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    AK4527 Price and Stock

    Asahi Kasei Microsystems Corporation AK4527BXQ-L

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    Bristol Electronics AK4527BXQ-L 22,424
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    Asahi Kasei Microsystems Corporation AK4527BVQ

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Bristol Electronics AK4527BVQ 1,000
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    ComSIT USA AK4527BVQ 751
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    AK4527 Datasheets (3)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Curated Datasheet Type PDF
    AK4527B AKM Semiconductor High Performance Multi-channel Audio CODEC Original PDF
    AK4527VQ AKM Semiconductor DAC, General|Audio Converter Type, 24-Bit Resolution, Hexagon DAC, Serial Digital Interfaces Original PDF

    AK4527 Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: AKD4527 2SC3327 AK4112A X5L5 r2551 AK4353 AK4527B AKD4527B NJM5532
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AKD4527B Rev.D] AKD4527B Evaluation board Rev.D for AK4527B GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AKD4527B is an evaluation board for the AK4527B, the Multi-channel Audio CODEC. The AKD4527B also has the digital audio interface and can achieve the interface with digital audio systems

    AKD4527B AKD4527B AK4527B AK4527B, AK4353 AK4112A) ak4527 AKD4527 2SC3327 AK4112A X5L5 r2551 AK4527B NJM5532 PDF


    Abstract: YM3436 ak4527 AK4527B AK4527BVQ circuit diagram circuit for 7.1 home theatre system AK4112A AKD4527B IEC60958 Zoran AC3
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4527B] AK4527B High Performance Multi-channel Audio CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4527B is a single chip CODEC that includes two channels of ADC and six channels of DAC. The ADC outputs 24bit data and the DAC accepts up to 24bit input data. The ADC has the Enhanced Dual Bit

    AK4527B] AK4527B AK4527B 24bit 102dB 106dB MS0056-E-00 AK4527BVQ YM3436 ak4527 AK4527BVQ circuit diagram circuit for 7.1 home theatre system AK4112A AKD4527B IEC60958 Zoran AC3 PDF


    Abstract: spdif receiver 2ch ADC 24bit 64Khz
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4527B] AK4527B High Performance Multi-channel Audio CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4527B is a single chip CODEC that includes two channels of ADC and six channels of DAC. The ADC outputs 24bit data and the DAC accepts up to 24bit input data. The ADC has the Enhanced Dual Bit

    AK4527B] AK4527B AK4527B 24bit 102dB 106dB 96kHz IEC60958 spdif receiver 2ch ADC 24bit 64Khz PDF


    Abstract: AK4527 AK4526 zr38600 yamaha psr AK4112 ak4527 02HFDH YSS91
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4527] AK4527 High Performance Multi-channel Audio CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4527 is a single chip CODEC that includes two channels of ADC and six channels of DAC. The ADC outputs 24bit data and the DAC accepts up to 24bit input data. The ADC has the Enhanced Dual Bit

    AK4527] AK4527 AK4527 24bit 102dB 106dB M0079-E-00 AK4527VQ AK4526 zr38600 yamaha psr AK4112 ak4527 02HFDH YSS91 PDF


    Abstract: AK4526 YM3436 ak4527 AK4526A AK4112A IEC958 kw POWER SUPPLY
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4527] AK4527 High Performance Multi-channel Audio CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4527 is a single chip CODEC that includes two channels of ADC and six channels of DAC. The ADC outputs 24bit data and the DAC accepts up to 24bit input data. The ADC has the Enhanced Dual Bit

    AK4527] AK4527 AK4527 24bit 102dB 106dB M0079-E-01 AK4527VQ AK4526 YM3436 AK4526A AK4112A IEC958 kw POWER SUPPLY PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: IC INFORMATION Function Type High Performance Multi-channel audio CODEC AK4527BVQ C MOS Model 1/2 E XV-HTD510 • Block Diagram LIN+ 30 LIN- 29 ADC HPF RIN+ 32 RIN- 31 ADC HPF DAC DATT LOUT1 27 ROUT1 28 LPF LPF DAC DATT Audio I/F MCLK 39 MCLK LRCK BICK 5 LRCK

    AK4527BVQ XV-HTD510 PDF


    Abstract: AK4112B AK4527B AK4626 AK4626A AKD4626 IEC60958 TDM256
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4626A] AK4626A High Performance Multi-channel Audio CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4626A is a single chip CODEC that includes two channels of ADC and six channels of DAC. The ADC outputs 24bit data and the DAC accepts up to 24bit input data. The ADC has the Enhanced Dual Bit

    AK4626A] AK4626A AK4626A 24bit 102dB 106dB MS0397-E-00 AK4626AVQ AK4112B AK4527B AK4626 AKD4626 IEC60958 TDM256 PDF


    Abstract: AK4527B digital dts dolby 5.1 ic AK4586 14 tdm AK4112A AKD4586 CP1201 IEC60958 AK4586V
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4586] AK4586 Multi-channel Audio CODEC with DIR 概 要 AK4586は2ch ADCと6ch DACを内蔵する1チップ24bit CODECです。ADCにはワイドダイナミックレン ジを実現するエンハンスト・デュアルビット方式を採用DACには新開発のアドバンスト・マルチビッ

    AK4586] AK4586 AK45862ch DAC124bit AK458696kHz, 24bit AK4586ADC100dBDAC106dB AC-344LQFP 24bit 96kHz AK4586VQ AK4527B digital dts dolby 5.1 ic AK4586 14 tdm AK4112A AKD4586 CP1201 IEC60958 AK4586V PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AK4117] AK4117 Low Power 192kHz Digital Audio Receiver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4117 is a S/PDIF AES/EBU receiver supporting sample rates up to 192kHz and resolution up to 24-bit. The integrated channel status decoder supports both consumer and professional modes. The

    AK4117] AK4117 192kHz AK4117 24-bit. AK4527B AK4529 PDF


    Abstract: AK4112A CB20 AK4527 CP1201 IEC958 AK4110 AK4112 ak4527
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4112A] AK4112A High Feature 96kHz 24bit DIR GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4112A is a digital audio receiver DIR compatible with 96kHz, 24bits. The channel status decoding supports both consumer and professional modes. The AK4112A can automatically detect a

    AK4112A] AK4112A 96kHz 24bit AK4112A 96kHz, 24bits. AK4527 28pin AK4112AVF CB20 CP1201 IEC958 AK4110 AK4112 ak4527 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4117] AK4117 Low Power 192kHz Digital Audio Receiver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4117 is a S/PDIF AES/EBU receiver supporting sample rates up to 192kHz and resolution up to 24-bit. The integrated channel status decoder supports both consumer and professional modes. The

    AK4117] AK4117 192kHz AK4117 24-bit. AK4527B AK4529 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AK4112B] AK4112B High Feature 96kHz 24bit DIR GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4112B is a digital audio receiver DIR compatible with 96kHz, 24bits. The channel status decoding supports both consumer and professional modes. The AK4112B can automatically detect a

    AK4112B] AK4112B 96kHz 24bit AK4112B 96kHz, 24bits. AK4527B 28pin PDF


    Abstract: CT38 AK4114 ct335 AK4527B AK4529 CP1201 CS12 IEC60958
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4114] AK4114 High Feature 192kHz 24bit Digital Audio Interface Transceiver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4114 is a digital audio transceiver supporting 192kHz, 24bits. The channel status decoder supports both consumer and professional modes. The AK4114 can automatically detect a Non-PCM bit

    AK4114] AK4114 192kHz 24bit AK4114 192kHz, 24bits. AK4527B AK4529) AK4114VQ CT38 ct335 AK4529 CP1201 CS12 IEC60958 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AK4626A] AK4626A High Performance Multi-channel Audio CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4626A is a single chip CODEC that includes two channels of ADC and six channels of DAC. The ADC outputs 24bit data and the DAC accepts up to 24bit input data. The ADC has the Enhanced Dual Bit

    AK4626A] AK4626A AK4626A 24bit 102dB 106dB MS0397-E-01 AK4626AVQ PDF


    Abstract: 0xF872 1CS12 AK4117 AK4527B AK4529 CP1201 CS12 IEC60958 AKM AK4117VF
    Text: [AK4117] AK4117 Low Power 192kHz Digital Audio Receiver 概 要 AK4117192kHz, 24ビットに対応したディジタルオーディオレシーバ DIR でチャネルステータスは 民生用およびプロ用の両フォーマットに対応します。さらにAC-3/MPEG等のNon-PCMデータストリーム

    AK4117] AK4117 192kHz AK4117192kHz, AK4527B, AK4529 AK411724VSOP IEC60958, CP1201 32kHz AK4117VF 0xF872 1CS12 AK4117 AK4527B CP1201 CS12 IEC60958 AKM AK4117VF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: [AK4586] AK4586 Multi-channel Audio CODEC with DIR 概 要 AK4586は2ch ADCと6ch DACを内蔵する1チップ24bit CODECです。ADCにはワイドダイナミックレン ジを実現するエンハンスト・デュアルビット方式を採用DACには新開発のアドバンスト・マルチビッ

    AK4586] AK4586 AK4586ã 24bit 96kHz, 24bitã MS0097-J-03 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4114] AK4114 High Feature 192kHz 24bit Digital Audio Interface Transceiver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4114 is a digital audio transceiver supporting 192kHz, 24bits. The channel status decoder supports both consumer and professional modes. The AK4114 can automatically detect a Non-PCM bit

    AK4114] AK4114 192kHz 24bit AK4114 192kHz, 24bits. AK4527B AK4529) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4626A] AK4626A High Performance Multi-channel Audio CODEC GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4626A is a single chip CODEC that includes two channels of ADC and six channels of DAC. The ADC outputs 24bit data and the DAC accepts up to 24bit input data. The ADC has the Enhanced Dual Bit

    AK4626A] AK4626A AK4626A 24bit 102dB 106dB MS0397-E-00 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4114] AK4114 High Feature 192kHz 24bit Digital Audio Interface Transceiver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4114 is a digital audio transceiver supporting 192kHz, 24bits. The channel status decoder supports both consumer and professional modes. The AK4114 can automatically detect a Non-PCM bit

    AK4114] AK4114 192kHz 24bit AK4114 192kHz, 24bits. AK4527B AK4529) PDF


    Abstract: AK4116VF AK4527B AK4529 CP1201 CS12 IEC60958 0x7FFE8001 MARKING Q33
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4116] AK4116 Low Power 48kHz Digital Audio Receiver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4116 is a low power S/PDIF AES/EBU receiver supporting resolution up to 24-bit. The integrated channel status decoder supports both consumer and professional modes. The AK4116 can automatically

    AK4116] AK4116 48kHz AK4116 24-bit. AK4527B AK4529 20pin AK4116VF CP1201 CS12 IEC60958 0x7FFE8001 MARKING Q33 PDF

    TCXO akm

    Abstract: ak5385 AK5387 delta electronics 650w power supply an 7591 integrated audio amplifier circuits an 7591 power amp 27mhz remote control transmitter circuit FOR CAR philips designers guide audio amplifiers AK4362 an 7591
    Text: Bwr wi d ging the Digital w. a k m . c o m AKM Semiconductor - Dedicated to your Success When you choose AKM to power your designs, you get much more than the best mixed-signal technology on the market today. You get a commitment that your design will succeed and

    888-AKM-SEMI TCXO akm ak5385 AK5387 delta electronics 650w power supply an 7591 integrated audio amplifier circuits an 7591 power amp 27mhz remote control transmitter circuit FOR CAR philips designers guide audio amplifiers AK4362 an 7591 PDF


    Abstract: CB-18 CB20 AK4112BVF AK4527B CP1201 IEC958 AK4112B-LRCK DEM 20486SBH-PW-N
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4112B] AK4112B High Feature 96kHz 24bit DIR GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4112B is a digital audio receiver DIR compatible with 96kHz, 24bits. The channel status decoding supports both consumer and professional modes. The AK4112B can automatically detect a

    AK4112B] AK4112B 96kHz 24bit AK4112B 96kHz, 24bits. AK4527B 28pin CB-18 CB20 AK4112BVF CP1201 IEC958 AK4112B-LRCK DEM 20486SBH-PW-N PDF

    USB stereo sound solution 24bit 192KHz

    Abstract: AD1885 SOUND AUDIO CHIP CS4228A microphone soundmax integrated ak4527 audio decoder digital dts dolby 5.1 24bit 96 khz 120db akm modem cs493 Sound Design hearing DIGITAL DSP HEARING AIDS
    Text: Audio Codecs Bring Professional Sound Quality To PCs, Consumer Products Emerging applications are driving audio codecs to 24-bit resolution, a 192-kHz sampling rate, and a dynamic range approaching over 120 dB. by Ashok Bindra Analog, Power Devices, & DSP

    24-bit 192-kHz STA300, 97compliant 20-bit USB stereo sound solution 24bit 192KHz AD1885 SOUND AUDIO CHIP CS4228A microphone soundmax integrated ak4527 audio decoder digital dts dolby 5.1 24bit 96 khz 120db akm modem cs493 Sound Design hearing DIGITAL DSP HEARING AIDS PDF


    Abstract: AK4114 AK4114VQ AK4527B AK4529 CP1201 CS12 IEC60958
    Text: ASAHI KASEI [AK4114] AK4114 High Feature 192kHz 24bit Digital Audio Interface Transceiver GENERAL DESCRIPTION The AK4114 is a digital audio transceiver supporting 192kHz, 24bits. The channel status decoder supports both consumer and professional modes. The AK4114 can automatically detect a Non-PCM bit

    AK4114] AK4114 192kHz 24bit AK4114 192kHz, 24bits. AK4527B AK4529) ak4527 AK4114VQ AK4529 CP1201 CS12 IEC60958 PDF