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    80-TQFP-1212* PROGRAM Search Results

    80-TQFP-1212* PROGRAM Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    1212VS-22NMEB Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 0.022uH, 20%, Air-Core, 4745 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    1212VS-22NMED Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 0.022uH, 20%, Air-Core, 4745 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    1212VS-90NMED Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 0.09uH, 20%, Air-Core, 4745 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    1212VS-111MED Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 0.117uH, 20%, Air-Core, 4745 Visit Coilcraft Inc
    1212VS-42NMED Coilcraft Inc General Purpose Inductor, 0.042uH, 20%, Air-Core, 4745 Visit Coilcraft Inc

    80-TQFP-1212* PROGRAM Datasheets Context Search

    Catalog Datasheet MFG & Type Document Tags PDF


    Abstract: 600 servo Laser Diode 808 2 pin 1000 mw S1L9223B02 S1L9223B02-T0R0 S5L9286F02 841 servo servo sg 90 GA5 audio amplifier SG1 diode
    Text: RF AMP & SERVO SIGNAL PROCESSOR S1L9223B02 INTORDUCTION 80-TQFP-1212 The S1L9223B02 is a 1-chip BICMOS integrated circuit to perform the function of RF amp and servo signal processor for compact disc player applications. It consist of blocks for RF signal processing, focus, tracking,

    S1L9223B02 80-TQFP-1212 S1L9223B02 05MIN CT21L 600 servo Laser Diode 808 2 pin 1000 mw S1L9223B02-T0R0 S5L9286F02 841 servo servo sg 90 GA5 audio amplifier SG1 diode PDF


    Abstract: ML610Q saa 1030 cmos
    Text: PEDL610Q411-06 Issue Date: Jun.22 2009 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 Preliminary 8-bit Microcontroller with a Built-in LCD driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 is a high-performance 8-bit CMOS microcontroller into which rich peripheral circuits, such as synchronous serial port, UART, I2C bus interface master , buzzer driver, battery level detect circuit, RC oscillation type A/D

    PEDL610Q411-06 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 12-bit nX-U8/100. nX-U8/100 ML610Q411 ML610Q saa 1030 cmos PDF

    36 pin lcd

    Abstract: ML610Q411 91PIN L610Q411 q412
    Text: FEDL610Q411-01 Issue Date: Jul.17 2010 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 8-bit Microcontroller with a Built-in LCD driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 is a high-performance 8-bit CMOS microcontroller into which rich peripheral circuits, such as synchronous serial port, UART, I2C bus interface master , buzzer driver, battery level detect circuit, RC oscillation type A/D

    FEDL610Q411-01 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 12-bit nX-U8/100. nX-U8/100 36 pin lcd ML610Q411 91PIN L610Q411 q412 PDF


    Abstract: lapis PWM
    Text: FEDL610Q411-02 Issue Date: Mar.23 2011 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 8-bit Microcontroller with a Built-in LCD driver GENERAL DESCRIPTION ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 is a high-performance 8-bit CMOS microcontroller into which rich peripheral circuits, such as synchronous serial port, UART, I2C bus interface master , buzzer driver, battery level detect circuit, RC oscillation type A/D

    FEDL610Q411-02 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 12-bit nX-U8/100. nX-U8/100 ML610Q411PC lapis PWM PDF


    Abstract: ic op35 q412 FJDL610Q411-01 91PIN CN4-007 LTBC 305S3 cn40 LD307
    Text: FJDL610Q411-01 発行日:2010 年 7 月 17 日 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 LCD ドライバ内蔵 8bit マイクロコントローラ • 概要 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 は8 ビット CPU nX-U8/100 を搭載し、同期式シリアルポート、UART、I2C バスインタフェース

    FJDL610Q411-01 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 nX-U8/100 ML610Q411/Q412 768kHz 500kHzRC ML610Q415 nX-U8/100 ML610Q411 ic op35 q412 FJDL610Q411-01 91PIN CN4-007 LTBC 305S3 cn40 LD307 PDF


    Abstract: P2416 c2416 QFP-80 29 clock in samsung tcon KS88C2416 KS88C2432 KS88P2416 KS88P2432 KS88-SERIES
    Text: KS88C2416/P2416/C2432/P2432 1 PRODUCT OVERVIEW PRODUCT OVERVIEW KS88-SERIES MICROCONTROLLERS Samsung's KS88 series of 8-bit single-chip CMOS microcontrollers offers a fast and efficient CPU, a wide range of integrated peripherals, and various mask-programmable ROM sizes. Among the major CPU features are:

    KS88C2416/P2416/C2432/P2432 KS88-SERIES KS88P2416 KS88P2416/P2432 C2432 P2416 c2416 QFP-80 29 clock in samsung tcon KS88C2416 KS88C2432 KS88P2416 KS88P2432 PDF


    Abstract: CY8C2946624SX
    Text: CY8C29466, CY8C29566 CY8C29666, CY8C29866 PSoC Programmable System-on-Chip 1. Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ Powerful Harvard Architecture Processor ❐ M8C Processor Speeds to 24 MHz ❐ Two 8x8 Multiply, 32-Bit Accumulate ❐ Low Power at High Speed ❐ 3.0V to 5.25V Operating Voltage

    CY8C29466, CY8C29566 CY8C29666, CY8C29866 32-Bit 14-Bit CY8C29466 CY8C2946624SX PDF


    Abstract: CY8C29466 CY8C29666-24LTXIT CY8C29566 CY8C29666 CY8C29866 DBB10 ASD13 555 timer 38 khz BUT14
    Text: CY8C29466, CY8C29566 CY8C29666, CY8C29866 PSoC Programmable System-on-Chip 1. Features • ■ ■ ■ ■ Powerful Harvard Architecture Processor ❐ M8C Processor Speeds to 24 MHz ❐ Two 8x8 Multiply, 32-Bit Accumulate ❐ Low Power at High Speed ❐ 3.0V to 5.25V Operating Voltage

    CY8C29466, CY8C29566 CY8C29666, CY8C29866 32-Bit cy8c29666-24ltxi CY8C29466 CY8C29666-24LTXIT CY8C29566 CY8C29666 CY8C29866 DBB10 ASD13 555 timer 38 khz BUT14 PDF


    Abstract: maxim dallas 2501 jtag gd75232 DALLAS 2501 jtag PL-2303 LGA 775 SOCKET PIN LAYOUT SN75176 PL-2303 SN75179 application MAX490 schematic
    Text: R E A L W O R L D S I G N A L P TM R O C E S S I N G Interface Selection Guide 2Q 2004 Table of Contents Introduction .3 Data Line Circuits High-Speed Interconnect LVDS, xECL, CML .4

    RS-485/422. RS-232. MAX3234 maxim dallas 2501 jtag gd75232 DALLAS 2501 jtag PL-2303 LGA 775 SOCKET PIN LAYOUT SN75176 PL-2303 SN75179 application MAX490 schematic PDF


    Abstract: nx-U8 assembler SAA 1025 ML610Q
    Text: FEUL610Q411-03 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 User’s Manual Issue Date: Oct. 17, 2011 NOTES No copying or reproduction of this document, in part or in whole, is permitted without the consent of LAPIS Semiconductor Co., Ltd. The content specified herein is subject to change for improvement without notice.

    FEUL610Q411-03 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 36kHz: 30kHz 625kHz: ML610Q411/ML610Q412/ML610Q415 FEUL610Q411-01 ML610Q411PC. FEUL610Q411-02 uEASE nx-U8 assembler SAA 1025 ML610Q PDF


    Abstract: ML610Q411 t3d6 diode nx-U8 assembler t1ls 12bit ADC conveter 8002 1030 amplifier toyocom crystal filter 10.7 ML610Q Connector 30pin lcd
    Text: FEUL610Q411-01 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 User’s Manual Issue Date: May. 1, 2010 NOTICE 1. The information contained herein can change without notice owing to product and/or technical improvements. Before using the product, please make sure that the information being referred to is up-to-date.

    FEUL610Q411-01 ML610Q411/Q412/Q415 36kHz: 30kHz 625kHz: ML610Q411/ML610Q412/ML610Q415 ML8511 ML610Q411 t3d6 diode nx-U8 assembler t1ls 12bit ADC conveter 8002 1030 amplifier toyocom crystal filter 10.7 ML610Q Connector 30pin lcd PDF

    maxim dallas 2501

    Abstract: jtag PL-2303 DALLAS 2501 RS-485 spice PL-2303 goldstar GM16c550 MC34051 circuit diagram of MAX232 connection to pic goldstar scheme jtag gd75232
    Text: TM Technology for Innovators Interface Selection Guide 3Q 2005 2 ➔ Interface Selection Guide Table of Contents Introduction 3 LVDS, xECL, CML . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Multipoint-LVDS M-LVDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

    RS-485/422 RS-232 SSZT009B maxim dallas 2501 jtag PL-2303 DALLAS 2501 RS-485 spice PL-2303 goldstar GM16c550 MC34051 circuit diagram of MAX232 connection to pic goldstar scheme jtag gd75232 PDF


    Abstract: AA012 DSP56800 bc645 BC699 bc657
    Text: SECTION 12 JTAG PORT DSP56L811 User’s Manual 12-1 JTAG Port 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12-2 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-3 JTAG PORT ARCHITECTURE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-4 JTAG/ONCE PORT PINOUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-5

    DSP56L811 BC634 AA012 DSP56800 bc645 BC699 bc657 PDF


    Abstract: ADC10SC ir sensor interface with msp430 MSP430X41X slaa024 lcd1*20 msp430 smoke detector SN 0203 ADC10CTL0 msp430 1121 MSP-FETP430IF
    Text: MSP430 “ The solution for battery-powered measurement ” 1 MSP430 Workshop Notes 2 MSP430 Workshop Agenda ❏ Introduction ❏ Flash Programming and Emulation ❏ Code Generation ❏ Hardware Modules ❏ Hints for Ultra-low Power ❏ Miscellaneous 3 MSP430 Basics

    MSP430 MSP430 250uA 16-bit, MAX32221 ADC10SC ir sensor interface with msp430 MSP430X41X slaa024 lcd1*20 msp430 smoke detector SN 0203 ADC10CTL0 msp430 1121 MSP-FETP430IF PDF

    cpcap motorola 3.2 51

    Abstract: TRANSISTOR tl-31 DSP56000 DSP56012 IEC958 PB10 Simulation Model tl 431 Nippon capacitors
    Text: MOTOROLA Semiconductor Technical Data DSP56012/D Rev. 0, 09/98 Advance Information DSP56012 24-Bit DVD Digital Signal Processor The DSP56012 is a high-performance programmable digital signal processor DSP developed for digital versatile disc (DVD), high-definition television (HDTV), and advanced set-top audio

    DSP56012/D DSP56012 24-Bit 24bit DSP56000 cpcap motorola 3.2 51 TRANSISTOR tl-31 IEC958 PB10 Simulation Model tl 431 Nippon capacitors PDF


    Abstract: pcie connector
    Text: MIC2341/2341R Dual-Slot PCI Express Hot-Plug Controller General Description The MIC2341 is a dual-slot power controller supporting the power distribution requirements for Peripheral Component Interconnect Express PCI Express Hot-Plug compliant systems. The MIC2341 provides complete power control

    MIC2341/2341R MIC2341 M9999-102507-A SI4435BDY pcie connector PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIC2341/2341R Dual-Slot PCI Express Hot-Plug Controller General Description The MIC2341 is a dual-slot power controller supporting the power distribution requirements for Peripheral Component Interconnect Express PCI Express Hot-Plug compliant systems. The MIC2341 provides complete power control

    MIC2341/2341R MIC2341 M9999-102507-A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MIC2342/2342R Dual-Slot PCI Express Hot-Plug Controller General Description Features The MIC2342 is a dual-slot power controller supporting the power distribution requirements for Peripheral Component Interconnect Express PCI Express® Hot-Plug compliant

    MIC2342/2342R MIC2342 M9999-062008-B PDF


    Abstract: SI7423DN
    Text: MIC2342/2342R Dual-Slot PCI Express Hot-Plug Controller General Description Features The MIC2342 is a dual-slot power controller supporting the power distribution requirements for Peripheral Component Interconnect Express PCI Express® Hot-Plug compliant

    MIC2342/2342R MIC2342 M9999-062008-B SI4435BDY SI7423DN PDF


    Abstract: pcie connector
    Text: MIC2342/2342R Dual-Slot PCI Express Hot-Plug Controller General Description The MIC2342 is a dual-slot power controller supporting the power distribution requirements for Peripheral Component ® Interconnect Express PCI Express Hot-Plug compliant systems. The MIC2342 provides complete power control

    MIC2342/2342R MIC2342 M9999-102507-A DV3VO pcie connector PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MachXO Family Handbook Version 01.3, November 2005 MachXO Family Handbook Table of Contents November 2005 Section I. MachXO Family Data Sheet Introduction Features . 1-1

    1-800-LATTICE PDF

    cd 4611

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: •â n i a i May ÎÏS r DataSh6et IP Microelectronics CSP1084 Baseband Radio Interface for IS-54 Dual-Mode Cellular Telephone Applications Features Description ■ Receive path — Decimation and postfiltering to 10 bits — Programmable gain amplifier with 0 dB to 18 dB

    OCR Scan
    CSP1084 IS-54 0050Q2k> CSP1084 100-Pin Q0S002t. 0017b32 cd 4611 PDF


    Abstract: at&t dsp1610 RXQ1 rxq2 005D IS-54 1251 30 34B
    Text: AT&T K ' Ï Ï Ï Ï * ° ata Sh6et Microelectronics CSP1084 Baseband Radio Interface for IS-54 Dual-Mode Cellular Telephone Applications Features Receive path — Decimation and postfiltering to 10 bits — Programmable gain amplifier with 0 dB to 18 dB gain in 2 dB steps

    OCR Scan
    CSP1084 IS-54 005002b 17L31 CSP1084 100-Pin 005002k. 0017b32 at&t dsp1610 RXQ1 rxq2 005D 1251 30 34B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: 4L* R o c k w e ll Semiconductor Systems RCV56DPFL/SP K56Plus , V.34 Data, V.17 Fax, AudioSpan, Voice, Speakerphone, Modem Data Pump Introduction Features The Rockwell RCV56DPFL/SP is a K56Plus™/V.34 modem data pump family that supports receive data rates up to 56

    OCR Scan
    RCV56DPFL/SP K56PlusTM, K56PlusTM/V RC56DPFL MD180 PDF