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    QVS Tech Inc QVS-145-20.00877MHZ

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    877MHZ Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: PLL400-864AY PLL400-864AY 5V NARROWBAND PHASELOCKED LOOP 5V NARROWBAND PHASE-LOCKED LOOP Package: PLL400, 15.24mm x 15.24mm x 3mm PLL Synthesizer Block Diagram Features  Low Phase Noise / Fast Settling Time  SPI Bus Compatible  Frequency: 851MHz to 877MHz

    PLL400-864AY PLL400, 851MHz 877MHz S1170 118in) DS120109 PDF

    qualcomm msm 8660

    Abstract: ecu repair proton rx 4000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram preamplifier proton 1100 MOBILE jammer GSM 1800 MHZ circuit diagram Qualcomm 8200 proton rx 3000 RF2713 433MHz saw Based Transmitter Schematic and PCB La RF2517
    Text:                 1      2        3         4       5    6      7 ! " 8      #  9 !   

    RF2043 RF2044 RF2045 RF2046 RF2047 RF2048 RF2103P org/jedec/download/std020 qualcomm msm 8660 ecu repair proton rx 4000 watts power amplifier circuit diagram preamplifier proton 1100 MOBILE jammer GSM 1800 MHZ circuit diagram Qualcomm 8200 proton rx 3000 RF2713 433MHz saw Based Transmitter Schematic and PCB La RF2517 PDF

    ic 8250

    Abstract: 8250 ic pin
    Text: RF2152 Preliminary                  • Spread Spectrum Systems • 3V JCDMA/TACS Cellular Handsets • CDPD Portable Data Cards • 3V TDMA/AMPS Cellular Handsets • Portable Battery-Powered Equipment

    RF2152 RF2152 800MHz 950MHz po855 ic 8250 8250 ic pin PDF


    Abstract: 8250 ic pin 1NH13 84-50
    Text: RF2152 2 DUAL-MODE CDMA/AMPS OR TDMA/AMPS 3V POWER AMPLIFIER Typical Applications • 3V JCDMA/TACS Cellular Handsets • CDPD Portable Data Cards • 3V TDMA/AMPS Cellular Handsets • Portable Battery-Powered Equipment D E R S F I 21 G 62 N /R S Product Description

    RF2152 PSSOP-16 28dBm RF2152 8250 ic pin 1NH13 84-50 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 700 MHz to 1000 MHz RF Vector Modulator AD8340 Data Sheet FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM VPRF QBBP QBBM VPS2 90° RFIP RFOP RFIM RFOM 0° CMOP IBBP IBBM DSOP 04699-001 Cartesian amplitude and phase modulation 700 MHz to 1.0 GHz frequency range Continuous magnitude control of −2 dB to −32 dB

    AD8340 24-Lead CP-24-10) AD8340ACPZ-WP AD8340ACPZ-REEL7 AD8340-EVALZ D04699-0-3/14 CP-24-10 PDF

    transistor 835

    Abstract: HBT transistor TRW mmic RF2152 TA0032 trw rf transistor
    Text: TA0032  TA0032 RF2152: A 3V HBT Power Amplifier for CDMA/AMPS Handsets        Figure 1: PSSOP-16 Package Outline A high power, high efficiency, low cost power amplifier has been developed utilizing commercial gallium arsenide GaAs heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT)

    TA0032 RF2152: PSSOP-16 RF2152 28dBm 27dBm 10dBm transistor 835 HBT transistor TRW mmic TA0032 trw rf transistor PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Tel: +44 1460 256 100 Fax: +44 1460 256 101 Golledge Electronics Ltd Eaglewood Park, ILMINSTER Somerset, TA19 9DQ, UK SAW Filter 858.50MHz Part No: MP05046 Model: TA1416A Rev No: 1 A. MAXIMUM RATING: Electrostatic Sensitive Device ESD 1. Input Power Level: 10dBm

    50MHz MP05046 TA1416A 10dBm 877MHz) 877Medge TA1416A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 700 MHz to 1000 MHz RF Vector Modulator AD8340 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES VPRF QBBP QBBM VPS2 90° RFOP RFIP RFIM RFOM 0° CMOP IBBP IBBM DSOP 04699-001 Cartesian amplitude and phase modulation 700 MHz to 1.0 GHz frequency range Continuous magnitude control of −2 dB to −32 dB

    AD8340 O-220-VGGD-2 24-Lead CP-24-1) AD8340ACPZ-WP1, AD8340ACPZ-REEL71 AD8340-EVALZ1 D04699-0-8/07 PDF

    315 MHz Power Amplifier

    Abstract: CC11R CAPACITOR MURATA XP1076-SD
    Text: 700-2300 MHz 31.5 dBm InGaP HBT Power Amplifier XP1076-SD January 2010 - Rev 13-Jan-10 Features 31.5 dBm P1dB 46.5 dBm OIP3 Active Bias Circuit 14.5 dB Gain @ 2GHz 5V Single Positive Voltage Supply RoHS Compliant SOIC-8 General Description The XP1076-SD is a high linearity power amplifier capable of 31.5 dBm

    XP1076-SD 13-Jan-10 XP1076-SD 315 MHz Power Amplifier CC11R CAPACITOR MURATA PDF

    variable attenuator at 15GHz with input power 12dBm

    Abstract: AD8340 AD9777 ETC1-1-13
    Text: 700 MHz to 1000 MHz RF Vector Modulator AD8340 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES VPRF QBBP OBBM VPS2 90° RFIP RFOP RFIM RFOM 0° CMOP IBBP IBBM DSOP 04699-0-001 Cartesian amplitude and phase modulation 700 MHz to 1.0 GHz frequency range Continuous magnitude control of −2 dB to −32 dB

    AD8340 CDMA20 MO-220-VGGD-2 24-Lead CP-24) AD8340ACPZ-WP1, AD8340ACPZ-REEL71 AD8340-EVAL variable attenuator at 15GHz with input power 12dBm AD8340 AD9777 ETC1-1-13 PDF


    Abstract: C33825 trw rf transistor trw 131* RF POWER TRANSISTOR TRW mmic HBT transistor RF2152 TA0032 POUT315 3.5V HBT MMIC Amplifier
    Text: TA0032  TA0032 RF2152: A 3V HBT Power Amplifier for CDMA/AMPS Handsets           The RF2152 is the latest addition to a family of power amplifiers introduced by RF Micro Devices RFMD utilizing GaAs HBT technology. This commercially proven

    TA0032 RF2152: RF2152 trw RF POWER TRANSISTOR C33825 trw rf transistor trw 131* RF POWER TRANSISTOR TRW mmic HBT transistor TA0032 POUT315 3.5V HBT MMIC Amplifier PDF


    Abstract: AD9777 ETC1-1-13 polar modulator
    Text: 700 MHz to 1000 MHz RF Vector Modulator AD8340 FEATURES FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM VPRF QBBP QBBM VPS2 90° RFOP RFIP RFIM RFOM 0° CMOP IBBP IBBM DSOP 04699-001 Cartesian amplitude and phase modulation 700 MHz to 1.0 GHz frequency range Continuous magnitude control of −2 dB to −32 dB

    AD8340 CDMA2000, MO-220-VGGD-2 24-Lead CP-24-1) AD8340ACPZ-WP1, AD8340ACPZ-REEL71 AD8340-EVALZ1 AD8340 AD9777 ETC1-1-13 polar modulator PDF

    cdi schematics pcb

    Abstract: IT28 it27 ac cdi schematic diagram cdi schematic cdi schematics F2152 I960 RF2152
    Text: RF RF2152 Preliminary M ICRO-DEVICES POWER AMPLIFIERS DU AL-M O D E CD M A /A M PS OR TD M A /A M P S 3 V POWER A M P L IF IE R manufactured on an advanced Gallium Arsenide Hetero­ junction Bipolar Transistor HBT process, and has been designed for use as the final RF amplifier in dual-mode

    OCR Scan
    RF2152 RF2152 800MHz 950MHz PSSOP-16 -TW30PAE 25PAE 85PAE -T-30Gan 25Gan cdi schematics pcb IT28 it27 ac cdi schematic diagram cdi schematic cdi schematics F2152 I960 PDF

    dc cdi schematic diagram

    Abstract: cdi schematics pcb cdi schematics diagram transistor tt 2140 cdi circuit diagram cdi schematic detailed circuit schematics dc cdi F2152 RF2152 25Gain
    Text: RF Preliminary MICRO-DEVICES RF2152 POWER AMPLIFIERS D U A L - M O D E C D M A / A M P S OR T D M A / A M P S 3 V P OWE R A M P L I F I E R m anufactured on an advanced G allium A rsenide H etero­ junction B ipolar Transistor HBT process, and has been designed fo r use as the final RF am plifier In dual-m ode

    OCR Scan
    RF2152 RF2152 800MHz 950MHz PSSOP-16 -T-30PÃ 25PAE 85PAE 25Gain dc cdi schematic diagram cdi schematics pcb cdi schematics diagram transistor tt 2140 cdi circuit diagram cdi schematic detailed circuit schematics dc cdi F2152 PDF