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    9 PIN TUBE SOCKET BE Search Results

    9 PIN TUBE SOCKET BE Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    CN-DSUB25SKT0-000 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CN-DSUB25SKT0-000 D-Subminiature (DB25 Female D-Sub) Connector, 25-Position Socket Contacts, Solder-Cup Terminals Datasheet
    CN-DSUBHD26SK-000 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CN-DSUBHD26SK-000 High-Density D-Subminiature (HD26 Female D-Sub) Connector, 26-Position Socket Contacts, Solder-Cup Terminals Datasheet
    CN-DSUB15SKT0-000 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CN-DSUB15SKT0-000 D-Subminiature (DB15 Female D-Sub) Connector, 15-Position Socket Contacts, Solder-Cup Terminals Datasheet
    CN-DSUBHD15SK-000 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CN-DSUBHD15SK-000 High-Density D-Subminiature (HD15 Female D-Sub) Connector, 15-Position Socket Contacts, Solder-Cup Terminals Datasheet
    CN-DSUB50SKT0-000 Amphenol Cables on Demand Amphenol CN-DSUB50SKT0-000 D-Subminiature (DB50 Female D-Sub) Connector, 50-Position Socket Contacts, Solder-Cup Terminals Datasheet
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    9 PIN TUBE SOCKET BE Price and Stock

    TE Connectivity 1-1579007-9

    Insertion Tool for Pin/Socket Ø4.0 (spare tube 5-1579007-1)
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy 1-1579007-9 11
    • 1 $194
    • 10 $144.62
    • 100 $144.62
    • 1000 $144.62
    • 10000 $144.62
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    9 PIN TUBE SOCKET BE Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: ECC83 tube 12AX7A tube ECC83 ecc83 data 12AX7-A 9 pin socket 9 PIN TUBE SOCKET BE NL911
    Text: < NL91115 - 9 PIN SOCKET Specifications Associated Tube 12AX7A/ECC83 Style 9 Pin Socket, Chassis Mount Related Parts 12AX7A/ECC83 RECEIVING TUBE Complementary Part The product characteristics shown were compiled from manufacturers'data sheets. These product characteristics may change

    NL91115 12AX7A/ECC83 12AX7A/ECC83 ECC83 ECC83 tube 12AX7A tube ECC83 ecc83 data 12AX7-A 9 pin socket 9 PIN TUBE SOCKET BE NL911 PDF


    Abstract: c7319 R720501 HAMAMATSU E849 e717-63 R928, hamamatsu
    Text: Photomultiplier Tubes PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBES AND RELATED PRODUCTS Opening The Future with Photonics Human beings obtain more than 70 percent of the information visually by using their eyes. However, there are vast sums of information and unknown possibilities hidden within light not visible to the naked eye. This kind of light

    B-1348 E-08290 TPMZ0001E01 R1306 c7319 R720501 HAMAMATSU E849 e717-63 R928, hamamatsu PDF

    543-0181-6 10

    Abstract: Hirose FX8-100S-SV 901-4549-4
    Text: The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information. All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at, or contact your Hirose sales representative.

    1000pcs. 543-0181-6 10 Hirose FX8-100S-SV 901-4549-4 PDF

    UL1061 AWG28

    Abstract: DF3-22SCFC 05431 4P2DS DF3S
    Text: The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information. All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at, or contact your Hirose sales representative.



    Abstract: r11265u-20 HAMAMATSU R647 R8900-00-M16 R8997
    Text: PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBES AND ASSEMBLIES PHOTOMULTIPLIER TUBES AND ASSEMBLIES WEB SITE INTRODUCTION In radiation measurements, scintillation counters which are combinations of scintillators and photomultiplier tubes are used as most common and useful devices in detecting X-, alpha-, beta-, gamma-rays and other high energy charged particles. A scintillator

    RU-127015, TPMO0007E03 R1306 r11265u-20 HAMAMATSU R647 R8900-00-M16 R8997 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information. All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at, or contact your Hirose sales representative.



    Abstract: HRS DF13-6P-1,25ds
    Text: The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information. All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at, or contact your Hirose sales representative.



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information. All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at, or contact your Hirose sales representative.


    right angle 14 pin pcb connector 2mm pitch

    Abstract: 901-4549-4
    Text: Product List Page 1 of 1 GO GO Please go to the home page for technical support. Part number s obtained from the individual pages of the PDF catalogs on this site may have been changed. Please verify current part number on the RoHS link. 1.All information, such as connector specifications, dimensions, etc, on the web site are reference only. Connector information can be changed without notice.



    Abstract: B173 AP105-DF14-3032S 0033 b178 CM-105 connector header hrs Hirose DF 59 hrs connector df 25 UL1571 AWG28 B175
    Text: 1.25mm Pitch Super Low profile Crimping Connector DF14 Series •Features 1. Super Low Profile This is a connector special for right angle which has pursued a low profile on the board. Board mounting height: 2.5mm A signal can be fetched from the area where there is no board to


    Hirose DF14

    Abstract: DF14-20P-1.25H AWG30 B177 B178 lcd 94V0
    Text: 1.25mm Pitch Super Low profile Crimping Connector DF14 Series •Features 1. Super Low Profile This is a connector special for right angle which has pursued a low profile on the board. Board mounting height: 2.5mm A signal can be fetched from the area where there is no board to


    right angle 14 pin pcb connector 2mm pitch

    Abstract: UL1061 AWG28
    Text: Board-to-Board Connectors Product List Page 1 of 1 GO GO Please go to the home page for technical support. 1.All information, such as connector specifications, dimensions, etc, on the web site are reference only. Connector information can be changed without notice.



    Abstract: UL1571 AWG28 AWG30 B177 B178
    Text: The product information in this catalog is for reference only. Please request the Engineering Drawing for the most current and accurate design information. All non-RoHS products have been discontinued, or will be discontinued soon. Please check the products status on the Hirose website RoHS search at, or contact your Hirose sales representative.


    UL1007 AWG22

    Abstract: CL903 A266 A267 AWG22 DF11
    Text: 2mm Double-Row Connector Product Compliant to UL/CSA Standard DF11 Series •Features 1. Space-saving on Board Realized Double rows of 2mm pitch contact has been condensed within the 5mm width. The multiple number of signals can be secured in the same space as the conventional 2mm single-row contact.


    electronic passive components catalog

    Abstract: UL-1977 AMP 169341-1
    Text: NECTOR S Line lighting components Flexible solutions for your lighting designs The lighting industry is always changing. It is constantly in pursuit of more energy-efficient products with longer life-spans that can be used in different places under different circumstances. TE Connectivity can


    8122 Tube

    Abstract: beam Tube BURLE-8122 8122 ERIE 9813-000 "Power Tube" diodes 8122 CD464-2 burle sk 3050 c
    Text: 8122 Power Tube Linear Beam Power Tube Coaxial-Electrode Structure Ceramic Metal Seals Full Ratings up to 500 MHz Forced-Air Cooled 380 Watts PEP Output at 30 MHz AB1 570 Watts PEP Output at 30 MHz AB2 Watts CW Output at 470 MHz Matched Pair Available BURLE-8122 is a very small, low-cost, forced-air-cooled beam

    BURLE-8122 8122 Tube beam Tube 8122 ERIE 9813-000 "Power Tube" diodes 8122 CD464-2 burle sk 3050 c PDF


    Abstract: UL-1977 166293-1 electronic passive components catalog 293300-1
    Text: NECTOR S Line lighting components Flexible solutions for your lighting designs The lighting industry is always changing. It is constantly in pursuit of more energy-efficient products with longer life-spans that can be used in different places under different circumstances. TE Connectivity can



    Abstract: DT04-4P dt06-3s DT06-6P DT06-12S DT06-2S DT06-8S DT06-4S DT04-6P dt04-3p
    Text: INDUSTRIAL DT Series Technical Manual A DT Series Manual #50907.indd 1 STEP AHEAD 5/14/2008 1:26:54 PM DT Series Technical Manual Table of Contents Introduction 2, 3 Contact Retention System 10 Features & Benefits 3 Assembly Contact Insertion / Removal 11



    Abstract: 4x150 4XI50D vacuum tube amplifier 4x-150a
    Text: 4X150A RADIAL-BEAM E i T E L - M c C u l l o u g h , inc SAN BRUNO, C A L IF O R N IA These Data ap p ly to type 4XI5 0D w h i c h is i d e n t i c a l t o 4 X I 5 0 A except for the heater rating of 26.5 v o l t s 0.57 a m p e r e . The Ei mac 4 X 1 5 0 A is a c o m p a c t p ower t et r o d e i nt ended f or use as an ampli fier, osci ll ator or

    OCR Scan
    4X150A 4XI50D 4X150A 4XI50A Ec2-300V 4x150 vacuum tube amplifier 4x-150a PDF


    Abstract: cathode ray 4050-AB 0448n2 4050 MC4050
    Text: Stan dard Valves 4050-AB Valve -AD Valve -AG Valve GAS FILLED CATHODE RAY TUBE TYPE 4050-AB, 4050-AD, 4050-AG C haracteristics. Filament voltage 0-75 volts Filament current Anode voltage 0-7 to I-1 amps. 300 to 2,000 volts Normal anode voltage 350 volts Capacity between either pair of deflecting

    OCR Scan
    4050-AB 4050-AB, 4050-AD, 4050-AG 4050-AD 4050-AG UF-1F cathode ray 0448n2 4050 MC4050 PDF

    triode 205e

    Abstract: Western Electric vacuum tube amplifier Class A amp Scans-0017356
    Text: Western E/ectric 205E Vacuum Tube Classification—Moderate power, filamentary triode T he 205E tube is similar to the 20 5 D tube except that special precautions have been taken in the 205E tube to m inim ize sputter noise in the tube and contact noise betw een the contact pins

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 31000Z Eimac application note 4 Varian Varian EIMAC SK-516 SK-510 eimac 700 air socket
    Text: E I M D iv isio n A of 8164 3-1000Z C V a ria n HIGH-MU POWER TRIODE M The EIMAC 8164/3-1000Z is a compact power triode intended to be used as a zero-bias Class-B amplifier in audio or radio-frequency applications. Operation with zero grid bias simplifies associated circuitry by elim inating the

    OCR Scan
    3-1000Z 8164/3-1000Z 3-1000Z 31000Z Eimac application note 4 Varian Varian EIMAC SK-516 SK-510 eimac 700 air socket PDF

    7551 tube

    Abstract: 7558 tube 7551
    Text: BEAM POW ER TUBE 9-PIN MIN IATURE TYPE F o r use in c o m m u n i c a t i o n s e q ui pm en t op e r _ atin j fr om 6 -cell s t o r a j e - b a t t e r y s y st em s _ GENERAL DATA Electr ical: Heater, for Uni potential Cathode: Voltage range.12 to 15

    OCR Scan
    500-Hour 7551 tube 7558 tube 7551 PDF

    Amperex 8637 tube

    Abstract: class A push pull power amplifier RF push pull power amplifier
    Text: TUBE TYPE A m p c r e x 0 E L E C T R O N IC c o r p o r a t i o n 8637 HICKSVILLE, L. I., N. Y ., 11803 lit The A m p erex 8637 is a ra d ia tio n cooled beam pow er twin te tro d e having high th e rm a l in e rtia anodes capable of handling the peak d issip a tio n en co u n te re d under

    OCR Scan
    S33I9II E9-75 Amperex 8637 tube class A push pull power amplifier RF push pull power amplifier PDF