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    AD927X Search Results

    AD927X Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: motion ultrasound DOPPLER ultrasound HV MUX PREAMPLIFIER ultrasound transducer AD9271 AD9273 "ultrasound receiver" vga to LVDS converter ultrasound receiver vga doppler probe
    Text: AD927x Family of Octal Receivers LO-C LI-C LG-C LOSW-D LO-D LI-D LG-D LOSW-E LO-E LI-E LG-E LOSW-F LO-F LI-F LG-F LOSW-G LO-G LI-G LG-G LNA VGA AAF LNA VGA AAF LNA VGA AAF LNA VGA AAF LNA VGA AAF LOSW-H LO-H LI-H LG-H Digital Interface: Digital LVDS outputs support both IEEE and ANSI standards. Double

    AD927x PH07749-1-10/08 AD9272 motion ultrasound DOPPLER ultrasound HV MUX PREAMPLIFIER ultrasound transducer AD9271 AD9273 "ultrasound receiver" vga to LVDS converter ultrasound receiver vga doppler probe PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: AD927x/AD967x Octal Ultrasound Analog Front End AFE Product Family for High Performance Cart-Based and Portable Ultrasound Systems Ultrasound designs and the associated requirements have evolved over the years to meet increasingly complex diagnostic needs, ranging from routine prenatal care to advanced cardiac

    AD927x/AD967x AD9674 AD9675 PDF