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    8-CHANNEL MOS ANALOG MULTIPLEXER Result Highlights (5)

    Part ECAD Model Manufacturer Description Download Buy
    PQU650-12P Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd AC/DC 650W, 6”X4” U-CHANNEL, 12V O/P Visit Murata Manufacturing Co Ltd
    TDS4A212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    TDS4B212MX Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation PCI Express switch, 2 Differential Channel, 2:1 multiplexer/1:2 demultiplexer, SPDT, XQFN16 Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051FT Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, TSSOP16B, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
    74HC4051D Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation CMOS Logic IC, SP8T(1:8)/Analog Multiplexer, SOIC16, -40 to 125 degC Visit Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation

    8-CHANNEL MOS ANALOG MULTIPLEXER Datasheets Context Search

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    Abstract: cd40538 CD40528 C04051 C040528 cd40518 IC circuit diagram CD4062 CD4062B CD4052 ic pin diagram C040538
    Text: CD4051B, CD4052B, CD4053B Typ 8 COS/MOS Analog Multipl •xers/Demultiplexers· o:~~~sl: With Logic-Level Conversion High-Voltages Types 20-Volt Rating CD4051B - Single 8-Channel CD4052B - Differential 4-Channel CD4053B - Triple 2-Channel RCA-C04051 B, C04052B, and C04053B

    CD4051B, CD4052B, CD4053B 20-Volt CD4051B CD4052B RCA-C04051 C04052B, C04053B cd40518 cd40538 CD40528 C04051 C040528 cd40518 IC circuit diagram CD4062 CD4062B CD4052 ic pin diagram C040538 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DG408DJ IL00 * C-MOS 8-CHANNEL SINGLE-ENDED ANALOG MULTIPLEXER –TOP VIEW– A0 1 16 A1 EN 2 15 A2 3 VSS GND 14 -15V VDD (+15V) S1 4 S2 5 12 S5 S3 6 11 S6 S4 7 10 S7 D 8 9 S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 13 S8 4 5 6 7 8 12 11 10 9 DECODERS/DRIVERS A0 A1

    DG408DJ PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: MC74HC4051N IL00 C-MOS 8-CHANNEL ANALOG MULTIPLEXER/DEMULTIPLEXER —TOP VIEW— X4 1 X6 2 XC 3 VDD 16 15 X2 14 X1 13 X0 14 X1 15 X2 12 X3 1 X4 5 X5 2 X6 X7 X7 4 13 X0 4 X5 5 12 X3 6 EN 6 11 A XC OPEN EN A 11 10 7 VEE 10 B 8 GND 9 CONTROL INPUTS SELECT EN

    MC74HC4051N PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC74HC4353AF IL08 * C-MOS 2-CHANNEL ANALOG MULTIPLEXER/DEMULTIPLEXER -TOP VIEW- Y1 Y0 1 2 3 NC Z1 ZC Z0 4 5 6 V CC 20 +5V 16 X0 17 X1 XC 18 OPEN 2 Y0 1 Y1 YC 19 OPEN 6 Z0 4 Z1 ZC 5 19 YC 18 XC 17 X1 16 X0 15 A IN OPEN NC 14 EN1 IN 7 EN2 IN 8 13 B IN

    TC74HC4353AF DAL08 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: TC74HC4352AP IL08 * C-MOS 4-CHANNEL ANALOG MULTIPLEXER/DEMULTIPLEXER -TOP VIEW- Y0 1 Y2 2 V DD 20 +5V 19 X2 3 NC 18 X1 YC 4 17 XC Y3 5 16 X0 Y1 6 EN1 IN 7 15 X3 16 18 19 15 13 12 1 6 2 5 7 8 X0 X1 X2 XC 17 X3 OPEN A B Y0 Y1 Y2 YC 4 Y3 EN1 OPEN EN2 LE

    TC74HC4352AP PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SCOPE: CMOS, TTL-COMPATIBLE ANALOG MULTIPLEXER Device Type 01 02 Generic Number DG506AA x /883B DG507AA(x)/883B Case Outline(s). The case outlines shall be designated in Mil-Std-1835 and as follows: Outline Letter K R Z Mil-Std-1835 GDIP1-T28 or CDIP2-T28

    DG506AA /883B DG507AA /883B Mil-Std-1835 GDIP1-T28 CDIP2-T28 IH5048 PDF

    s8b spdt

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: a LC2MOS 8-/16-Channel High Performance Analog Multiplexers ADG406/ADG407/ADG426 FEATURES 44 V Supply Maximum Ratings VSS to VDD Analog Signal Range Low On Resistance 80 Ω max Low Power Fast Switching tON < 160 ns t OFF < 150 ns Break Before Make Switching Action

    DG506A/ADG506A, DG507A/ADG507A, DG526/ADG526A ADG406/ADG407 DG406/DG407 8-/16-Channel ADG406/ADG407/ADG426 ADG406 ADG407 ADG426 s8b spdt PDF


    Abstract: HI1-506A-5 HI3-508A-5 HI1-506A-2 Hi3-506a-5 HI1-506A-8 hi3-509a-5 HI3508A5 HI1-508A-8 hi3-508a-5z
    Text: HI-506A, HI-507A, HI-508A, HI-509A Data Sheet FN3143.6 16-Channel, 8-Channel, Differential 8-Channel and Differential 4-Channel, CMOS Analog MUXs with Active Overvoltage Protection Features The HI-506A, HI-507A, HI-508A and HI-509A are analog multiplexers with active overvoltage protection. Analog input

    HI-506A, HI-507A, HI-508A, HI-509A FN3143 16-Channel, HI-508A HI-509A hi3-507a-5 HI1-506A-5 HI3-508A-5 HI1-506A-2 Hi3-506a-5 HI1-506A-8 hi3-509a-5 HI3508A5 HI1-508A-8 hi3-508a-5z PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: SEMICONDUCTOR 74VHC4051 8-Channel Analog hilultiplexer 74VHC4052 Dual 4-<Channel Analog Multiplexer 74VHC4053 Triple 2-Channel Analog Multiplexer General Description These multiplexers are digitally controllec analog switches implemented in advanced silicon-gate C MOS technology.

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    74VHC4051 74VHC4052 74VHC4053 PDF

    8-channel mos analog multiplexer

    Abstract: AM3705D MIL-STD-806B AM3705 MIL-STD-806 AM3705CD AM3705CF AM3705F ILDI 806B
    Text: AM3705/AM3705C National Semiconductor AM3705/AM3705C 8-Channel MOS Analog Multiplexer General Description The AM3705/AM3705C is an eight-channel MOS analog multiplex switch. TTL compatible logic inputs that require no level shifting or input pull-up resistors and operation over a

    OCR Scan
    AM3705/AM3705C Rate-20 tl/h/5660-10 Range-25V tl/h/5660-11 8-channel mos analog multiplexer AM3705D MIL-STD-806B AM3705 MIL-STD-806 AM3705CD AM3705CF AM3705F ILDI 806B PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N J U 7 8-CHANNEL MULTIPLEXER WITH GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU7304 is a C-MOS 8-channel multiplexer with sample and hold function. It consists of C-MOS op amplifires, analog switches, hold-capacitors and 1/8 decoder. One of 8 channels is selected by 3-bit control input

    OCR Scan
    NJU7304 7304D PDF

    EE - CH4

    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: N J U 7 3 0 4 8-CHANNEL M U LT IP L E X E R WI T H SAMPLE AND HOLD PACKAGE OUTLINE GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU7304 is a C-MOS 8-channel multiplexer with sample and hold function. It consists of C-MOS o p amplifier, analog switch, hold-capacitor and 1/8 decoder.

    OCR Scan
    NJU7304 NJU7304D EE - CH4 PDF


    Abstract: EE CH4 EE - CH4
    Text: N 8 —CHANNEL M ULTIPLEXER WI TH GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU7304 is a C-MOS 8-channel multiplexer with sample and hold function. It consists of C-MOS op amplifier, analog switch, hold-capacitor and 1/8 decoder. Any channels can be selected by 3-bit control input

    OCR Scan
    NJU7304 NJU7304D ch7c EE CH4 EE - CH4 PDF


    Abstract: NJU7304D
    Text: HRA 8 —C H AN NE L MULTIPLEXER WITH GENERAL DESCRIPTION The NJU7304 is a C-MOS 8-channel multiplexer with sample and hold function. It consists of C-MOS op amplifier, analog switch, hold-capacitor and 1/8 decoder. Any channels can be selected by 3-bit control input

    OCR Scan
    NJU7304 NJU7304D NJU7304D PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC // MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT //PD5205 ELECTRON DEVICE C -M O S A N A L O G M U L T IP L E X E R DESCRIPTION The /¿PD5205 is 8-channel C-MOS analog multiplexer. A single-pole 8-position mode and double-pole 4-position mode are settable by 8/4 terminal.

    OCR Scan
    //PD5205 PD5205 jxPD5205 1988P 0Q70S4L PDF


    Abstract: D5205G
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / “ 7 EVICE MOS INTEGRATED CIRCUIT //P D 5 2 0 5 C M O S ANALOG MULTIPLEXER DESCRIPTION The /xPD5205 is 8-channel C -M O S analog multiplexer. A single-pole 8-position mode and double-pole 4-position mode are settable by 8/4 terminal. T TL/C -M O S compatible input threshold <EN, CS, WR, R S make the circuit

    OCR Scan
    uPD5205 PD5205 24PIN PD5205 -50-300B 024-o 1986P d5205ca D5205G PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: DATA SHEET NEC / ELECTRON DEVICE MOS INTEGRATED C IR C U IT / ¿ ¿ P D 5 2 5 C M O S ANALOG M ULTIPLEXER DESCRIPTION The ¿¿PD5205 is 8-channel C-MQS analog m u ltip le x e r. A single-pole 8-position m ode and double-pole 4-position m ode are settable by 8 /4 te rm in a l.

    OCR Scan
    uPD5205 -50-300B d5205g PDF


    Abstract: MC14447P MC14447 MC14443DW MC1444 IMC14447 MC14443 MC146805E2 MC68HC05 motorola cmos
    Text: MOTOROLA SEM ICO NDUCTOR TECHNICAL DATA MC14443 M C 14 4 4 7 CMOS MSI ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER LINEAR SUBSYSTEM LO W -PO W ER C O M P L E M E N T A R Y MOS The M C14443 and th e M C14447 are 6-channel, single-slope, 8 -1 0 bit a n a lo g -to -d ig ita l con v e rte r linear subsystem s fo r m icroprocessor-based

    OCR Scan
    MC14443 MC14447 MC68HC05 44mV/bit. MC14443/7 MC14443P MC14447P MC14443DW MC1444 IMC14447 MC146805E2 motorola cmos PDF


    Abstract: hi3-506a I-506A 507A HI3-507 in6bc Harris 506A 506a HI3-507A hi1-507
    Text: HI-506A /507A ffl HARRIS HI-506A/507A Single 16/Differential 8 Channel CMOS Analog Multiplexers with Active Overvoltage Protection Features Description • Analog Overvoltage P rotection. . . 70V p- p The H I-506A and H I-507A are analog multiplexers with Active Overvoltage

    OCR Scan
    HI-506A /507A I-506A I-507A HI-506A/507A HI-S07A HI-507A HI1-507A hi3-506a 507A HI3-507 in6bc Harris 506A 506a HI3-507A hi1-507 PDF


    Abstract: hi4p547 H623 547 8 pin HI546 HI3-0546-5 7bl5
    Text: h a r m H s f - 5 4 6 / 5 4 7 Single 16/Differential 8 Channel CMOS Analog Multiplexers with Active Overvoltage Protection HI-546/547 ffl Description Features • Analog Overvoltage Protection 70Vp. p The H I-546 and H I-547 are analog multiplexers with Active Overvoltage Protection

    OCR Scan
    16/Differential 500ns I-546 I-547 HI3-0546-5 HI4P0546-5 HI4P0547-5 I3-0547-5 28-Pin 28-Pln HI-546 hi4p547 H623 547 8 pin HI546 7bl5 PDF


    Abstract: hi3-547
    Text: 3 h a r m s H I - 5 4 6 / 5 4 7 Single 16/Differential 8 Channel CMOS Analog Multiplexers with Active Overvoltage Protection Features Description • Analog Overvoltage Protection 70V p~p • No Channel interaction During Overvoltage The H I-546 and H I-547 are analog m ultiplexers with Active Overvoltage Protection

    OCR Scan
    16/Differential I-546 I-547 20-Pln 28-Pin i507 hi3-547 PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: ffl h a r r » H I- 5 0 6 A /5 0 7 A HI-506A/507A Single 16/Differential 8 Channel CMOS Analog Multiplexers with Active Overvoltage Protection Featu res D e s c rip tio n • Analog Overvoltage Protection. . . 70Vp-p • No Channel Interaction During Overvoltage

    OCR Scan
    HI-506A/507A 70Vp-p 500ns HI-507A H11-507A PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: & H H a r r is I - 5 0 6 A / 5 0 7 A HI-506A/507A Single 16/Differential 8 Channel CMOS Analog Multiplexers with Active Overvoltage Protection Features Description • Analog O vervo ltage P ro te c tio n . . . 7 0 V p_p The H I-5 0 6 A an d H I-5 0 7 A are analog m u ltiplexers w ith A ctive O vervoltage

    OCR Scan
    HI-506A/507A 16/Differential PDF


    Abstract: No abstract text available
    Text: Preliminary [M /A ] S o j!d S tate Ulvlslon D¡9Ítal ,n*e9rate^ C irc u its Preliminary CD4051AD, CD4051AE, CD 4051AK Preliminary CD4052AD, CD4052AE,CD4052AK Preliminary CD4053AD, CD4053AE.CD4053AK 3reliminary Data COS/MOS Analog Multiplexers W ith L o g ic —Level Conversion

    OCR Scan
    CD4051AD, CD4051AE, 4051AK CD4052AD, CD4052AE CD4052AK CD4053AD, CD4053AE CD4053AK CD4051 CD4051AD PDF