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    901 704 16 08 55 Search Results

    901 704 16 08 55 Datasheets Context Search

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    Radiall R125 054

    Abstract: Radiall 610 108 001 Radiall R125-256 R125.403.000 1/4-36 UNS-2B R125.680.000 Radiall sma Radiall R125.176 coaxial cable TZC 500 Radiall R125.153
    Text: SMA CONTENTS PAGE SMA Introduction. 4 General . 5



    Abstract: bTicino Magic 1SL9891A00 1SL9143A00 1SLC800001D0201 6 canali 393 EZ 639 393 EZ 952 galvanised steel conduit 1SL9033A00
    Text: Technical catalogue Plastic and metal trunking systems Plastic and metal trunking systems In consideration of modifications to Standards and materials, the characteristics and overall dimensions indicated in this catalogue may be considered binding only following

    1SLC800001D0201 1SLC800001D0201 bticino bTicino Magic 1SL9891A00 1SL9143A00 6 canali 393 EZ 639 393 EZ 952 galvanised steel conduit 1SL9033A00 PDF

    mn 9105

    Abstract: 04401A
    Text: il R163 222 001 T E C H N I C A L DATA Coaxial connectors 9 704 : Issue S T R A I G H T J ACK , SOL D E R TYPE CA BLE .085 SERIES: N 18 GHz DEP90.R16I.500 . 5 12/2 fiats .315/2 Plots .022 .022DIA 00. 555 ; I 5/8-24UNEF-2A .08801A (02.25 1.335 (33.9/ (CABLES : .085")

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    DEP90 022DIA 5/8-24UNEF-2A 8801A C39012 mn 9105 04401A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TPM1919-40 PRELIMINARY May 1996 TOSHIBA TPM1919-40 1. RF PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS CHARACTERISTICS SYMBOL CONDITION Ta= 25°C Ì MIN. TYP. 45.0 46.0 dBm 12.0 13.0 dB MAX. UNIT Output Power at 1dB Compression Point Pi dB Power Gain at 1dB Compression Point

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    TPM1919-40 170mA TPM1919-40 PDF

    ic 7442 details

    Abstract: 8084 microcontroller Ic 7442 meo 412 ic 7442 encoder rll encoder 8084 microcontroller block diagram description EM 516 741 ic 4558 pin diagram RS 4558
    Text: w e i 7 m CONDENSED PRELIMINARY a Advanced Micro Devices Am95C98 Integrated Optical D isk Controller DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Supports zone bit recording ■ Supports X3B11 1990 Continuous Composite Servo WORM/Erasable Optical Formats fo r both 90 mm and 130 mm drives

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    Am95C98 X3B11 NSP-4500-5/92-0 ic 7442 details 8084 microcontroller Ic 7442 meo 412 ic 7442 encoder rll encoder 8084 microcontroller block diagram description EM 516 741 ic 4558 pin diagram RS 4558 PDF


    Abstract: Am80286 AM95C94 ABEP
    Text: ÄUG i 7 »g; CONDENSED PRELIMINARY a Advanced Micro Devices Am95C98 Integrated Optical Disk Controller DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Supports X3B11 1990 Continuous Composite Servo WORM/Erasable Optical Formats for both 90 mm and 130 mm drives • Supports zone bit recording

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    Am95C98 X3B11 NSP-4500-5/92-0 1NTC Am80286 AM95C94 ABEP PDF

    str 8045

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SAMSUNG SEMICONDUCTOR SALES OFFICES - U.S.A. Southwest Memory products Southwest (Microproducts) 22837 Ventura Blvd. Suite 305 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 (818)346-6416 FAX: (818)346-6621 2102 Business Center Drive Suite 169 Irvine, CA 92715 (714) 253-5795

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    124th 233-4121x207 275-6391X225 str 8045 PDF

    PAL 007B

    Abstract: TEA 1091 str 5717 PAL 0078 PAL 010a PAL 002a inverter circuit diagram electra A10H-15 4155 cmos 4558 pin configuration
    Text: COM ’L: H-15 Cl Advanced Micro Devices PALCE20RA1 OH-15 24-pin Asynchronous EE CMOS Programmable Array Logic DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ Programmable replacement for high-speed CMOS or TTL logic TTL-level register preload for testability Easy design with PALASM software

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    PALCE20RA1OH-15 24-pin 28-pin PALCE20RA10 WCP-14M-5/91-0 PAL 007B TEA 1091 str 5717 PAL 0078 PAL 010a PAL 002a inverter circuit diagram electra A10H-15 4155 cmos 4558 pin configuration PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COM’L: H-15 ZI Advanced Micro Devices PALCE20RA1 OH-15 24-pin Asynchronous EE CMOS Programmable Array Logic DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ Programmable replacement for high-speed CMOS orTTL logic TTL-level register preload for testability Easy design with PALASM software

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    PALCE20RA1 OH-15 24-pin 28-pin WCP-14M-5/91-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: o *? * Am2976 Eleven-Bit Dynamic Memory Driver PRELIMINARY > 3 DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Large capacitive drive capability up to 88 DRAMs designed to drive 16K, 64K. and 2 56K dynam ic-m em ory arrays. 24-pin. 0 3-mch space-saving ceram ic dbd plastic dual

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    Am2976 24-pin. 28-pin 11-bit t221-4420 AIS-WCP-15M-01/86-0 PDF

    str 5717

    Abstract: pal 007a 617-2240 4558 pin configuration PAL 002a 13003 TO 92 PACKAGE 4155 cmos cd 13003 pal 003A pal 005a
    Text: NOV 2 1 199! COM’L: -15/25 M IL :-20 El Advanced Micro Devices PALCE61 OH-15/25 EE CMOS High Performance Programmable Array Logic DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • AMD’s Programmable Array Logic PAL architecture Asynchronous clocking via product term or

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    PALCE61 24-pin WCP-17M-7/91 str 5717 pal 007a 617-2240 4558 pin configuration PAL 002a 13003 TO 92 PACKAGE 4155 cmos cd 13003 pal 003A pal 005a PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MRV 10 1393 COM’L: -7 a Advanced Micro Devices PALCE22V10H-7 24-Pin EE CMOS Versatile PAL Device DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • 7.5 ns propagation delay ■ 100 MHz fm a x external ■ Low-power EE CMOS ■ 10 macrocells programmable as registered or

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    PALCE22V10H-7 24-Pin 28-pin 7660A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JUL 2 9 199 COM’L PALCE29MA16H-25 Advanced Micro Devices 24-Pin EE CMOS Programmable Array Logic DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ ■ ■ ■ High-performance sem icustom logic replacement; Electrically Erasable EE) technology allows reprogrammability

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    PALCE29MA16H-25 24-Pin ICP-13M-6/9H) PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MAY 2 ,6 1993 FINAL COM’L: H-5 a PALCE16V8H-5 Advanced Micro Devices EECMOS 20-Pin High-Speed Universal Programmable Array Logic DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS Programmable output polarity • Pin, function and fuse-map compatible with ail 20-pin GAL devices

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    PALCE16V8H-5 20-Pin PAL16R8 PAL10H8 7701A PDF


    Abstract: AM26LS33PC
    Text: Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Quad Differential Line Receivers DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • The Am26LS32 meets all the requirements of RS-422 and RS-423 ■ Input voltage range of 15 V differential or common mode on Am26LS33; 7 V (differential

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    Am26LS32/Am26LS33 Am26LS33 Am26LS32 RS-422 RS-423 0S399C CP-17M-9/93-0 l0925 AM26LS33PC PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: F IN A L a Advanced Micro Devices Am26LS38 Quad Differential Backplane Transceiver DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • 10 Mb data rate ■ 0.45 V DC noise margin ■ Driver register and receiver latch with register bypass mode ■ Biasing line terminations allow low voltage

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    Am26LS38 B/12//93 CP-17M-ar93-0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: FINAL COM’L: Q-10 c\ Advanced Micro Devices PALCE22V10Q-10 24-Pin EE CMOS Versatile PAL Device DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • 10 ns propagation delay ■ 83 MHz fMAX external ■ Low-power EE CMOS ■ 10 macrocells programmable as registered or combinatorial, and active high or active low to

    OCR Scan
    PALCE22V10Q-10 24-Pin 28-pin CP-14M-12/93-0 1S228A PDF


    Abstract: str 5717 pal 007a 617-2240 lm 4558 PAL 002a pal 010a PALCE29M16 PALCE29M16H PALCE29M16H-25
    Text: ai 19*1 COM’L a Advanced Micro Devices PALCE29M16H-25 24-Pin EE CMOS Programmable Array Logic DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-performance semicustom logic replacement; Electrically Erasable EE technology allows reprogrammability ■ 16 bidirectional user-programmable I/O logic

    OCR Scan
    PALCE29M16H-25 24-Pin 02S73Ã WCP-13M-6/91- labpro str 5717 pal 007a 617-2240 lm 4558 PAL 002a pal 010a PALCE29M16 PALCE29M16H PALCE29M16H-25 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: NOV 2 1 199t Advance Inform ation AMD 80EC287 Processor Advanced Micro Devices Enhanced 80-Bit CMOS Numeric Processor DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Pin compatible and functionally equivalent to the Intel 80287 Compatible with IEEE floating point Standard 754

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    80EC287â 80-Bit 16-MHz 44-pin 40-pin WCP-16 5M-2/91 -11959C-0 y22/g0 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: COM’L PAL22V10-7 7.5 ns 24-Pin TTL Versatile PAL Device Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • ■ ■ ■ 7.5 ns propagation delay and 91 MHz fMAx 10 macrocells programmable as registered or combinatorial, and active high or active low to

    OCR Scan
    PAL22V10-7 24-Pin 28-pin PAL22V10-7 high-sp2400 CP-13M-3/92-0 PAL22V10 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: s i «»I COM’L PALCE29M16H-25 24-Pin EE CMOS Programmable Array Logic Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • High-performance semicustom logic replacement; Electrically Erasable EE technology allow s reprogrammability ■ 16 bidirectional user-programmable I/O logic

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    PALCE29M16H-25 24-Pin PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MÄV i o 1993 IND: -30 Advanced Micro Devices PALLV16V8Z-30 Low-Voltage, Zero-Power 20-Pin EE CMOS Universal Programmable Array Logic DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Low-voltage operation, 3.3 V JEDEC compatible — Vcc = +3.0 V to +3.6 V ■ Zero-power CMOS technology

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    PALLV16V8Z-30 20-Pin PAL16R8 PAL10H8 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: JU N 6 1991 COM’L: H-10 MIL: H-15 PALCE20V8H-10 EE CMOS 24-Pin Universal Programmable Array Logic Advanced Micro Devices DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERISTICS • Pin, function and fuse-map compatible with all GAL 20V8/AS ■ Electrically erasable CMOS technology

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    PALCE20V8H-10 24-Pin 20V8/AS -5/91-O PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: n AMENDMENT Advanced Micro Devices CMOS Memory Products 1991 Data Book Handbook Publication: Am27C256 PID# 08007F/1 Page 2-40 Amend this data sheet to add information on the TSOP package that is now available for this product. CONNECTION DIAGRAM TSOP Packages

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    Am27C256 08007F/1 27C256 WCP-26M-2/92-0 PDF