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    9 DIGIT 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY Search Results

    9 DIGIT 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    SCL3400-D01-1 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCL3400-D01-004 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCL3400-D01-10 Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    SCL3400-D01-PCB Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd 2-axis (XY) digital inclinometer Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    TC4511BP Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, BCD-to-7-Segment Decoder, DIP16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    9 DIGIT 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: schematic led colour
    Text: 7 SEGMENT LED DISPLAY 10.9mm 0.43" SINGLE DIGIT TOS4131 series Schematic Options A 12.6 Common Cathode Dual Decimal point 3,14 1 14 a f g e b 1 b grey* face B 2.54 19.0 10.92(0.43) a c d 13 c 10 d e 8 g LDP RDP f 7 2 11 6 9 Common Anode Dual Decimal point

    OS4131 OS4131 O138/0204 TOS4131 schematic led colour PDF


    Abstract: "7 SEGMENT led DISPLAY" schematic led colour E412 Decimal to131
    Text: 7 SEGMENT LED DISPLAY 7.62mm 0.3" SINGLE DIGIT TOS3103 series Schematic Options A Common Cathode R/H Decimal point 4,12 9.9 1 a b c d e f g RDP 7 6 14 13 8 1 2 9 B a g f Common Anode R/H Decimal point b e 4,12 grey* face c 2.54 18.8 7.62(0.3) 14 d a b c

    OS3103 O131/0204 tos3103 "7 SEGMENT led DISPLAY" schematic led colour E412 Decimal to131 PDF

    TOS5161 Series

    Abstract: tos5161 schematic led colour TOS5161 LED display
    Text: 7 SEGMENT LED DISPLAY 14.2mm 0.56" SINGLE DIGIT TOS5161 series Schematic Options 8.0 12.6 A 3.5 min. Common Cathode R/H Decimal point 3,8 a b g c e d b 7 grey* face c 6 d e 2 4 g RDP f 1 9 10 5 15.24 14.2(0.56) 19.0 a f B DP Common Anode R/H Decimal point

    OS5161 OS5161 O140/9528 TOS5161 Series tos5161 schematic led colour TOS5161 LED display PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 SEGMENT LED DISPLAY 13.2mm 0.52" SINGLE DIGIT TOS5121 series Schematic Options 4.2 min. 7.0 12.4 A Common Cathode R/H Decimal point 3,8 b g a grey* face b 7 15.24 13.2 (0.52) 17.5 a f c 6 d e 2 4 g RDP f 1 9 10 5 c e d DP B Common Anode R/H Decimal point

    OS5121 OS5121 O139/9528 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 7 SEGMENT LED DISPLAY 7.62mm 0.3" SINGLE DIGIT TOS3104 series Schematic Options A 6.1 7.6 1 1,6 10 a f g grey* face c e d b 10 b B DP c 9 d e 5 8 g RDP f 4 2 3 7 Common Anode R/H Decimal point 2.54 12.7 a 7.62(0.3) Common Cathode R/H Decimal point 4.2 min.

    OS3104 OS3104 O132/0204 tos3104 PDF

    7-segment LED display

    Abstract: 14-EC 3 digit led display TOS1101 614-E
    Text: 7 SEGMENT LED DISPLAY 26mm 1.0" SINGLE DIGIT TOS1101 series Schematic Options A Common Cathode R/H Decimal point 3,6,14 e c d 2.54 26.0(1.0) b g 1 33.0 a f grey* face a DP b 1 13 c d 10 e f 8 7 DP g 2 11 9 4, 5 & 12 - NO PIN 8.5 22.4 B 3.5 min. Common Anode R/H Decimal point

    OS1101 OS1101 O127/9528 7-segment LED display 14-EC 3 digit led display TOS1101 614-E PDF


    Abstract: schematic s TOS-8102
    Text: 7 SEGMENT LED DISPLAY 20mm 0.8" SINGLE DIGIT TOS8102 series Schematic Options A Common Cathode Dual Decimal point 20.0 a 1 a b 1 f 20.4(0.8) 27.7 3,5,11,16 14 c 12 d e 10 g LDP RDP f 4 2 13 6 9 b g e grey* face B Common Anode Dual Decimal point c 3,5,11,16

    OS8102 OS8102 O145/9528 TOS8102 schematic s TOS-8102 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Seven segment led display Single digit 0.28” 0.30” 0.30” 0.30” BL-S28A/B-11,BL-S28C/D-11 BL-S30A/B-11,BL-S30C/D-11, BL-S30E/F-11,BL-S30G/H-11, BL-S30I/J-11 BL-S30A/B-12,BL-S30A/B-13, BL-S30A/B-14 BL-S30A/B-15,*BL-S30C/D-15 Page: D01 Page:D01 Page:D02

    BL-S28A/B-11 BL-S28C/D-11 BL-S30A/B-11 BL-S30C/D-11, BL-S30E/F-11 BL-S30G/H-11, BL-S30I/J-11 BL-S30A/B-12 BL-S30A/B-13, BL-S30A/B-14 7 SEGMENT SINGLE DIGIT PDF

    12 pin 7 segment display pin diagram

    Abstract: pin diagram of 7 segment 16 pin 7 segment 2 digit display 4 digit 7 segment display 13 pin 7 segment display 13 pin 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY 313 18 pin 7 segment display 7 segment display 14 pin FCS8024 display 4 digit on 7 segment
    Text: FAIRCHILD LOGIC/CONNECTION DIAGRAMS O PTO ELECTRO N ICS 019 PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 FLC3S03-1 Backplane Half Digit Segment Ei Segment Di Segment Ci Colons Segment E2 Segment D2 Segment C 2 Segment E 1 Segment D1 Segment C 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

    OCR Scan
    FLC3S03-1 FLC3505-1 Opto-38 FLC3505-1 Opto-39 FLC3505-2 Opto-40 FLC3507-1131 FLC5505-1 Opto-41 12 pin 7 segment display pin diagram pin diagram of 7 segment 16 pin 7 segment 2 digit display 4 digit 7 segment display 13 pin 7 segment display 13 pin 7 SEGMENT DISPLAY 313 18 pin 7 segment display 7 segment display 14 pin FCS8024 display 4 digit on 7 segment PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Numeric display, single digit, single color, 7 segment LA-401 DN series The LA-401 DN series are single digit numeric display light-emitting diodes that can be used in bright locations. Dimensions Units : mm 9. 6 + 0.2 Features outer dimensions of package: 9.6 x 13

    OCR Scan
    LA-401 PDF


    Abstract: TSC6 NJU9202
    Text: N J U 9 2 O 1 33/ O 2 B 3 1/2 DIGIT SINGLE CHIP A/D GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU9201B/9202B are low-power-consumption, highperformance 3 1/2 digit single chip A/D converters containing a voltage reference, oscillator, 3 1/2 digit A/D converter, 7-segment decorder, display driver

    OCR Scan
    NJU9201B/9202B NJU9201B NJU9202B KJU92018D/ 3202BQ 48kHz 9201B 9202B 19201i TSC6 NJU9202 PDF

    seven segment

    Abstract: 2f 1001 oki 4 digits 7-segment led display with 3-8 decoder alphanumeric 14 segment display 16 pin 4 digits 16-segment led display alphanumeric display 16 pin LED BARGRAPH pin configuration 16 segment display pin configuration 2 digit 7 segment display pin configuration small 7 segment display
    Text: E2C0027-27-Y2 O K I Semiconductor P revious version: Jul. 1996 M S C 1 9 5 1 - 0 1 7-Segment x 16-Digit or 16-Segment x 6-Bargraph display Controller/Driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION MSC1951-01 is a Bi-CMOS bargraph and alphanumeric display controller designed to interface

    OCR Scan
    E2C0027-27-Y2 MSC1951-01 16-Digit 16-Segment MSC1951-01 progr14 seven segment 2f 1001 oki 4 digits 7-segment led display with 3-8 decoder alphanumeric 14 segment display 16 pin 4 digits 16-segment led display alphanumeric display 16 pin LED BARGRAPH pin configuration 16 segment display pin configuration 2 digit 7 segment display pin configuration small 7 segment display PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N J U 9 2 O 1 Q / 0 2 6 3-1/2 DIGIT SINGLE CHIP A/D CONVERTER PACKAGE OUTLINE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU9201B/9202B are low-power-consumption, highperformance 3*1/2 digit single chip A/D converters containing a voltage reference, oscillator, 3*1/2 digit A/D converter, 7-segment decoder, display driver

    OCR Scan
    NJU9201B/9202B NJU9201B NJU9202B NJU9201BD/9202BD det000 9201B) 9202B) NJUS201B NJU9201BD PDF

    led 7 segment display 1.2 inch

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: - 9 2 .00- IN USE SEGMENT ALL DIMENSION IN TOL. : +/-0.5MM tZ 7* ^ & iS t ,S £ r-S £ n^ Z r-^Z r^ Z 5$,16,18,19.25,26,27 NO CONNECT r < 1^2 n a S Z r d ^ rd ^ f,1 MCG461FA 0.6" FOUR DIGIT + MULTIPLEX DISPLAY SEVEN SEGMENT NUMERIC DISPLAY

    OCR Scan
    MCG461FA 200mA ar-99 led 7 segment display 1.2 inch PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 9* ^ I C L 7116, I C L 7 1 1 7 3 1/2 Digit, LCD/LED Display, January 1998 A/D C onverter w ith Display Hold Features Description • H O LD Reading Input Allows Indefinite Display Hold The Harris ICL7116 and ICL7117 are high performance, low power, 3 V 2 digit, A/D converters. Included are seven segment

    OCR Scan
    ICL7116 ICL7117 5M-1982. PDF

    4000B cmos

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 9664 9374 MOS TO LED DIGIT DRIVER DECODER/DRI VER/LATCH CMOS TO 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAY Reference: F a irch ild 9 6 6 4 D ata Sheet (Reference: F a irch ild 9 3 7 4 D ata Sheet) This driver is ideal fo r driving high cu rre n t devices such as LEDs, relays

    OCR Scan


    Abstract: 7 segment 2 and half digit display 7 segment display code note 2-DIGIT 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAY 4 digits 7-segment display cl 4 digits 7-segment led display cl
    Text: 6Q02662 OPTOTEK LIMITED "□3 d ËTJ LBOHLibE D G D O O m 7 T-Ì/J-3Ì OPTOTEK Solid State LED Numeric Displays FEATURES GENERAL DESCRIPTION The O ptotek R7H series 9, of displays are 7 segment 11 and 14 digit configurations GoA s P numeric Indlcotors m o u n t e d In 9, 11 or 14

    OCR Scan
    6Q02662 Optotek 7 segment 2 and half digit display 7 segment display code note 2-DIGIT 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAY 4 digits 7-segment display cl 4 digits 7-segment led display cl PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: S E M I C O N D U C T O R O ctober 1987 Revised Ja nuary 1999 !!^ MM74C911 4-Digit Expandable Segment Display Controller General Description T h e M M 7 4C 9 1 1 display controller is an interface elem ent w ith m em ory that drives a 4-digit, 8-segm ent LED display.

    OCR Scan
    MM74C911 16-segm PDF


    Abstract: Data Display DL 216 DL 1416T DL1416T Siemens Optoelectronic DL-1416T SN63 TP35 00Sk z80 8255
    Text: SIEMENS AKTIENGESELLSCHAF M7E D • 6E35bDS OOSb'ìOl b « S I E G SIEM EN S DL 1416Tt^ 37 .160'' RED, 4-DIGIT 16-SEGMENT ALPHANUMERIC Intelligent Display WITH MEMORY/DECODER/DRIVER Package Dimensions in Inches mm -1 9 (S0&) K T (2 7 9 » ) k (S l) n ’ 20

    OCR Scan
    6235bOS 1416Tt^ 1416B 64-Character 141OT DL1416 Data Display DL 216 DL 1416T DL1416T Siemens Optoelectronic DL-1416T SN63 TP35 00Sk z80 8255 PDF


    Abstract: LDSC516RI
    Text: DATE REVISIONS REV 7 -2 1 -9 5 CORRECTED 1 0 -4 -9 6 E.C.N. # 1 0 2 2 5 ./ SEGMENT R E P R E S E N T A T IO N . B A 4 -2 0 -9 8 E.C.N. MOBRDR. 8, R E D R A W N ./ C UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT DIGIT DETAIL 3.9 COMMON CATHODE DP > O 9 <i 9 O 7 6 4 2 1 9 9 10 5 UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT

    OCR Scan
    LDS-C516RI 6DD67 LD5-C516RI LDSC516RI PDF

    9 digit 7 segment display

    Abstract: 7 segment 6 digit glass panel 7 segment cathode 16 pin 7 segment 2 digit display 7 segment display 10 pin 4 digit 7 segment display 13 pin 18 pin 7 segment display 7 segment c 10 line to 7-segment 4 digit 7 segment decoder
    Text: HfiSSQMH DODGliDb fi SSE D DISPLAYS INC PLAYS, i n c . 31 IN D U STR IA L PARK ROAD LEW ISTOW N, PA. 17044 717 242-2541 FAX: (717) 248-8680 A R 09251 - DIGITAL (.2 inch high) DISPLAYS The AR09251 display is a 9 digit, 7 segment display panel. This display has .20 high

    OCR Scan
    AR09251 9 digit 7 segment display 7 segment 6 digit glass panel 7 segment cathode 16 pin 7 segment 2 digit display 7 segment display 10 pin 4 digit 7 segment display 13 pin 18 pin 7 segment display 7 segment c 10 line to 7-segment 4 digit 7 segment decoder PDF

    18 pin 7 segment display ic 3digit

    Abstract: 6052-s Clock Display LED LD1 D22
    Text: H U Semiconductor MSC1190_ 7-Segment x 3-Digit Static Display Driver with 13 Flag Drivers and 9 LED Drivers GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MSC1190 is a Bi-CMOS structure static display driver to directly drive a vacuum fluorescent (VF display tube. The driver has a structure of a 56-pin flat package, which consists of a 35-bit

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    MSC1190 MSC1190 56-pin 35-bit 048kHz 51kfl, 047jiF 18 pin 7 segment display ic 3digit 6052-s Clock Display LED LD1 D22 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT PART NUMBER REV. L C D - S 2 X 1 M50TR3831 1 P2 DIGIT DETAIL DIG 1 DIG 2 DIG 3 PIN NO. 1 2 SEGMENT 1BC DPI 2.80 110.110] - 30,00 HL18U - MAX, 2 6 .0 0 [1,0241 V.A. ftftlftftftftftft 5 6 7 8 9 2G DP2 3E 3D 3C PIN NO. 10 11 12 13 14 15

    OCR Scan
    M50TR3831 18-SEGMENT PDF

    18 pin Dual alphanumeric, 16 segment display

    Abstract: 4 digit 7 segment display pin configuration SAA 1251 4 digit 7 segment display 4 digits 16-segment led display DS8692 alphanumeric segment display simple controller circuit 2 digit 7 segment display pin configuration 2 digit 7 segment led 3 digit 7 segment display
    Text: O c to b e r 1987 R e v is e d J a n u a ry 1 9 9 9 S E M IC O N D U C TO R T M MM74C911 4-Digit Expandable Segment Display Controller General Description T h e M M 7 4 C 9 1 1 d is p la y c o n tro lle r is an in te rfa c e e le m e n t w ith m e m o ry th a t d riv e s a 4 -d ig it, 8 -s e g m e n t LE D display.

    OCR Scan
    MM74C911 MM74C911 16-seg-ment 18 pin Dual alphanumeric, 16 segment display 4 digit 7 segment display pin configuration SAA 1251 4 digit 7 segment display 4 digits 16-segment led display DS8692 alphanumeric segment display simple controller circuit 2 digit 7 segment display pin configuration 2 digit 7 segment led 3 digit 7 segment display PDF