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    Asahi Kasei Microsystems Corporation AK4958ECB

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    AK4958ECB Datasheets (1)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    AK4958ECB Asahi Kasei Microsystems INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Original PDF

    AK4958ECB Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AKD4958ECB-B] AKD4958ECB-B AK4958ECB Evaluation Board Rev.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AKD4958ECB-B is an evaluation board for the AK4958, a 24bit stereo CODEC with a microphone/ speaker/ video amplifiers, and LDO. The AKD4958ECB-B is controlled via USB port, allowing simple evaluation. It features a USB

    AKD4958ECB-B] AKD4958ECB-B AK4958ECB AKD4958ECB-B AK4958, 24bit AK4958 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AKD4958ECB-B] AKD4958ECB-B AK4958ECB評価用ボードRev.1 概 要 の評価用ボードです。 USBポートを使用し各種設定のコントロールができ手軽に評価することが可能です。また、USB Audioデ

    AKD4958ECB-B] AKD4958ECB-B AK4958ECBè AKD4958ECB-Bã AK4958ã TK73633AME AK4958-TVDD TJ-563 TK73618AME AK4958-DVDD TK73618AME PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AK4958] AK4958 24bit Stereo CODEC with MIC/SPK/VIDEO-AMP & LDO 概 要 AK4958はマイクアンプスピーカアンプ、ビデオアンプ, LDOを内蔵した24bit ステレオCODECです。 入力にはマイクアンプを内蔵し、出力にはスピーカアンプを内蔵しており、録再機能付きポータブル機

    AK4958] AK4958 24bit AK4958ã 24bit 32-pin AK4958EG) 25-pin AK4958ECB) a00a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AK4958] AK4958 24bit Stereo CODEC with MIC/SPK/VIDEO-AMP & LDO GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4958 is a 24-bit stereo CODEC with a microphone, speaker, video amplifiers and LDO. The input circuits include a microphone amplifier and the output circuits include a speaker amplifier. It is suitable for

    AK4958] AK4958 24bit AK4958 24-bit 32-pin AK4958EG) 25-pin AK4958ECB) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AK4958] AK4958 24bit Stereo CODEC with MIC/SPK/VIDEO-AMP & LDO GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4958 is a 24-bit stereo CODEC with a microphone, speaker, video amplifiers and LDO. The input circuits include a microphone amplifier and the output circuits include a speaker amplifier. It is suitable for

    AK4958] AK4958 24bit AK4958 24-bit 32-pin AK4958EG) 25-pin AK4958ECB) PDF