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    85C508 Search Results

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    Abstract: 28-PIN CERDIP
    Text: SUPPORT COMPONENTS INTEL CORPORATION 85C508 High Address Decoder • ■ ■ ■ ■ High-Speed Address Decode For High-Performance Designs Wide Address Decode – 16 Inputs Up to 8 Chip-Select Outputs Low-Power CHMOS Technology Total Propagation Delay of 7.5 nsec

    85C508 28-pin, 300-mil 28-pin 28-PIN CERDIP PDF

    atmel 93c66

    Abstract: PH29EE010 2764 EEPROM 537RU10 sst ph29ee010 556RT7A 556RT5 intel 8755 eprom 2716 537RU17
    Text: Универсал ьны й програм матор Sterh ST­011 Производст во: Россия. Цен а: 17500 руб. с НД С. ST­011 имеет всего одну универсальную DIP­42 панель для программирования

    ST011 DIP42 DIP42, RS232 155RE3 556RT4 556RT4A 556RT5 atmel 93c66 PH29EE010 2764 EEPROM 537RU10 sst ph29ee010 556RT7A intel 8755 eprom 2716 537RU17 PDF


    Abstract: LIN VHDL source code 3 bit carry select adder verilog codes carry save adder verilog program 8 bit carry select adder verilog codes vhdl code for carry select adder 5AC324 verilog code for fixed point adder PLCC68 PLCC84
    Text: FLEXlogic Device Kit Manual FLEXlogic Device Kit Manual 981-0405-001 September 1994 090-0610-001 Data I/O has made every attempt to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and complete. Data I/O assumes no liability for errors, or for any incidental,



    Abstract: Intel IPLDview-286 290134 290175 n85c508 5097
    Text: in t e i 85C508/85C509 FAST 1-MICRON CHMOS DECODER/LATCH juPLDs High-Performance Programmable Logic Device for High-Speed Microprocessorto-Memory Decode: — 85C508: Active-Low Outputs — 85C509: Active-High Outputs Extremely High Speed— tpp 7.5 ns max , 133.3 MHz (max), t£o 4.5 ns

    OCR Scan
    85C508/85C509 28-Pin 300-mil 85C508: 85C509: Intei386TM, 85C508/85C509 08/85C 85C508 Intel IPLDview-286 290134 290175 n85c508 5097 PDF


    Abstract: Intel 85C508 290175 incir
    Text: i n t o l. 85C508 FAST 1-MICRON CHMOS DECODER/LATCH juPLD • High-Performance Programmable Logic Device for High-Speed Microprocessorto-Memory Decode ■ 16 Dedicated Inputs for Address/Data Bus Decoding; 8 Latched Outputs; 1 Global Latch Enable ■ Supports Intel386 , i468TM, ¡860tm,

    OCR Scan
    85C508 Intel386TM, i468TM, 860tm, 28-Pin 300-mil 85C508-7. 8SC508 Intel 85C508 290175 incir PDF

    intel PLD

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: INTEL CORP UP/PRPHLS . • i n t g MME D ■ - . MÔSbl75 0101313 5 I ■ ITLl ' p ftg y o m M ? l " P i - 6 - 1^ - 27960CX PIPELINED BURST ACCESS 1M (128K x 8) CHMOS EPROM Pipelined Addressing fo r Optimal Bus Bandwidth on 80960CA — N ext Addressing Overlaps Last Data

    OCR Scan
    Sbl75 27960CX 80960CA 27960CX 01G1335 G1G1333 intel PLD PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: in te i 27960CX PIPELINED BURST ACCESS 1M 128K x 8 CHMOS EPROM • S yn ch ro n o u s 4 B yte D a ta B u rst A c c e s s ■ ■ No G lue In te rfa c e to 8 0 96 0C A ■ High P e rfo rm a n c e C lo ck to D ata O u t — Z e ro W ait S ta te D a ta to D ata B u rst

    OCR Scan
    27960CX 27960CX 29023 PDF


    Abstract: UP200 85C508 D85C960-20
    Text: in t ô l, 85C960 1-MICRON CHMOS 80960 K-SERIES BUS CONTROL jaPLD • ■ ■ ■ B u rst L ogic, R e a d y C o n tro l, and A d d re s s D e c o d e S u p p o rt fo r 80 96 0 K A /K B E m b e d d e d C o n tro lle rs in Single Chip ■ O p e ra te s w ith 8 0 9 6 0 K A /K B a t 20 M H z

    OCR Scan
    85C960 80960KA/KB 28-Pwered 85C960 d85c960-25 UP200 85C508 D85C960-20 PDF

    ULC EPM5128

    Abstract: 85C090 EP1200 epm5130 XC3020 PAL18P8 PLS163 XC2018 PLHS153 PLS100
    Text: Tem ic S e m i c o n d u c t o r s Universal Logic Circuits * Technology TEM IC Field Programmable Devices Supported Semiconductors uses advanced sub- (*) micron CM OS technology in its ULC devices. The n-transistor channel lengths are sized at 0.8 microns

    OCR Scan
    GAL16V8 PAL16P8 PAL18P8 PAAAL16L8 PAL10L8 PAL14L4 PAL16L2 PAL16RP8 PAL16RP4 PAL16R8 ULC EPM5128 85C090 EP1200 epm5130 XC3020 PLS163 XC2018 PLHS153 PLS100 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 85C960 1-MICRON CHMOS 80960 K-SERIES BUS CONTROL juPLD • Burst Logic, Ready Control, and Address Decode Support for 80960 KA/KB Embedded Controllers in Single Chip ■ Operates with 80960KA/KB at 20 MHz and 25 MHz ■ Ice = 50 mA Max. ■ UV Erasable CerDIP or OTPTM

    OCR Scan
    85C960 80960KA/KB 28-Pin 300-mil PDF

    T3I marking code

    Abstract: 27960CX 80960CA 85C508 N27960CX Marking code varc 29023
    Text: intei 27960CX PIPELINED BURST ACCESS 1M 128K x 8 CHMOS EPROM Synchronous 4 Byte Data Burst Access No Glue Interface to 80960CA High Performance Clock to Data Out — Zero Wait State Data to Data Burst — Up to 33 MHz 80960CA Performance Asynch Microcontroller Reset Function

    OCR Scan
    27960CX 80960CA 80960CA 27960CX T3I marking code 85C508 N27960CX Marking code varc 29023 PDF


    Abstract: 80960CA 85C508 N27960CX 3A353
    Text: intei 27960CX PIPELINED BURST ACCESS 1M 128K x 8 CHMOS EPROM Synchronous 4 Byte Data Burst Access No Glue Interface to 80960CA High Performance Clock to Data Out — Zero Wait State Data to Data Burst — Up to 33 MHz 80960CA Performance Asynch Microcontroller Reset Function

    OCR Scan
    27960CX 80960CA 80960CA 27960CX 85C508 N27960CX 3A353 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ln¥ I A E W M 1 ! DMIF@®IM]ATrO@M 27960CX PIPELINED BURST ACCESS 1M 128K x 8 EPROM Synchronous 4 Byte Data Burst Access Pipelined Addressing for Optimal Bus Bandwidth on 80960CA — Next Addressing Overlaps Last Data Byte No Glue Interface to 80960CA

    OCR Scan
    27960CX 80960CA 29023 PDF


    Abstract: 85C508 Intel 85C508 80960CA 27960CX intel PLD
    Text: IP ^ iy M O G M V intei 27960CX PIPELINED BURST ACCESS 1M 128K x 8 CHMOS EPROM Pipelined Addressing for Optimal Bus Bandwidth on 80960CA — Next Addressing Overlaps Last Data Byte CHMOS Ill-E for High Performance and Low Power — 125 mA Active, 30 mA Standby

    OCR Scan
    27960CX 80960CA 80960CA 111-E 27960CX cl-001 85C508 Intel 85C508 intel PLD PDF

    Intel 85C508

    Abstract: Intel AP-346 AP-346 29208* intel
    Text: in U APPLICATION NOTE r a ilO M O N IM tf AP-346 November 1990 Am 29000*/2 7960CX Burst EPROM Interface INTEL PROGRAMMABLE MEMORY OPERATION *Am29000 is a trademark o Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. Order Number: 292081-001 5-260 29000/27960CX BURST EPROM INTERFACE

    OCR Scan
    AP-346 7960CX Am29000 29000/27960CX 279960CX 27960CX Am29000TM Intel 85C508 Intel AP-346 AP-346 29208* intel PDF


    Abstract: D85C960-20 231369 d85c960-25 Erasable Programmable Logic Device 610 LSC5
    Text: in te i 85C960 1-MICRON CHMOS 80960 K-SERIES BUS CONTROL juPLD Burst Logic, Ready Control, and Address Decode Support for 80960 KA/KB Embedded Controllers In Single Chip Operates with 80960KA/KB at 16 MHz, 20 MHz, and 25 MHz UV Erasable CerDIP or O T P tm

    OCR Scan
    85C960 80960KA/KB 28-Pin 300-mil 85C960 D85C960-20 231369 d85c960-25 Erasable Programmable Logic Device 610 LSC5 PDF

    7 segment display using 8086

    Abstract: intel 82230 80287XL 80C88A
    Text: my* NAME:. _ _ _ :_ •l^A M COMPANY: -wf, ADDRESS: CITY: f ZIP: STATE: COUNTRY: PHONE NO.: Chi 'H'-'- ORDER NO. YV TITLE TTTTT" r r n n .i i t i 1 1 T l 1" ! i QTY. PRICE i X - X . 1 1 1 1 I I I

    OCR Scan
    01f-27f2-8O3-7l68O 2-71979T8 7 segment display using 8086 intel 82230 80287XL 80C88A PDF


    Abstract: VXXXX 5204 eprom
    Text: in te i 27960CX PIPELINED BURST ACCESS 1M 128K x 8 CHMOS EPROM Synchronous 4 Byte Data Burst Access Pipelined Addressing for Optimal Bus Bandwidth on 80960CA — Next Addressing Overlaps Last Data Byte No Glue Interface to 80960CA High Performance Clock to Data Out

    OCR Scan
    27960CX 80960CA 27960CX 29023 VXXXX 5204 eprom PDF

    led 7 segment LDS 5161 AK

    Abstract: led 7 segment LDS 5161 AH 7-segment 4 digit LFD 5522 AKO 701 434 tdso 5160 k lds 7 segment LDS 5161 AK led 7 segment LDS 5161 As manual LG VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE is3 -20/led 7 segment LDS 5161 AH ako 544 126
    Text: NAM E; C O M P A N Y :. ADDRESS; . . C IT Y ; S TA TE: Z IP : C O U N T R Y :. P H O N E N O .; . .I — ;.-,. ' - V- ORDER NO. QTY. TITLE fTTT ±j . • . n i i lU . . II 11 1 i i 1111 1-T 2 .-.

    OCR Scan
    X011-6 178Erasm X011-2712-803-8294 12thFloor, 15thFloor, 18479R X23756S led 7 segment LDS 5161 AK led 7 segment LDS 5161 AH 7-segment 4 digit LFD 5522 AKO 701 434 tdso 5160 k lds 7 segment LDS 5161 AK led 7 segment LDS 5161 As manual LG VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE is3 -20/led 7 segment LDS 5161 AH ako 544 126 PDF