system output bits BU 2090/F/FS 3—5 20 BU 2092/F/FV 3~5 20 BU 2114/F 4 .5~5.5 36 B A823/F 4 .5~5.5 200 BA829 4 .5~5.5 300 Part No. Strobe terminal Open collector

    OCR Scan
    2090/F/FS DP16/SOP16/SS0P-A16 2092/F/FV DIP18/SOP18/ SSOP-B20 2114/F A823/F BA829 DIP14/SOP14/SSOP-B14 /SOP16/SSOP-B16 BA829 DIP18 BU4094B high voltage analog multiplexer analog multiplexer A823 PDF


    Abstract: BA6485FP-Y BA-4114 BA225 BU2616 BU12101 ba658
    Text: Index Index This index lists all ICs offered by Rohm, Technical data for these ICs is contained in one of five data books: Industrial. Audio, Video, M otor Driver, and Standard & Memory. In this index, if the 1C that you are looking for has a page num ber after it, the

    OCR Scan
    BA10324A BA10324AF BA10339 BA10339F BA10339FV BA10358 BA10358F BA10358N BA10393 BA10393F BA3520F BA6485FP-Y BA-4114 BA225 BU2616 BU12101 ba658 PDF


    Abstract: Motor Drivers BA12003 BU16515 BA-4114 BA-4112 BA6296FP BP5020 BU2616 BU16307
    Text: Index Index This index lists all ICs offered by ROHM. Technical data for these ICs is contained in one of five data books: Industrial, Audio, Video, Motor Driver, and Standard & Memory. In this index, if the 1C that you are looking for has a page number after it, the

    OCR Scan
    BA12004 BA10324A BA10324AF BA10324AFV BA10339 BA10339F BA10339FV BA10358 BA10358F BU4S01 BU12101 Motor Drivers BA12003 BU16515 BA-4114 BA-4112 BA6296FP BP5020 BU2616 BU16307 PDF


    Abstract: BA10358FV BA6406F BA1450S BU1922 BA8201 BA7230 BU2872AK BA3406 bu2880
    Text: Video ICs Products List Products List The data for Rohm monolithic and hybrid ICs are pub­ lished in seven different volumes separated by classifi­ cation. •Memory/Standard ICs •Regulator/Motor driver •V id e o ICs •O p tica l disc/Magnetic disk ICs

    OCR Scan
    BA336 BA338 BA338L. BA526 BA527 BA534 BU4584B. BU4584BF BU4584BFV. BU6550KS BA6287F BA10358FV BA6406F BA1450S BU1922 BA8201 BA7230 BU2872AK BA3406 bu2880 PDF


    Abstract: 16-DIP BU2007F BU4052BF
    Text: iïïïïTïïl M o n o lith ic ICs • 1ch Series Type * BU4S01 * BU4S11 « BU4SU69 * BU4S71 BU4S81 * BU4S584 « BU4S66 * Under Development Item CMOS logic Function Single NOR gate Single NAND gate Single unbuffered inverter Single OR gate Single AND gate

    OCR Scan
    TC4S01F TC4S11F TC4SU69F TC4S71F TC4S81F TC4S584F TC4S66F BU4S01 BU4S11 BU4SU69 BU4094BF 16-DIP BU2007F BU4052BF PDF


    Abstract: 6303F BU9312 bu2880 BA520 BU2090/F/FS BA-4116 BU2872AK bu9716 BA51W12ST
    Text: Audio ICs Audio ICs Products List Audio ICs Products List The data for Rohm monolithic and hybrid ICs are pub­ lished in seven different volumes separated by classification. •M em ory/S tandard ICs •R egu lator/M otor driver ICs •C om m unication ICs

    OCR Scan
    BA336 BA338 BAS26 BA527 BP5041 BP5302 P5302F. BP5307 BP5310 BP5311 a4558f 6303F BU9312 bu2880 BA520 BU2090/F/FS BA-4116 BU2872AK bu9716 BA51W12ST PDF


    Abstract: BA 3922 BA3928 BA3930 9702FS 9329l BA3922 ba 243 rf 4S584 LZ 99
    Text: IUHDU I l ZLV ZLl 8dOS/8dia BdOS ° 4 - —V Wl 951 —V ¥ P09fr 8SM-dOS 8Sdia (P00e)«dl0->IS £. _ ± <, 0\/ 0z zv 9£ 9‘0 9‘0 (A) mmm* (A) i/ a m # 9 6* 96> 9 9 (AlBfcCf m (A) 9 001 8 x >18 OV 9 001 8 x >12 (VUi)&^ia (A) 3 ra & * (su)xbw 01 (V '0 # a » £

    OCR Scan
    P09fr TI0L-dVS939Ha 093J8 3x29x15 2x29x15 32X29X15 6149LS 6161N BA9700A/AF 9702FS ba3920 BA 3922 BA3928 BA3930 9329l BA3922 ba 243 rf 4S584 LZ 99 PDF