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    82S141 PHILIPS Search Results

    82S141 PHILIPS Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: 82S141/BKA mux 8 to 1 timing 8 bit ttl mux 8 INPUT 4 OUTPUT MUX GDFP2-F24
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military Bipolar Memory Products Product specification 4K-bit TTL bipolar PROM 512x8 82S141 • Microprogramming • Hardwired algorithms • Control store • Random logic • Code conversion FEATURES • Address access time: 90ns max

    512x8) 82S141 82S141 500ns 82S141/BKA mux 8 to 1 timing 8 bit ttl mux 8 INPUT 4 OUTPUT MUX GDFP2-F24 PDF


    Abstract: 14538B MOTOROLA smd transistor 72k code eprom smd atmel QP7C185A M38510-11003 QP7C198 8708 eprom M38510/11201 M38510/10105
    Text: Product Selector Guide March 28, 2005 Analog Description Package SMD Number Part Number DIP 5962-87786 TDC1046 TRW DIP, LCC 5962-88532 TDC1049C1V TRW National A/D Converter, 6-Bit Flash A/D Converter, 9-Bit Comparator, Differential Die Mfg DIP, CAN, FP, LCC

    TDC1046 TDC1049C1V M38510/10301 LM710 LM160 LM161 SE529 M38510/10305 QP2111 M38510/10101 14538B MOTOROLA smd transistor 72k code eprom smd atmel QP7C185A M38510-11003 QP7C198 8708 eprom M38510/11201 M38510/10105 PDF

    NEC D2732D

    Abstract: nt68f63 novatek nt68f63 d2716d NEC D2716D atc 93lc46 D2732D CIRCUIT NEC D2716D TMS87C510 16V8H-25
    Text: Dataman-48 Version 4.30 <ALL> Device List ALi M6759 M6759 *44 M6759 *44Q M8720 AS29LV800B *44PS AS29LV800B *48TS AS29LV800T *44PS Altera EP1210 EP220 EP312 EP330 EP900 EP910-T EPC1064 EPC1213 EPC1441 as 1213 EPM3064A *44 EPM5192 @84 EPM7032AEas7032 *44

    Dataman-48 M6759 M8720 AS29LV800B AS29LV800T EP1210 EP220 NEC D2732D nt68f63 novatek nt68f63 d2716d NEC D2716D atc 93lc46 D2732D CIRCUIT NEC D2716D TMS87C510 16V8H-25 PDF


    Abstract: NEC D2716D novatek nt68f63 nt68f63 NEC D2732D D2716D 16V8H-25 ATMEL 220 24C16 D2732D 16V8H-15
    Text: LabTool-48 Version 4.67 <ALL> Device List Page 1 of 20 ACTRANS AC29LV400B *44PS AC29LV400B *48TS AC29LV400T *44PS AC29LV400T *48TS ALi M6759 M6759 *44 M6759 *44Q M8720 Alliance AS29F040 AS29LV800T *48TS AS29LV800B *44PS AS29LV800B *48TS AS29LV800T *44PS Altera

    LabTool-48 AC29LV400B AC29LV400T M6759 M8720 AS29F040 Device-List NEC D2716D novatek nt68f63 nt68f63 NEC D2732D D2716D 16V8H-25 ATMEL 220 24C16 D2732D 16V8H-15 PDF

    atc 93lc46

    Abstract: 25LV512 39SF020A 25LV010 49LF040 25LF020A 95p08 89lpc932 nt68f63g 39vf020
    Text: LabTool-48XP Version 5.60 <ALL> Device List Page 1 of 23 ACTRANS AC29LV400B *44PS AC39VF080 *40TS AC29LV400B *48TS AC39VF088 *48TS AC29LV400T *44PS AC39VF800 *48TS AC29LV400T *48TS ALi M6759 M6759 *44 M6759 *44Q M8720 Alliance AS29F040 AS29LV800T *48TS AS29LV400B *48TS

    LabTool-48XP AC29LV400B AC39VF080 AC39VF088 AC29LV400T AC39VF800 M6759 atc 93lc46 25LV512 39SF020A 25LV010 49LF040 25LF020A 95p08 89lpc932 nt68f63g 39vf020 PDF


    Abstract: rtd2122l n25q128a13 cFeon EN25T80 EN25T80 wt61p8 A25L5120-F WT6702F pm25w020 GD25Q40
    Text: Page 1 of 69 Dataman-48XP/48UXP Version 8.10 <ALL> Device List ACTRANS AC25LV010 *8SO AC29LV400B *44PS AC29LV400T *44PS AC39LV010 *32PLCC AC39LV020 *32PLCC AC39LV040 *32PLCC AC39LV080 *40TS AC39LV512 *32PLCC AC39LV800 *48TS SDP-UNIV-16SO SDP-UNIV-44PS SDP-UNIV-44PS

    Dataman-48XP/48UXP AC25LV010 AC29LV400B AC29LV400T AC39LV010 32PLCC AC39LV020 AC39LV040 A25L020AO-F rtd2122l n25q128a13 cFeon EN25T80 EN25T80 wt61p8 A25L5120-F WT6702F pm25w020 GD25Q40 PDF


    Abstract: CF775 MICROCHIP 24LC211 ae29F2008 im4a3-32 CNV-PLCC-MPU51 ep320ipc cf745 04 p ALL-11P3 29lv640
    Text: Device List Adapter List Converter List for ALL-11 JUL. 2000 Introduction T he Device List lets you know exactly which devices the Universal Programmer currently supports. The Device List also lets you know which devices are supported directly by the standard DIP socket and which

    ALL-11 Z8E000 ADP-Z8E001 Z8E001 Z90231 ADP-Z90259-SD Z90241 ADP-Z90241-SD Device-List CF775 MICROCHIP 24LC211 ae29F2008 im4a3-32 CNV-PLCC-MPU51 ep320ipc cf745 04 p ALL-11P3 29lv640 PDF


    Abstract: cf745 04 p 24LC211 lattice im4a3-32 CF775 MICROCHIP 29F008 im4a3-64 ks24c01 ep320ipc ALL-11P2
    Text: Device List Adapter List Converter List for ALL-11 JUL. 2000 Introduction T he Device List lets you know exactly which devices the Universal Programmer currently supports. The Device List also lets you know which devices are supported directly by the standard DIP socket and which

    ALL-11 Z86E73 Z86E83 Z89371 ADP-Z89371/-PL Z8E000 ADP-Z8E001 Z8E001 Device-List cf745 04 p 24LC211 lattice im4a3-32 CF775 MICROCHIP 29F008 im4a3-64 ks24c01 ep320ipc ALL-11P2 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military Bipolar Memory Products Product specification 4K-bit TTL bipolar PROM 512 x 8 82S141 FEATURES • Microprogramming • Address access time: 90ns max • Hardwired algorithms • Input loading: -150jiA max • Control store

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    82S141 -150jiA 82S141 1002b 711002b 82S141/8708+prom PDF


    Abstract: 512 ttl prom 1000U GDIP1-T24 82S141 philips 82S141/BJA
    Text: P hilips Sem iconductors M ilitary B ipo la r Memory P roducts P roduct sp ecifica tio n 4K-bit TTL bipolar PROM 512 x 8 82S141 FEATURES • Microprogramming • Address access time: 90ns max • Hardwired algorithms • Input loading: -150|iA max • Control store

    OCR Scan
    82S141 24-pin 600mil-wide) 82S141/BJA GDIP1-T24 82S141/BKA GDFP2-F24 1000U. 82s141 512 ttl prom 1000U GDIP1-T24 82S141 philips PDF

    X 1077 CE

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: P hilips Sem iconductors M ilitary B ipo la r Memory P roducts P roduct sp ecifica tio n 4K-bit TTL bipolar PROM 512 x 8 82S141 FEATURES • Microprogramming • Address access time: 90ns max • Hardwired algorithms • Input loading: -150|iA max • Control store

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    82S141 82S141 X 1077 CE PDF


    Abstract: GDFP2-F24 82S141/BJA 1000U 82S141 philips ue-12
    Text: P hilips Sem iconductors M ilitary B ipo la r Memory P roducts P roduct sp ecifica tio n 4K-bit TTL bipolar PROM 512 x 8 82S141 FEATURES • Microprogramming • Address access time: 90ns max • Hardwired algorithms • Input loading: -150|iA max • Control store

    OCR Scan
    82S141 24-pin 600mil-wide) 82S141/BJA GDIP1-T24 82S141/BKA GDFP2-F24 1000U. 82s141 GDFP2-F24 1000U 82S141 philips ue-12 PDF


    Abstract: 8506402QA 8768401MQA 80C31-16 8200802JA 9078101MCA 8856602QA 82S105 59628856601XA 7802001EA
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Military and Special Products Data Handbook Product Listing by Basic Part Number Basic Part Number Military Drawing 5962- Device Description Package Description Basic Part Number Military Drawing 5962- ABT22V10A 91760Ö7MLX BICMOS GAL

    OCR Scan
    ABT22V10A ABT22V10B LM124 LM139 LM139A PLS168 PLS173 26LS232 8506402QA 8768401MQA 80C31-16 8200802JA 9078101MCA 8856602QA 82S105 59628856601XA 7802001EA PDF


    Abstract: 8200901ja 8506401MQ 26LS232 8200803KA 7802301EA
    Text: Military and Special Products Data Handbook Philips Semiconductors Product Listing by Military Drawing Number Military Drawing 5962' Basic Part Number 7700801CA LM139 7700801 DA LM139 7704301 CA LM124 7704301 DA LM124 Military Drawing 5962- Basic Part Number

    OCR Scan
    7700801CA 7801601KA 8016013A 7802001EA 78020Q12A 7802001MEA 7802001MFA 7802001M2A 7802002MEA 7802301EA 8506402QA 8200901ja 8506401MQ 26LS232 8200803KA PDF

    bipolar prom

    Abstract: 82hS641 1OF16 54F163 82HS641A 256 x 8k prom LM119
    Text: Philips Semiconductors Contents Military and Special Products Group Data Handbook Section 1 - General Information Contents .

    OCR Scan

    MMI 6341-1

    Abstract: M7641 dm87s296 intel 3624 3604L-6 MMI 6341 3604A-2 3604AL 63LS483 63PS483
    Text: - 23 6 3 4 0 X A sitias m. % tt & c o -y f- y TAAC man ni. TCAC max (ns) TOH max (ns) ? ft £ TOE siax (ns) 1g m TOD max (ns) V D D or V C C (V) (Ta=25” C) IDD typv (mA) a IDD max (mA) I IL/VIIL (mA/V) -h/m % VIL max (V) % ai ü £ 1 IH/VIIH max (mA/V)

    OCR Scan
    E3LS482 63LS483 63PS482 63PS483 63S482 63S483 IM5625CA 512X8) 24PIN 3604AL, MMI 6341-1 M7641 dm87s296 intel 3624 3604L-6 MMI 6341 3604A-2 3604AL PDF


    Abstract: wf vqc 10d alu 9308 d Signetics 2650 SN52723 2650 cpu 82S103 pipbug Signetics NE561 cd 75232
    Text: flcnCTICf ßii>ouiR/mos fflICROPROCEÍSOR DATfl mnnuni SIGNETICS reserves the right to make changes in the products contained in this book in order to improve design or performance and to supply the best possible products. Signetics also assumes no responsibility for the

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    Abstract: cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8
    Text: Contents Page Page New product index Combined index and status codes viii x Mullard approved components BS9000, CECC, and D3007 lists CV list Integrated circuits Section index xliii 1 5 Standard functions LOGIC FAMILIES CMOS HE4000B family specifications CMOS HE4000B family survey

    OCR Scan
    BS9000, D3007 HE4000B 80RIBUTION BS9000 BPW22A cm .02m z5u 1kv pin configuration of BFW10 la4347 B2X84 TDA3653 equivalent TRIAC TAG 9322 HEF40106BP equivalent fx4054 core dsq8 PDF

    transistor cross reference

    Abstract: MPT3N40 Westinghouse SCR handbook LT 8224 ZENER DIODE sje389 N9602N npn transistor RCA 467 TFK 7 segment displays PUT 2N6027 delco 466

    OCR Scan

    triac tag 8518

    Abstract: 70146 DS3654 X2864AD 7 segment display RL S5220 TC9160 la 4440 amplifier circuit diagram 300 watt philips ecg master replacement guide vtl 3829 A-C4 TCA965 equivalent
    Text: 1985 0 / 0 / CONTENTS VOLUME I Introduction to IC MASTER 3 Advertisers’ Index 8 Master Selection Guide Function Index I0 Part Number Index 40 Part Number Guide 300 Logo Guide 346 Application Note Directory 349 Military Parts Directory 50I Testing 506 Cross Reference

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