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    80C196NU Price and Stock

    Rochester Electronics LLC SB80C196NU

    16-BIT, 8096 CPU, 40MHZ
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey SB80C196NU Bulk 46
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $6.65
    • 1000 $6.65
    • 10000 $6.65
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    Rochester Electronics LLC YW80C196NU40

    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    DigiKey YW80C196NU40 Bulk 24
    • 1 -
    • 10 -
    • 100 $12.69
    • 1000 $12.69
    • 10000 $12.69
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    Intel Corporation SB80C196NU

    Microcontroller, 16-Bit, MCS96 Comp CPU, 40MHz, CMOS, PQFP100
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Rochester Electronics SB80C196NU 9,301 1
    • 1 $6.39
    • 10 $6.39
    • 100 $6.01
    • 1000 $5.43
    • 10000 $5.43
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    Intel Corporation YW80C196NU40

    Microcontroller, 16-Bit, MCS96 Comp CPU, ROMLess, 5V, 100-Pin SQFP
    Distributors Part Package Stock Lead Time Min Order Qty Price Buy
    Rochester Electronics YW80C196NU40 277 1
    • 1 $12.2
    • 10 $12.2
    • 100 $11.47
    • 1000 $10.37
    • 10000 $10.37
    Buy Now

    80C196NU Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: marking wk1 FF205D 03C0H 8XC196NP 8XC196NU 272479 FF2017
    Text: 80C196NU, 83C196NU Specification Update August 1999 Notice: The 80C196NU, 83C196NU may contain design defects or errors known as errata which may cause the product to deviate from published specifications. Current characterized errata are documented in this specification update.

    80C196NU, 83C196NU 83C196NU 8XC196NU 16-Bit 80C196NU marking wk1 FF205D 03C0H 8XC196NP 272479 FF2017 PDF


    Abstract: 80C196NP mcs-96 programmers guide 270646 1F42 8XC196 instruction set 8xc196 programming support 8XC196KR AP-445 87C196CA Programmer GuIDE Instruction
    Text: 8XC196NP, 80C196NU Microcontroller User’s Manual 8XC196NP, 80C196NU Microcontroller User’s Manual August 1995 Order Number 272479-002 Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including

    8XC196NP, 80C196NU Index-11 80C196NU Index-12 80C196NP mcs-96 programmers guide 270646 1F42 8XC196 instruction set 8xc196 programming support 8XC196KR AP-445 87C196CA Programmer GuIDE Instruction PDF

    mcs 96 opcode

    Abstract: 80c196nu marking wk1 8XC196NU 03C0H 8XC196NP 272479
    Text: 80C196NU, 83C196NU SPECIFICATION UPDATE Release Date: July, 1997 Order Number: 272864-003 The 80C196NU, 83C196NU may contain design defects or errors known as errata. Characterized errata that may cause the 80C196NU, 83C196NU’s behavior to deviate from published specifications are documented in this specification update.

    80C196NU, 83C196NU 83C196NU 8XC196NU 16-Bit mcs 96 opcode 80c196nu marking wk1 03C0H 8XC196NP 272479 PDF


    Abstract: 80C196NU 8XC196NP 8XC196NU 272479 intel DOC A5226 196NU
    Text: 80C196NU, 83C196NU SPECIFICATION UPDATE Release Date: November, 1996 Order Number: 272864-002 The 80C196NU, 83C196NU may contain design defects or errors known as errata. Characterized errata that may cause the 80C196NU, 83C196NU’s behavior to deviate from published specifications are documented in this specification update.

    80C196NU, 83C196NU 83C196NU \specupdt\source\mcs96\196nu\272864 8XC196NU 16-bit A5226-01 03C0H 80C196NU 8XC196NP 272479 intel DOC A5226 196NU PDF


    Abstract: 80c196nu 80C196NP 270646 80c196nu instruction set 8XC196NU 240952 272324 80C196 8xC196
    Text: 8XC196NP, 80C196NU Microcontroller User’s Manual 8XC196NP, 80C196NU Microcontroller User’s Manual August 1995 Information in this document is provided solely to enable use of Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions

    8XC196NP, 80C196NU Index-11 80C196NU Index-12 1F42 80C196NP 270646 80c196nu instruction set 8XC196NU 240952 272324 80C196 8xC196 PDF

    16 bit MCS-96 microcontroller

    Abstract: A31750 272748
    Text: PRELIMINARY 80296SA COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER • 50 MHz Operation† ■ Chip-select Unit — 6 Chip-select Pins ■ 6 Mbytes of Linear Address Space — Dynamic Demultiplexed/Multiplexed Address/Data Bus for Each Chip Select ■ 512 Bytes of Register RAM

    80296SA 16-BIT 8XC196NP 80C196NU 16 bit MCS-96 microcontroller A31750 272748 PDF

    88C196EC CHMOS 16-Bit Microcontroller

    Abstract: 88C196 mcs-96 programmers guide 88C196EC a6026 8067H capacitor 1e77 87C196CA S80C196EA 1E86
    Text: 8XC196EA Microcontroller User’s Manual December 1998 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions

    8XC196EA 32-byte 64-byte Index-14 88C196EC CHMOS 16-Bit Microcontroller 88C196 mcs-96 programmers guide 88C196EC a6026 8067H capacitor 1e77 87C196CA S80C196EA 1E86 PDF


    Abstract: mcs 96 opcode 018H 80296SA 80C196NU 8XC196NP smac actuator MCS-96 architecture overview z-transform applications MCS-96 fuzzy
    Text: Architectural Description of Embedded Signal Processors and DSP Algorithm Implementation Navin Govind Intel Corporation Chandler AZ 85226 ABSTRACT High speed calculations consisting of arithmetic and fast input/output operations

    80296SA 80C296SA mcs 96 opcode 018H 80C196NU 8XC196NP smac actuator MCS-96 architecture overview z-transform applications MCS-96 fuzzy PDF


    Abstract: 270646 272324 80296SA A3155 a4313 S80296 240952 272326 8XC196KR
    Text: 27280301.qxd 7/31/96 12:12 PM Page 1 80296SA Microcontroller User’s Manual We Value Your Opinion Dear Intel Customer: Your feedback will help us provide the information you need to design systems incorporating the 80296SA microcontroller. Your responses will guide us in developing other manuals and new versions of this one.

    80296SA Index-13 1F42 270646 272324 A3155 a4313 S80296 240952 272326 8XC196KR PDF


    Abstract: intel embedded microcontroller handbook 8XC196KC Users manual 87C196KD Users manual MCS51 Manual 87C196KD20 8XC196KC Users Guide 8XC196KD users manual 87C196MH MCS-96 Users guide
    Text: ZapCode II Handbook A Guide to Electronic ROM-code Transmittal ZapCode II Handbook December 1995 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. Intel assumes no liability whatsoever, including infringement of any patent or copyright, for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions of



    Abstract: 80C296SA 80296SA 80C196NU 8XC196NP AD10 80c296 A31750 A4379-01
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION 80296SA COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER • 50 MHz Operation† ■ Chip-select Unit — 6 Chip-select Pins ■ 6 Mbytes of Linear Address Space — Dynamic Demultiplexed/Multiplexed Address/Data Bus for Each Chip Select ■ 512 Bytes of Register RAM

    80296SA 16-BIT 8XC196NP 80C196NU 16-bit) A3155 80C296SA 80C196NU AD10 80c296 A31750 A4379-01 PDF

    mcs 96 programming

    Abstract: mcs 96 opcode MCS-96 mcs-96 software A3061 INT02 80296SA 8XC196NP 8XC196NU FFF800
    Text: AP-717 APPLICATION NOTE Migrating from the 8XC196NP or 8XC196NU to the 80296SA January 1997 Order Number: 272730-002 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any

    AP-717 8XC196NP 8XC196NU 80296SA 24-bit mcs 96 programming mcs 96 opcode MCS-96 mcs-96 software A3061 INT02 80296SA 8XC196NU FFF800 PDF

    16 bit MCS-96 microcontroller

    Abstract: A3155 80C296SA 80296SA 80C196NU 8XC196NP AD10
    Text: PRELIMINARY 80296SA COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER • 50 MHz Operation† ■ Chip-select Unit — 6 Chip-select Pins ■ 6 Mbytes of Linear Address Space — Dynamic Demultiplexed/Multiplexed Address/Data Bus for Each Chip Select ■ 512 Bytes of Register RAM

    80296SA 16-BIT 8XC196NP 80C196NU 16 bit MCS-96 microcontroller A3155 80C296SA 80C196NU AD10 PDF


    Abstract: mcs-96 programmers guide 270646 A3155 a4313 bv9 transistor transistor jst 7E 240952 IC transistor linear handbook 80296SA
    Text: 27280301.qxd 7/31/96 12:12 PM Page 1 80296SA Microcontroller User’s Manual We Value Your Opinion Dear Intel Customer: Your feedback will help us provide the information you need to design systems incorporating the 80296SA microcontroller. Your responses will guide us in developing other manuals and new versions of this one.

    80296SA Index-13 1F42 mcs-96 programmers guide 270646 A3155 a4313 bv9 transistor transistor jst 7E 240952 IC transistor linear handbook PDF


    Abstract: a2761 87C196 Assembler Users guide IC A3120 a2636 optical A3120 a2637 intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION 8xc196 programming support a2702 8 pin IC
    Text: 8XC196MC, 8XC196MD, 8XC196MH Microcontroller User’s Manual We Value Your Opinion Dear Intel Customer: We have updated the information that was provided in the 1992 version of the 8XC196MC User’s Manual, added information about the 8XC196MD and 8XC196MH, and corrected known errata.

    8XC196MC, 8XC196MD, 8XC196MH 8XC196MC 8XC196MD 8XC196MH, 16-bit Index-14 a2636 a2761 87C196 Assembler Users guide IC A3120 a2636 optical A3120 a2637 intel 87C196 PROGRAMMER GUIDE INSTRUCTION 8xc196 programming support a2702 8 pin IC PDF


    Abstract: 88C196EC CHMOS 16-Bit Microcontroller 87C196kd 88C196 15 1E78 88C196EC 87C196kc users guide 8XC196 instruction set 87C196KC capacitor 1e76
    Text: 8XC196EA Microcontroller User’s Manual December 1998 Order Number 272804-002 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document. Except as provided in Intel’s Terms and Conditions

    8XC196EA 270646 88C196EC CHMOS 16-Bit Microcontroller 87C196kd 88C196 15 1E78 88C196EC 87C196kc users guide 8XC196 instruction set 87C196KC capacitor 1e76 PDF


    Abstract: hd64f7044 GC80503CS166EXT GC80503CSM66266 pic16f877 sine pwm lcd interface with at89c2051 intel 80486dx4 80386extc HD6417707 HD6417020
    Text: INDEX Subjects Products Suppliers Page 1. CPU & PERIPHERAL Embedded Processor Microcontroller CPU Peripherals DSP Voice Recognition Motorola / NS / Hitachi / Intel Atmel / Intel / Motorola / Hitachi / NS / Microchip NS / Intersil / Intel Motorola Sensory 2-10

    RSC-300 HD6417709A hd64f7044 GC80503CS166EXT GC80503CSM66266 pic16f877 sine pwm lcd interface with at89c2051 intel 80486dx4 80386extc HD6417707 HD6417020 PDF


    Abstract: A2460 272824
    Text: 8XL196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER n 14 MHz Operation at 2.7–3.3 Volts n 4 External Interrupt Pins and NMI Pin n Chip-select Unit — 6 Chip Select Pins — Dynamic Demultiplexed/Multiplexed Address/Data Bus for Each Chip Select — Programmable Wait States 0, 1, 2,

    8XL196NP 16-BIT A3256 A2460 272824 PDF

    marking wk1

    Abstract: 03C0H 80C196NU 8XC196NP 8XC196NU 272479 intel DOC
    Text: 8XC196NU SPECIFICATION UPDATE Release Date: July, 1996 Order Number 272864-001 The 8XC196NU may contain design defects or errors known as errata. Characterized errata that may cause the SPG Product’s behavior to deviate from published specifications are documented

    8XC196NU 8XC196NU 80C196NU 83C196NU 16-Bit 100-pin marking wk1 03C0H 8XC196NP 272479 intel DOC PDF


    Abstract: 16 bit MCS-96 microcontroller 80C196NU a2823 sb80c196nu 8XC196NU S83C196NU 8XC196NP AD10 272644
    Text: ADVANCE INFORMATION 8XC196NU COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER • 50 MHz Operation† ■ 1 Mbyte of Linear Address Space ■ Optional 48 Kbytes of ROM ■ 1 Kbyte of Register RAM ■ Register-register Architecture ■ Footprint and Functionally Compatible

    8XC196NU 16-BIT 8XC196NP 100-pin 83C196NU S80C196NU 16 bit MCS-96 microcontroller 80C196NU a2823 sb80c196nu S83C196NU 8XC196NP AD10 272644 PDF


    Abstract: p6506
    Text: in te i M W Ä ß C ii D iF !ì» T M 80C196NU COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 50 MHz Operation* 1 Mbyte of Linear Address Space 1000 Bytes of Register RAM Register-register Architecture Footprint and Functionally Compatible with the 80C196NP 2x the Performance of the 80C196NP

    OCR Scan
    80C196NU 16-BIT 16-bit) 32-bit 100-pin USA/MS095-059 0/SMS95 p6506 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: i n y , APPENDIX A INSTRUCTION SET REFERENCE This appendix provides reference information for the instruction set of the family of MCS 96 microcontrollers. It defines the processor status word PSW flags, describes each instruction, shows the relationships between instructions and PSW flags, and shows hexadecimal opcodes,

    OCR Scan
    4fl2bl75 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ir r te . 8XL196NP COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER • 14 MHz Operation at 2.7-3.3 Volts ■ 1 Mbyte of Linear Address Space ■ Optional 4 Kbytes of ROM ■ 1000 Bytes of Register RAM ■ Register-register Architecture ■ 32 I/O Port Pins ■ 16 Prioritized Interrupt Sources

    OCR Scan
    8XL196NP 16-BIT 16bit) 4fi2bl75 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 8XC196NU COMMERCIAL CHMOS 16-BIT MICROCONTROLLER 1.0 PRODUCT OVERVIEW The 8XC196NU is a m em ber of Intel’s 16-bit MCS 96 m icrocontroller family. The device features 1 Mbyte of linear address space, a demultiplexed bus, and a chip-select unit. The external bus can dynam ically switch

    OCR Scan
    8XC196NU 16-BIT A2822-02 100-pin 83C196NU S80C196NU PDF