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    A235B05 Search Results

    A235B05 Datasheets Context Search

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    881 bf

    Abstract: bf881 BF871 BF869 7A SF marking B44 BF872 BF marking code
    Text: SIEMENS m 51E T> A235b05 G04iaS4 471 « S I E G SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF r ^ 3 NPN Silicon Transistors with High Reverse Voltage • • • • - 0 5 BF 869 . BF 881 High breakdown voltage Low collector-emitter saturation voltage Low capacitance Complementary types: BF 870, BF 872 PNP

    OCR Scan
    235b05 T-53-05 Q62702-F683 Q62702-F676 Q62702-F794 O-202 BF871 6235b05 T-33-05 881 bf bf881 BF869 7A SF marking B44 BF872 BF marking code PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 47E P • A235b05 DDBlEbS 1 « S I E G SAB 82C250/SAB 82C251 - P 5 * - M r \5 Advanced Peripheral Interface Controller SIEMENS AKTIENGESEL LSCHAF A dva nce Inform a tion • SAB 82C250: Dual channel asynchronous serial controller Fully programmable serial interface

    OCR Scan
    A235b05 82C250/SAB 82C251 82C250: 82C251: 16C450 16C452 16C451-compa 0031ST5 82C250/82C251 82c251 PDF

    siemens sab 82532

    Abstract: 82258 SA 82532 SAB 80286 csc 2323 sab80286 STT 3 SIEMENS 80286 microprocessor pin out diagram ESCC2 siemens sab 82525
    Text: SIEM ENS Enhanced Serial Communication Controller ESCC2 SAB 82532 Preliminary Data 1.1 CMOS 1C General Features S erial Interface • Two independent full duplex serial channels - On chip clock generation or external clock source - On chip DPLL for clock recovery of each

    OCR Scan
    CRC-32 235b05 82532N-10. 00702fl2 siemens sab 82532 82258 SA 82532 SAB 80286 csc 2323 sab80286 STT 3 SIEMENS 80286 microprocessor pin out diagram ESCC2 siemens sab 82525 PDF

    bts 43202

    Abstract: BTS432E2-E3062A BTS 732 3H DIODE smd smd transistor jst BTS432E2 E3062A SMD code E2 thermal overload relay fas E3043 Q67060-S6202-A2
    Text: • 0235bOS ODfilMTb TTT SIEMENS PROFET BTS 432 E2 Smart Highside Power Switch Product Summary Features • • • • • • • • • • • • Load dump and reverse battery protection1 80 M_oad dump Clamp of negative voltage at output 58 V bb-VouT Avalanche Ciatnp

    OCR Scan
    0235bOS fl23Sb05 O-220AB/5 Q67060-S6202-A2 CPT0SI65 O-22QAB/5, E3043 Q67060-S6202-A4 bts 43202 BTS432E2-E3062A BTS 732 3H DIODE smd smd transistor jst BTS432E2 E3062A SMD code E2 thermal overload relay fas Q67060-S6202-A2 PDF

    smd JSs 13

    Abstract: smd JSs smd JSs 99 VT244A smd JSs 75 DQ2Q-DQ23 3E2 material specification
    Text: SIEM EN S 16M x 72-Bit Dynamic RAM EDO- Module E C C - Module HYM 72V1605GS-50/-60 HYM 72V1615GS-50/-60 168pin buffered DIMM Module Preliminary Inform ation • 168 Pin JEDEC Standard, Buffered 8 Byte Dual In-Line M em ory Module • 1 bank 16 M x 72 organisation

    OCR Scan
    72-Bit 72V1605GS-50/-60 72V1615GS-50/-60 168pin S235b05 023SbDS fl235b05 smd JSs 13 smd JSs smd JSs 99 VT244A smd JSs 75 DQ2Q-DQ23 3E2 material specification PDF


    Abstract: SDA 2516-5
    Text: S IE M E N S Nonvolatile Memory 1-Kbit E2PROM SDA 2516-5 Preliminary Data MOS IC Features • • • • • • • • • • W ord-organized reprogrammable nonvolatile memory in n-channel floating-gate technology E2PROM 128 x 8-bit organization Supply voltage 5 V

    OCR Scan
    Q67100-H5092 00b3272 SDA 2516-5 PDF

    marking code C1H SMD

    Abstract: sab-c501-l24p
    Text: SIEMENS 8-Bit CMOS Microcontroller C501 Preliminary • • • • • • • • • • • Fully compatible to standard 8051 microcontroller Versions for 12/24/40 MHz operating frequency 8 K x 8 ROM C501 -1R only 256 x 8 RAM Four 8-bit ports Three 16-bit Timers / Counters (Timer 2 with Up/Down Counter feature)

    OCR Scan
    16-bit P-DIP-40, P-LCC-44 P-MQFP-44 SAB-C501 SAF-C501 C501-L/C501-1R 80C32/C52 80C52 fl235b05 marking code C1H SMD sab-c501-l24p PDF

    "if amplifier" siemens

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 47E D • flE3SbOS 0034101 3 ■ SIEMENS SIEG SIEMENS AK TI E N G E S l LLSCHAF T^lA'OerOi AM Amplifier for French Sound IF Standard TDA 2148 Bipolar IC Controlled AM IF amplifier with quasi-synchronous demodulator and integral mean value control for French sound IF applications.

    OCR Scan
    Q67000-A2476 P-DIP-14 fi53SbOS TDA2148 53SbOS "if amplifier" siemens PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Electrical Characteristics SIEM ENS 5 Electrical Characteristics Absolute Maximum Ratings Parameter Symbol Limit Values Unit Voltage on any pin with respect to ground Vs - 0.4 to V Am bient temperature under bias Ta O to 70 Storage temperature 7stg - 6 5 to 125

    OCR Scan
    P-LCC-44-1 fl235b Db4b01 P-MQFP-64-1 fl235bG5 0Gb4fci02 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bOE D I fl235b05 QD5G42Ô 7b7 SIEMENS S IC K N S ISIEG A K 7 -iE N 6 e LLSC H AF Dual Power Operational Amplifier TCA 2465 Bipolar 1C Features • High output peak current of twice 2.5 A • Twice 2.0 A output peak current for TCA 2465 G • Large supply voltage range up to 42 V

    OCR Scan
    fl235b05 QD5G42Ã P-DIP-16 Q67000-A8109 Q67000-A8110 Q67000-A8334 P-DSO-20-1 235bG5 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 256 K x 16-Bit Dynamic RAM HYB 514171BJ-60/-70 Low Power 256 K x 16-Bit Dynamic RAM with Self Refresh HYB 514171BJL-60/-70 Advanced Inform ation 262 144 w ords by 16-bit organization 0 to 70 °C operating temperature Fast access and cycle time Low Power dissipation

    OCR Scan
    16-Bit 514171BJ-60/-70 16-Bit 514171BJL-60/-70 23SbOS 00713S? PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: • Ô235b05 0GÔ12Ô4 31b I SIEM ENS HITFET BTS117 Smart Lowside Power Switch Features Product Summary • Logic Level Input • Input protection ESD • Thermal shutdown • Overload protection • Short circuit protection • Overvoltage protection

    OCR Scan
    235b05 BTS117 A235b05 T0220 E3045A Q67060-S6500-A2 Q67060-S6500-A3 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 47E D • SIEMENS ñ23StiGS ÜG34DSC 1 ñ ■ S IE G SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF FM Sound IF with SCART Switch and Volume Control ” 7 7 - 0 S -Û TBA 121 Bipolar IC Features • Outstanding limiting qualities • Few external components • Integrated deemphasis resistor

    OCR Scan
    23StiGS G34DSC Q67000-A8252 P-DIP-16 fl235bD5 100pF PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS Triple 8-Bit Analog-to-Digital-Converter SDA 9205-2 CMOS 1C Preliminary Data Features • • • • • • • Three equivalent CMOS A/D converters on chip 30-MHz sample rate 8-bit resolution No external sample & hold required On-chip input buffer for each analog channel

    OCR Scan
    30-MHz P-LCC-68-1 Q67100-H5069 fl235b05 P-LCC-44-1 fl23Sfc A235b05 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEMENS 6fach-Silizium-Fotodiodenarray 6-Chip Silicon Photodiode Array KOM 2033 A KOM 2033 AF Maße in mm, w enn nicht anders a ngegeben/D im ensions in mm. unless otherw ise specified W esentliche M erkm ale Features • Speziell geeignet für Anwendungen im

    OCR Scan
    0235bGS PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: bOE II • SIEMENS ÌE3 5b OS 0G5G3b1 3T1 H S I E 6 SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF Programmable Timer SAE 0530; SAE 0531 ; SAE 0532 Preliminary Data Bipolar IC Features • Direct operation from AC line or DC supply • Time base: 50/60 Hz line frequency or any clock

    OCR Scan
    P-DIP-18-1 E35b05 60-Hz PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SIEM EN S SAB-C501 8-Bit C M O S M icroco n tro ller • Fully compatible to standard 8051 microcontroller • Versions for 12/20/40 MHz operating frequency • 8 K x 8 ROM SAB-C501 -1R only • 256 x 8 RAM • Four 8-bit ports • Three 16-bit Timers / Counters (Timer 2

    OCR Scan
    SAB-C501 SAB-C501 16-bit P-DIP-40 P-LCC-44 SAF-C501 SAB-C501-L/C501 80C32/C52 80C52 PDF

    tda 2572

    Abstract: tda 2050 equivalent TDA 1432
    Text: SIEM ENS Clock Sync Generator SDA 9257 Preliminary Data MOS 1C Features • • • • • • • • • • All settings made by I2C Bus PLL lock-in behavior can be set to TV- or VCR mode Automatic clamping of CVBS input Provides all horizontal and vertical sync signals and

    OCR Scan
    24-MHz 27-MHz 50/60-Hz fl235 P-LCC-44-1 fl23Sfc A235b05 fl235b05 tda 2572 tda 2050 equivalent TDA 1432 PDF


    Abstract: 12x10 character TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE kh "character rom" siemens S43 SMD marking code AE SMD Transistor siemens flash smd marking KH 235L P-LCC-68-1
    Text: MEGATEXT and MEGATEXT PLUS ICs SDA 5273 / SDA 5275 SDA 5273-2 / SDA 5275-2 Revision History: 06.97 Previous Releases: 11.96 Page Subjects changes since last revision 20 Now also covers SDA 5275-2 and SDA 5273-2 versions; Reset/chip initialization update

    OCR Scan
    P-SDIP-52-1 30C162 12x10 character TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE kh "character rom" siemens S43 SMD marking code AE SMD Transistor siemens flash smd marking KH 235L P-LCC-68-1 PDF

    zck m1

    Abstract: SIEMENS BST ABIAP zck d15 D1113 SIEMENS BST h 05 90 SIEMENS SCR BST smd marking mop smd marking T22 Siemens pulse sequence
    Text: SIEM ENS HYB 39S13620TQ-6/-7/-8 Overview • Special Mode Registers High Performance: -6 -7 -7 -8 Units fc K 166 125 125 125 MHz latency 3 2 3 3 - ÍCK3 6 8 7 8 ns ^AC3 5.5 5.5 5.5 6 Two color registers Burst Read with Single Write Operation Block Write and Write-per-Bit Capability

    OCR Scan
    39S13620TQ-6/-7/-8 cycles/32 39S16320TQ 023Sb05 zck m1 SIEMENS BST ABIAP zck d15 D1113 SIEMENS BST h 05 90 SIEMENS SCR BST smd marking mop smd marking T22 Siemens pulse sequence PDF

    B34 SMD Transistor

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg smd TRANSISTOR code marking wL TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE XI SMD marking B34 TLE4278G TLE4278 AED01546 AEP02113 SD 4278
    Text: SIEMENS flE3SbOS □□'ìbfc.fig LSI 5-V Low -D rop Fixed V oltage R egulator TL E 4 278 G Preliminary Data Features • • • • • • • • • • • • Output voltage tolerance < ± 2 % Very low current consumption Separated reset and watchdog output

    OCR Scan
    P-DSO-14-4 Q0700fj-At) fi23Sfc TLE4278G 35t01s 2l14x B34 SMD Transistor TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE jg smd TRANSISTOR code marking wL TRANSISTOR SMD MARKING CODE XI SMD marking B34 TLE4278G TLE4278 AED01546 AEP02113 SD 4278 PDF

    siemens 8032 cpu

    Abstract: siemens 8032 SIEMENS 80515 80535 80515 88H1 MC 80535 Microcontroller Family SAB 8051 Pocket Guide 80515 application 80515/80535 8 Bit Microcontroller
    Text: SIEM EN S High-Performance 8-Bit Single Chip Microcontroller SAB 80515/80535 P relim in ary SA B 80515 SAB 80535 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM Microcontroller for external ROM

    OCR Scan
    80C515 16-bit 256-bit-addressable A8-A12 A8-A12 S23SL05 siemens 8032 cpu siemens 8032 SIEMENS 80515 80535 80515 88H1 MC 80535 Microcontroller Family SAB 8051 Pocket Guide 80515 application 80515/80535 8 Bit Microcontroller PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: f l 235 bOS G G 37 b 47 7 • MKT Capacitors SI EMENS A KT I EN 6 E S E L L S C H A F M7E D - - SIEG E3 B 3 2 5 2 0 .B 3 2 52 9 / f 'C f S l 7 ' O S. M e t a liz a d p o ly e s t e r film c a p a c it o r s in a c c o r d a n c e w it h D IN 4 4 1 1 2

    OCR Scan

    STT 3 SIEMENS 431

    Abstract: 80c517 Siemens sab 2793b-p
    Text: bOE D • fl2 3 5 fc iO S G G H 7T23 S IE M E N S SIEMENS 152 « S IE G A K T IE N G E S E L L S C H A F ^ High-Performance 8-Bit CMOS Single-Chip Microcontroller ^ e=r - / 9 - o 7 SAB 80C517/80C537 Advanced Information SAB 80C517 SAB 80C537 Microcontroller with factory mask-programmable ROM

    OCR Scan
    80C517 80C537 80C517/80C537 32-bit 16-bit 80C515 023SbOS 80C517/83C537 P-LCC-84 STT 3 SIEMENS 431 Siemens sab 2793b-p PDF