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    9576K Search Results

    9576K Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S ip e * HS9576 ^ C o rp o r a tio n * SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE HIGH SPEED, LOW COST 16-BIT A/D FEATURES • C o m p le te 16-bit A DC with internal referen ce a n d clock ■ Linearity error ± 0 .0 0 3 % m ax ■ Fast conversion time: 15fiSec m ax ■ Pin for pin c o m p a tib le with BB A D C 76 a n d

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    HS9576 16-BIT HS9576 15fisec 9576J 9576K 9576S/B 9576T/B 25q10v PDF


    Abstract: hs9576 BUT12
    Text: C i l ^ A V u c ftc -fx \ / i u^Corporation^ v *A HS9576 "C o rp o ra tio n1 SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE HIGH SPEED, LOW COST 16-BIT A/D FEATURES • C om plere 16-bit ADC with internal reference an d clock ■ Linearity error ±0.003% max ■ Fast conversion time: 15^Sec max

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    HS9576 16-BIT HS9576 6mV/15 9576J S9576K 9576S/B HS9576T/B HS9576TB BUT12 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: C i r \ a v HS9576 N /l U S é /V Cor p o i c a tio n i “ Corpofotioi SIGNAL PROCESSING EXCELLENCE HIGH SPEED, LOW COST 16-BIT A/D FEATURES • Complete 16-bit ADC with internal reference and clock ■ Linearity error ±0.003% max ■ Fast conversion time: 15nSec max

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    HS9576 16-BIT 15nSec 9576J 9576K 9576S/B 9576T/B HS9576TB PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Hybrid Systems •ipp*' .'"irpi';rntjr-r HS 9576 High Speed, Low Cost 16-Bit A/D DESCRIPTION The HS 9576 is a low cost, 16-bit successive approxim a­ tion A/D converter. The converter is complete with inter­ nal reference, short cycling capabilities and thin-film scal­

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    16-Bit 957ughput 9576K S9576J 9576S/B 9576T/B MIL-STD-883C PDF


    Abstract: fsr temperature 9576K
    Text: Hybrid Systems W W CORPORATION HS 9576 High Speed, Low Cost 16-Bit A/D DESCRIPTION The HS 9576 is a low cost, 16-Bit successive approximation A/D converter. The converter is complete with internal refer­ ence, short cycling capabilities and thin-film scaling resistors

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    16-Bit hs9576 fsr temperature 9576K PDF