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    8051 PNP Search Results

    8051 PNP Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    2SA1213 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-2 A / hFE=70~240 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    2SA1943 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-230 V / IC=-15 A / hFE=55~160 / VCE(sat)=-3.0 V / TO-3P(L) Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA012 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-80 V / IC=-4 A / hFE=100~200 / VCE(sat)=-0.22 V / tf=35 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA004B Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-160 V / IC=-1.5 A / hFE=140~280 / VCE(sat)=-0.5 V / TO-126N Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TTA2070 Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PNP Bipolar Transistor / VCEO=-50 V / IC=-1 A / hFE=200~500 / VCE(sat)=-0.20V / tf=90 ns / PW-Mini Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    8051 PNP Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: VRS51C1000 Datasheet Rev 1.8 Versa 8051 MCU with 64KB of IAP/ISP Flash Overview The VRS51C1000 is based on the standard 8051 microcontroller family architecture and is pin compatible and a drop-in replacement for most 8051 MCUs. The VRS51C1000 is ideal for a range of applications

    VRS51C1000 VRS51C1000 16-bit PDF

    thx 203h

    Abstract: xtal 3.57MHz transistor x1 transistor bl p35 philips 8051 microcontroller bootloader isp data MACHINE PS2 DIP-40 PLCC-44 QFP-44 VRS51C1000
    Text: VRS51C1000 Datasheet Rev 1.9 Versa 8051 MCU with 64KB of IAP/ISP Flash Overview Feature Set The VRS51C1000 is based on the standard 8051 microcontroller family architecture and is pin compatible and a drop-in replacement for most 8051 MCUs. The VRS51C1000 is ideal for a range of applications

    VRS51C1000 VRS51C1000 16-bit thx 203h xtal 3.57MHz transistor x1 transistor bl p35 philips 8051 microcontroller bootloader isp data MACHINE PS2 DIP-40 PLCC-44 QFP-44 PDF

    dc motor speed control using 8051

    Abstract: ac motor speed control using 8051 8041 DOWN COUNTER using 8051 8051SD KEYPAD 8051 8051 PNP speed sensor using 8051
    Text: 8041 and 8051 Electronic Predetermining Counters LED Single and dual set point programmable predetermining 2 counters with prescaling 8041/8051 These panel mounted multi functional predetermining counters offer a full 0-9 keypad making changing of a preset point a simple

    IP65/NEMA4 8041SD 8051SD 8041SM 8051SM 15VDC dc motor speed control using 8051 ac motor speed control using 8051 8041 DOWN COUNTER using 8051 8051SD KEYPAD 8051 8051 PNP speed sensor using 8051 PDF


    Abstract: 11.0592mhz crystal oscillator DIP-40 PLCC-44 QFP-44 VRS51L1050
    Text: VRS51L1050 Preliminary Datasheet Rev 1.2 Versa 8051 3.3V MCU with 64KB of IAP/ISP Flash Overview Feature Set • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The VRS51L1050 is based on the standard 8051 microcontroller family architecture and is a pin

    VRS51L1050 VRS51L1050 16-bit 8051s 11.0592mhz crystal oscillator DIP-40 PLCC-44 QFP-44 PDF


    Text: VRS1000 ISPV2 VRS1000 ISP Firmware V2 Preliminary Getting Started Rev 1.0 VRS1000 In-System Programming Firmware V2 - Getting Started Guide 1 Introduction The VRS1000 is a general-purpose microcontroller compatible with the standard 8051s. Over the standard 8051



    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: CRD89L51RD Technologies Inc. Datasheet Rev 1.0 CRD89L51RD 8-Bit Microcontroller with 64KB ISP Flash, 1KB of SRAM Product List CRD89L51RD-25 3V, 25MHz 64KB ISP flash MCU Description The CRD89L51RD is based on the standard 8051 microcontroller family architecture and is a pin

    CRD89L51RD CRD89L51RD-25 25MHz CRD89L51RD 16-bit 20/as PDF


    Abstract: pt100 interface to 8051 pt100 sensor interface WITH 8051 pt100/signal conditioning circuit for pt100 project digital thermometer using pt100 78lo5 REGULATOR SMD PIN DS75716 BZX84-4V7 MAX485 SMD 8051 mini projects
    Text: Application Report SBAA114 - June 2004 Building a Complete Webserver on the MSC121x Using FlexGateE Technology Russell Anderson Data Acquisition Products Jürgen Wickenhäuser Wickenhäuser Elektrotechnik ABSTRACT The MSC121x family of 8051 microcontrollers, with its rich array of on-chip features, is an

    SBAA114 MSC121x MSC1210, MSC1211, MSC1212 78LO5 pt100 interface to 8051 pt100 sensor interface WITH 8051 pt100/signal conditioning circuit for pt100 project digital thermometer using pt100 78lo5 REGULATOR SMD PIN DS75716 BZX84-4V7 MAX485 SMD 8051 mini projects PDF

    80c154 intel

    Abstract: 80C154 CPU8051 PCB3030 MSM80C154 DS2401 amd 29f010
    Text: phyPS-CPU mit 8-bitMicrocontroller 8051 PHYPS-102 PHYPS-103 PHYPS-104 Hardware-Manual Ausgabe April 1998 Ein Produkt eines Unternehmens der PHYTEC Technologie Holding AG phyPS-CPU8051 Im Buch verwendete Bezeichnungen für Erzeugnisse, die zugleich ein eingetragenes Warenzeichen darstellen, wurden nicht besonders gekennzeichnet. Das

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    future scope of microcontroller 8051 based digit

    Abstract: 8051 microcontroller assembly language USB97C100 8051 and printer camera interface with 8051 microcontroller floppy drive emulator Microsystems EP-1 FIR CODE FOR 8051 IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE pinout floppy emulator HP54645D
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE 7.19 V1.1 USB97C100 Programmers Reference Guide CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION The basic architectural concept of the USB97C100 device is that all high bandwidth data flow be handled entirely in hardware, with an integrated MCU MicroController Unit, an 8051 derivative acting only to manage the flow of data

    USB97C100 future scope of microcontroller 8051 based digit 8051 microcontroller assembly language 8051 and printer camera interface with 8051 microcontroller floppy drive emulator Microsystems EP-1 FIR CODE FOR 8051 IN ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE pinout floppy emulator HP54645D PDF


    Abstract: 11.0592mhz crystal oscillator thx 203h 8051 PNP 11.0592mHZ 8051 8bit microcontroller 8051 microcontroller ports 8bit pwm generator Mode-0 qfp-44
    Text: VRS51C1100 Datasheet Rev 1.2 Versa 8051 MCU with 128KB of IAP/ISP Flash Feature Set • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 80C51/80C52 pin compatible 64KB Program + 64KB Data Flash memory In-System / In-Application Flash Programming ISP/IAP

    VRS51C1100 128KB 80C51/80C52 16-bit DATA SHEET OF 11.0592MHZ CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR 11.0592mhz crystal oscillator thx 203h 8051 PNP 11.0592mHZ 8051 8bit microcontroller 8051 microcontroller ports 8bit pwm generator Mode-0 qfp-44 PDF

    thx 203h

    Abstract: DIP-40 PLCC-44 QFP-44 VRS51C1000 VRS51C1100 12.000M THx 208 xtal 3.57MHz
    Text: VRS51C1100 Datasheet Rev 1.1 Versa 8051 MCU with 128KB of IAP/ISP Flash Feature Set • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 80C51/80C52 pin compatible 64KB Program + 64KB Data Flash memory In-System / In-Application Flash Programming ISP/IAP

    VRS51C1100 128KB 80C51/80C52 16-bit thx 203h DIP-40 PLCC-44 QFP-44 VRS51C1000 VRS51C1100 12.000M THx 208 xtal 3.57MHz PDF

    8042 PS2

    Abstract: SIR decoder with 8051 FDC37C68X ps2 controller adaptor to usb wireless mouse using ir sensor 8051 ps2 keyboard circuit wireless keyboard 8051
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE 6.18 Rev. 1.0 SMSC SUPER AND ULTRA I/O DESIGN ADVANTAGES AND COST SAVINGS REPLACEMENT FOR AN 5.3 By Robert Schoepflin INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Historically, designers have favored the simplicity, reliability and cost savings of Super I/O devices over

    RS-232 FDC37C957FR 34C90 LAN83C170 FDC37C67x 8042 PS2 SIR decoder with 8051 FDC37C68X ps2 controller adaptor to usb wireless mouse using ir sensor 8051 ps2 keyboard circuit wireless keyboard 8051 PDF

    8042 PS2

    Abstract: wireless keyboard 8051 ide nb cd-rom ir sensor interface with 8051 8051 ps2 keyboard circuit circuit diagram of smart home alarm system 8051 midi 8042 keyboard controller datasheet 8051 keyboard ps2 circuit Digital Alarm Clock using 8051
    Text: APPLICATION NOTE 6.18 Rev. 1.0 SMSC SUPER AND ULTRA I/O DESIGN ADVANTAGES AND COST SAVINGS REPLACEMENT FOR AN 5.3 By Robert Schoepflin INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND Historically, designers have favored the simplicity, reliability and cost savings of Super I/O devices over


    4000 series CMOS Logic ICs

    Abstract: 74HCT-series 74HCT IC family spec AP-252 hmos mosfet disadvantages of intel 8051 8051s 74c SERIES cmos logic data pressure measurement with 8051 AP252
    Text: AP-252 APPLICATION NOTE Designing With The 80C51BH TOM WILLIAMSON MCO APPLICATIONS ENGINEER March 1985 Order Number 270068-002 Information in this document is provided in connection with Intel products Intel assumes no liability whatsoever including infringement of any patent or copyright for sale and use of Intel products except as provided in

    AP-252 80C51BH AP-125 2147H AP-74 4000 series CMOS Logic ICs 74HCT-series 74HCT IC family spec AP-252 hmos mosfet disadvantages of intel 8051 8051s 74c SERIES cmos logic data pressure measurement with 8051 AP252 PDF


    Abstract: 800H AD8300 AD8303 AD8303AN AD8303AR AD8303-MC68HC11
    Text: a +3 V, Dual, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DAC AD8303 FEATURES Complete Dual 12-Bit DAC Pretrimmed Internal Voltage Reference Single +3 V Operation 0.5 mV/Bit with 2.0475 V Full Scale Low Power: 9.6 mW 3-Wire Serial SPI Compatible Interface Power Shutdown IDD < 1 ␮A

    12-Bit AD8303 SO-14, 14-Lead 001H 800H AD8300 AD8303 AD8303AN AD8303AR AD8303-MC68HC11 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a +3 V, Dual, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DAC AD8303 FEATURES Complete Dual 12-Bit DAC Pretrimmed Internal Voltage Reference Single +3 V Operation 0.5 mV/Bit with 2.0475 V Full Scale Low Power: 9.6 mW 3-Wire Serial SPI Compatible Interface Power Shutdown IDD < 1 ␮A

    12-Bit SO-14, AD8303 AD8303AN AD8303AR AD8303AR-REEL AD8303JRU-REEL pdf/20010521/11may2001/html/AD8303 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a +3 V, Dual, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DAC AD8303 FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAM FEATURES Complete Dual 12-Bit DAC Pretrimmed Internal Voltage Reference Single +3 V Operation 0.5 mV/Bit with 2.0475 V Full Scale Low Power: 9.6 mW 3-Wire Serial SPI Compatible Interface

    12-Bit AD8303 SO-14, 14-Lead C2098â PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: BACK a +3 V, Dual, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DAC AD8303 FEATURES Complete Dual 12-Bit DAC Pretrimmed Internal Voltage Reference Single +3 V Operation 0.5 mV/Bit with 2.0475 V Full Scale Low Power: 9.6 mW 3-Wire Serial SPI Compatible Interface Power Shutdown IDD < 1 ␮A

    12-Bit SO-14, AD8303 14-Lead C2098 2677006301 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: +3 V, Dual, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DAC AD8303 a FEATURES Complete Dual 12-Bit DAC Pretrimmed Internal Voltage Reference Single +3 V Operation 0.5 mV/Bit with 2.0475 V Full Scale Low Power: 9.6 mW 3-Wire Serial SPI Compatible Interface Power Shutdown IDD < 1 ␮A

    12-Bit AD8303 SO-14, 14-Lead C2098â PDF


    Abstract: 800H AD8300 AD8303 AD8303AN AD8303AR
    Text: a +3 V, Dual, Serial Input Complete 12-Bit DAC AD8303 FEATURES Complete Dual 12-Bit DAC Pretrimmed Internal Voltage Reference Single +3 V Operation 0.5 mV/Bit with 2.0475 V Full Scale Low Power: 9.6 mW 3-Wire Serial SPI Compatible Interface Power Shutdown IDD < 1 ␮A

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    8051 and 8031

    Abstract: elektronik DDR 80C525 single chip microcontrollers intel 8751 74LS04C car dashboard 8051 asm amd tu 20 c synergy app abstract 74LS04 amd microcontrollers
    Text: a Microcontrollers Advanced Micro Devices 1988 Data Book/Handbook 87C521 87C51 80C51 80515 80535 80C31 8053 fI 8753 8751 8051 8031 a Advanced Micro Devices Microcontroller Handbook 1988 Advanced Micro Devices Advanced Micro Devices reserves the right to make changes in its products without notice in order to

    OCR Scan
    87C521 87C51 80C51 80C31 8051 and 8031 elektronik DDR 80C525 single chip microcontrollers intel 8751 74LS04C car dashboard 8051 asm amd tu 20 c synergy app abstract 74LS04 amd microcontrollers PDF


    Abstract: AD-6052 AN 8054 8051A ad6051 pe 6023 8052ar
    Text: ANALOG DEVICES Low Cost, highspeed Rail-toRail Amplifiers AD6051/AD6052/AD6054 FEATURES Low Cost S in g le A D 8051 , Dual (A D 805 2) and Q uad (A D 8054) V o lta g e Feedback A rc h ite c tu re Fully Sp ecified at +3 V, +5 V and ± 5 V S u p p lie s S in g le S u pp ly O p e ra tio n

    OCR Scan
    AD8051 T-23-5 ad6052 AD-6052 AN 8054 8051A ad6051 pe 6023 8052ar PDF

    microtek ups circuit diagram

    Abstract: lg 32 lcd t-con archimedes 8051 programmer Free Projects with assembly language 8086 keyboard scan matrix 8 x 18 intel 87C51 assembler INSTRUCTION SET electronic tubes bat 102H transistor Microsystems huntsville transistor book
    Text: Eight-Bit 80C51 Embedded Processors 1990 Data Book %H A M ILTO N /A VN ET 151 S U P E R IO R B L V D M IS S IS S A U G A , O N T A R IO L 5 7 2 L 1 , C A N A D A V O IC E : 4 1 6 5 6 4 -6 0 6 0 FA X; (4 1 6 ) 5 6 4 -6 0 3 3 Advanced Micro Devices a Advanced

    OCR Scan
    80C51 microtek ups circuit diagram lg 32 lcd t-con archimedes 8051 programmer Free Projects with assembly language 8086 keyboard scan matrix 8 x 18 intel 87C51 assembler INSTRUCTION SET electronic tubes bat 102H transistor Microsystems huntsville transistor book PDF


    Abstract: 74HC74 74HCT-Logic 80C31HB 27C2M EPROM 27C256 interface hardware 74HC cmos family spec
    Text: CHAPTER 7 80C51 Family Designing with the 80C51BH CMOS EVOLVES The original CMOS logic families were the 4000-series and the 74C-series circuits. The 74C-series circuits are functional equivalents to the correspondingly numbered 74-series TTL circuits, but have CMOS logic levels and

    OCR Scan
    80C51 80C51BH 4000-series 74C-series 74-series 60c31 74HC74 74HCT-Logic 80C31HB 27C2M EPROM 27C256 interface hardware 74HC cmos family spec PDF